Oligi nii, et varrukas oli alt liiga lai, tegin ümber. Nüüd on mõlemad varrukad olemas.
It was indeed the case that the bottom of the sleeve was too broad and I re-worked it. Now both sleeves are finished.
Ravelrys arutame, mida järgmisena koos kududa. Telliskivi sviiter ei ole praeguse aastaaja jaoks. Üks kuduja kirjutas, et oli näinud blogis selle jaki pilte ja et võiks teha näiteks mõne taolise eest lahtise vesti. Mõtlen edasi.
On Ravelry we are discussing what to knit next. The Brick sweater is not an option at this time of the year. One knitter wrote that she had seen pictures of the cardi and that we could do an open front vest like this. I will think it over.
kolmapäev, 30. mai 2018
esmaspäev, 28. mai 2018
Nüüd saab näidata. Maiu aitas nime välja mõelda, "telliskivi" on nii värvi kui mustri pärast.
Now I can show it. Maiu helped me with the name, "brick" refers both to the colour and the stitch pattern.
Katja on modelliks.
Katja is modelling.
Sviiter on Domus Linum poe jaoks, suve lõpus või sügise alguses tuleb õpetus ja testimine.
The sweater is in Domus Linum shop, there will be a pattern and testing in the end of summer or in the beginning of autumn.
Lõnga ja varda info on Ravelrys (näthav kõigile).
The information about yarns and needles is on Ravlery (visible to everyone).
Now I can show it. Maiu helped me with the name, "brick" refers both to the colour and the stitch pattern.
Katja on modelliks.
Katja is modelling.
Sviiter on Domus Linum poe jaoks, suve lõpus või sügise alguses tuleb õpetus ja testimine.
The sweater is in Domus Linum shop, there will be a pattern and testing in the end of summer or in the beginning of autumn.
Lõnga ja varda info on Ravelrys (näthav kõigile).
The information about yarns and needles is on Ravlery (visible to everyone).
Aade lõng,
Angora 2,
Domus Linum,
laupäev, 26. mai 2018
Nüüd on jälle hetk, et oleks vaja jakki proovida, sest mul on tunne, et varrukat võiks kahandada tihedamini. Selgub homme. Niikaua aga võtsin jälle ette rätiku.
Now it is agian this moment when trying on the cardi would be necessary because I have a feeling I should make sleeve decreases more frequently. Tomorrow it will be clear. Meanwhile I have picked up the shawl.
Päike on praegu toas, pole näha värvide üleminekut. Kui pildistada lõngad eraldi, siis on näha, et käsil on meriino hall sektsioon, must on ära kootud.
The sun is shining into the room and the colour transition is not visible. When taking picture of the yarns, you can see that merino is already in its grey section and the black section has already been knitted up.
Luban varsti ka uudiseid. Nagu meie ajal öeldakse, jääge meiega!
I promise some news quite soon. As they say, stay with us!
Now it is agian this moment when trying on the cardi would be necessary because I have a feeling I should make sleeve decreases more frequently. Tomorrow it will be clear. Meanwhile I have picked up the shawl.
Päike on praegu toas, pole näha värvide üleminekut. Kui pildistada lõngad eraldi, siis on näha, et käsil on meriino hall sektsioon, must on ära kootud.
The sun is shining into the room and the colour transition is not visible. When taking picture of the yarns, you can see that merino is already in its grey section and the black section has already been knitted up.
Luban varsti ka uudiseid. Nagu meie ajal öeldakse, jääge meiega!
I promise some news quite soon. As they say, stay with us!
neljapäev, 24. mai 2018
Varrukas kasvab. Midagi uut ega erilist pole.
The sleeve is growing. Nothing new and nothing special.
The sleeve is growing. Nothing new and nothing special.
teisipäev, 22. mai 2018
Jätkan linast jakki. Nüüd on asi selge, kaenla all ühendatud. Koon veel mõnda aega ilma kasvatusteta umbes taljeni, siis hakkan varrukaid tegema.
The linen cardi is evloving slowly. Now it is all clear, joined underarms. I will knit for some time without increases approximately to the waist line and then start the sleeves.
The linen cardi is evloving slowly. Now it is all clear, joined underarms. I will knit for some time without increases approximately to the waist line and then start the sleeves.
pühapäev, 20. mai 2018
Tavaliselt pole mul mitut pooleli kudumit, aga nüüd on selline olukord, et tuleb tellijale selga proovida enne, kui jätkata saab (sest see on just kõige olulisem hetk, kui on vaja kaenla all ühendada). Kuna vahel oli terve nädalavahetus, ei saa ma kudumata olla, seda enam, et oma aega ootab üks peenike meriinolõng,
Usually I don't have several unfinished knits at the same time but now it is a situation when the cliend should try the garment on before I can go on with it (because it is the most improtant moment when it is time to join the back and the front pieces under the arms). Whereas the whole weekend was ahead of me, I could not be not knitting, especially when a merino laceweight yarn was sitting and waiting.
Meriino on 100 g/800 m üleminekuvärvidega, üksinda tundus mulle liiga lörr, mulle meeldib selgema struktuuriga koepind. Aga sellest topist on järel linase ja viskoosi segu, 100 g/400 m. Nii et panin nad kokku. Seda enam, et meriino värv läheb sujuvalt mustast valgeks ja mulle ei meeldi puhas valge värv, las tal olla kontrastne kaaslane.
Merino is 100 g/800 m in gradient colours; when knitted alone, it is too "liquid" for my taste, I like more structured fabrics. But I have some linien-rayon blend from this top, 100 g/400 m. So I put the two together. Especially in the view that the colour of merino is going from black to white and I don't like white, so let it have a contrasting partner.
Siin pole veel eriti näha, aga juba algab tumehall sektsioon. Varras 5 mm, suured augud.
It is not yet visible but a dark-grey section is begininning. I am using 5 mm needles and the holes are quite large.
Usually I don't have several unfinished knits at the same time but now it is a situation when the cliend should try the garment on before I can go on with it (because it is the most improtant moment when it is time to join the back and the front pieces under the arms). Whereas the whole weekend was ahead of me, I could not be not knitting, especially when a merino laceweight yarn was sitting and waiting.
Meriino on 100 g/800 m üleminekuvärvidega, üksinda tundus mulle liiga lörr, mulle meeldib selgema struktuuriga koepind. Aga sellest topist on järel linase ja viskoosi segu, 100 g/400 m. Nii et panin nad kokku. Seda enam, et meriino värv läheb sujuvalt mustast valgeks ja mulle ei meeldi puhas valge värv, las tal olla kontrastne kaaslane.
Merino is 100 g/800 m in gradient colours; when knitted alone, it is too "liquid" for my taste, I like more structured fabrics. But I have some linien-rayon blend from this top, 100 g/400 m. So I put the two together. Especially in the view that the colour of merino is going from black to white and I don't like white, so let it have a contrasting partner.
Siin pole veel eriti näha, aga juba algab tumehall sektsioon. Varras 5 mm, suured augud.
It is not yet visible but a dark-grey section is begininning. I am using 5 mm needles and the holes are quite large.
reede, 18. mai 2018
Linasest kardigan alustatud/Linen cardi started
Pole veel palju kootud, näitan alguse pilte.
Have not yet knitted much, these are pictures of the beginning.
Have not yet knitted much, these are pictures of the beginning.
kolmapäev, 16. mai 2018
Marianne juures Helsingis/At Marianne's in Helsinki
Eile käsin Marianne juures Helsingis. Ta on soome Burda peatoimetaja ja korraldab käsitöö kruiise. Nüüd tegeleb ta Adéle's Mohair lõngadega ja ilmselt hakkab ametlikuks esindajaks Põhjamaades (Marianne's Mohair nime all). Tema ateljee on lõngu ja kudumeid täis.
Yesterday I visited Marianne in Helsinki. She is the editor in chief of the Finnish Burda and organizes handicraft cruises. Now she is involved in Adéle's Mohair yarns and probably will be their represenatitive in the Nordic countries (under the lable of Marianne's Mohair). Her workshop is full of yarns and knits.
Karbis on komplekt: sobivates värvides erineva faktuuri jämedusega lõngad.
There is a kit in the box: yarns in various textures and weights but of matching colours.
Käisin ka rätikut näitamas! Suvel tuleb kooskudumise info.
I also showed my shawl! The info about KAL comes in summer.
Yesterday I visited Marianne in Helsinki. She is the editor in chief of the Finnish Burda and organizes handicraft cruises. Now she is involved in Adéle's Mohair yarns and probably will be their represenatitive in the Nordic countries (under the lable of Marianne's Mohair). Her workshop is full of yarns and knits.
Karbis on komplekt: sobivates värvides erineva faktuuri jämedusega lõngad.
There is a kit in the box: yarns in various textures and weights but of matching colours.
Käisin ka rätikut näitamas! Suvel tuleb kooskudumise info.
I also showed my shawl! The info about KAL comes in summer.
esmaspäev, 14. mai 2018
Leedu linane 100 g/450 m kahekordselt, vardad 3 mm.
Lithuanian linen 100 /450 m held double, needles 3 mm.
Värv on üsna tumesinine.
The colour is rather dark blue.
Sellest tuleb eest lahtine kardigan kolleegile.
This will be an open front cardigan for a colleague.
Lithuanian linen 100 /450 m held double, needles 3 mm.
Värv on üsna tumesinine.
The colour is rather dark blue.
Sellest tuleb eest lahtine kardigan kolleegile.
This will be an open front cardigan for a colleague.
mezgimo zona
laupäev, 12. mai 2018
Mezgimo zona
Mezgimo zona on rohkem kui lõngapood. See on ka kudumisklubi ja -raamatukogu. Kahtlemata astusin läbi ka seekord.
Mezgimo zona is more than a yarnstore. It is a knitting club and library as well. Needless to say, I visited it this time, too.
This is linen on the top and there is more of it.
Seekord ei ostnud lõnga endale, vaid hoopis kudumissõpradele ja veel ühe tellimuse tarvis. Sellest viimasest kirjutan varsti rohkem.
This time I did not purchase any yarn for myself but rather for knitting friends and for an order. I will write more soon about the latter.
Mezgimo zona is more than a yarnstore. It is a knitting club and library as well. Needless to say, I visited it this time, too.
Kena, kui lõngapoes on palju kudumeid. Proovilapp on oluline, aga on hoopis teine tunne, kui saab näha valmisasja. Valmiskudumid müüvad lõnga!
It is nice when a yarnstore has a lot of knits to show. A swatch is important but when you see a finished knitted item, it gives you a whole different picture. Knits sell yarn!
Seal üleval on linased lõngad ja neid on tegelikult rohkem.This is linen on the top and there is more of it.
Seekord ei ostnud lõnga endale, vaid hoopis kudumissõpradele ja veel ühe tellimuse tarvis. Sellest viimasest kirjutan varsti rohkem.
This time I did not purchase any yarn for myself but rather for knitting friends and for an order. I will write more soon about the latter.
mezgimo zona
neljapäev, 10. mai 2018
Vilniuses/In Vilnius
Saabusin eile ja läksin Diteksase poodi. Sisse astudes avanes selline pilt:
I arrived yesterday and went to the Diteksas store. Once I got in, I saw this:
Need on uued suvelõngad. Esimese rea poolid ja veel mitmed on siid, mis näeb välja nagu šenill ja on hästi peenike. Kudusin kohe paar proovilappi, panin kokku halli siidi peenikese viskoosiga ja siis veel mitme peenvillasega, aga polnud hea valgus, et pildistada. Kui õnnestub, pildistan täna. Veel on siin laual puuvill, linane, mitmesugused segud, paar paellõnga.
These are summer yarns. The cones in the first row and several others are silk that looks rather like chenille and is very thin. I made several swatches, combining grey silk with thin rayon and then with several laceweight wools but the light was poor and I could not take photos. If I am luky, I will get photos today. Other yarns on the table are cotton, linen, various blends and a couple of ribbon yarns.
Need jämedamad lõngad on enamasti alpaka või alpaka segud. Praegu on nende väljamüük. Kahjuks ei saa ma alpakat kududa. All on peenvillased, meriinod, poolvillased jm peenikesed lõngad.
These thicker yarns are mostly alpaca and alpaca blends. They are on sale now. Unfortunately, I cannot knit alpaca. In the pic below there are laceweight wool, merino, wool blends and other very light yarns.
Ja siin on viskoos, puuvill jms suvelõngad varasemast kollektsioonist. Mitmed on väljamüügis, on näha hinda 5 eurot pooli eest.
Here is rayon, cotton and some other summer yarns from earlier collections. Several are on sale, you can see the price 5 euros for a cone.
Ja siin on mohäär ja mitmed villased. Haarasin muidugi lemmikvärvi mohääri!
And here is mohair and various wool yarns. Of course I grabbed mohair of my favourite colour!
I arrived yesterday and went to the Diteksas store. Once I got in, I saw this:
Need on uued suvelõngad. Esimese rea poolid ja veel mitmed on siid, mis näeb välja nagu šenill ja on hästi peenike. Kudusin kohe paar proovilappi, panin kokku halli siidi peenikese viskoosiga ja siis veel mitme peenvillasega, aga polnud hea valgus, et pildistada. Kui õnnestub, pildistan täna. Veel on siin laual puuvill, linane, mitmesugused segud, paar paellõnga.
These are summer yarns. The cones in the first row and several others are silk that looks rather like chenille and is very thin. I made several swatches, combining grey silk with thin rayon and then with several laceweight wools but the light was poor and I could not take photos. If I am luky, I will get photos today. Other yarns on the table are cotton, linen, various blends and a couple of ribbon yarns.
Need jämedamad lõngad on enamasti alpaka või alpaka segud. Praegu on nende väljamüük. Kahjuks ei saa ma alpakat kududa. All on peenvillased, meriinod, poolvillased jm peenikesed lõngad.
These thicker yarns are mostly alpaca and alpaca blends. They are on sale now. Unfortunately, I cannot knit alpaca. In the pic below there are laceweight wool, merino, wool blends and other very light yarns.
Ja siin on viskoos, puuvill jms suvelõngad varasemast kollektsioonist. Mitmed on väljamüügis, on näha hinda 5 eurot pooli eest.
Here is rayon, cotton and some other summer yarns from earlier collections. Several are on sale, you can see the price 5 euros for a cone.
Ja siin on mohäär ja mitmed villased. Haarasin muidugi lemmikvärvi mohääri!
And here is mohair and various wool yarns. Of course I grabbed mohair of my favourite colour!
teisipäev, 8. mai 2018
Tulemas/Coming up
Instagramis ja Facebookis meeldisid hiljutise topi pildid üsna paljudele, sain ilusaid kommentaare, aitäh! Praegu ei saa veel avaldada, mis on töös, aga näitan vähemalt lõngu.
The recent top pictures got lot of likes nice comments and likes on Instagram and Facebook, thank you! I cannot reveal yet what is coming up but I can show you my yarns at least.
Juba näete, et see on suurepärane kombinatsioon, kui tahta midagi sooja: Raasiku (Aade Lõng) 8/2 ja Angora 2. Kui on kokku keritud, tundub, justkui oleks tviid või pisut säbruline lõng. Reljeefse koe jaoks väga hea kooslus. Usun, et sama hea oleks Angora 2 + Teksrena villane.
As you see, it is a perfect combination if you want something warm: Raasiku (Aade Lõng) 8/2 and Angora 2. When wound together, it looks like tweed or a slight melange. A very good combo for textured knit. I believe Angora 2 + Teksrena wool would be as good.
Homme lähen Vilniusesse. Kindlasti postitan ka sealt lõnga- ja kudu-uudiseid.
I am going to Vilnius tomorrow. Of course I will write about all kind of yarn and knitting news.
The recent top pictures got lot of likes nice comments and likes on Instagram and Facebook, thank you! I cannot reveal yet what is coming up but I can show you my yarns at least.
Juba näete, et see on suurepärane kombinatsioon, kui tahta midagi sooja: Raasiku (Aade Lõng) 8/2 ja Angora 2. Kui on kokku keritud, tundub, justkui oleks tviid või pisut säbruline lõng. Reljeefse koe jaoks väga hea kooslus. Usun, et sama hea oleks Angora 2 + Teksrena villane.
As you see, it is a perfect combination if you want something warm: Raasiku (Aade Lõng) 8/2 and Angora 2. When wound together, it looks like tweed or a slight melange. A very good combo for textured knit. I believe Angora 2 + Teksrena wool would be as good.
Homme lähen Vilniusesse. Kindlasti postitan ka sealt lõnga- ja kudu-uudiseid.
I am going to Vilnius tomorrow. Of course I will write about all kind of yarn and knitting news.
pühapäev, 6. mai 2018
Topi pilte/Pictures of the top
Valmis! Kannan päris hea meelega. Väga lihtne, ülevalt alla ja õmblusteta, mõned lühikesed read õlajoone kujundamiseks. Lai ripsi triip külgedel. Külli, tänan pildistamast!
Finished! I am wearing it with pleasure. Very simple, top down and seamless, some short rows for shoulder shaping. A wide stripe in garter stitch on the side. Külli, thanks for the pics!
Lõng/Yarn: Drops Loves You 6 (50 g/120 m), puuvill/cotton, ~600 m
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
Finished! I am wearing it with pleasure. Very simple, top down and seamless, some short rows for shoulder shaping. A wide stripe in garter stitch on the side. Külli, thanks for the pics!
Lõng/Yarn: Drops Loves You 6 (50 g/120 m), puuvill/cotton, ~600 m
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
reede, 4. mai 2018
Kahe kudumi kombinatsioon/Knit on knit
Kas kannate mitut kudumit korraga? Ise kannan küll. Mõnikord pole seda näha, nt talvel, kui sviiter on kuue/mantli all ja siis veel rätik või sall. Aga praegu kannan suviseid salle ja rätikuid koos mõne kootud topiga. Muidugi oleneb isiklikust stiilist (ja välimuse tüübist), kas keegi kannab välja või mitte.
Do you wear several knits together (knit on knit)? I do. Sometimes it cannot be seen, for instance, in winter when I wear a sweater under a jacket or coat and then a shawl or a scarf. Right now I wear summer scarves and shawls combined with some knitted tops. Of course it depends on one's personal style (and type of appearance) whether one is able to pull it out.
Topp on ripskoes (Ravelry), kirjutasin sellest siin. Ja rätik on vana hea Limerick (õpetus Ravelrys).
The top is the one in garter stitch (Ravelry), I wrote here about it. And the shawl is the good old Limerick pattern (Ravelry).
Ja siin on kuivamas topp, millest kirjutasin eelmises postituses. Tegelik värv on tumehall. Ei midagi erilist, õlad kujundatud lühikeste ridadega, pisut vaba istuvusega, labases koes. Sviitriks ei jätkunud lõnga. Aga jääke on, ilmselt saab jälle mõne rätiku puhul kasutada.
And here is my top blocking and drying. I wrote about it in the previous post. The actual colour is dard grey. Nothing fancy, the shoulders are shaped with short rows, some positive easae, stockinette sititch. There was not enough yarn for a sweater. But there are some leftovers that I can use for a shawl.
Do you wear several knits together (knit on knit)? I do. Sometimes it cannot be seen, for instance, in winter when I wear a sweater under a jacket or coat and then a shawl or a scarf. Right now I wear summer scarves and shawls combined with some knitted tops. Of course it depends on one's personal style (and type of appearance) whether one is able to pull it out.
Topp on ripskoes (Ravelry), kirjutasin sellest siin. Ja rätik on vana hea Limerick (õpetus Ravelrys).
The top is the one in garter stitch (Ravelry), I wrote here about it. And the shawl is the good old Limerick pattern (Ravelry).
Ja siin on kuivamas topp, millest kirjutasin eelmises postituses. Tegelik värv on tumehall. Ei midagi erilist, õlad kujundatud lühikeste ridadega, pisut vaba istuvusega, labases koes. Sviitriks ei jätkunud lõnga. Aga jääke on, ilmselt saab jälle mõne rätiku puhul kasutada.
And here is my top blocking and drying. I wrote about it in the previous post. The actual colour is dard grey. Nothing fancy, the shoulders are shaped with short rows, some positive easae, stockinette sititch. There was not enough yarn for a sweater. But there are some leftovers that I can use for a shawl.
kolmapäev, 2. mai 2018
Läksin hoogu/I got carried away
Harutasin ühe vana asja ja hakkasin lihtsat toppi kuduma. Kui lõnga jätkub, teeks sviitri. Kõik oli kena, kudusin eile paraja portsu ja nüüd viimistlesin ära kaeluse ja proovisin selga. Näen, et käeaugud on liiga laiad. Isegi kui arvestada sellega, et korjan silmused üles ja jätkan varrukaid, tundub liig mis liig. Klambriga märkisin koha, kus oleks paras esi- ja seljatüki ühendada.
I ripped out an old knit and started making a simple top. If I have enough yarn, I will make a sweater. Everything seemed right, I knitted quite a lot yesterday and now, after having finished the neck opening, I tried it on. I see that armholes are too wide. Even if I take into account that later stitches will be picked up to make sleeves, it seems too much. With a marker I marked the spot where it would be right to join the front and the back piece.
Rätiku õpetus on töös; kooskudumine algab augustis, esialgu Facebookis ja hiljem pärast kruiisi on õpetus kõigile kättesaadav.
I am working on the pattern for the shawl; KAL will start in August, first in a Facbook group and then after the cruise it will be available to everyone.
I ripped out an old knit and started making a simple top. If I have enough yarn, I will make a sweater. Everything seemed right, I knitted quite a lot yesterday and now, after having finished the neck opening, I tried it on. I see that armholes are too wide. Even if I take into account that later stitches will be picked up to make sleeves, it seems too much. With a marker I marked the spot where it would be right to join the front and the back piece.
Rätiku õpetus on töös; kooskudumine algab augustis, esialgu Facebookis ja hiljem pärast kruiisi on õpetus kõigile kättesaadav.
I am working on the pattern for the shawl; KAL will start in August, first in a Facbook group and then after the cruise it will be available to everyone.
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