esmaspäev, 29. november 2010

Kiirpostitus/A quick post

Kuna homme pean jälle välismaale sõitma (viimane kord sel aastal), siis on kiire ja korralikuks pildistamiseks polnud mahti. Näitan, et ürp on valmis.
As tomorrow I have to go abroad (for the last time this year), I am in a hurry and have no time for a proper photo session. I show you the finished wrap.

Ja muster:
And the stitch pattern:
Kulus u. 180 g lõnga. Varrukad on küünarnukini.
I used about 180 g of yarn. The sleeves are elbow-long.

laupäev, 27. november 2010

Mitmesugust/Various matters

Kui täna Pronksi poodi jõudsin, mohäärid Leedust olid juba saabunud. Need on Alvita Kid mohäärid, samu värve müüakse ka toki kaupa, aga nüüd saab osta pooli pealt (seega saab kerida lasta just niipalju, kui on vaja). Kahju vaid, et "minu värve" eriti pole.
As I got to the Pronksi yarn shop today, mohair had arrived from Lithuania. These are Alvita Kid mohair yarns, the same colours are available in balls but now one can get them from bobbins (you can have the exact quantity you need). Regrettably, "my colours" are not among them.

Sall sai pingutatud ja pildistatud. Ei saanud õiget värvi pildi peale, kogu aeg tuli liiga hall, seetõttu tegin pildi must-valgeks, vähemalt muster on nähtav.
The scarf has been blocked and pictures taken. I could not get a picture with the right colour, it appeared too grey all the time, so I rendered it black-and-white and at least the stitch is visible.

Minu ürp. Nüüd kere osa on valmis. Enne varrukate alustamist oli pilt selline:
Now my wrap. The torso part is ready. Before starting the sleeves, the picture was as follows:

Ja eest:
And the front:

Kudumisklubis ei ole veel eriti palju liikmeid. Loodan, et asi paraneb. Siiski, Terje tuli kohale ja kudusime koos.
The knitting club has not yet gained many members. I hope it will improve. Still, Terje came and we knitted together.

Ja Anu tuli ka ühispilidle.
And Anu joined us for a picture to be taken.

Veel niipalju huvitavat, et Terhi oli parajasti Tallinnas ja astus poodi just siis, kui meie seal kudusime. Nüüd tutvusime ka reaalselt, enne olime suhelnud vaid virtuaalselt. Võib-olla tuleb ta uuesti kevadel, siis on rohkem aega.
And on top of that, Terhi was in Tallinn and entered the store exactly as we were knitting there. Now we got acquainted in the real world and before that we had communicated only in the virtual world. Maybe she will come again in Spring and there will be more time.

neljapäev, 25. november 2010

Samas vaimus/In the same spirit

Küll mulle meeldib see muster! Jätkan samas vaimus.
I really like this stitch! I go on in the same spirit.
Kootud on niipalju, et tegin juba ühe käeaugu ja koon edasi selga.
I have already the first armhole and now knit the back part.
Käeagugu silmused on tagavaralõngal, hiljem saab nad ilusti maha kududa või kohe varrukat alustada.
The armhole stitches are on the waste yarn, later it will be possible to do a smooth bind off or to start a sleeve.

teisipäev, 23. november 2010

Jälle lehed/Leaves again

Hommikul on veel pime ja õhtul on juba pime. Kuna pidin täna terve päev ära olema, siis pildid on ainult niisuguses valguses.
It is still dark in the morning and already dark in the evening. As I had to be elsewhere, the pictures in such a light is all what I have.

Siiski lehemuster on nähtav.
Still the leaf pattern is visible.

Lõng on Aade Lõng 8/2, värv on pigem nagu ülemisel pildil. Väga mõnus lõng. Vardad 3,5 mm.
The yarn is Aade Lõng 8/2, the colour is right in the top picture. A very pleasant yarn. Needles 3.5 mm.

pühapäev, 21. november 2010

Skeem/The chart

Mulle oli ootamatu lugeda, et ka mu eesti lugejatele pole see muster kuigi tuttav . See pole minu teada eesti traditsiooniline muster. Kindlasti on mõni tark inimene selle välja mõelnud. Ma ei püüa kasutada tingimata traditsioonilisi mustreid, "võtan vabalt", kombineerin, muudan ja mugandan, mõtlen muuhulgas ka selle mustri modifikatsioonile.
It was unexpected for me to learn that the stitch pattern is not very widely known even among my Estonian readers. To the best of my knowledge this is not an exactly Estonian traditional pattern. Without doubts some intelligent person has invented it. For me, it is not about using authentic patterns, I "take it easy", combine, change and modify and currently am thinking about a modification of the current stitch pattern.
Salli jaoks peab looma 19-ga jagatava silmuste arvu + 1 sümmeetria jaoks + ääresilmused. Minu sall sai valmis, nüüd tuleb märjaks teha ja pingutada. Küsimus on, kuidas seda teha, et kingisaaja ei näeks.For a scarf, just cast on a number of stitches dividable by 19 + 1 for the symmetry + some edge stitches. My scarf is finished and I have to block it. The question is how this is to be arranged so that the potential recipient of the present would not notice.

reede, 19. november 2010

Reisikudum/Travel knit

Mõtlesin, et n-ö tõsist kudumit vahetult enne reisi ei ole tark alustada, sest eeltöö polnud veel tehtud. Samas on plaanis mitmed kingitused ja see sall on üks neist.
I thought that it would be unwise to start a serious knitting project immediately before the trip because I had not completed preliminary work. At the same time I have plans for several presents and here is one of them.

Disaini mõttes pole siin midagi huvitavat, lihtsalt sall kena lainelise mustriga.
Nothing interesting from design point of view, just a scarf with a beautiful wave pattern.

Lõng on päris hea, koon seda esimest korda. Bergere de France Lima, 80 % vill, 20 % alpaka, 5o g/110 m.
The yarn is rather nice, I am using it for the first time. Bergere de France Lima, 80 % wool, 20 % alpaca, 50 g/110 m.

kolmapäev, 17. november 2010

Roheline laine/Green wave

Homme sõidan jälle välismaale ja ei pruugi enne järgmist nädalat kirjutada. Seetõttu rõõmustan, et juba täna õnnestus pilte teha.
Tomorrow I am going abroad and possibly cannot post before the next week. Therefore I am glad that already today I managed to have pictures taken.

Siis arvas Anu, et mulle sobiks rätik ümber pea. Oleks jällegi 1920ndate stiilis. Poes polnud sobivaid rätikuid, võtsin salli, mis mul parajasti oli. Vale materjal selle juhtumi jaoks (mohäär), aga idee on hea.
Then Anu thought that it would suit me if I turned a scarf around my head. It would be the 1920s style. There was no suitable scarf in the store and I used one I had with me. A wrong material on the occasion (mohair) but the idea is nice.
Natuke värvimängu.
Some colour play.

Lõng/Yarn: 4-kordne lina/4 ply linen (Mezgimo zona), ~230 g
Vardad/Needles: 2 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Anu (aitäh!/thank you!)

teisipäev, 16. november 2010


Niikaua kui tuunika/minikleit kuivab (ja pidlistada sügispimeduses pole mõtet), mõtlesin rääkida konstruktsioonidest. Võtan vaatluse alla riideeseme, mida tinglikult nimetan ürbiks. Vabandan joonistuste pärast, ei ole eriti osav.
As long as the tunic/mini-dress is drying (and it is useless to take photos in this autumn evening darkness), I decided to take up constructions. I will discuss a garment that is usually called wrap. I apologize for the drawings because I am not very skillful.
See on vist kõige tüüpilisem neist. Kootakse põiki äärest ääreni ja käeaukude tarvis kootakse silmused maha ja järgmises reas luuakse uuesti.
This is probably the most typical of them. It is knit sideways from one edge to the other and for the armholes you bind off and then cast on in the next row.

Võib aga paigutada käeaugud hoopis nii:
But you can place the armholes this way as well:
Siis on veel võimalusi. Näiteks nii: kududa põhiosa äärest ääreni, jättes "praod" ja hiljem korjata silmused üles ja kududa "krae" teises suunas.
There are other possibilities as well. For instance, you can knit sideways the main part and leave the "splits" for armholes and then pick up the stitches and knit the "collar" in a different direction.

Ja võib ka teha nii: alustada selja keskelt abilõngaga, kududa kummaski suunas. See viis lubab kududes selga proovida.
And you can do as follows: start from the middle of the back with a provisional cast on and continue to the sides. This option allows to try on as you go.
Need pole mõistagi sugugi kõik võimalused. Kindlasti on variatsioone veelgi.
Clearly these are not all options. For sure there are more variations.

pühapäev, 14. november 2010

Lõng ei taha lõppeda/The yarn is not going to end

Mõnikord on probleem, et lõng lõpeb otsa valel ajal vales kohas. Kuid seekord on lugu nii, et lõng ei taha lõppeda, seetõttu on top muutunud tuunikaks ja võib-olla muutub pealegi kleidiks!
Sometimes there is a risk of running out of yarn in a wrong time and in a wrong place. However, now the thing is that the yarn is not going to end, therefore, the top has turned into a tunic and the tunic will perhaps turn into a dress!

Järgides 1920-ndate sitiili, otsustasin teha madala "vöö":
According to the 1920s style, I decided to make a low "garter":

Ja mul on niipalju lõnga:
And this is how much yarn I have:

Veel uudiseid: eile käisin üle hulga aja Pronksi poes. Ja seal oli ka muid kudujaid ja me otsustasime, et teeme kudumisklubi. Nii et ettevõtlik Kersti tegigi klubile leheküle. Klubi käib koos laupäeviti alates kl 11, kes kuidas jõuab. Mul on hea meel!
And more news: yesterday I went to the Pronksi shop after quite a long break. And there were knitters there and we decided to establish a knitting club. So energetic Kersti made this site for the club. The club meets on Saturdays starting from 11 o'clock and you can come as you can make it. I am glad!

reede, 12. november 2010


Lõppude lõpuks saime Kristiinaga kokku ja ta tegi pilte hallist vestist. Pildistamine toimus kohvikus Kompott. Tore koht, aga võib-olla mitte just pildistamiseks, ei saa kuidagi õiget valgust õiges kohas.
Finally Kristiina and I met and she took pictures of the grey vest. The session took place in the Kompott cafeteria. A pretty place but maybe not exactly for photo shoots, you cannot get the right light in the right place.

The stitch pattern:

Ja see on minu meelest kõige parem pilt sellest vestist:

And this is, in my opinion, the best picture of the vest:

Pildid/Photos: Kristiina

Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen (Mezgimo zona, Vilnius)

Vardad/Needles: 2 mm

Lõngakulu/Yarn used: 130 g

kolmapäev, 10. november 2010

Varrukad valmis/Sleeves are done

Veel kord tänan kõiki, kes te kommenteerisite eelmist postitust. On hea teada, et mul on lugejaid ja et neid huvitab, mida teen.
I thank once more all of you who commented the previous post. It is good to know that I have readers and they care about what I do.

Nagu näha, varrukad on valmis. Kudusin samas lainelises mustris. Üleminekuks on mõned ripsiread.
As you see, the sleeves are done. I knitted in the same wave pattern. Some garter stitch rows mark transition.

Ja siin on üldvaade. Nüüd koon edasi ja vaatan, kauaks mul lõnga jätkub. Varrukateta pikema topi jaoks nagu see kulub mul 120 g ringis.
And here is a general view. Now I am going to knit further and we shall see how much yarn I have. A sleeveless longer top like this one required approximately 120 g of yarn.

esmaspäev, 8. november 2010

Kodus/At home

Lõpuks olen kodus. Näitan abstraktset kunsti:
Finally, I am at home. Please see some abstract art:

Mis on tegelikult laineline muster. Nagu näha, alustasin varrukat.
Which is, in fact, the wave pattern. As you see, I've started the sleeve.

Miks? Sellepärast, et varrukad panevad ülaosa täpselt paika, siis näen tegelikku pikkust ja kui palju tuleb veel jätkata. Top ulatub praegu taljeni ja on suhteliselt avar.
Why? Because sleeves precisely fix the upper part and I can see the real length and how much should be added. The top has reached the waist line and has a relatively free ease.

Kodus ootas mind Moda 6/2010. Vaatasin, et seal on ka üks minu rätik. Pildistasin ümber ajakirja pildi sügisõhtu viletsas valguses, aga tegelikult see on see rätik.
At home Moda 6/2010 was waiting. I saw that there is one of my shawls in the issue. I took a picture of the picture from the magazine in this poor autumn evening light, this is, in fact, this shawl.
Ja nüüd see intervjuu ja pilt minust.
And here is this interview and the pictures.

Pildid/Photos: Seppo Saarentola. Tekst/Text: Sirpa Jäkkö. Aitäh! Thank you! Kiitos!

laupäev, 6. november 2010


Kuna olen tööga hõivatud, ei ole jõudnud eriti palju kududa. Siiski olen kudunud iga päev. Vaatamata koledale valgusele tekkis siiski kiusatus näidata, mis juba olemas on.
As I am busy with my work, I don't have much time for knitting. Yet I've been knitting every day. Even with this dreadful light, I could not resist the temptation to show what I have so far.

Peeglipilt ka:
A picture in the mirror, too:

Pilt pole eriti kena, aga näitab, kuhumaani olen jõudnud. Ja siin all pole sürrealistlik kunst, vaid topi külg!
The picture is not particularly good but it shows how far I am. And below here is not some kind of surrealistic art but a side of the top!
Nagu Ruthi blogist selgub, Eestis on juba värske Käsitöö täiesti olemas. Nii et loodan peatselt näha. Kaja just saatis mulle mõned pidid (fotograaf Mark Raidpere). Aitäh! Ülemisel pildil on tuttavad seelikud ja sall, alumisel on paremal hall sviiter.
As we learn from Ruth's blog, the fresh issue of Käsitöö has already appeared in Estonia. So I am looking forward to seeing it soon. And Kaja has just sent me some pictures (photos by Mark Raidpere). Thank you! The upper picture has the familiar skirts and the scarf and the bottom picture on the right the gray sweater.

neljapäev, 4. november 2010


Kuna mu toas on valgustus lihtsalt jube, pole mõtet pildistada. Ütlen ainult, et kudum edeneb. Kirjutan hoopis mustritest. Siin on muster, millega koon oma rohelist toppi. 6. rida tuleb kududa parempidi, seega on ta paremal pool pahempidine.
As the light in my room is simply dreadful, there is little sense in taking pictures. I can just say that my knitting is progressing. Instead I will write about stitch patterns. Here is the lace pattern I use in my green top. The 6th row is knit on wrong side, so it will appear as purls on the right side.

Võib ka nii teha, et nn lainerida on hoopis pahempidine. Valged "tornid" on 2 ph kokku.
You can make the "wave row" in purl sitches. The white "towers" are p 2 tog.

Ja siis võib reljeefsuse lisamiseks lisada ripsiridu (edasi- ja tagasiread parempidi) ja lisada ka parempidises koes ridu, nii et vahemaa lainete vahel on suurem:
And for a greater definition you can add garter rows (knit RS and WS rows) and also add stockinette rows to make the distance between the waves larger:

Lõpuks võib laine ka laiem olla: siin on mustrikord 17 silmust.
And, finally, the wave can be wider: here the pattern repeat is 17 stitches.

Lainemustreid on üsna palju, siin on vaid osa neist. On ka selliseid, kus mustrikorras on paarisarv silmuseid. Nagu näha, on need mustrid kergesti kohandatavad, nagu vausabakirjadki.
There is quite a lot of wave patterns and here is only a small part. There are patterns that have an even number of stitches as well. As you see, these patterns are really versatile like horseshue patterns are.