Jutt tuleb sellest sviitrist. Sviiter sai valmis umbes aasta tagasi, Käsitöö tahtis avaldada ja sügisnumbri asjade pildistamisega oli kiire. Pidin ruttu toimetusse viima, endale ei jõudnudki pildistada. Pärast aga juhtus nii, et stilist ja ühtlasi modell Helina Risti soovis sviitrit endale, kinkisin ära. Kui Käsitöö 2011/3 ilmus, siis millegipärast unustasin postitamata.
It is about this sweater. The sweater was finished about a year ago and the Käsitöö magazine wanted to publish the pattern and was in a hurry to photograph everything at once for the autumn issue. I had to quickly hand over the sweater and had not had time to have pictures made for my own purpose. Then the stylist and the model (in the same person) Helina Risti wished to have the sweater and I gave it to her. After the 2011/3 issue had been published, for some reason I forgot to post here.
Pilt/Picture: Laura Kallasvee (tema lahkel loal/with her kind permision)Modell ja stiil/Model and style: Helina Risti
Käsitöö 2011/3
Miks ma seda räägin? Sest selle postituse kommentaaris mainis Heli, et tipp-modelli saates oli Helina Ristil see sviiter seljas. Kuna ma televiisorit ei vaata, siis sain teada alles Heli käest. Leidisn võrgust pildi, värvid on kahjuks täiesti valed. Aga päris tore, selline kaudne tunnustus!
Why am I talking about this? Because in her comment to this post Heli mentioned that in the Estonian Top Model TV show Helina Risti was wearing the sweater. I learned it from her since I don't watch TV. Here is a picture I found on the web (if you don't read Estonian, no problem, the story there is completely irrelevant as far as knitting is concerned), unfortunately, the colours are all wrong. But this is quite nice, such an indirect acknowledgement!
3 kommentaari:
This is very cool :-)) It is nice that the model continues to wear your sweater and gave it some publicity on TV :-))It is a beautiful knit :-))
Maru vahva! :)) aga on ilus sviiter ju ka nii et tähelepanu on teenitud!
Diana, thank you!
Suvi, aitäh! Jah, päris ootamatu lugu, aga üsna meeldiv:)
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