kolmapäev, 27. veebruar 2013

Kooskudumise algus/Starting the KAL

Olen ikka veel reisil, aga alustasime täna koodkudumisega. Näitan proovilappi. Sain Roheliselt Vihmavarjult lõnga, see on vana tuttav Dropsi Fabel, mis meeldib mulle väga. Proovisin alguses seda lillakat, aga otsustasin, et minu jakk tuleb erepunane. Nii et proovilapp on samast lõngast, aga teist värvi.
I am still away but we started today with the KAL. Here is my swatch. I have received the yarn from the Roheline Vihmavari (Green Umbrella) yarn store, it is good old and familiar Fabel by Drops, I quite like it. I tried this purplish colour in the beginning but then decided that my jacket should be bright-red. So the swatch is from the same yarn but in a different colour.

esmaspäev, 25. veebruar 2013

Jälle proovilappe/Some swatches again

Jälle proovilappe! Nagu näete, on põhimõtteliselt sama muster, aga mustrikordade vahel on vähem või rohkem pahempidiseid silmuseid. Praegu ei saa ma kuigi tihti kirjutada, sest lähen jälle reisile. Plaanis on aga jälle kooskudumine, millest kirjutan edaspidi ka siin.
Swatches again! As you see, it is basically the same stitch pattern but there are less or more purl stitches between the pattern repeats. I am unable to write frequently now because I am going away again. But there are KAL plans that I will share here, too.

reede, 22. veebruar 2013

Jälle soonik/Ribbing again

Paistab, et praegu huvitavad mind soonikud. Olen reisil, nädalavahetusel kirjutan sellest pikemalt.
It appears that I am inclined to take interest in all kind of ribbing. I am away from home and will write more about it on weekend.

teisipäev, 19. veebruar 2013

Igasugu proovilappe/All kind of swatches

Täna ei tule mingit juttu, ainult pilt.
No story today, just a picture.

laupäev, 16. veebruar 2013


Täna kudusime koos Ave ja Heliniga ja arvuti oli mul kaasas, mistõttu sai kohe pildid salvestada ja koos otsustada, millised kõlbavad. Ave, tänan pildistamast! Mõlemale suur tänu nõuande eest.
Today we knitted together with Ave and Helin and I had my laptop with me, so that the pitures were uploaded in no time and we were able to decide together what pictures to choose. Ave, thanks for taking pictures! And many thanks to both for their advice.
Lõng/Yarn: Bergereine (Bergére de France), 50 % wool, 50 % cotton, 50 g/95 m, ~325 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm, 5 mm

reede, 15. veebruar 2013

Jälle soonik/Ribbing again

Mõnel lugejal on ehk meeles see postitus, kus rääkisin soonikutest. Mul oli algusest peale selge, et praeguse kudumi krae peaks olema keeruga soonikus, sest põhimustris on keeruga parempidised silmused pahempidiste vahel. Praegu on kudum selline:
Some of my readers may remember this post where I wrote about ribbing. It was clear to me from the beginning that the collar of the current project should be in twisted rib because the main pattern has knit-through-back-loop stitches amidst purl stitches. The knit looks like this now:

Mulle meeldivad sellised suured kraed. Nüüd on vaja kududa paar mustrikorda alla ja siis on valmis.
I like this kind of big collars. Now I have to knit a couple of pattern repeats of the torso and then it is finished.

teisipäev, 12. veebruar 2013

Linane top ja varruka jutt jälle/Linen top and talking about sleeves again

Eelkõige näitan toppi, mille pildistasime nädalavahetusel. Ave, tänan piltide eest!
First of all, I am going to show the top we got photographed this weekend. Ave, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: SIŪLAS Lithuanian linen (100 g/500 m), ~ 100 g.
Vardad/Needles: 2,5 mm
Teiseks, näitan, mis on praegu töös. Mulle meeldib see lõng, keeruga silmused on hästi reljeefsed.
Second, this is what I am currently working on. I like the yarn and twisted stitches have a good definition.

Muidu kõik on lihtne ja selge, aga varrukaga suhtes ei olnud kindel. Minu arust on üks mustrikord keskel täiesti piisav, ei pea igat ruutmillimeetrit katma mustriga iga hinna eest. Aga mida teha ülejäänud pinnaga? Alguses mõtlesin, et teen keeruga parempidiseid, vaheldan pahempidistega, sisuliselt keeruga soonik. Aga ei olnud ilus, soonik hakkas domineerima ja tekkis küsimus, mida muster seal keskel teeb. Siis mõtlesin, et võiks olla keeruga soonik ilma mustrita. Ei olnud päris võimatu, aga sellest on natuke vähe. Seejärel taipasin, et kõige lihtsam lahendus on antud juhul kõige õigem: ülejäänud pind olgu labases pahempidises koes. Nagu Ave ütles ükskord, labane pahempidine ei näe välja juhuslik stiilis "täidame vaba ruumi millegagi". Pahempidisel taustal on keeruga silmused nähtavad. Muster on ka nähtav. Nüüd tundub, et on õige lahendus.
Everything was easy and clear but I was not sure about the sleeves. I believe one pattern repeat in the middle is quite sufficient, you do not have to cover every square millimetre with a stitch pattern at any cost. But what should be done to the rest of the fabric? At first I planned to make twisted knit stitches and to alternate them with purl stitches, that is, a kind of twisted rib. But it did not look right; the rib stood out too much and it became problematic what the stitch pattern was doing amidst this rib. Then I thought I could have twisted rib without the stitch pattern. It did not look totally impossible but that is not enough. Then I realized that the simplest solution was the most appropriate one in this case: the rest of the fabric should be in reverse stockinette. As Ave rendered it once, reverse stockinette does not look as an accident in the style "let us fill the space with anything". Twisted stitches are visible against the reverse stockinette background. The sitch pattern is visible as well. Now it looks like a right solution.

pühapäev, 10. veebruar 2013


Mul on au saada autasu Lindalt, kes on norra kudumisdisainer. Saime tuttavaks Ravelrys ja sõbrustame.
I am honoured to receive an award from Linda who is a Norwegian knitting designer. We got acquainted on Ravelry and are friends.
Reeglid on sellised (ma ei hakka tõlkima eesti keelde, läheb väga pikaks).
Here are the rules.
When you receive the award, and choose to accept it, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you.  Then:
  •  Pass the award on to at least 3-5 ( I stretched it to 6) other blogs and ask them 11 questions that you have created.
  • Make sure that you let them know that you have nominated them!
  • You are not allowed to nominate the blog that nominated you!
  • Make sure that the blogs that you choose have 200‑3000 or less followers.
    Ma ei pea sellest viimasest reeglist kinni, kõik regulaarsed lugejad ei pruugi registreetuda jälgijatena.
    I am not going to stick to the last rule because not all regular readers are necessarily registered as followers.
11 fakti minust/11 facts about myself
1.  Olen iseõppija nii kudumises kui ka paljudes muudes asjades./I have taught myself knitting and many other things.
2. Kudumine on pannud mind rohkem mõtlema isiklikust stiilist, kuigi olen alati teadnud, mis on minu oma ja mis ei ole./Knitting has made me think more about personal style, albeit I've always known what is mine and what is not.
3. Lemmikvärvid on must, hall, lilla, tumepunane, tumeroheline./My favourite colours are black, grey, purple, dark red, dark green.
4. Ma ei arva, et minimalism on millestki loobumine. See on kas inimesele omane või mitte./I don't think minimalism equals to giving something up. Either it is characteristic of you or not at all.
5. Mul praktiliselt pole sirgeid vardaid ega sukkavardaid, töötan alati ringvarrastega./I have practically no straight needles or DPNs, I always knit with circulars.
6. Mu lemmiklõngad on Aade Lõng (aka Kauni), Fabel (Drops), leedu linane, ka mitte väga karvased peenikesed mohäärid (ei ole konkreetset firmat). Viimasel ajal meeldivad väga RebelYarni lõngad. /My favourite yarns are Aade Lõng (aka Kauni), Fabel (Drops), Lithuanian linen and also not very hairy laceweight mohairs (no particular company). Recently I've become an admirer of RebelYarn yarns.
7. Õpetuste kirjutamine võib tunduda tülikas, aga see arendab tohutult./Writing patterns may seem boring but doing this enhances your development just enormously.
8. Must ja hall ei ole depressiooni ega peitupugemise värvid. Värvide tõlgendamine sõltub palju kultuurist. Loodan kunagi kirjutada nendest pikemalt./Black and grey are not colours of depression and escape. Interpretantion of colours is a culture-dependent thing to a great extent. I hope to elaborate on this once.
9. Hea meelega vaatan kudumeid poes. Saab väga palju õppida./I examine knitwear in stores with pleasure. You can learn quite a bit.
10. Seda teate nagunii: kõik mu kudumid on õmblusteta. Mõtleme kohe kolmemõõtmeliselt!/You know this anyway: all my knits are seamless. Let us think  in 3 dimensions from the start!
11. Ei ole kudumisega seotud, aga las olla. Olen suur kohvijooja./It is not related to knitting but let it be. I tend to drink a lot of coffee.

Siis peab vastama Linda küsimustele:
Then I have to answer Linda's questions:
  1. Where are you right now? - Kodus/At home.
  2. If you could beam yourself, where would you go in this exact moment? - Oleks kodus edasi/I would stay at home as I am now.
  3. How does your usual Sunday look like? - Midagi erilist. Töötan, koon, käin kõndimas./Nothing special. I work, knit and go for a walk.
  4. How do you relax? - Loen või vaatan ilusaid kudumeid Ravelrys./I read or I look for beautiful knits on Ravelry.
  5. If you were to learn a new craft/hobby what would it be? - Teeks (hõbe)ehteid./ Jewelry making (silver).
  6. What inspires you? - Värvid, 1920-ndate mood, funktsionalistlik arhitektuur, ei oska kõike nimetada./Colours, the 1920s fashion, functionalist architecture, I probably cannot list everything.
  7. Name your favorite yarn or flower, if you could only pick one? - Raasiku villane 8/2 või 8/3/ Wool by Aade Lõng 8/2 or 8/3.
  8. What would be your dream job? - Jätaks kõik, nagu on praegu./I would leave everything as it is now.
  9. What is your worst craft/hobby disaster, that you can reveal? - Uskumatu, aga ma ei oska nimetada! Võib-olla pole see katastroof, aga lihtsalt naljakas juhtum: päris algajana hakkasin kuduma rätikut õpetuse järgi, see oli kolmnurkne rätik, mida tuli alustada laiemast äärest ja kahandada. Ja see tuli liiga väike, tuli välja mõelda mingi äärepits./It's unbelievable but I am unable to name it! Maybe this is not a disaster but just a funny occasion: as a beginner I decided to knit a shawl from a pattern, it was a triangular shawl, started from the widest edge and with decreases. And it was too small, so I had to invent some edge lace.
  10. Worst task you have to do? - Kui tõsised kohustused, mis on seotud kuhugi minekuga, esinemisega jne, on pärast kl 15. Olen hommikune inimene, pärastlõunal pea ei tööta./If I had serious obligations that suppose going somewhere or giving a talk etc after 3 p.m. I am a morning person and in the late afternoon my head is not functioning properly.
  11. What is your favourite garment? It can either be a type or one you wear whenever you have the chance? - Ilmselt sviiter. /Probably, sweater.
Annan auhinna edasi Suvile, Miale ja Ingale.
I am awarding SuviMia and Inga
 11 küsimust/11 questions:
1. Kuidas hakkasid kuduma?/How did you start knitting?
2. Mida meeldib kududa kõige rohkem?/What do you like to knit most?
3. Kas Sul on lemmikmuster?/Do you have a favourite stitch pattern?
4. Mis on Su lemmiklõng?/What is your favourite yarn?
5. Kas on mõni asi, mida Sa pole kunagi kudunud ega tahagi kududa?/Is there anything you have not knitted and don't want to?
6. Kes on Sinu lemmikud riide- ja/või kudumisdisainerid?/Who are your favourites in fashion and/or knitting design?
7. Mis kudumisajakirju (ka elektroonilisi) meeldib lugeda?/What knitting magazines (also electronic ones) do you like to read?
8. Kas teiste arvamus (ka südamekeste arv Ravelrys) loeb või mitte?/Does others' opinion (also the number of hearts on Ravelry) affect you or not?
9. Kas on olemas mõni ajastu moes ja kunstis, mis on Sulle lähedane?/Is there any period in fashion and art that you feel close to?
10. Kas ammutad inspiratsiooni mõne rahva kudumistraditsioonist?/Do you get inspired by some folk's knitting tradition?
11. Millest algab Sinu jaoks kudumi disain?/What is a starting point in designing a knit for you?

reede, 8. veebruar 2013

Valmistume suveks/Prepareing for summer

Tegelikult on see pealkiri naljaga pooleks, tavaliselt koon seda, mis parajasti meeldib. Aga see linane top on suvel kindlasti asjalik. Nüüd kuivab. Homme lasen lõngapoes ära kaaluda.
Actually, this title is a half-joke, usually I knit what I like at the moment. But this linen top will certainly be practical in summer. Now it is drying. Tomorrow I will get it weighed in the yarn store.
Veel natuke uudiseid. Vasrti alustan Mustrimaailma-foorumis kooskudumist. Hakkame kuduma kimono lõikega jakki. Tellisin endale selleks Fabelit (Dropsi sokilõng, mida kasutasin suvises kooskudumises ja mis on üks mu lemmikuid). Kindlasti näitan töökäiku ka siin, hiljem tuleb õpetus.
Some more news. Soon I will be leading a KAL in the Mustrimaailm Estonian knitting forum. We will knit a kimono jacket. I ordered Fabel (a sock yarn by Drops that I used for a KAL this summer and that is one of my favourites). I will certainly show the process here as well and there will be a pattern in future.

teisipäev, 5. veebruar 2013

Põgus vaade/A glimpse

Praegu pole aega kirjutada, näitan lühidalt praegust kudumit. 
I don't have much time to write now, just show you my current project.

See on leedu linane. Mul oli üks vest, mida ma millegipärast ei kandnud. Kui ei kanna, siis tuleb harutada ja kududa midagi muud. Linasele sobivad hästi sakilised mustrid, nii et koon enam-vähem sama mustriga, nagu eelmist sviitrit. Mustrikord on kitsam, varras peenem, aga huvitaval kombel on silmuste arv umbes sama. Sellest tuleb suvetop.
This is Lithuanian linen. I had a vest that I did not wear for some reason. If something does not get much wear, then it is time to rip and knit something new. Linen is very fine for zigzag stitch patterns and, therefore, I am using almost the same pattern I used in the previous knit. The pattern repeat is narrower, the needles are thinner but, interestingly, stitch count is almost the same. It will be a summer top.

laupäev, 2. veebruar 2013

BFL sviiter/BFL sweater

Seda lõnga tehakse BFL lamba villast. Uurisin välja, et BFL on selline lambatõug, Blue Faced Leicester. Kuna sviiter on ka sinine (blue), siis tundus selline nimi eriti sobivat. Ave, tänan piltide eest!
This yarn is produced from BFL lamb wool. I found out that BFL is the abbreviation Blue Faced Leicester. Because the sweater is blue, too, I thought it would be an especially appropriate name. Ave, thanks for the pictures!

Lõng/Yarn: BFL SW Sock (100 g/400 m), vill/wool (Rebel Yarn), 800 m
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Ave