Näitan kiiresti pilti, kus on juba näha konstruktsiooni. Pole enam palju jäänud.
A quick picture where you can already see the construction. It will not take long to finish the knit.
Üks kena uudis: täna saabub Mia!
Good news: Mia is arriving today!
neljapäev, 31. juuli 2014
esmaspäev, 28. juuli 2014
Uus konstruktsioon uuest lõngast /A new construction from a new yarn
Tegelikult konstruktsioon pole väga uus, vaid pigem modifitseeritud vana. Vaatame, kuidas välja kukub, siis annan rohkem teada. Praegu aga paistab, et pole viga. Piltidel pole veel konstruktsiooni omadusi näha, aga on näha, milline on koepind.
Actually, the construction is not exactly new but a modification of a previous one. We shall see how it turns out, then I'll write more. For now it seems that all is fine. It is not yet possible to see the construction in the pictures but you can see the fabric.
Tükk aega proovisin igasuguseid mustreid. Paistab, et labane kude, rips ja lihtsad augukesed on kenad. Veel sobis soonik, aga ma ei tahtnud soonikut puuvillasele lõngale. Kõik muu tundus mittemidagiütlev.
I've tried all kind of stitch patterns. It appears that stockinette, garter and simple eyelets are fine. Ribbing was nice as well but I did not want ribbing for a cotton yarn. Everything else was uninteresting.
Actually, the construction is not exactly new but a modification of a previous one. We shall see how it turns out, then I'll write more. For now it seems that all is fine. It is not yet possible to see the construction in the pictures but you can see the fabric.
Tükk aega proovisin igasuguseid mustreid. Paistab, et labane kude, rips ja lihtsad augukesed on kenad. Veel sobis soonik, aga ma ei tahtnud soonikut puuvillasele lõngale. Kõik muu tundus mittemidagiütlev.
I've tried all kind of stitch patterns. It appears that stockinette, garter and simple eyelets are fine. Ribbing was nice as well but I did not want ribbing for a cotton yarn. Everything else was uninteresting.
laupäev, 26. juuli 2014
Midara pood/Midara yarn shop
Midara lõngavabrik asub Kupiški linnas. Eestis müüakse Midara lõngu Pärlis ja Lõngas Tallinnas ja Vikli-poes Tartus. Aga Eestis pole (veel?) saadaval kogu sortiment. Täna läksin firmapoodi, vaatsin, mis head on. Mitmesuguseid villaseid, poolvillaseid, puuvillaseid ja linaseid lõngu. Vilniuse poe pilte näete siin. Kaks tuba täis lõngu. Kui soovite näha lähemalt, siis kodulehel leidub kogu info. Kuna siin on üsna palav, kaalusin esialgu buklee-linast, aga siis pilk langes buklee-puuvillasele. Siin ta on.
Midara yarn factory is situated in the town of Kupiški. In Estonia one can get Midara yarns at Pärl ja Lõng in Tallinn and at Vikkel in Tartu. But not all sorts of yarns are (yet?) available in Estonia. Today I went to the copmany store to look what's new there. Many kinds of wool and wool blends, cotton and linen. The pictures of the Vilnius shop are available here. Two rooms full with yarns. If you want to give a more close look, the hompage has all the information. As it is rather hot, at first I considered bouclé linen but then bouclé cotton caught my attention. Here it is.
Midara lõngu müüakse ka kioskis Halės turul Vilniuse kesklinnas. Seal on ehk väiksem sortiment, kuid alati ei soovi minna kaugemale.
One can get Midara yarns also at a kiosk in the building of Halės market in the centre of Vilnius. Maybe the choice is smaller but you don't always want to take a longer walk.
Midara yarn factory is situated in the town of Kupiški. In Estonia one can get Midara yarns at Pärl ja Lõng in Tallinn and at Vikkel in Tartu. But not all sorts of yarns are (yet?) available in Estonia. Today I went to the copmany store to look what's new there. Many kinds of wool and wool blends, cotton and linen. The pictures of the Vilnius shop are available here. Two rooms full with yarns. If you want to give a more close look, the hompage has all the information. As it is rather hot, at first I considered bouclé linen but then bouclé cotton caught my attention. Here it is.
Midara lõngu müüakse ka kioskis Halės turul Vilniuse kesklinnas. Seal on ehk väiksem sortiment, kuid alati ei soovi minna kaugemale.
One can get Midara yarns also at a kiosk in the building of Halės market in the centre of Vilnius. Maybe the choice is smaller but you don't always want to take a longer walk.
neljapäev, 24. juuli 2014
Lühike postitus. Annan teada, et 7. augustil lk 17.30 räägin Vilniuses Mezgimo Zona poes sallkraedest. Sonata on juba kirjutanud kena teksti ja lisanud pilte (siin). Hiljem püüan kirja panna ja teha materjali inglise ja eesti keeles. Alljärgnevatel piltidel on sallkrae konstruktsioonid erinevad.
A short post. For your information, on the 7th of August at 5.30 p.m. I will talk in Mezgimo Zona in Vilnius about shawl collars. Sonata has already composed a nice text and added pictures (here). Later I will try to write it up in English and in Estonian. In the pictures below constructions of shawl collar are different in all three cases.
A short post. For your information, on the 7th of August at 5.30 p.m. I will talk in Mezgimo Zona in Vilnius about shawl collars. Sonata has already composed a nice text and added pictures (here). Later I will try to write it up in English and in Estonian. In the pictures below constructions of shawl collar are different in all three cases.
teisipäev, 22. juuli 2014
Vesti pildid/Photos of the vest
Aitäh piltide eest, Sonata!
Thanks for the pictures, Sonata!
Lõng/Yarn: Corda (Miroglio), 100 g/360 m, 100 % lina/linen, ~ 200 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Thanks for the pictures, Sonata!
Lõng/Yarn: Corda (Miroglio), 100 g/360 m, 100 % lina/linen, ~ 200 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
pühapäev, 20. juuli 2014
Mitmeid asju/Several issues
Jälle on siin näha reklaami, kus kujundiks on kudumine. Seekord mitte nii stereotüüpselt, üksnes lahke vanaemaga seonduvalt (vt siin). Nagu näha, lõngad ja vardad sümboliseerivad ettenägemise võimet. Kiri
pildi all: "Ärimees näeb teisiti". All väiksemate tähtedega: "Tajuda,
luua, ette näha". Niisiis, lamba taga on lõngad ja kudumid, päris hea!
Once again one can observe advertisments here that employ images of knitting. This time not so stereotypically by referring exclusively to the kind granny (see here). As you can see, yarns and needles stand for an ability to see further. The sign under the picture reads: "Businesmenn sees it differently". And in smaller charecgters below: "To perceive, to create, to forsee". Thus, there are yarns and knits behind a lamb, I rather like it!
Vest sai valmis, esialgu sellised pildid. Lähipäevil saab ehk korralikke pilte. Võrreldes Biržai vabriku linasega (100 g/450 m) on siinne peenem, aga kududes on sama tunne.
I finished the vest and the pictures are like this for starters. Hopefully, I will get proper photos in the next couple of days. In comparison to linen by Biržai factory (100 g/450 m) this one is thinner but gives the same feeling when knitted.
Once again one can observe advertisments here that employ images of knitting. This time not so stereotypically by referring exclusively to the kind granny (see here). As you can see, yarns and needles stand for an ability to see further. The sign under the picture reads: "Businesmenn sees it differently". And in smaller charecgters below: "To perceive, to create, to forsee". Thus, there are yarns and knits behind a lamb, I rather like it!
Vest sai valmis, esialgu sellised pildid. Lähipäevil saab ehk korralikke pilte. Võrreldes Biržai vabriku linasega (100 g/450 m) on siinne peenem, aga kududes on sama tunne.
I finished the vest and the pictures are like this for starters. Hopefully, I will get proper photos in the next couple of days. In comparison to linen by Biržai factory (100 g/450 m) this one is thinner but gives the same feeling when knitted.
Ka siin on sallkrae. Loodan, et saan varsti kokku materjali sallkraede kohta.
Here is a shawl collar, too. I hope to get soon some stuff about shawl collars.
muud/other matters,
reede, 18. juuli 2014
Vilniuses/In Vilnius
Jälle Vilniuses!
In Vilnius again!
Lõnga- ja kudumisuudistest kirjutan hiljem, kui olen pisut ringi vaadanud.
I will write later about yarn and knitting news after I will have looked around a bit.
In Vilnius again!
Lõnga- ja kudumisuudistest kirjutan hiljem, kui olen pisut ringi vaadanud.
I will write later about yarn and knitting news after I will have looked around a bit.
kolmapäev, 16. juuli 2014
Kumb on parem pool?/Which side is the right side?
Teadagi, et tavaliselt peetakse labast parempidist kude vaikimisi paremaks pooleks. Aga labane pahempidine pole sugugi halvem. N-ö ruumi täiteks (nt mustrikordade vahel, suure põhimustri ja nööbiliistu vahel vms) sobib labane pahempidine tihtilugu vaata et paremini, kuna annab märku, et asi on läbi mõeldud (kunagi Ave tegi selle märkuse, aitäh talle veel kord).
It is well known that stockinette is considered by default as the right side of the fabric. But reverse stockinette is not worse. For filling up space, so to say (for instance, between pattern repeats, between a large main pattern and button band etc) it is often even more suitable than stockinette because it shows that this is a deliberate choice and not just something accidental (once Ave made this remark, thank you once more).
Seda linast lõnga kududes tundub mulle, et labane pahempidine on huvitavam. Nii et ilmselt jääbki see kudumi paremaks pooleks.
While working with this linen yarn, I came to think that reverse stockinette is more sophisticated. So it will probably become the right side of the garment.
Alates 18.juulist kuni 16.augustini olen järjekordselt Vilniuses. Kindlasti jagan sealseid kudumisuudiseid.
I will be in Vilnius on my usual trip between the 18th of July and the 16th of August. I will certainly share the local knitting news.
It is well known that stockinette is considered by default as the right side of the fabric. But reverse stockinette is not worse. For filling up space, so to say (for instance, between pattern repeats, between a large main pattern and button band etc) it is often even more suitable than stockinette because it shows that this is a deliberate choice and not just something accidental (once Ave made this remark, thank you once more).
Seda linast lõnga kududes tundub mulle, et labane pahempidine on huvitavam. Nii et ilmselt jääbki see kudumi paremaks pooleks.
While working with this linen yarn, I came to think that reverse stockinette is more sophisticated. So it will probably become the right side of the garment.
Alates 18.juulist kuni 16.augustini olen järjekordselt Vilniuses. Kindlasti jagan sealseid kudumisuudiseid.
I will be in Vilnius on my usual trip between the 18th of July and the 16th of August. I will certainly share the local knitting news.
mustrid/stitch patterns
esmaspäev, 14. juuli 2014
Pealeviskamisjakk/Throw-on jacket
Näitan jaki pilte. Anne, aitäh pildistamast!
Here are the photos of the jacket. Anne, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Safran (Drops), 100 % puuvill/cotton, 50 g/160 m, 7 tokki/balls
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Here are the photos of the jacket. Anne, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Safran (Drops), 100 % puuvill/cotton, 50 g/160 m, 7 tokki/balls
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
laupäev, 12. juuli 2014
Külaline Soomest ja WW poe sünnipäev/A guest from Finland and WW yarn shop birthday party
Rõõmustan, et Anne tuli Tallinna. Tema tulek on ajastatud suurepäraselt, sest eile oli WW 3-aastane sünnipäev. Nii et kohe hommikul läksime poodi, et kohtuda teiste kudujatega ja vaadata lõngu. Sellel pildil on Anne seljas topp, millest kirjutasin siin.
I am glad that Anne has arrived to Tallinn. The timing of her visit is just perfect because it was WW 3rd annivesary yesterday. So right in the morning we went there to meet other knitters and to see yarns. In this picture Anne is wearing the top I discussed earlier.
Üle hulga aja nägin ka Maiut. Vestleme tagahoovis. Mul on seljas uus jakk, aga seda näitan korralikult järgmine kord.
After a long while we caught up with Maiu. We are talking in the backyard. I am wearing the new jacket (proper pictures next time).
Õhtul oli rahvast rohkem. Helin sattus väga õigesse ümbrusesse värvi mõttes, nii et ei saanud pilti tegemata jätta. Helin, päevalill ja oranž kampsun:
More people came in the evening. Helin got into quite appropriate surroundings in the sense of colours, so I could not help it and had to take the photo. Helin, a sunflower and an orange sweater.
Ja siis oli muidugi tort.
And of course there was a cake.
Ja kudurahvas (sugugi kõik ei ole sel pidlil, hulk oli veel teises toas ja õues).
And the knitters (this is not the whole bunch, quite a lot were in the other room and in the yard).
Aitäh kõigile!
Many thanks to all of you!
I am glad that Anne has arrived to Tallinn. The timing of her visit is just perfect because it was WW 3rd annivesary yesterday. So right in the morning we went there to meet other knitters and to see yarns. In this picture Anne is wearing the top I discussed earlier.
Üle hulga aja nägin ka Maiut. Vestleme tagahoovis. Mul on seljas uus jakk, aga seda näitan korralikult järgmine kord.
After a long while we caught up with Maiu. We are talking in the backyard. I am wearing the new jacket (proper pictures next time).
Õhtul oli rahvast rohkem. Helin sattus väga õigesse ümbrusesse värvi mõttes, nii et ei saanud pilti tegemata jätta. Helin, päevalill ja oranž kampsun:
More people came in the evening. Helin got into quite appropriate surroundings in the sense of colours, so I could not help it and had to take the photo. Helin, a sunflower and an orange sweater.
Ja siis oli muidugi tort.
And of course there was a cake.
Ja kudurahvas (sugugi kõik ei ole sel pidlil, hulk oli veel teises toas ja õues).
And the knitters (this is not the whole bunch, quite a lot were in the other room and in the yard).
Aitäh kõigile!
Many thanks to all of you!
neljapäev, 10. juuli 2014
See ei ole.../This is not a...
Pole ammu olnud postitusi niisuguse pealkirjaga. Kui on huvi, võite vaadata vastava märksõna alt.
There have been no posts with such a title for quite a while. If you like, you can look up the respective tag.
Annan teada, et see ei ole vöö!
For your information, this is not a belt!
There have been no posts with such a title for quite a while. If you like, you can look up the respective tag.
Annan teada, et see ei ole vöö!
For your information, this is not a belt!
teisipäev, 8. juuli 2014
Sallkrae/Shawl collar
Selgus, et ongi vaja veel üht tokki! Kerele ja varrukatele kulus peaaegu 6 tokki ja sain kududa ka paar rida kraed. Aga nüüd näitan sallkraed. See sallkrae on lühikeste ridadega. Kunagi kirjutan sellest, kuidas kalkuleerida. Uskuge mind, siin pole midagi erilist.
It turned out that I indeed needed one more ball! I used up almost 6 balls for the torso and sleeves and a couple of rows of the collar. Now I show you the shawl collar. It has some short rows. I will eventually write how to calculate it. Believe me, nothing special whatsoever.
It turned out that I indeed needed one more ball! I used up almost 6 balls for the torso and sleeves and a couple of rows of the collar. Now I show you the shawl collar. It has some short rows. I will eventually write how to calculate it. Believe me, nothing special whatsoever.
pühapäev, 6. juuli 2014
Kui palju lõnga kulub?/How much yarn will I need?
Olen aru saanud, et parem on hinnata vajaminevat lõnga metraaži ja mitte kaalu järgi. Sõltub ka koostisest ja kindlasti mustrist. Palmikud ja ripskude tahavad palju lõnga, samuti soonik ja sooniku-põhised mustrid.
I have realized that it is better to estimate the amount of yarn you need in metres rather then by weight. It depends on the fiber and of course on stitch patterns. Cables and garter stitch take a lot of yarn as well as ribbing and ribbing-based patterns.
I have realized that it is better to estimate the amount of yarn you need in metres rather then by weight. It depends on the fiber and of course on stitch patterns. Cables and garter stitch take a lot of yarn as well as ribbing and ribbing-based patterns.
Pika varrukaga sviitri puhul arvestan u. 800 m oma suurusele (S ehk 34). Kui on suure langeva kraega, siis muidugi rohkem. Jakk vajab alati rohkem lõnga. Antud juhul võtsin 6 tokki (160 m/50 g) ehk 960 m, lõng on Dropsi Cotton Light. Ühele varrukale on kulunud terve tokk. Keret on vaja veel pikemaks kududa, seni on kerele läinud 4 tokki. Ja sallkraele kulub veel, ma ei tea, kas terve tokk. Võimalik, et peaksin hankima veel ühe tokki. Sellisel juhul kuluks 1120 m. Muster põhineb soonikul, seega läheb vaja tavalisest rohkem.
For a long-sleeved sweater I usually plan about 800 m for my size (S or 34). If there is a large falling collar, then of course more is needed. A jacket takes always even more yarn. In this case I bought 6 balls (160 m/50 m) or 960 m, the yarn is Cotton Light by Drops. A whole ball was needed for one sleeve. I have to lengthen the torso, so far 4 balls have been used. And I don't know whether an entire ball is needed for shawl collar. It is possible that I will have to get one more ball. In that case, the total metrage would be 1120 m. The stitch pattern is based on ribbing, therefore, I will use more than average.
Kas teil on ka mingeid nõkse, kuidas arvestada vajaminevat lõnga?
Do you have your own tips how to calculate the amount of yarn you need?
reede, 4. juuli 2014
Pealeviskamisjakk/Throw-on cardigan
Mul on üks selline sallkraega pealeviskamisjakk. Suvel on väga hea asi. Ostetud kunagi Terranovast, vist 2008. või 2009.a., kasutan siiamaani.
I have this throw-on cardi with shawl collar. It is very practical in summer. I got it once in Terranova, probably, in 2008 or 2009 and have been using it ever since.
Siis tuli mõte, et võiks kududa midagi taolist puuvillasest lõngast. Siin on algus.
Then it occured to me that I could knit something similar from cotton. Here is the beginning.
I have this throw-on cardi with shawl collar. It is very practical in summer. I got it once in Terranova, probably, in 2008 or 2009 and have been using it ever since.
Siis tuli mõte, et võiks kududa midagi taolist puuvillasest lõngast. Siin on algus.
Then it occured to me that I could knit something similar from cotton. Here is the beginning.
teisipäev, 1. juuli 2014
Praalin: minu õpetus leedu ajakirjas/Boasting: my design in a Lithuanian magazine
Lugu algas sellest, et märtsis olin pikalt Leedus ja käisin teatavasti mitu korda Diteksase poes. Selle ürituse nimi on nüüd peenem, Mados garažas (Moegaraaž), aga paljud on harjunud nimetama seda vana nimega. Poes müüakse kangaid ja poolilõngu. Et oma lõngu reklaamida, avaldatakse aeg-ajalt mõni õpetus Diteksase mudeli rubriigis ajakirjas Rankdarbių kraitelė. Peremehega vesteldes tekkis mõte, et võiksin midagi kududa selle rubriigi jaoks, aga sellega oli kiire. Selgus, et ajakirja peatoimetaja loeb aeg-ajalt minu blogi ja teab, mida teen. Aja kokkuhoiu mõttes soovitas ta, et kooksin Dideksase lõngast vana mudeli ja kirjutaksin õpetuse vastavalt just sellele lõngale. Kudusin meeletu kiirusega ja sain 3 päevaga valmis. Nüüd maikuu numbris ilmuski.
The story starts with my longer visit in March to Lithuania where, as you know, I often went to Diteksas yarn store. The name of this establishment has been changed to a more refined Mados garažas (Fashion garage) but many people use the old name out of habit. The store sells fabrics and yarns in cones. In order to promote the yarns, from time to time the store publishes designs under the heading of Diteksas design in the craft magazine Rankdarbių kraitelė. During one of our conversations the owner suggested that I could design something for this rubric but there was practically no time left. It came out that the editor of the magazine reads my blog from time to time and knows my work. In order to save the time, she advised to re-knit an old design with Diteksas yarn and to write up a pattern accordingly. I knitted with an enormous speed and finished in 3 days. It appeared in the May issue.
Need, kes loevad seda blogi juba ammusest ajast, teavad, mis kudumiga on tegu. Ajakiri ise on eesti lugejale tuttav Minu Käsitööd nime all. Leedulased on ettevõtlikud, lasevad tõlkida eesti, läti ja vene keelde. Oleks huvitav võrrelda sisu. Nii leedu, kui eesti versioonis on palju SMC firma mudeleid ja lõngareklaami, aga mul on mulje, et leedu variandis on ka kohalike kudujate töid.
Those who have been reading this blog for a long time already now what design it is. The magazine is familiar to Estonian readers, too, under the name Minu Käsitööd. The Lithuanians are energetic and get it translated into Estonian, Latvian and Russian. It would be instructive to compare the contents. Both Lithuanian and Estonian version have a lot of SMC models and yarn advertisments but I think that the Lithuanian magazine shows works of Lithuanian knitters as well.
The story starts with my longer visit in March to Lithuania where, as you know, I often went to Diteksas yarn store. The name of this establishment has been changed to a more refined Mados garažas (Fashion garage) but many people use the old name out of habit. The store sells fabrics and yarns in cones. In order to promote the yarns, from time to time the store publishes designs under the heading of Diteksas design in the craft magazine Rankdarbių kraitelė. During one of our conversations the owner suggested that I could design something for this rubric but there was practically no time left. It came out that the editor of the magazine reads my blog from time to time and knows my work. In order to save the time, she advised to re-knit an old design with Diteksas yarn and to write up a pattern accordingly. I knitted with an enormous speed and finished in 3 days. It appeared in the May issue.
Need, kes loevad seda blogi juba ammusest ajast, teavad, mis kudumiga on tegu. Ajakiri ise on eesti lugejale tuttav Minu Käsitööd nime all. Leedulased on ettevõtlikud, lasevad tõlkida eesti, läti ja vene keelde. Oleks huvitav võrrelda sisu. Nii leedu, kui eesti versioonis on palju SMC firma mudeleid ja lõngareklaami, aga mul on mulje, et leedu variandis on ka kohalike kudujate töid.
Those who have been reading this blog for a long time already now what design it is. The magazine is familiar to Estonian readers, too, under the name Minu Käsitööd. The Lithuanians are energetic and get it translated into Estonian, Latvian and Russian. It would be instructive to compare the contents. Both Lithuanian and Estonian version have a lot of SMC models and yarn advertisments but I think that the Lithuanian magazine shows works of Lithuanian knitters as well.
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