Eelmises postituses näitasin algust, nüüd saab juba rohkem näidata.
In the last post I showed the beginning and now I can show more.
Nagu näha, alustasin abilõngaga. See on mitmel põhjusel hea (kuigi pole kohustuslik). Esiteks, annab mõtlemisaega, näiteks, ma ei tea veel, kas krae tuleb samast lõngast või samavärvilisest, aga hoopis teistsugusest lõngast. Teiseks, nn lühikesi ridu võib teha ka tagantjärgi, kui neid on vaja. Kui on suur lehtrikujuline krae, siis pole tingimata vaja (vähemalt minu figuuri puhul). Kolmandaks, saab paremini modelleerida krae suurust ja kuju, kui see jääb viimaseks.
As you can see, I started with a waste yarn. It is good for a number of reasons, albeit not strictly necessary. First, it gives you some time for thinking, for instance, I don't know yet whether the collar will be from the same yarn or from a completely different yarn in the same colour. Second, you can do so-called short rows later on, if you need. If there is a big funnel-shaped collar, this is not obligatory (at least for my body shape). Third, it is more convenient to regulate the size and the shape of the collar if it remains the last thing to knit.
pühapäev, 31. august 2014
reede, 29. august 2014
Raglaan üle hulga aja/A raglan after a while
Arvata võib, et Emma raamat tuletas mulle meelde, et pole ammu kudunud raglaani. Alustasingi! Lemmikkombinatsioon: mohäär + peenike meriino. Siin on algus.
As you can guess, Emma's book reminded me that I had not knitted raglan for a while. So I started one! My favourite combination: mohair + laceweight merino. Here is the beginning.
Mul on kavas mõned tehnilised nõksud. Vaatame, kuidas välja tuleb, siis kirjutan pikemalt.
I have some technical tricks in store. We shall see how it will work out and then I will write in more details.
As you can guess, Emma's book reminded me that I had not knitted raglan for a while. So I started one! My favourite combination: mohair + laceweight merino. Here is the beginning.
Mul on kavas mõned tehnilised nõksud. Vaatame, kuidas välja tuleb, siis kirjutan pikemalt.
I have some technical tricks in store. We shall see how it will work out and then I will write in more details.
kolmapäev, 27. august 2014
Emma kingitus/A present from Emma
Emma on itaalia kuduja ja disainer, tal on üpris palju kudumeid ja õpetusi Ravelrys. Loen tema blogi. Sealt saingi teada, et tal on ilmunud raamat. Nagu minagi, eelistab Emma õmblusteta kudumist. Kuna raamatu pealkiri on La Maglia Top-Down, siis isegi itaalia keelt oskamata on selge, et jutt on ülevalt alla kudumisest. Kirjutasin talle ja leppisime kokku, et teeme raamatuvahetuse. Tõsi küll, ingliskeelne versioon ilmub kunagi hiljem, aga kudumisõpetusi võib tihtilugu lugeda ka keelt korralikult oskamata (lähedased sugulaskeeled on muidugi abiks, nagu minu üsna piiratud prantsuse keel). Veel rohkem aitavad teadmised valdkonnast (antud juhul kudumisest), loogika ja mistahes erialase teksti sõnavara ja konstruktsioonide suurem ennustatavus võrreldes ilukirjandus- või isegi ajalehetekstiga (vaevalt, et seal tuleb juttu valimissüsteemidest, hüdrolüüsist, tähtede särast või grammatilistest kategooriatest).
Emma is an Italian knitter and designer, she has quite a few designs and projects on Ravelry. I read her blog. From her blog I learned that she had publised a book. Like myself, Emma prefers seamless knitting. As the title is La Maglia Top-Down, even without any knowledge of Italian one can figure out that the book is about top-down knitting. I wrote to her and we decided upon book excange. Albeit an English version will appear later, it is possible to understand knitting instructions without a decent proficiency in the language (closely related languages, like my rather limited French, are an advantage). But even more helpful is knowledge in a particular domain (knitting in our case), logic and appreciation of the fact that special texts have rather predictable lexicon and idioms, as compared to fiction or even media texts (it is highly improbable that such a book will elaborate on election systems, hydrolysis, shining stars or grammatical categories).
Raamatus on palju fotosid ja jooniseid. Põhilised konstruktsioonid on raglaan, ümmargune passe ja mitmesugused modifikatsioonid. Nt õpetatakse, kuidas kalkuleerida silmuste arvu, kui tahame laiemaid varrukaid. Kuna raglaan ja ümmargune passe põhinevad reeglipärastel kasvatustel, arutatakse mitmeid silmuste kasvatamise tehnikaid. Emma poseerib ise oma kudumites. Mul on mõned lemmikud ka:
The book has a lot of photos and graphs. The main constructions are raglan and round yoke and modifications thereof. For instance, you can learn how to calculate stitces for wider sleeves. As raglan and round yoke include regular increases, various kinds of increase techniques are discussed. Emma is modelling her own designs. I have some favourites:
Grazie, Emma! Thanks a lot, Emma! Aitäh, Emma!
Emma is an Italian knitter and designer, she has quite a few designs and projects on Ravelry. I read her blog. From her blog I learned that she had publised a book. Like myself, Emma prefers seamless knitting. As the title is La Maglia Top-Down, even without any knowledge of Italian one can figure out that the book is about top-down knitting. I wrote to her and we decided upon book excange. Albeit an English version will appear later, it is possible to understand knitting instructions without a decent proficiency in the language (closely related languages, like my rather limited French, are an advantage). But even more helpful is knowledge in a particular domain (knitting in our case), logic and appreciation of the fact that special texts have rather predictable lexicon and idioms, as compared to fiction or even media texts (it is highly improbable that such a book will elaborate on election systems, hydrolysis, shining stars or grammatical categories).
Raamatus on palju fotosid ja jooniseid. Põhilised konstruktsioonid on raglaan, ümmargune passe ja mitmesugused modifikatsioonid. Nt õpetatakse, kuidas kalkuleerida silmuste arvu, kui tahame laiemaid varrukaid. Kuna raglaan ja ümmargune passe põhinevad reeglipärastel kasvatustel, arutatakse mitmeid silmuste kasvatamise tehnikaid. Emma poseerib ise oma kudumites. Mul on mõned lemmikud ka:
The book has a lot of photos and graphs. The main constructions are raglan and round yoke and modifications thereof. For instance, you can learn how to calculate stitces for wider sleeves. As raglan and round yoke include regular increases, various kinds of increase techniques are discussed. Emma is modelling her own designs. I have some favourites:
Grazie, Emma! Thanks a lot, Emma! Aitäh, Emma!
esmaspäev, 25. august 2014
Ei sobi/It does not feel right
Eelmises postituses kirjutasin lühidalt ripskoest. Aga selgus, et ei sobi. Selline paradoks: koepind on ilus, aga selga proovides ei tundunud õige. Ei oska öelda, miks. Oletan, et selleks, et üleni ripskoes kudum sobiks mulle, peaks olema teine lõng ja teistsugune faktuur. Võib-olla eksin, aga tundub, et see peaks olema kohevamast lõngast jämeda vardaga kootud. Nii et kunst pole ainult selles, et leida sobiv muster konkreetsele lõngale. Otsustasin, et koon praegu midagi muud, las too lõng ootab.
In the previous post I briefly wrote about garter stitch. Yet, it turned out that it does not suit me. Consider the paradox: the fabric looks nice but after trying on it did not seem rigt. I cannot put my finger on it. I assume that in order to suit me, a fabric entirely in garter stitch should be worked from a fluffier yarn and with larger needles. So it is not only about finding a right stitch pattern for a particular yarn. I decided to work on something else now. Let the yarn wait.
In the previous post I briefly wrote about garter stitch. Yet, it turned out that it does not suit me. Consider the paradox: the fabric looks nice but after trying on it did not seem rigt. I cannot put my finger on it. I assume that in order to suit me, a fabric entirely in garter stitch should be worked from a fluffier yarn and with larger needles. So it is not only about finding a right stitch pattern for a particular yarn. I decided to work on something else now. Let the yarn wait.
laupäev, 23. august 2014
Ripskoe ilu/The beauty of garter stitch
Sellest tuleb lihtne jakk. Ainuke probleem, et ripskude sööb palju lõnga.
This will become a simple cardigan The only problem is that garter stitch eats up a lot of yarn.
This will become a simple cardigan The only problem is that garter stitch eats up a lot of yarn.
neljapäev, 21. august 2014
Kooskudumine ja piilukas/Knitting together and a sneak pic
Eile oli taasiseseisvumise päev, kogunesime Rohelisse Vihmavarju kuduma. Nagu näete, meeleolu oli päris hea.
It was Estonian independence regaining day yesterday and we gathered at Roheline Vihmavari to knit together. As you can see, the mood was rather positive.
Kudujad arutasid kudumeid, muidugimõista.
The knitters discussed knitting, which is obvious.
Ja mul oli kudum lõpusirgel. Näitan osa. Seejuures tekkis arutelu, et võiksin teha midagi, kus on koos lähedased või samad värvid, aga erinevad faktuurid.
And I was about to finish a project. Here is a small fragment. By the way, several knitters mentioned that I could design a knit where two different textures in the same colour or close colours are combined.
It was Estonian independence regaining day yesterday and we gathered at Roheline Vihmavari to knit together. As you can see, the mood was rather positive.
Kudujad arutasid kudumeid, muidugimõista.
The knitters discussed knitting, which is obvious.
Ja mul oli kudum lõpusirgel. Näitan osa. Seejuures tekkis arutelu, et võiksin teha midagi, kus on koos lähedased või samad värvid, aga erinevad faktuurid.
And I was about to finish a project. Here is a small fragment. By the way, several knitters mentioned that I could design a knit where two different textures in the same colour or close colours are combined.
teisipäev, 19. august 2014
Käsitöö 2014 Sügis/Käsitöö magazine 2014 Autumn
Mõnes poes on juba müügil. Kaanel on minu kudum. Selles numbris on mul kokku kaks kudumit. Praegu panen siia kaanepildi ja ülejäänud kudumite pildid panen hiljem.
It is already being sold in some stores. A design of mine is on the cover. Two desings of mine are in this issue. Now I am posting the cover and the rest pictures will be posted later.
Topp on kootud kaekordsest leedu linasest.
The top was knitted from Lithuanian linen held double.
It is already being sold in some stores. A design of mine is on the cover. Two desings of mine are in this issue. Now I am posting the cover and the rest pictures will be posted later.
Topp on kootud kaekordsest leedu linasest.
The top was knitted from Lithuanian linen held double.
pühapäev, 17. august 2014
USA kudumiskruiis Tallinnas/Knitting Cruise from USA in Tallinn
Mu hea tuttav Donna Druchunas teatas juba kevadel, et ta korraldab kudumiskruiisi USA kudujatele. Nad sõidavad Skandinaaviasse, Balti riikidesse ja vist ka St. Peterburgi, kus neile räägitakse kudumistraditsioonidest ja -disainist. Donna küsis, kas võiks neile rääkida oma kudumismeetotidest ja näidata kudumeid. Õnneks saabumine Tallinna oli määratud tänaseks, s.o. päevaks, kui olen just Leedust tagasi jõudnud. Olin nõus; asja aitas korraldada Melissa Gower-Pence (reisikorraldaja USA-st), kirjastus Koolibri (sai kohale toimetatud mitu eksemplari minu raamatut) ja Käsitööliit. Esinesin Käsitööliidu ruumides Pikk 22 Tallinnast, külastajaid oli 4 rühma. Väga tore oli, sest üks asi on lugeda blogi ja vaadata pilte foorumis, teine asi on aga kudumeid oma käega katsuda ja ajakirju-raamatuid lehitseda. Arutelu oli päris elav. Vastasin küsimustele, rääkisin plaanidest ja konkreetsetest kudumitest jms.
My good friend Donna Druchunas infromed me earlier in spring that she was organizing a knitting cruise for USA knitters. They would attend Scandinavia, Baltic states and probably St. Petersburg as well and will hear presentations on knitting traditions and design. Donna asked me whether I would talk about my knitting methods and show my knits. Luckily the group was scheduled to arrive to Tallinna today, that is, the day after my return from Lithuania. I agreed; the event was organized by Melissa Gower-Pence (travel agent from USA), Koolibri publishing house (they delivered several copies of my book to the venue) and Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union. I talked at the quarters of Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union at Pikk 22 in Tallinn and there were 4 groups of knitters. It was lovely because one thing is to read blogs and watch forum pictures and quite a different thing is to be able to touch knitted garments with your own hands and to brouse books and magazines. The discussion was rather lively. I answered numerous questions, discussed planns and particular knits etc.
Hommikul kl 9. Käsitööliit on kõik valmis pannud. Mina ka.
Taaskohtumine Donnaga üle hulga aja. Päev oli üsna täis!
My good friend Donna Druchunas infromed me earlier in spring that she was organizing a knitting cruise for USA knitters. They would attend Scandinavia, Baltic states and probably St. Petersburg as well and will hear presentations on knitting traditions and design. Donna asked me whether I would talk about my knitting methods and show my knits. Luckily the group was scheduled to arrive to Tallinna today, that is, the day after my return from Lithuania. I agreed; the event was organized by Melissa Gower-Pence (travel agent from USA), Koolibri publishing house (they delivered several copies of my book to the venue) and Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union. I talked at the quarters of Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union at Pikk 22 in Tallinn and there were 4 groups of knitters. It was lovely because one thing is to read blogs and watch forum pictures and quite a different thing is to be able to touch knitted garments with your own hands and to brouse books and magazines. The discussion was rather lively. I answered numerous questions, discussed planns and particular knits etc.
Hommikul kl 9. Käsitööliit on kõik valmis pannud. Mina ka.
At 9 a.m. Crafts Union has prepared everything. Me as well.
Re-union with Donna after a long pause. The day was quite full!
reede, 15. august 2014
Lihtne lilla vest/A simple purple vest
Näitan lubatud pilte. Aitäh, Sonata!
Here are the pictures I promised. Thank you, Sonata!
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton Viscose (Drops), ~ 5,5 tokki/balls.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
On näha, et keskel on heledam triip. Tokid on samast partiist ja pealtnäha pole midagi, avastasin erinevuse siis, kui oli juba paras tükk koepinda. Ma ei ole triipude austaja, aga arvan, et antud juhul see ei häiri.
You can see that there is a lighter stripe in the middle. The balls are from the same dye lot and you cannot notice a thing at the first glance; I discovered the difference only after having knitted a considerable piece of fabric. I am not a fan of stripes but I think that it does not bother in this case.
Ühtlasi see on mu viimane päev Vilniuses, homme sõidan koju. Oli kena siin olla, nagu alati!
Also this is my last day in Vilnius, I am leaving tomorrow. It was nice to be here, as always!
Here are the pictures I promised. Thank you, Sonata!
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton Viscose (Drops), ~ 5,5 tokki/balls.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
On näha, et keskel on heledam triip. Tokid on samast partiist ja pealtnäha pole midagi, avastasin erinevuse siis, kui oli juba paras tükk koepinda. Ma ei ole triipude austaja, aga arvan, et antud juhul see ei häiri.
You can see that there is a lighter stripe in the middle. The balls are from the same dye lot and you cannot notice a thing at the first glance; I discovered the difference only after having knitted a considerable piece of fabric. I am not a fan of stripes but I think that it does not bother in this case.
Ühtlasi see on mu viimane päev Vilniuses, homme sõidan koju. Oli kena siin olla, nagu alati!
Also this is my last day in Vilnius, I am leaving tomorrow. It was nice to be here, as always!
teisipäev, 12. august 2014
Valmisvest ja linased topid/The finished vest and linen tops
Siin on kodune pilt, tuleb veel otsad ära peita. Väga lihtne kudum. Kui õnnestub, siis saab homme ka pildistatud.
Here is a home picture and I have to weave in the ends. It is a fairly simple knit. If possible, tomorrow I will have proper pictures taken.
Veel üks asi: paistab, et see kord on Mial ja mul täitsa paralleelkudumine! Alustasime mõlemad umbes samal ajal toppi linasest, mõlemal on 2 erivärvilist lõnga koos ja mõlemad lõpetasime hiljuti. Vaadake tema pilte siin.
One more thing: it appears that Mia and I engaged in parallel knitting this time! We both started a linen top approximately at the same time, both had two strands of different colours and both have finished recently. You can see her pictures here.
Here is a home picture and I have to weave in the ends. It is a fairly simple knit. If possible, tomorrow I will have proper pictures taken.
Veel üks asi: paistab, et see kord on Mial ja mul täitsa paralleelkudumine! Alustasime mõlemad umbes samal ajal toppi linasest, mõlemal on 2 erivärvilist lõnga koos ja mõlemad lõpetasime hiljuti. Vaadake tema pilte siin.
One more thing: it appears that Mia and I engaged in parallel knitting this time! We both started a linen top approximately at the same time, both had two strands of different colours and both have finished recently. You can see her pictures here.
pühapäev, 10. august 2014
Sallkraede teema jätkub/Shawl collar topic is up again
Neljapäeval oli mul tund sallkraede teemal. Kaasas oli 3 kudumit, kus kokku oli 2 sallkrae konstruktsiooni. Need on teile tuttavad kudumid: siin, siin ja siin. Alusasin siis veel ühe konstruktsiooniga kudumit. Aga sellega pole sallkraede konstruktsioonid veel ammendatud. Tundub, et tuleb kõik läbi kududa ja teistel proovida lasta.
On Thurdsay I hold a class on the topic of shawl collar construction. I brought along 3 garments with 2 constructions. You are already familiar with these garments: here, here and here. I also started yet another knit with a different construction. But the whole topic of shawl collar construction is not exhausted yet. It appears that I have to knit up all of them and let others try it out.
Tegelik värv on hästi tume lilla, lõng on Cotton Viscose (Drops).
The true colour is very dark purple and the yarn is Cotton Viscose (by Drops).
On Thurdsay I hold a class on the topic of shawl collar construction. I brought along 3 garments with 2 constructions. You are already familiar with these garments: here, here and here. I also started yet another knit with a different construction. But the whole topic of shawl collar construction is not exhausted yet. It appears that I have to knit up all of them and let others try it out.
Tegelik värv on hästi tume lilla, lõng on Cotton Viscose (Drops).
The true colour is very dark purple and the yarn is Cotton Viscose (by Drops).
reede, 8. august 2014
Linane top on valmis/The linen top is finished
Olen lõpptulemusega päris rahul. Sonata, tänan piltide eest!
I am quite satisfied with the final result. Sonata, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Lituanian linen (100 g/500 m), 320 g (igat värvi/each colour 100 g)
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm, 4 mm
I am quite satisfied with the final result. Sonata, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Lituanian linen (100 g/500 m), 320 g (igat värvi/each colour 100 g)
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm, 4 mm
kolmapäev, 6. august 2014
Vana lugu/An old story
Huvitav, et eelmisel aastal umbes samal ajal oli mul sarnane juhtum. Kavandasin kraega kudumit, pärast selgus, et kaelaava on päris kena, polegi kraed vaja. Kirjutasin sellest siin.
It is interesting that last year at approximately the same time I had a similar story. I was planning a sweater with a tube collar and it became clear that the neck opening looked quite nice and a collar was not needed. I wrote here about it.
Eile olin Mezgimo zonas ja küsisin Sonatalt, kas kraed on vaja, sest mul on kahtlus. Ta arvas samuti, et kaelus on kena, pole kraed vaja. Pealegi on linane kudum mõeldud suveks ja krae võib häirida (kui ilm on selline, nagu praegu, siis tõepoolest). Nii et top on valmis ja kuivab.
Yesterday I was at Mezgimo zona and ask Sonata's opinion whether I should knit a collar because I had doubts. She held the same opinion that it is not needed, as the neck opening looks fine. What's more, a linen knit is meant for summer and a collar can be disturbing (indeed, if the weather is like it is now). So the top is finished and drying.
It is interesting that last year at approximately the same time I had a similar story. I was planning a sweater with a tube collar and it became clear that the neck opening looked quite nice and a collar was not needed. I wrote here about it.
Eile olin Mezgimo zonas ja küsisin Sonatalt, kas kraed on vaja, sest mul on kahtlus. Ta arvas samuti, et kaelus on kena, pole kraed vaja. Pealegi on linane kudum mõeldud suveks ja krae võib häirida (kui ilm on selline, nagu praegu, siis tõepoolest). Nii et top on valmis ja kuivab.
Yesterday I was at Mezgimo zona and ask Sonata's opinion whether I should knit a collar because I had doubts. She held the same opinion that it is not needed, as the neck opening looks fine. What's more, a linen knit is meant for summer and a collar can be disturbing (indeed, if the weather is like it is now). So the top is finished and drying.
esmaspäev, 4. august 2014
Nagu arvata võib, hakkas Mia kohe Mezgimo zona poest hangitud linasest kuduma. Juhtumisi tegin sama. Siin on meie kudumid:
As you can guess, Mia immediately started working on the linen she had got from the Mezgimo zona shop. By coincidence I did the same. Here are our knits:
Kumb kudum on kumma oma?
Who is knitting what?
As you can guess, Mia immediately started working on the linen she had got from the Mezgimo zona shop. By coincidence I did the same. Here are our knits:
Kumb kudum on kumma oma?
Who is knitting what?
laupäev, 2. august 2014
Palavusele vaatamata.../In spite of the heat...
...vaprad kudujad tulevad Vilniusesse ja koovad koos. Juhtus nii, et samal ajal jõudis siia Mia Helsingist ja Regina Tallinnast. Regina oli autoga ja oli lahkesti nõus meid sõidutama. Ise mängisin teejuhi ja tõlgi rolli. Sõitsime Midara poodi ja siis veel Diteksase poodi. Pärast istusime jahedas kohvikus (ei ole naljaasi, praegu olevat näiteks 34 kraadi sooja).
...brave knitters come to Vilnius and knit together. Quite by chance Mia (from Helsinki) and Regina (from Tallinn) got here at the same moment. Regina had a car and was kind to drive around. I showed directions and served as an interpreter. We went to Midara store and then to Diteksas store. Later we sat in an air-conditioned café (it is far from being funny, for instance, the temperature is said to be about 34 degrees right now).
Aitäh! Oli kena õhtu!
Thank you! It was a nice evening!
...brave knitters come to Vilnius and knit together. Quite by chance Mia (from Helsinki) and Regina (from Tallinn) got here at the same moment. Regina had a car and was kind to drive around. I showed directions and served as an interpreter. We went to Midara store and then to Diteksas store. Later we sat in an air-conditioned café (it is far from being funny, for instance, the temperature is said to be about 34 degrees right now).
Aitäh! Oli kena õhtu!
Thank you! It was a nice evening!
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