Jälle jakk! Aga lugu on selline, et ostsin lõnga millegi muu jaoks ja lõng osutus ebasobivaks. Mõtlesin, et teen midagi, mis sellele lõngale sobib (teine võimalus oleks otsida sobivat lõnga jms). Kuna ei tahtnud kududa labases koes, tuli lihtne muster.
A cardi again! But the thing is that I bought some yarn for something else and the yarn turned out to be unsuitable for that purpose. I decided to make something that agrees with the yarn (another option would be to look for a suitable yarn etc). As I did not want to knit plain stockinette, I chose a simple pattern.
Kui kunagi edaspidi tuleb õpetada Rahvaülikoolis või ükskõik kus kohas, võiks teha eraldi meistriklassi sallkraega jaki disainimisest. Tunnis rääkisime põhiliselt kraedest ja selles kontekstis ka sallkraes, aga antud juhul oleks põhirõhk just jakil.
If in future I have to teach at Folk University or at any other place, I could make a separate master class on design of a shawl collar cardi. In class we discussed all kind of collars and shawl collars under this heading but here the stress woul be on cardigan itself.
esmaspäev, 30. november 2015
laupäev, 28. november 2015
Lühike postitus/A short post
Topp sai valmis ja sain eile tunnis näidata. Arutasime läbi konstruktsiooni, sain üht-teist üldistada ja sõnastada. Sellest kunagi teine kord. Võib-olla teen varsti järgmise moidifikatsiooni.
The top got finished and I showed it yesterday in class. We discussed the construction and I was able to generalize and formulate certain things. I will write about it another time. Maybe I will make a next modification soon.
Aitäh kõigile õpilastele, oli tore rühm!
Many thanks to all students, the group was quite nice!
The top got finished and I showed it yesterday in class. We discussed the construction and I was able to generalize and formulate certain things. I will write about it another time. Maybe I will make a next modification soon.
Aitäh kõigile õpilastele, oli tore rühm!
Many thanks to all students, the group was quite nice!
neljapäev, 26. november 2015
Mitte päriselt Nahkhiir, aga siiski.../Not exactly a Bat sweater but nevertheless...
Konstruktsiooni aluseks olev kasvatamispõhimõte lubab igasugu vaheldust. Kuna ma ei tahtnud laia varrukat, teen hoopis lühikese varrukaga topi, aga mitte ilma varrukata. Siin näeb varruka kuju.
The increase principle upon which the construction is based allows for a great deal of variation. As I did not want a wide sleeve, I am going to make a short-sleeved top (but not a sleeveless one). Here you can see the shape of the sleeve.
Homme tunnis räägime sellest rohkem. Mul on vaja kududa veel 15-20 cm alla, võib-olla saan homme juba päris valmis toppi näidata.
We will talk more tomorrow in class. I have to knit about 15-20 cm downwards and maybe I will be able to show the finished top tomorrow.
The increase principle upon which the construction is based allows for a great deal of variation. As I did not want a wide sleeve, I am going to make a short-sleeved top (but not a sleeveless one). Here you can see the shape of the sleeve.
Homme tunnis räägime sellest rohkem. Mul on vaja kududa veel 15-20 cm alla, võib-olla saan homme juba päris valmis toppi näidata.
We will talk more tomorrow in class. I have to knit about 15-20 cm downwards and maybe I will be able to show the finished top tomorrow.
teisipäev, 24. november 2015
Üht ja teist/Various matters
Shetlandi villast jakk on valmis ja ära kuivanud. Võib-olla õnnestub sel nädalal korralikult pildistada. Kulus alla 300 g (lõng on 100 g/270 m ehk samasugune nagu Raasiku 8/3).
The cardi from Shetland wool is finished and dry. Perhaps it would be possible to take proper pictures this week. I used up less than 300 g (the yarn is 100 g/270 m, which is the same as for the Raasiku factory 8/3).
Õpilaste palvel alustasin midagi Nahkhiire sviitri moodi. Vaatame, kuidas edasi välja kujuneb, võib-olla tuleb mingeid modifikatsioone.
On the request of my students I start something in the spirit of the Bat sweater. We shall see how it evolves and maybe there will be modifications.
The cardi from Shetland wool is finished and dry. Perhaps it would be possible to take proper pictures this week. I used up less than 300 g (the yarn is 100 g/270 m, which is the same as for the Raasiku factory 8/3).
Õpilaste palvel alustasin midagi Nahkhiire sviitri moodi. Vaatame, kuidas edasi välja kujuneb, võib-olla tuleb mingeid modifikatsioone.
On the request of my students I start something in the spirit of the Bat sweater. We shall see how it evolves and maybe there will be modifications.
pühapäev, 22. november 2015
Eilne esitlus/Yesterday's presentation
Raamatu esitlus Helsingis läks ilusti, suur tänu Sannale ja Kirsile korralduse eest! Miale tänu piltide eest (valgus oli kehv, ruum oli akendeta, aga tähtis on meeleolu). Ja kõigile suur tänu, et tulite kuulama. Katja on juba kirjutanud ja postitanud siin. Nagu ikka, enamik kuulajaid kudus, õige ka!
The book presentation in Helsinki went fine, many thanks to Sanna and Kirsi for organizing! Many thanks to Mia for taking pictures (the light was nonexistent and the room had no windows, but it is the mood that is improtant). And many thanks to all of you who attended. Katja has alreaday written a post here. Quite expectable, the majority of the audience was knitting, which is quite right!
Kirjan esittely Helsingissä meni hyvin, kiitoksia Sannalle ja Kirsille järjestämästä! Mia, kiitokset kuvista (valo oli huono ja huoneessa ei ole ikkinoita, mutta päättävä on mielitila). Kaikille kiitoksia, että tulitte kuuntelemaan. Katja on jo kirjoittanut tässä. Kuten voi olettaa, iso yleisön osa otti neuleensa mukaan, juuri ja juuri oikein!
The book presentation in Helsinki went fine, many thanks to Sanna and Kirsi for organizing! Many thanks to Mia for taking pictures (the light was nonexistent and the room had no windows, but it is the mood that is improtant). And many thanks to all of you who attended. Katja has alreaday written a post here. Quite expectable, the majority of the audience was knitting, which is quite right!
Kirjan esittely Helsingissä meni hyvin, kiitoksia Sannalle ja Kirsille järjestämästä! Mia, kiitokset kuvista (valo oli huono ja huoneessa ei ole ikkinoita, mutta päättävä on mielitila). Kaikille kiitoksia, että tulitte kuuntelemaan. Katja on jo kirjoittanut tässä. Kuten voi olettaa, iso yleisön osa otti neuleensa mukaan, juuri ja juuri oikein!
reede, 20. november 2015
Jälle jakk/A cardigan again
Paistab, et eelmine jakk meeldis paljudele. Ilmselt tuleb ka õpetus, aga pean veel mõtlema. Mulle tundub, et proportsioonid jms on selged ja alustasin kohe veel üht jakki, sakilise mustriga ja Shetlandi villasest.
It appears that the recent cardi was liked by many. Propably, there will be a pattern but I need to think it over. I think I have mastered proportions etc and I started another cardi at once, with a zigzag pattern and from Shetland wool.
Siin on pestud proovilapp. Lõng ei veni, aga muutub üsna pehmeks. Kui tahta väga langevat asja, siis see ei sobi, aga antud juhul pole see oluline. Pestud koepind meenutab tviidi.
This is my swatch after washing. The yarn does not stretch, it becomes rather soft. If you need a drapy fabric, this is not a yarn for it, but in my case it is not important. The washed fabric reminds of tweed.
It appears that the recent cardi was liked by many. Propably, there will be a pattern but I need to think it over. I think I have mastered proportions etc and I started another cardi at once, with a zigzag pattern and from Shetland wool.
Siin on pestud proovilapp. Lõng ei veni, aga muutub üsna pehmeks. Kui tahta väga langevat asja, siis see ei sobi, aga antud juhul pole see oluline. Pestud koepind meenutab tviidi.
This is my swatch after washing. The yarn does not stretch, it becomes rather soft. If you need a drapy fabric, this is not a yarn for it, but in my case it is not important. The washed fabric reminds of tweed.
kolmapäev, 18. november 2015
Lemmikjakk/Favourite cardi
Olen väga rahul selle jakiga. Kirjutasin juba varem, et Dropsi Fabel + peenike meriino (100 g/1400 m) andis samasuguse kudumistiheduse, nagu selle vesti puhul (seal oli teistsugune, pisut jämedam sokilõng). Nüüd tegi Ruta suurepärased pildid, tänan!
I am very pleased with this cardi. I have written earlier that Fabel by Drops + laceweight merino (100 g/1400 m) yields the same gauge as in this vest (for which I used a different, somewhat thicker sock yarn). Now Ruta has taken wonderful pictures, thank you!
See 3-mõõtmeline muster on ühtlasi kahepoolne.
This 3D stitch is also a reversible one.
Lõng/Yarn: Fabel (Drops), 50 g/205 m, ~ 850 m; merino (100 g/1400 m), ~ 60 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
I am very pleased with this cardi. I have written earlier that Fabel by Drops + laceweight merino (100 g/1400 m) yields the same gauge as in this vest (for which I used a different, somewhat thicker sock yarn). Now Ruta has taken wonderful pictures, thank you!
See 3-mõõtmeline muster on ühtlasi kahepoolne.
This 3D stitch is also a reversible one.
Lõng/Yarn: Fabel (Drops), 50 g/205 m, ~ 850 m; merino (100 g/1400 m), ~ 60 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
sokilõng/sock yarn,
pühapäev, 15. november 2015
Ühe sviitri lugu (pole veel lõppenud)/A story of a sweater (is not yet over)
Lugu on nii, et mulle kingitakse lõnga aeg-ajalt või disaini eest makstakse lõngas, siis seda koguneb, kui kohe pole ideed. Varud pole väga suured, aga ikkagi otsustasin, et tahan nendest lõngadest midagi valmis saada. Eelmine sviiter oli just kingitud lõngadest. Olen muide selle sviitriga rahul ja muudkui kannan.
The story goes that I get yarns for present from time to time or I am paid in yarn for a design, so the yarn has a tendency to pile up, if I don't have an idea at once. My stash is not very large, yet I've decided to knit something from these yarns. The previous sweater was exactly from such yarns received as a present. By the way, I am quite satisfied with the sweater and it gets a lot of wear.
Aga mul on ka eelmisest Raasiku retkest tumerohelist 8/2 villast. Ja see konkreetne viht on selline, et proovisin nii ja naa, ei olnud õige. Pitsi ma ei tahtnud, reljeefsete mustrite jaoks pole see lõng eriti hea, siis panin sama mohääri juurde, nagu musta sviitri puhul. Ja siis selgus, et kudumistihedus langes kokku peaaegu täielikult. Üks lihtne kraega sviiter ja veel nii haruldast tumerohelist värvi pole kunagi ülearune. Kes tunneb mind, teab, et kurdan alailma, et "minu" rohelisi peaaegu ei tehta. Roheline värv on õige teisel pildil, kus on kaks lõngakera.
But I also have some Estonian wool 8/2 from my previous Raasiku factory trip. And this particular skein is such that whatever I tried, it did not seem right. I did not want lace and this yarn is not particularly good for a textured pattern, so I combined it with the same mohair as in the black sweater. And then it came out that the gauge is almost identical. A simple sweater with a funnel collar and in such a rare green colour at that is never too much. Those who know me, know my complaints that very few manufacturers have "my" kind of green. The green colour is right in the second picture with two yarn balls.
Nagu näha, üks varrukas on valmis ja teine pooleli. Aga nüüd on küsimus, kas mul jätkub lõnga krae jaoks.
As you can see, one sleeve is finished and I am working on the other one. It is not clear whether I have enough yarn for a collar.
Plaanidest kirjutan kunagi hiljem. Võib öelda, et reedesel tunnil õpilased on lähiplaanid paika pannud.
I will write about my plan somewhat later. One can say that in my Friday class my students shaped my nearest plans.
The story goes that I get yarns for present from time to time or I am paid in yarn for a design, so the yarn has a tendency to pile up, if I don't have an idea at once. My stash is not very large, yet I've decided to knit something from these yarns. The previous sweater was exactly from such yarns received as a present. By the way, I am quite satisfied with the sweater and it gets a lot of wear.
Aga mul on ka eelmisest Raasiku retkest tumerohelist 8/2 villast. Ja see konkreetne viht on selline, et proovisin nii ja naa, ei olnud õige. Pitsi ma ei tahtnud, reljeefsete mustrite jaoks pole see lõng eriti hea, siis panin sama mohääri juurde, nagu musta sviitri puhul. Ja siis selgus, et kudumistihedus langes kokku peaaegu täielikult. Üks lihtne kraega sviiter ja veel nii haruldast tumerohelist värvi pole kunagi ülearune. Kes tunneb mind, teab, et kurdan alailma, et "minu" rohelisi peaaegu ei tehta. Roheline värv on õige teisel pildil, kus on kaks lõngakera.
But I also have some Estonian wool 8/2 from my previous Raasiku factory trip. And this particular skein is such that whatever I tried, it did not seem right. I did not want lace and this yarn is not particularly good for a textured pattern, so I combined it with the same mohair as in the black sweater. And then it came out that the gauge is almost identical. A simple sweater with a funnel collar and in such a rare green colour at that is never too much. Those who know me, know my complaints that very few manufacturers have "my" kind of green. The green colour is right in the second picture with two yarn balls.
Nagu näha, üks varrukas on valmis ja teine pooleli. Aga nüüd on küsimus, kas mul jätkub lõnga krae jaoks.
As you can see, one sleeve is finished and I am working on the other one. It is not clear whether I have enough yarn for a collar.
Plaanidest kirjutan kunagi hiljem. Võib öelda, et reedesel tunnil õpilased on lähiplaanid paika pannud.
I will write about my plan somewhat later. One can say that in my Friday class my students shaped my nearest plans.
Aade lõng,
reede, 13. november 2015
Täna räägime kraedest/Today we talk about collars
Täna tunnis räägime sallkraedest ja nööbiliistudest.
Today we shall talk about shawl collars and button bands in class.
Ja ka nn vabaltlangevast torukraest.
And also about funnel collar.
Tuleb natuke tehnilisi seletusi, aga mitte midagi keerulist.
There will be some technical explanations but nothing very complicated.
Today we shall talk about shawl collars and button bands in class.
Ja ka nn vabaltlangevast torukraest.
And also about funnel collar.
Tuleb natuke tehnilisi seletusi, aga mitte midagi keerulist.
There will be some technical explanations but nothing very complicated.
kolmapäev, 11. november 2015
Jakk on peaaegu kuiv. Tegin mõned pildid. Korralikud pildid kuinagi hiljem.
The cardi is almost dry. I took some pictures. Proper pictures to come later.
Selline on varruka muster.
This is the sleeve pattern.
The cardi is almost dry. I took some pictures. Proper pictures to come later.
Selline on varruka muster.
This is the sleeve pattern.
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