teisipäev, 19. jaanuar 2016

Kolm korda pool svitirit ja kaelarätt/Three times half of a sweater and a shawlette

Ma ei karda harutada, kui asi ei tundu õige olevat. Isegi kui asi on peaaegu valmis. Siin kirjutasin sviitrist, mis ei tundunud õige. Harutasin, vahepeal kudusin muid asju. Siis mõtlesin, et kooks õige poolpatendis. Kõik oli kena, jõudsin juba taljeni, aga siis tundus, et kudum on kuidagi liiga puhvis. Harutasin. Tegin soonikut, mille proovilapp oli väga ilus. Jõudsin taljeni, aga jälle paha lugu: kuigi ei olnud sugugi kitsas, koepind liibus keha vastu. Harutasin. Sellest lõngakombinatsioonist on mul selline jakk, ainult et nüüd on "kaaslane" tumehall, mitte must.
I am not afraid of frogging, if a knit does not feel right. Even if it is almost finished. I wrote here about a sweater that did not seem suitable. I ripped it and worked on other things meanwhile. Then I thought I would like half-patent stitch sweater. Eveything was nice and I got as far as waist but then it appeared that the sweater is too fluffy. I frogged. I made some ribbing that looked quite beautiful as a swatch. Got to the waste line but failed again: although the knit had some positive ease, the fabric tended to cling to the torso. I ripped. I have this cardi from this yarn combination (only this time the "partner" is dark grey and not black):
Seega tinglikult öeldes sakilised mustrid sobivad hästi, aga milleks mulle veel üks sakiline jakk samast lõngast! Nüüd räägime sellest, miks harutatud variandid ei kõlvanud. Kuigi metraaži poolest on põhilõng nagu sokilõng (100 g/400 m) ja seega võrreldav Dropsi Fabeliga ja Aade Lõng 8/2-ga (või Teksrena täisvillasega), ei ole metraaž ainumäärav. Rõhutan seda korduvalt Ravelrys, kui on mõni kooskudumine. Loeb ka koostis. Vaatame nüüd neid pilte, kus on tegemist patendi ja poolpatendiga.
Thus, a kind of chevron pattern would be good for this yarn but do I really need another chevron patterned cardi from the same yarn? Now let us talk about why the frogged attempts did not work. Although the main yarn has the same weight as usual sock yarns (100g/400 m) and is, therefore, comparable to Fabel by Drops and Aade Lõng 8/2 (or pure wool by Teksrena), yarn weight is not the only cirterum. I always stress this on Ravelry when we have a KAL. Fiber composition has to be considered, too. Let us observe the pictures with patent and half-patent stitch.
Roheline sviiter on patentkoes, Aade Lõng 8/2-st (täisvillane, rohkem pilte siin). Must on poolpatent, lõng on Fabel (vill 75 %, nailon 25 %, rohkem pilte siin). Need lõngad ei ole nii pehmed ja vetruvad. Seega ei ole midagi liiga keha ümber. Aga nüüd on mul põhilõng Merino Gold (Madam Tricote, 60 % meriino, 40 % akrüül). Nii et proovisin veel nii ja naa ja otsustasin, et las tuleb kolmnurkne rätik poolpatendis.
The green sweater is in patent stitch from Aade Lõng 8/2 (pure wool, more pictures here). The black one is half-patent and the yarn is Fabel (75 % wook, 25 % nylon, more pics here). The yarns are not so soft and bouncy. Thus, nothing is too tight around the body. In the current case my main yarn is Merino Gold (Madame Tricote, 60 % merino, 40 % acrylic). So I tried out various things and finally decided in favour of a triangular shawl in half-patent stitch.
Nagu näete, koon põiki.
As you can see, I am working sideways.
Seega lõng saab ära kasutatud ja üks tume rätik kulub mulle alati ära. Probleem on lahendatud.
Thus the yarn will be eventually used up and a dark shawlette would not do any harm in my wardrobe. The problem is solved.

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