laupäev, 15. juuni 2019

Samas vaimus/In the same spirit

Nagu kirjutasin eelmises postituses, harutasin tagasi ja tegin veel mõned kahandused (see mudel lubab käigu peal reguleerida). Nüüd on vaja kududa veel paar mustrikorda alla. Ei tea, kas lõnga jätkub. Muster meeldib väga, peaks proovima ka mohääriga. Kirjutan kunagi hiljem, mille poolest see muster erineb paljudest analoogsetest.
As I wrote in the previous post, I ripped some portion of the torso and made some more decreases (this construction allows adjustment as you go). Now I have to knit downwards a couple of repeats. I am not sure whether I have enough yarn. I like the stitch pattern quite a lot and should try it with mohair. Later I will write how this pattern differs from a lot of similar patterns.

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