Kõik teavad juba, et mulle meeldib kududa sama asja teisest lõngast vms. Pildil on uus hakatis.
Everyone already knows that I like knitting the same design from different yarns etc. Here is a new beginning.
Värv pole õige, tegelikult on alumine sviiter täiesti must ja hakatis tumehall. Umbes kuu aega tagasi proovisin kududa seda mustrit peenikesest mohäärist ja üsna peenikesest villasest. Polnud viga, aga samas polnud õige tunne. Siis lisasin nüüd veel ühe peenvillase, nüüd on kolm lõnga koos ja paistab, et edeneb.
The colours are not right, actually, the sweater in the bottom is completely black and the beginning is dark grey. Approximately a month ago I tried to knit this pattern from thin mohair and rather thin wool. It was kind of fine but something felt not right. So I added another strand of laceweight wool and now there are three yarns held together and it seems working.
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