reede, 30. juuli 2010

Kooskudumine/Knitting together

Päris kena oli kududa koos kohalike kudujatega (hulgas oli ka mõni heegeldaja). Klubi koguneb neljapäeviti Mezgimo zona-poes.
It was rather nice to knit together with local knitters (there were some crocheters as well). The club comes together on Thursdays at the Mezgimo zona shop.
Kõik on omavahel tuttavad, vaid mina olin uus. Üks kuduja näitas omakootud traditsioonilisi leedu randmesoojendajaid (rėšinės). Neid kootakse meie ajal üsna palju. Kaunistuseks on klaaspärlid, päris suur töö.
Everyone is familiar with everyone, only I was a newcommer. A knitter showed her traditional Lithuanian wristwarmers (rėšinės). Nowadays they are highly popular. The decoration is from beads, it is quite a piece of work.
Uudistati ka minu lõnga ja seelikuhakatist. Sai lõnga ise katsuda. Mõni soovis kohe, et neid lõngu tellitaks Eestist. Lõngast rääkides: vahepeal on tekkinud segadus, on arvatud, et seelik on linast. Ma ei ostnud poest lina, seelikut koon Eestist kaasatoodud Aade Lõng/Kauni villast 8/2.
Some were curious about my yarn and the proto-skirt. One could touch the yarn. Somebody wished at once that the yarns should be ordered from Estonia. Speaking of yarn: meanwhile some confusion has happend, some people beileive that the skirt is from linen. I did not buy linen in the store, the skirt is being knitted from Aade Lõng/Kauni 8/2 that I brought with me from Estonia.
Ma ei saa öelda, et olen jõudnud palju kududa. Siiski värvide üleminek on juba näha ja muster on heledamal taustal selgem.
I cannot say that I have had time to knit a lot. Still the transition of the colours is already visible and the stitch pattern looks much more clear on a lighter background.

Niipalju mul praegu on, umbes kolmandik.
This is how much I have by now, approximately one third.

kolmapäev, 28. juuli 2010

Seeliku algus/A beginning of a skirt

Näitan nüüd õiget algust. Sellest tuleb seelik. Mõtlesin mitmesuguste konstruktsioonide peale, kuid lähtudes antud lõngast ostustasin suhteliselt konventsionaalse konstruktsiooni kasuks. Loodetavasti huvitavam konstruktsioon tuleb jämedamast lõngast.
I am going to show a true beginning now. It will be a skirt. I was thinking about various constructions but, based on the present yarn, I finally decided in favour of a relatively conventional construction. Hopefully, there will be a more insteresting construction from a thicker yarn.

Nagu näha, mustriks on pseudopalmikud. Nende vahele võib väga edukalt kasvatada. Õige silmade arvuga tuli vaeva näha, sest kalkulatsioon proovilapi järgi andis ühe arvu ja katsetuste teel selgus üpris teistsugune. Kuna praegu olen alles 3-nda mustrikorra juures, on veel suht vähe näha. Tehtud on mul just niipalju:
As you can see, there is a mock-cable pattern. You can rather successfully increase stitches between them. I had difficulties with figureing out the right number of stitches because a calculation based on a swatch resulted in one figure and after trying it out I got a completely different figure. So far I have this much:

Nendele, keda huvitab lina, võin nüüd öelda: hind on 89,99 LT kilo eest. Keritakse niipalju, kui on vaja (pole kohustust osta terve pool). Metraaž ei ole markeeritud, lõng on 4-kordne. On midagi Raasiku 8/1 ja 8/2 vahel.
For those who are interested in linen, I have this information: price 89,99 LT for a kilo. They can sell as much as you want (you don't have to purchase an entire bobbin). Meters/grams are not marked, the yarn is 4-ply. Something between Aade Lõng/Kauni/Raasiku 8/1 and 8/2.

esmaspäev, 26. juuli 2010

Väga lühike jutt/A very short post

Jutt on lühike, kuna tööd on palju ja ma ei jõudnud eriti kudua. Siiski teen midagi. Siin on proovilapp pseudopalmikute sarjast.
The post is rather short because I have lot of work and did not have enough time to knit. Still, I am doing something. Here is a swatch from the series of mock-cables.

Nagu näha, keskel on ripskude, mitte pahempidine.
As you can see, there is garter stitch and not reversed stockinette in the middle.

Ja lõngaks on Aade Lõng 8/2, must-tumehall-helehall.
And the yarn is Aade Lõng 8/2, black-dark-grey-light-grey.

Loodan, et varsti on rohkem aega, et kirjutada pikemalt.
I hope to have more time soon for a more detailed entry.

laupäev, 24. juuli 2010

Mezgimo zona/Kudumistsoon/Knitting zone

Eile ja täna käisin Vilniuse kõige uuemas lõngapoes nimega Mezgimo zona. Poel on päris korralik koduleht (praegu ainult leedu keeles, aga loodetavasti keeli lisandub) ja perenaine on Ravelrys.
Yesterday and today I visited the newest yarnstore Mezgimo zona in Vilnius. The store has a quite informative homepage (so far in Lithuanian only but hopefully there will be more languages) and the owner is a Ravelry member.
Alustame sildist:
Let us start with the sign:

Lahtioleku ajad:
Working hours:

Vitriinides on palju vaimukaid asju, näiteks sellised padjad:
There are many hip things on the display, for instiance, pillows like this:

Lõnga sortiment pole kõige odavam. Kõige paremini on esindatud Drops ja Noro, mingil määral Rowani mohäär, Regia, Opal, Rosario, Schoppelwolle. On ka maavillast Zakopanest, ainult et see on hästi kare, meie Raasiku lõngast palju karedam.
The goods are not exactly on the cheap side. Drops and Noro are represented best and there is some Rowan mohair, as well as Regia, Opal, Rosario, Schoppelwolle. There is some country yarn from Zakopane but it is rather coarse, much more than our Raasiku (aka Aade Lõng aka Kauni) yarn.

Leidub ka leedu lina kõikviõimalikes värvides (ülemine rida):
There is Lithuanian linen in all kind of colours (the upper row):

Päris korralik raamatukogu:
Quite an impressive library:

Raamatud ja ajakirjad on jagatud rubriikide järgi, siin on näiteks mustrid ja tehnikad:
The books and magazines are grouped according to topics, for instance, here are stitch patterns and techniques:

Veel lõngu:
More yarns:

Perenaine jõudis hiljuti Eestist tagasi:
The owner has just returned from Estonia:

Mainisin, et pood pole kõige odavam. Kuid oluline on õhkkond. Neljapäeviti käib koos kudumisklubi (huvitav, kas tuleval neljapäeval tuleb keegi, sest näiteks täna lubati kuni 36 kraadi sooja?). Võib niisama sisse astuda ja juttu ajada, laua ääres kududa, vaadata raamatuid ja ajakirju, küsida nõu.
I mentioned that the store is not very cheap. Still, it is the atmosphere that counts. On Thursdays a knitting club comes together (interesting, will anybody come next Thursday because, for example, today's forecast was 36 degrees?). You can just go in and have a chat, knit at the table, leaf trough books and magazines, ask for advice.

neljapäev, 22. juuli 2010


Lühike postitus enne ärasõitu. Diagonaal meeldib mulle. Parempidiste-pahempidiste arvu võib reguleerida, triibud võivad olla tihedamad või hõredamad.
A brief post before departure. I like diagonals. The number of knit and purl stitches can be adjusted, the stripes can be more or less dense.

Nagu varem mainitud, vardad on 10 mm:
As mentioned earlier, the needles are 10 mm:

Praegu ei saa rohkem avaldada, see peab olema üllatus. Tulen selle kudumi juurde tagasi hiljem. Kunagi hiljem tulen selle juurde tagasi. Olen homsest alates 4 nädalat Leedus. Plaanis on lõngapoodide ülevaade ja muud huvitavat.
I cannot reveal more at this point, it has to be a surprise. I will return to this project later. Starting from tomorrow I will spent 4 weeks in Lithuania. The plans are to do an overview of yarn shops and other interesting things.

esmaspäev, 19. juuli 2010


Uskuge või mitte, aga tegelikult on see lõng täiesti sirelikarva. Piltidel paistab küll hall. Eile õhtul vaatasime ja arutlesime kodus, leidsime, et krae, nagu siin, oleks siiski ülearune. Mõnikord on vastus kohe selge.
Believe it or not but the yarn has the colour of lilac. In the pictures you see gray. Yesterday in the evening we looked and discussed it with my family and decided that a collar like this one would be redundant. Sometimes it is a clear answer.

Nagu ikka, on Pronksi poes häid nurki, kus pildistada.
As usual, the Pronksi yarn shop has nice corners for a photo-shoot.

Õnneks on keldris sel aastaajal piisavalt jahe, et poseerida mohäärkudum seljas.
Fortunately, it is cool enough in the cellar at this time of the year to model a mohair cardigan.

Veel pilte:
More pictures:

On the glass:

Kudum on kerge:
The garment is light:

Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Lõng/Yarn: Emmebi Kiddy, 70 % mohäär, 30 % polüester (25 g/240 m)
Kulus tokke/Skeins used: 2,5
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Kootud ühes tükis ülevalt alla, varrukad ka ülevalt alla.
Seamless top-down knit, set-in sleeves.

laupäev, 17. juuli 2010


Täna kohtusin Annega, kellega oleme kirjavahetuses ning vahetame lõngu ja lõngauudiseid. Kavas oli Liann, Karnaluks ja Pronksi pood. Nii tegimegi. Lisaks oli meil lõngavahetus: Annele andsin mohääri, vastu sain Sivilla Weterhoffi siidi-villa segu. See lõng on mulle tuttav.
Today Anne and I met; we've been corresponding and exchanging yarns and yarn news. The plan was to visit Liann, Karnaluks and Pronksi yarn shops. That is what we did. In addition we exchanged yarns: I gave some mohair to Anne and got Sivilla Weterhoff silk-wool blend. The yarn is familiar.

Käisime Liannis ja Karnaluksis, kus uurisime ja ostsime lõngu. Hommikul oli veel vähe rahvast. Siis läksime kohvi jooma ja kudusime koos.
We went to Liann and to Karnaluks where we inspected and bought some yarns. It was not yet crowded in the morning. Then we had coffee and knitted together.
Anne tegi lahkesti pildi minu poolikust jakist:
Anne was kind to take a picture of my progressing jacket:

Siis läksime Pronksi poodi. Poes rippus Merevaht, Anne proovis selga ja Anu pildistas:
Then we went to Pronksi shop. The Merevaht top was on offer there and Anne tried it on and Anu took the picture:

Ilmselt õpetus tuleb ka.
Probably there will be a pattern.
Ja Anu pildistas lähemalt mohäärijakki:
And Anu took closer pictures of the mohair jacket.

Üks varrukas on peaaegu valmis.
One sleeve is almost finished.

Aitäh, Anne, oli väga kena kohtuda!
Kiitos, Anne, oli hauska tavata!
Thank you, Anne, it was nice to see you!

neljapäev, 15. juuli 2010

Paks ja peenike/Thick and thin

Vaatamata palavusele, tuleb mõelda ka paksule lõngale. Antud juhul pole tegu minu valikuga, muidu kooks praegu ainult mohääri ja viskoosisegust lõnga. Siiski pean ütlema, et väljakutse on ahvatlev. Hästi jäme villane lõng, õige varda valik võttis aega.
Despite the heat I have to think about thick yarns, too. In this case, it is not my choice, otherwise I would knit only mohair or rayon-blend at this point. Still, I must say the challenge is attractive. It is an extremely thick pure wool and picking up the right needle size took some time.

Lõng seab teatud piiranguid. Sobiv vardanumber on 10 mm. Järelikult augud ei kõlba. Palmikud ei ole iseenesest võimatud, kuid niigi paks kude muutuks veelgi paksemaks. Ma ei saa praegu pikemalt rääkida sellest kudumist, näitan vaid proovilappi lahendusega.
The yarn sets limitations. The right needle size is 10 mm. Therefore, holes are not welcome. Cables are not impossible as such but the fabric is thick enough and would become even thicker. I cannot talk more about the project right now but I show a swatch with my solution.

Mohäärikudum (peenike) edeneb ka. Pilt pole eriti informatiivne. Seletuseks niipalju, et kereosa on peaaegu valmis, oleks vaja veel 2-3 mustrikorda.
The mohair project (the thin one) is progressing as well. The picture is not very informative. To be more specific, the torso part is almost finished, I need 2-3 repeats more.

Nii et kui öeldakse "paks lõng", peaks alati täpsustama ja nõudma konkreetseid arve. See sviiter on kah paksust lõngast, ometi mitte nii paksust nagu praegune. Sama kehtib ka "väga peenikese lõnga" kohta.
Thus, when someone says "thick yarn", it is always reasonable to be specific and to ask for particular figures. This sweater is from thick yarn as well, however, not as thick as the present one. The same goes for "very thin yarn".

teisipäev, 13. juuli 2010

Jälle mohäär/Mohair again

Ma ei armasta ega talu palavust. Millegipärast mohääri suudan praegu kududa, see tundub kerge. Kuna kodus on 3 tokki Emmebi Kiddy sireli värvi mohääri, otsustasin kududa endale ruttu ühe väikse jaki. Seni on täitsa probleemitu kudum.
I don't like heat, neither can tolerate it. Somehow I manage to knit mohair, it seems so light. As I have 3 skeins of lilac-coloured Emmebi Kiddy mohair, I decided to knit a quick small jacket for myself. So far it has been unproblematic.

Nagu näha, mustriks on vana hea vausabakiri. Seni on kootud niipalju:
As you can see, the lace pattern is the good old horse shoe stitch. This is what I have by now:
Ja kududes mohääri, ei saa me läbi aknapildita!
And, while knitting mohair, we cannot do without a window picture!

Teen veel krae ripskoes ja varrukad tulevad sama mustriga nagu kereosa.
I will make a collar in garter stitch and the sleeves will be in the same pattern as the body.

pühapäev, 11. juuli 2010

Kodus/At home

Olen lõpuks kodus. Valge jakk on valmis. Kuna pole minu värv ega suurus, tuleb otsida korralik modell. Niikaua on modellita pilte.
I am at home finally. The white jacket is finished. As this is not my colour nor size, it is necessary to look for a proper model. So far the pictures are without a model.
The collar:

Varruka muster:
Lace pattern on the sleeve:

Ülemine osa:
The upper part:
Natuke varrukaid:
A little bit of the sleeves:

Window picture:

Lõng/Yarn: Fonty Kidopale mohair (70 % superkid mohair, 30 % polyamide), 25 g/250 m
Kasutatud tokke/Skeins used: ~ 2,5.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Suurus/Size: M

neljapäev, 8. juuli 2010

Wollstation 1

Seekord pilte pole. Väike täiendus Wollstation 1 poe kohta. Käisin seal, pood on päris väike. Seal müüakse Eesti lõnga! Antud juhul Evillat. Küsisin, kas tellitakse otselt, selgus, et hoopis Taani kaudu. Praegu müüakse kõike 25 % odavamalt, vahetatakse välja kogu sortiment. Mis on uus, seda müüja veel ei osanud öelda. Peale Evilla oli seal Dropsi, natuke Langi, natuke Mondiali, natuke Schachenmayri lõngu. Dropsi alpakat oleks ostnud, aga värvid kahjuks ei sobinud. Mohääri oli esindatud vaid mõne Dropsi Kidsilki tokiga, kahjuks needki mulle sobimatud värvid. Üldmulje võis olla vale, kuna parajasti toimub lõnga vahetus, aga siin see on: valik on kuidagi juhuslik. Sellegipoolest on mul hea meel, et käisin.

This time no photos. A small addition about Wollstation 1 yarn store. I went there, it is a rather small shop. They carry Estonian yarns! Evilla in this case. I asked whether they order directly but they order somehow via Denmark. Now everything is sold at a 25 % discount, to be substituted with new yarns. What the new stock is, the saleswoman could not say yet. In addition to Evilla there was Drops, some Lang, some Mondial, some Schachenmayr yarns. I would have bought Drops alpaca but, unfortunately, the colours were nto suitable. Mohair was represented by some skeins of Drops Kidsilk; unfotunatley these colours did not suite either. My general impression can be wrong of course because the stock is being changed, but here it is: the choice is somehow very random. Still, I am glad I went there.

teisipäev, 6. juuli 2010

Väike ülevaade/A little overview

Olen Bielefeldis ja otsustasin teha väikse ülevaate. Käisin lõngapoode uurimas ja ostsin paar ajakirja.
I am in Bielefeld and decided to do a small overview. Today I went to look into yarn stores and bought a couple of magazines.
Sellesse poodi ma ei saanud, sest see on lahti imelikel kellaaegadel. Ehk kunagi hiljem.
I did not manage to visit this store because it has somewhat strange working schedule. Maybe later.
See-eest sain Wollrausch-nimellisse poodi, mis asub vanalinnas.
Still, I visited Wollrausch yarn store in the old town.
Müüja oli sõbralik. Ise istus ja kudus. Poes müüakse Anny Blatt ja Lana Grossa lõngu, samuti on Norot ja sokilõngu. Mohäärivalik polnud kiita. Anny Blatt lõngad on hirmkallid (ma ei imesta). Lana Grossa ei ole väga odav, kuid siiski mõistlikkuse piires. Oli hästi palju puuvillaseid ja puuvillaseguseid lõngu. Poes võib lehitseda ka mitmesuguseid saksakeelseid ajakirju (Filatti, Online, Sabrina, Strickterends jne). Neist paljud on ka Eestis kättesaadavad.
The saleswoman was friendly. She was sitting and knitting. The store has Anny Blatt and Lana Gross yarns, also Noro and sock yarns. The choice of mohair is poor. Anny Blatt yarn is unreasonably expensive (not that I am surprised). Lana Grossa is not very cheap but still within the limits of reason. There were a lot of cotton and cotton-blend yarns. One can also leaf through various German-language magazines (Filatti, Online, Sabrina, Strickterends etc). Many of them are available in Estonia as well.
Siis läksin kioski ajakirju vaatama. Kioskites ja raamatupoodides on teine valik. Saksakeelsete käsitööajakirjade arv on muljetavaldav.
Then I went to get a look at magazines in a kiosk. Kiosks and bookstores have a different choice. The number of German-language craft magazines is impressive.
Paljude ajakirjade seast valisin Modische Masche ja mustrivihu. Modische Masche on kena mustrite poolest. On näha, et ka lihtsad mustrid võivad olla võluvad. Näiteks see kleit: üleval on vausabakiri, mis läheb üle soonikuks. Üleminekulüliks on palmikud.
I chose Modische Masche and a stitch pattern brochure. Modische Masche is also good for picking various stitch patterns. You can see that even simple patterns can be charming. For instance this dress: horseshue pattern on top is combined with a sort of ribbing in the bottom. Cables serve as a transition.
Lihtsad pitsimustrid:
Simple lace patterns:
Viimasel ajal meeldivad mulle sakilised mustrid. Kas just nii kirjud, on ise küsimus, aga nad sobivad päris mitmesugustele lõngadele.
Recently I became fond of wave patterns. Maybe not in this colour combination but still they look good in many different yarns.

The stitch pattern brochure:
Mulle meeldib koostajate lähenemine. Alguses on selline jutt: head lugejad, nüüd saate kududa sviitri täitsa oma maitse järgi. Valige mustreid jms. On ka mitme sviitri õpetust, aga enamasti on mustrid, mis on ilusti liigendatud:
I like the approach of the editors. In the beginning they say something like this: dear readers, now you can knit a sweater according to your taste. Choose stitch patterns etc. Some sweater patterns are provided in the brochure but mostly there are stitch patterns that are nicely classified:

Lehe ja rombimustreid on seal piisavalt.
There are quite a lot of leaf and dimond patterns.
Mõni on hästi tuntud, mõni vähem tuntud. Aga see palmikmuster tundus mulle huvitav ja ebastandardne:
Some of them are well-known and some less known. But this cable appeared rather interesting and non-standard.
Loodan, et saan tulevikus mustreid kastuada, modifitseerida, kombineerida jms. Mustrid on nagu ehitusmaterjal.
I hope to be able to use, modify, combine etc some patterns in future. Stitch patterns are like building blocks.