Mahakudumine ei ole nii lihtne, nagu esialgu paistab. Üks tuttav kuduja kurtis, et mahakootud äär kisub, kuigi ta on proovinud maha kududa 2-3 numbri võrra jämedama vardaga. Tegelikult ei aita jämedam varras, tuleb appi võtta mõned nipid. Mahakudumiseks on mul vähemalt 3 viisi: tavaline, nn lõtv ja eriti lõtv. Viimasel ajal panen oma õpetustesse lõdva mahakudumise kirjelduse, kui seda on vaja. Ja neid viise saab omavahel kombineerida. Valik sõltub lõngast, aga ka sellest, kas on kaelus, varrukas, kampsuni või seeliku äär jms, ning sellest, kas tahame fikseerida või mitte. Mida aga teha, kui tahame säilitada sakilist äärt, nagu siin?
Bind-off is not as simple as it seems in the beginning. A friend knitter complained that the bind-off edge is too tight even if she tries to bind off with needles 2 or 3 numbers bigger. In reality, a thicker needle does not help and you have to use some tricks. I have at least 3 ways of bind-off: the usual one, the so-called loose one and the extra-loose one. In my recent patterns I add the description of the loose bind-off, if needed. And these techniques are combinable. The choice depends on the yarn but also on whether it is the collar, the sleeve edge or the edge of the sweater or a skirt and also on whether we want to make a firm edge or not. What shall one do if one wishes to maintain the chevron edge like here?
Kudum pole veel valmis, seega pole pestud, näete värskelt mahakootud äärt. Lõng on mohääri ja linase kombinatsioon. Tegin nii: viimases neljas reas kudusin pahemal pool parempidi. Siis seal, kus on mustri järgi 2 kokku (või 2 kokku ületõstmisega), kudusin 2 kokku ja siis kudusin maha. Seal, kus on mustri järgi 1-st silmusest 3, kudusin maha lõdvalt. Muudel juhtudel kudusin maha tavaliselt. Äär ei kisu ega veni. Nii lihtne see ongi!
The garment is not finished yet and, thus, has not been washed, what you see is a freshly bound off edge. The yarns are mohair and linen. I did the following: in the 4 last rows I worked knit stitches on the wrong side. Then where we have k 2 tog (or s1, k1, psso), I made the decreases in the usual way and then bound off. Where we have 3 st out of 1 st, I bound off 3 st loosely. In all other cases I bound off in the usual way. The edge is not too tight neither too stretche. It is as simple as this!
kolmapäev, 31. juuli 2013
pühapäev, 28. juuli 2013
Linane+ nr.1/Linen+ no 1
Algamas on uus sari, Linane +, mis tähendab, et kombineerin linast teiste lõngadega. Esimene kudum on valmis. Kolm ülemist pilti tegi Sonata ja alumise tegi Mia. Suur tänu!
I am starting a new series, Linen +, which means that I am mixing linen with other yarns. The first knit is finished. Three top pictures are by Sonata and the bottom picture by Mia. Thanks a lot!
Lõng/Yarn: 1) Linane/linen (4 ply, 100 g/500 m), ~135 g; 2) Silk (YarnArt), 50 % siid/silk, 10 % mohäär/mohair, 40 % meriino/merino, 25 g/190 m, ~80 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
I am starting a new series, Linen +, which means that I am mixing linen with other yarns. The first knit is finished. Three top pictures are by Sonata and the bottom picture by Mia. Thanks a lot!
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
laupäev, 27. juuli 2013
Kudumisklubi ja Diteksas/Knitting club and Diteksas
Neljapäeval sain kokku üle hulga aja leedu kudujatega, Mia oli kaasas. Rahvast oli palju, oli päris kena, kõik uudistasid, kes mida koob. Panen paar pilti, ülemine on Sonata tehtud.
On Thursday I met with the Lithuanian knitters after a long pause and Mia came along. There was a lot of people and it was nice, everybody was curious what other knit. Here is a couple of pictures, the top picture is by Sonata.
Eile aga käisime Diteksas-nimelises poes. Seal müüakse mitmesuguseid lõngu pooli pealt. Koduleht on siin, ainult leedu keeles, on kirjas hinnad ja lõngasordid, aga värvikaarte pole. On palju eri värvi mohääri ja peenikest villast/poolvillast/meriinot jne. Kuna "mohäärisein" ei mahtunud ühele pildile, pidin tegema 2 pilti.
Yesterday we went to the Diteksas store. You can get several kind of cone yarns there. The homepage is here, in Lithuanian only, there are prices and yarn sorts indicated but colour cards are absent. There is a lot of mohair of various colours and also thin wool/wool blends/merino etc. While the "mohair wall" did not fit into the single picture, I had to take 2 pictures.
Varsti tulemas: sviitri pildid ja jutt mohääri ja linase segust.
Coming soon: the sweater pictures and my thoughts about mohair and linen combination.
On Thursday I met with the Lithuanian knitters after a long pause and Mia came along. There was a lot of people and it was nice, everybody was curious what other knit. Here is a couple of pictures, the top picture is by Sonata.
Eile aga käisime Diteksas-nimelises poes. Seal müüakse mitmesuguseid lõngu pooli pealt. Koduleht on siin, ainult leedu keeles, on kirjas hinnad ja lõngasordid, aga värvikaarte pole. On palju eri värvi mohääri ja peenikest villast/poolvillast/meriinot jne. Kuna "mohäärisein" ei mahtunud ühele pildile, pidin tegema 2 pilti.
Yesterday we went to the Diteksas store. You can get several kind of cone yarns there. The homepage is here, in Lithuanian only, there are prices and yarn sorts indicated but colour cards are absent. There is a lot of mohair of various colours and also thin wool/wool blends/merino etc. While the "mohair wall" did not fit into the single picture, I had to take 2 pictures.
Varsti tulemas: sviitri pildid ja jutt mohääri ja linase segust.
Coming soon: the sweater pictures and my thoughts about mohair and linen combination.
neljapäev, 25. juuli 2013
Üht ja teist/Various matters
Esiteks, sviiter edeneb.
First of all, there is some progress with the sweater.
On olemas mõlemad varrukad. Otsustasin, et tahan 3/4 varrukaid. Varruka ääres on väike muster. Ei tea, kas on näha, aga vahelduse mõttes oli hea lõpetada nii.
I have both sleeves. I decided to opt for the 3/4 length of the sleeves. There is a small pattern at the bottom. I am not sure whether it is visible but it seemed nice to finish it in this way for a change.
Teiseks, täna tuleb kokku kudumisklubi Mezgimo zona poes. Näen vanu tuttavaid. Kolmandaks, saabub Mia, kellele näitan linna ja muidugi lõngapoode.
Second, today the knitting club meets at the Mezgimo zona yarn shop. I will see my old friends. Third, Mia is coming to Vilnius and I will show her the city and, most certainly, yarn shops.
First of all, there is some progress with the sweater.
I have both sleeves. I decided to opt for the 3/4 length of the sleeves. There is a small pattern at the bottom. I am not sure whether it is visible but it seemed nice to finish it in this way for a change.
Teiseks, täna tuleb kokku kudumisklubi Mezgimo zona poes. Näen vanu tuttavaid. Kolmandaks, saabub Mia, kellele näitan linna ja muidugi lõngapoode.
Second, today the knitting club meets at the Mezgimo zona yarn shop. I will see my old friends. Third, Mia is coming to Vilnius and I will show her the city and, most certainly, yarn shops.
esmaspäev, 22. juuli 2013
Linane + ... /Linen + ...
Nagu lubatud, hakkasin lõngu kombineerima. Panin kokku mulle seni tundmatu Silk-nimelise lõnga (tootja YarnArt, kirja järgi siid, mohäär ja meriino, 25 g/190 m) ja leedu linase. Tundmatu lõng meeldis mulle oma värvi poolest, kvaliteedi kohta ei oska midagi öelda. Oleks justkui mohäär, aga pole karvane.
As promised, I started combining yarns. I put together a yarn uknown to me so far, Silk by YarnArt (according to the sing, it is silk, mohair and merino, 25 g/190 m) and Lithuanian linen. The unknown yarn was attractive because of its colour but I cannot say anything about the quality. It reminds mohair but is not hairy.
Tulemas on päris lihtne sviiter, aga varrukate ääretele olen mõelnud teistsugust mustrit. Vaatame, kas töötab. Miks segu on hea? Mõni muu raskem lõng annab mohäärile langevust ja raskust. Mohäär annab jällegi pisut mahtu ja tekstuuri. Sellepärast ripsiread ongi hästi nähtavad.
It will be a fairly simple sweater but I have something in mind for the bottom of the sleeves. We shall see whether it works. Why the mix is good? A havier yarn adds some draping quality and weight to mohari. On the other hand, mohair provides some definition and texture. This is why the garter stich rows are so visible.
As promised, I started combining yarns. I put together a yarn uknown to me so far, Silk by YarnArt (according to the sing, it is silk, mohair and merino, 25 g/190 m) and Lithuanian linen. The unknown yarn was attractive because of its colour but I cannot say anything about the quality. It reminds mohair but is not hairy.
Tulemas on päris lihtne sviiter, aga varrukate ääretele olen mõelnud teistsugust mustrit. Vaatame, kas töötab. Miks segu on hea? Mõni muu raskem lõng annab mohäärile langevust ja raskust. Mohäär annab jällegi pisut mahtu ja tekstuuri. Sellepärast ripsiread ongi hästi nähtavad.
It will be a fairly simple sweater but I have something in mind for the bottom of the sleeves. We shall see whether it works. Why the mix is good? A havier yarn adds some draping quality and weight to mohari. On the other hand, mohair provides some definition and texture. This is why the garter stich rows are so visible.
laupäev, 20. juuli 2013
Vilniuses/In Vilnius
Olen Vilniuses ja jään siia 4-ks nädalaks. Vilnius on muuhulgas rõdude linn, näitan paar pilti, millel pole kudumisega pistmist.
I am in Vilnius and will stay here for 4 weeks. Among other things, Vilnius is a city of balconies and I am going to show a couple of pictures that have nothing to do with knitting.
Nüüd kudumise juurde. Plaanid on järele proovida igasugu segusid, nt kokku panna linane lõng mohääriga vms. Sellest tuleb kindlasti postitusi. Leppisime kokku Mezgimo zona poes, et teen ka ühe loengu (see on juba traditsioon). Linast lõnga on poes küllalt (piltidel pole sugugi kogu sortiment).
Now to the knitting. My plans are to try out mixing yarns, for instance, knitting linen together with mohair etc. I will certainly post on the topic. We agreed in the Mezgimo zona shop that I would hold a lecture there (it has already become a tradition). There is plenty of linen in the shop (the pictures do not show the entire choice).
Ning poe embleem, kuduv lammas tervitab firmakotikeselt.
And the logo of the shop, the knitting sheep, is greeting from the shop bag.
I am in Vilnius and will stay here for 4 weeks. Among other things, Vilnius is a city of balconies and I am going to show a couple of pictures that have nothing to do with knitting.
Nüüd kudumise juurde. Plaanid on järele proovida igasugu segusid, nt kokku panna linane lõng mohääriga vms. Sellest tuleb kindlasti postitusi. Leppisime kokku Mezgimo zona poes, et teen ka ühe loengu (see on juba traditsioon). Linast lõnga on poes küllalt (piltidel pole sugugi kogu sortiment).
Now to the knitting. My plans are to try out mixing yarns, for instance, knitting linen together with mohair etc. I will certainly post on the topic. We agreed in the Mezgimo zona shop that I would hold a lecture there (it has already become a tradition). There is plenty of linen in the shop (the pictures do not show the entire choice).
Ning poe embleem, kuduv lammas tervitab firmakotikeselt.
And the logo of the shop, the knitting sheep, is greeting from the shop bag.
kolmapäev, 17. juuli 2013
Langevast kraest uuesti/On waterfall collar again
Langevast kraest olen kirjutanud mitmel korral juunis ja juulis. Mustrimaailma foorumis on juba paljud valmis saanud, aga kogu aeg tekib uusi variante juurde. Täna esitas Jutapille oma topi, mis on huvitav selle poolest, et horisontaalne muster ja kahandused keskel sobivad ilusti kokku. Tema lahkel loal näitan pilti siin. Lõng on Muskat (Drops).
I have written about waterfall collar on several occasions in June and July. Many have finished their tops on the Mustrimaailm forum and new finished tops keep coming up. Today Jutapille demostrated her top that is original because a horisontal stitch pattern and decreases in the middle combine quite nicely. She has kindly permitted to show her photo. The yarn is Muskat (by Drops).
Aitäh, Jutapille, väga omapärane lahendus!
Thanks, Jutapille, it is quite an extraordinary interpretation!
I have written about waterfall collar on several occasions in June and July. Many have finished their tops on the Mustrimaailm forum and new finished tops keep coming up. Today Jutapille demostrated her top that is original because a horisontal stitch pattern and decreases in the middle combine quite nicely. She has kindly permitted to show her photo. The yarn is Muskat (by Drops).
Aitäh, Jutapille, väga omapärane lahendus!
Thanks, Jutapille, it is quite an extraordinary interpretation!
esmaspäev, 15. juuli 2013
Kaks lõnga kokku/Two yarns combined
Lõngade kombineerimine on päris lõbus tegevus. Praegu tekkis ootamatult mõte, et paneks kokku musta Raasiku 8/2 villase ja peenikese lilla meriino (100 g/1500 m). Koepind on täitsa meeldiv. Tegelikult on kontrast väiksem, kui pildil.
Combining yarns is fun. Quite suddenly I got an idea to combine black wool 8/2 (Aade Lõng by Raasiku yarn factory) and thin purple merino (100 g/1500 m). The fabric is rather pleasant. In reality, the contrast is weaker than in the picture.
Combining yarns is fun. Quite suddenly I got an idea to combine black wool 8/2 (Aade Lõng by Raasiku yarn factory) and thin purple merino (100 g/1500 m). The fabric is rather pleasant. In reality, the contrast is weaker than in the picture.
Aade lõng,
laupäev, 13. juuli 2013
Mul on tunne, et diagonaalidega tuleb veel kudumeid.
I have a feeling there will be more knits with the diagonal pattern.
I have a feeling there will be more knits with the diagonal pattern.
neljapäev, 11. juuli 2013
W&W sünnipäev/W&W birthday
Wool & Woollen (ehk W&W) on juba kaheaastane. Täna oli sünnipäevapidu koos soodustuste, loterii, uute ja vanade lõngadega jne.
Wool & Woollen (or W&W) is already 2 years old. Today was the birthday party with sales, lotto, new and old yarns etc.
Peoks ettevalmistumine:
Preparations for the party:
Kudujad, lapsed, lõngad, kudumid:
Knitters, children, yarns, knits:
Lapsed ja lõngad:
Children and yarns:
Kena oli kõiki näha! Edu W&W-le!
It was nice to see everyone! Good luck, W&W!
Wool & Woollen (or W&W) is already 2 years old. Today was the birthday party with sales, lotto, new and old yarns etc.
Peoks ettevalmistumine:
Preparations for the party:
Kudujad, lapsed, lõngad, kudumid:
Knitters, children, yarns, knits:
Lapsed ja lõngad:
Children and yarns:
Kena oli kõiki näha! Edu W&W-le!
It was nice to see everyone! Good luck, W&W!
kolmapäev, 10. juuli 2013
Mõned mustrid hakkavad kohe meeldima ja tahaks neid kasutada korduvalt. See lihtne topp sai valmis juba hulk aega tagasi. Lõng on väga meeldiv, kahju ainult, et Katia firma värvikaardid on nagu nad on. Ave, tänan pildistamast!
Some stitch patterns apeal the first moment you see them and then you want to use them repeatedly. This simple top was finished some time ago. The yarn is lovely but it's a pity that Katia colour cards are as they are. Ave, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Linen (Katia), 53 % puuvill/cotton, 47 % lina/linen, 50 g/112 m, ~ 200 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Some stitch patterns apeal the first moment you see them and then you want to use them repeatedly. This simple top was finished some time ago. The yarn is lovely but it's a pity that Katia colour cards are as they are. Ave, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Linen (Katia), 53 % puuvill/cotton, 47 % lina/linen, 50 g/112 m, ~ 200 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
pühapäev, 7. juuli 2013
Väga meeldiv, kui kudumisõpetustest ja -tundidest on kasu. Eelmisel aastal Vilniuses Mezgimo zona poe klubis õpetasin põiki õmblusteta konstruktsioone. Just siis valmis mul risti-põiki kleit leedu linasest lõngast (100 % lina, 100 g/500 m, kahekordselt). Nüüd lugesin Mezgimo zona blogist, et Rūta, keda tunnen juba mitu aastat, on kätte võtnud ja kudunud risti-põiki kleidi lehemustriga:
It is very pleasant to learn that someone uses your patterns and teaching. Last year in Vilnius at the Mezgimo zona yarn shop club I taught sideways seamles constructions. It was then when I finished my sideways and top-down dress from Lithuanian linen (100 % linen, 100 g/500 m, yarn held double. Now I read in the Mezgimo zona blog that Rūta, with whom I have been familiar for several years, made herself a dress with a leaf pattern, using the same construction:
Ačiū labai, Rūta!
Rohkem pilte saab näha siin, tuleb ainult pisut allapoole kerida.
You can see more pictures here, just scroll down a little bit.
It is very pleasant to learn that someone uses your patterns and teaching. Last year in Vilnius at the Mezgimo zona yarn shop club I taught sideways seamles constructions. It was then when I finished my sideways and top-down dress from Lithuanian linen (100 % linen, 100 g/500 m, yarn held double. Now I read in the Mezgimo zona blog that Rūta, with whom I have been familiar for several years, made herself a dress with a leaf pattern, using the same construction:
Ačiū labai, Rūta!
Rohkem pilte saab näha siin, tuleb ainult pisut allapoole kerida.
You can see more pictures here, just scroll down a little bit.
reede, 5. juuli 2013
Eksperimient nr. 4/Experiment no 4
Tundub, et lagneva kraega eksperimenteerimise sari on sedapuhku lõppenud (aga ühte tahaks veel villasest lõngast). Eile käisin Helsingis ja sain kokku Miaga, kes lahkelt pildistas ja töötles pildid ka.
It appears that the waterfall collar experiment series is over for the time being (but I would like one from wool). Yesterday I was in Helsinki and got together with Mia, who was kind to take pictures and to edit them.
Mia, paljon kiitoksia kuvista ja seurasta!
Lõng/Yarn: Merinos Extra (BBB), 100 g/1500 m, ~50 g; mohäär/mohair (~ 25 g/250 m), ~60 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
It appears that the waterfall collar experiment series is over for the time being (but I would like one from wool). Yesterday I was in Helsinki and got together with Mia, who was kind to take pictures and to edit them.
Mia, paljon kiitoksia kuvista ja seurasta!
Lõng/Yarn: Merinos Extra (BBB), 100 g/1500 m, ~50 g; mohäär/mohair (~ 25 g/250 m), ~60 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
teisipäev, 2. juuli 2013
Pisut uudiseid/Some news
Esiteks, õpetus on Ravelrys avaldatud, paistab, et on huvi. Kas asi on selles, et näidiskudum on suhteliselt lihtne, või pigem selles, et tegemist on just valemiga? On selliseid kudujaid, kes tahavad väga täpset ja konkreetset õpetust, ja selliseid, kes tahavad pigem üldpõhimõtet.
First, the pattern is published on Ravelry and there is some interest towards it. Is it because the sample knit is relatively simple or rather because it is a formula? There are knitters who wish very precise and exact guidelines in the pattern and there are others who rahter prefer a general principle.
Teiseks, kooskudumine Mustrimaailmas jätkub. Võtsin ette talvisema versiooni, panin kokku peenikest mohääri ja peenikest meriinot. Tegelen esimese varrukaga. Nagu näete, meil on uus pereliige, mannekeen, kellel veel pole nime.
Second, KAL on the Mustrimaailm forum is in progress. I started a winter version, thin mohair and thin merino hold together. I am dealing with the first sleeve right now. As you see, we have a new family member, a mannekin who has no name yet.
First, the pattern is published on Ravelry and there is some interest towards it. Is it because the sample knit is relatively simple or rather because it is a formula? There are knitters who wish very precise and exact guidelines in the pattern and there are others who rahter prefer a general principle.
Teiseks, kooskudumine Mustrimaailmas jätkub. Võtsin ette talvisema versiooni, panin kokku peenikest mohääri ja peenikest meriinot. Tegelen esimese varrukaga. Nagu näete, meil on uus pereliige, mannekeen, kellel veel pole nime.
Second, KAL on the Mustrimaailm forum is in progress. I started a winter version, thin mohair and thin merino hold together. I am dealing with the first sleeve right now. As you see, we have a new family member, a mannekin who has no name yet.
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