Sviiter sai valmis nädal aega tagasi, aga pildistada sai alles nüüd. Sonata, tänan pildistamast!
The sweater was finished a week ago but I managed to have photos taken only now. Sonata, thank you!
Sviiter on suhteliselt vaba istuvusega ja õlg on madal. Kraega tegin nii, et iga natukese aja tagant võtsin 0,5 nr jämedamad vardad ja kudusin maha eriti lõdvalt.
The sweater has a relatively loose fit and has a dropped shoulder. I did the following for the collar: I gradually went up 0.5 needle size and used my extremely loose bind-off method.
Lõng/Yarn: Kelly (100 g/380 m, mohäär/mohair, will/wool, polüamiid/polyamide) ~ 150 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm, 5 mm, 5,5 mm, 6 mm
reede, 28. veebruar 2014
neljapäev, 27. veebruar 2014
Lühike postitus/A short post
Täna oli pikk päev, siiski õnnestus ka kududa. Muide, Vilniuse vanalinnas kõndides nägin niisugust kudumit. Ei vaadanud, kui palju maksab, arvata võib, et eurodes oleks kolmekohaline number, aga tegelikult saab üsna hõlpsasti ise kududa. Päris kena jakk.
It was a long day today but I managed to knit a little. By the way, walking in Vilnius old town I saw this knit. I did not look the price, I am afraid it will be a 3 digit number in euros but one can easily knit it. It is a rather elegant jacket.
It was a long day today but I managed to knit a little. By the way, walking in Vilnius old town I saw this knit. I did not look the price, I am afraid it will be a 3 digit number in euros but one can easily knit it. It is a rather elegant jacket.
teisipäev, 25. veebruar 2014
Vilniuses/In Vilnius
Saabusin täna Vilniusesse ja astusin läbi paarist tuttavast lõngapoest. Pikemat ülevaadet ma praegu ei kirjuta, lihtsalt annan teada. Lõngapood Casa Lana on Basanavičiuse tänaval endiselt olemas, püüdsin pildistada vitriini, aga klaas peegeldab, sellepärast näete rohkem vastasmaja ja juhtmeid kui lõngakeri. Siiski pilt meeldib mulle, nii et näitan siin.
Today I arrived to Vilnius and made a short visit to two familiar yarn shtores. I am not going to write a longer overview but just let you know. The Casa Lana store is still operating in Basanavičius street; I tried to take a picture of the shop window but the window glass reflects what is across from it and you see more of the house across the street and cords than the yarn balls. Nevertheless, I like the picture and post it here.
Siis läksin Mezgimo zonasse, muidugimõista.
Then I went to Mezgimo zona, needless to say.
Ei veetnud seal kaua aega, sest pidin kohe muude asjadega tegelema. Aga neljapäeval on seal traditsiooniline kooskudumine, siis kirjutan rohkem. Linaseid lõngu täitsa on, peale selle on mõnusat villast lõnga nimega Sirri. See meenutab eesti villast ja seda on mitmes jämeduses, ka üleminekutega.
I did not spend much time there because I had to attend to other matters quite soon. But there will be a traditional knitting together on Thursday and I will write more then. Linen yarns are quite well represented and in addition to that there is lovely wool Sirri. It reminds of Estonian wool and comes in several weights, and in variegated colours as well.
Today I arrived to Vilnius and made a short visit to two familiar yarn shtores. I am not going to write a longer overview but just let you know. The Casa Lana store is still operating in Basanavičius street; I tried to take a picture of the shop window but the window glass reflects what is across from it and you see more of the house across the street and cords than the yarn balls. Nevertheless, I like the picture and post it here.
Siis läksin Mezgimo zonasse, muidugimõista.
Then I went to Mezgimo zona, needless to say.
Ei veetnud seal kaua aega, sest pidin kohe muude asjadega tegelema. Aga neljapäeval on seal traditsiooniline kooskudumine, siis kirjutan rohkem. Linaseid lõngu täitsa on, peale selle on mõnusat villast lõnga nimega Sirri. See meenutab eesti villast ja seda on mitmes jämeduses, ka üleminekutega.
I did not spend much time there because I had to attend to other matters quite soon. But there will be a traditional knitting together on Thursday and I will write more then. Linen yarns are quite well represented and in addition to that there is lovely wool Sirri. It reminds of Estonian wool and comes in several weights, and in variegated colours as well.
pühapäev, 23. veebruar 2014
Kudukohtumine enne ärasõitu/Knitting get together before the departure
Head lugejad, olen 25.veeburarist kuni 31.märtsini Leedus. Kindlasti kirjutan ka sealseid lõnga- ja kudu-uudiseid. Täna meie seltskond sai kokku, küll mitte täies koosseisus, aga kena, et rahvas tuli siiski kohale. Aitäh!
Dear readers, from 25 February till 31 March I will be in Lihtuania. I will certainly write about the local yarn and knitting news. Today our group got together, albeit not in full, but it is still nice that some of you showed up. Thank you!
Vasakult paremale: Tiiu, Heli, Malle. Sinakas lõngakera laual on minu oma. See on mohäär. Rohkem ei tohi praegu öelda. Ainult niipalju, et mul tekib koostöö noore moedisainer Mattis Meekleriga. Tema blogi on siin.
From left to right: Tiiu, Heli, Malle. The blueish ball of yarn on the table is mine. It is mohair. For now I cannot reveal more. Just this: I am cooperating with the young fashion designer Mattis Meekler. His blog is here (Estonian only).
Dear readers, from 25 February till 31 March I will be in Lihtuania. I will certainly write about the local yarn and knitting news. Today our group got together, albeit not in full, but it is still nice that some of you showed up. Thank you!
Vasakult paremale: Tiiu, Heli, Malle. Sinakas lõngakera laual on minu oma. See on mohäär. Rohkem ei tohi praegu öelda. Ainult niipalju, et mul tekib koostöö noore moedisainer Mattis Meekleriga. Tema blogi on siin.
From left to right: Tiiu, Heli, Malle. The blueish ball of yarn on the table is mine. It is mohair. For now I cannot reveal more. Just this: I am cooperating with the young fashion designer Mattis Meekler. His blog is here (Estonian only).
reede, 21. veebruar 2014
Kohtumine Miaga/Meeting Mia
Üle hulga aja käis täna Mia Tallinnas. Saime kokku W&W-s ja pärast läksime kuduma. Mial on päris huvitav kudum seljas, mudel on Ravelrys hästi tuntud. Tema sõbranna on tellinud talt samasuguse, aga lõngad ja värvid tulevad teised.
After quite a long break Mia arrived to Tallinn today. We met at W&W yarn shop and then went to knit. Mia is wearing a rather interesting garment, the pattern is well known on Ravelry. Her friend has asked to knit one for her, but yarns and colours will be different.
Ja minu pehme kudum on valmis. Pildistamise hetkel veel ei olnud. Tahtsin teada, kas krae on juba paras. Tõmbasin selga. Kuna peeglit polnud, siis kõlbas küll pilt. Vardad krae sees on nagu mõni abstraktne ehe.
And my soft knit is finished. It was not thought at the moment when the photo was taken. I wanted to know whether the collar has a sufficient length. I put the sweater on. Since there was no mirror, a picture was helpful. The needles in the collar look like an abstract piece of jewelry.
Arutasime lõngu, plaane, vaatasime arvutist mustreid. Loodetavasti tuleb Mia taas kevadel.
We discussed yarns, plans, and watched stitch patterns from my computer. Hopefully, Mia will come again in Spring.
After quite a long break Mia arrived to Tallinn today. We met at W&W yarn shop and then went to knit. Mia is wearing a rather interesting garment, the pattern is well known on Ravelry. Her friend has asked to knit one for her, but yarns and colours will be different.
Ja minu pehme kudum on valmis. Pildistamise hetkel veel ei olnud. Tahtsin teada, kas krae on juba paras. Tõmbasin selga. Kuna peeglit polnud, siis kõlbas küll pilt. Vardad krae sees on nagu mõni abstraktne ehe.
And my soft knit is finished. It was not thought at the moment when the photo was taken. I wanted to know whether the collar has a sufficient length. I put the sweater on. Since there was no mirror, a picture was helpful. The needles in the collar look like an abstract piece of jewelry.
Arutasime lõngu, plaane, vaatasime arvutist mustreid. Loodetavasti tuleb Mia taas kevadel.
We discussed yarns, plans, and watched stitch patterns from my computer. Hopefully, Mia will come again in Spring.
Aitäh! Thank you! Kiitos!
kolmapäev, 19. veebruar 2014
Kohev ja pehme/Fluffy and soft
See lõng on kohev ja pehme. Meenutab buklee lõnga. On nii kohev, et labases parempidises kudumi ääred ei lähe eriti keerdu.Lõng on Kelly, villase, viskoosi, mohääri ja polüamiidi segu, 100 g/420 m, ostetud W&W poest.
This yarn is fluffy and soft. It reminds of bouclé yarns. It is so fluffy that plain stockinette fabric does not curl much.The yarn is Kelly, wool, rayon, mohair and polyamide blend, 100 g/420 m, purchased at W&W shop in Tallinn.
Ripskude ei paista eriti, aga pole võimatu. See on kudumi alumine äär. Plaanis on ka suur torukrae.
Garter stitch does not show much but is not impossible. This is the bottom edge of the knit. I am planning a big tube-like collar.
Homme, 20. veebruaril õpetan kl 18.00 Pärl ja Lõngad poes. Huvilised on teretulnud!
Tomorrow, on 20th February I teach at 6 p.m. at the Pärl ja Lõngad yarn shop. Please come if you are interested!
This yarn is fluffy and soft. It reminds of bouclé yarns. It is so fluffy that plain stockinette fabric does not curl much.The yarn is Kelly, wool, rayon, mohair and polyamide blend, 100 g/420 m, purchased at W&W shop in Tallinn.
Ripskude ei paista eriti, aga pole võimatu. See on kudumi alumine äär. Plaanis on ka suur torukrae.
Garter stitch does not show much but is not impossible. This is the bottom edge of the knit. I am planning a big tube-like collar.
Homme, 20. veebruaril õpetan kl 18.00 Pärl ja Lõngad poes. Huvilised on teretulnud!
Tomorrow, on 20th February I teach at 6 p.m. at the Pärl ja Lõngad yarn shop. Please come if you are interested!
pühapäev, 16. veebruar 2014
Käsitöö 2014 Kevad/Käsitöö 2014 Spring
Eestikeelne Käsitöö on juba müügil! Soomekeelne ilmub ilmselt 2-3 nädalat hiljem. Mul on seekord kolm kudumit.
The Käsitöö magazine in Estonian is already on sale! The Finnish version will appear 2-3 weeks later. This time I have 3 designs there.
See on Kristiina tehtud pilt (suur tänu!). Ajakirjas on stiliseeritud teistmoodi (kõik Käsitöö fotod on Anu Kaelusoo tehtud).
This picture was taken by Kristiina (many thanks!). It was styled in a different manner in the magazine (all pictures in Käsitöö are by Anu Kaelusoo):
Siis selline jakk. Üleval on Ave tehtud pilt (tänan!), all on Käsitöö oma. Käsitöös pandi ajutiselt ette teised nööbid.
And this jacket. The top picture is by Ave (thanks!), the bottom one is by Käsitöö. They temporarily attached different buttons in Käsitöö.
Ja lõpuks lihtne sviiter meriinost, mille pilte mul pole, ainult Käsitöö oma.
And finally a simple merino sweater, of which I have no pictures of my own, only the one by Käsitöö:
Erinev stilistika tekitab erinevaid muljeid, kas pole? Üldiselt on päris huvitav number, seal on muuhulgas juttu 1970-ndate moest ja moejoonistustest Eestis ja ka koeravillast.
Different styling creates dfferent moods, doesn't it? In general, this issue is quite informative, among othre things, there is a story on the 1970s fashion and fashion drawings in Estonia and a story on dog wool yarn.
The Käsitöö magazine in Estonian is already on sale! The Finnish version will appear 2-3 weeks later. This time I have 3 designs there.
See on Kristiina tehtud pilt (suur tänu!). Ajakirjas on stiliseeritud teistmoodi (kõik Käsitöö fotod on Anu Kaelusoo tehtud).
This picture was taken by Kristiina (many thanks!). It was styled in a different manner in the magazine (all pictures in Käsitöö are by Anu Kaelusoo):
Siis selline jakk. Üleval on Ave tehtud pilt (tänan!), all on Käsitöö oma. Käsitöös pandi ajutiselt ette teised nööbid.
And this jacket. The top picture is by Ave (thanks!), the bottom one is by Käsitöö. They temporarily attached different buttons in Käsitöö.
Ja lõpuks lihtne sviiter meriinost, mille pilte mul pole, ainult Käsitöö oma.
And finally a simple merino sweater, of which I have no pictures of my own, only the one by Käsitöö:
Erinev stilistika tekitab erinevaid muljeid, kas pole? Üldiselt on päris huvitav number, seal on muuhulgas juttu 1970-ndate moest ja moejoonistustest Eestis ja ka koeravillast.
Different styling creates dfferent moods, doesn't it? In general, this issue is quite informative, among othre things, there is a story on the 1970s fashion and fashion drawings in Estonia and a story on dog wool yarn.
reede, 14. veebruar 2014
Võtab ilmet/It is evolving
Nüüd tundub mulle, et asi on huvitavamaks muutunud. Sellest tuleb väike suvejakk, pealeviskamisasi sümboolsete varrukatega. Pean veel mõnevõrra keret kuduma ja siis alustan sallkraed. Kas teil on ka niimoodi juhtunud, et kudumil pole midagi viga, aga on ebahuvitav ja targem on otsast alustada? Palun kommenteerige julgelt!
Now it appears to me that the knit is getting more interesting. It will be a little summer jacket, a throw-on thing with symbolic sleeves. I have to knit the torso some more and then I will start the shawl collar. Has it also happened to you that there is nothing wrong with your knit, yet it seems uninteresting and it is wiser to start all over again? Please don't be shy and comment!
Ootan järgmist Käsitöö numbrit, mis peaks varsti ilmuma. Mul peaks seal olema mitu kudumit.
I am waiting for the fresh Käsitöö issue, it will appear soon. I will probably have several knits there.
Now it appears to me that the knit is getting more interesting. It will be a little summer jacket, a throw-on thing with symbolic sleeves. I have to knit the torso some more and then I will start the shawl collar. Has it also happened to you that there is nothing wrong with your knit, yet it seems uninteresting and it is wiser to start all over again? Please don't be shy and comment!
Ootan järgmist Käsitöö numbrit, mis peaks varsti ilmuma. Mul peaks seal olema mitu kudumit.
I am waiting for the fresh Käsitöö issue, it will appear soon. I will probably have several knits there.
kolmapäev, 12. veebruar 2014
Mõnikord on nii, et kood, kõik on korras, istub, kena, aga kudum on kuidagi ebahuvitav. Mitte selles mõttes, et on igav teha, vaid sellepärast, et on tunne, et suudan ka midagi paremat välja mõelda. Nii on ka praegu. Kavatsen harutada. Mul on nüüd teised mõtted, mida sellest lõngast teha.
Sometimes it happens that you knit on, everything is fine, the garment fits, looks nice but is somehow uninteresting. Not in the sence that it is borring to knit but because you have a feeling you can do better than this. This is the case right now. I am going to rip it. I have different ideas for this yarn.
Sometimes it happens that you knit on, everything is fine, the garment fits, looks nice but is somehow uninteresting. Not in the sence that it is borring to knit but because you have a feeling you can do better than this. This is the case right now. I am going to rip it. I have different ideas for this yarn.
pühapäev, 9. veebruar 2014
Midagi suveks/Something for Summer
Tekkis tahtmine kududa midagi suveks. Seda enam, et oma puuvillaseid toppe olen üsna palju kandnud ja mitmed neist ei kõlba enam selga panna. Siin on algus. Jah, jälle midagi sooniku-taolist! 1 x 1 keeruga soonik oleks ka ilus, aga ma ei ole kindel, kas tahaks niisuguse koega asja just puuvillasest lõngast.
It occured to me I could knit something for summer. Especially given that I've been wearing my cotton tops quite a lot and some of them do not look good anymore and cannot be used. Here is the beginning. Yes, again something ribbing-like! 1 x 1 rib with knit stitches worked through back look would be nice, too, but I am not sure I want such a pattern in cotton.
It occured to me I could knit something for summer. Especially given that I've been wearing my cotton tops quite a lot and some of them do not look good anymore and cannot be used. Here is the beginning. Yes, again something ribbing-like! 1 x 1 rib with knit stitches worked through back look would be nice, too, but I am not sure I want such a pattern in cotton.
reede, 7. veebruar 2014
Praegu ei ole aega kirjutada. Panen paar pilti soonikutest.
I have no time to write now. Here is a couple of ribbing pictures.
Nagu näete, meeldivad mulle praegu lihtsad reljeefsed koed, kavatsen edasi katsetada.
As you can see, I am now into simple textured stitches and will go on exploring them.
I have no time to write now. Here is a couple of ribbing pictures.
Nagu näete, meeldivad mulle praegu lihtsad reljeefsed koed, kavatsen edasi katsetada.
As you can see, I am now into simple textured stitches and will go on exploring them.
teisipäev, 4. veebruar 2014
Alt kitsenev varrukas. Väga lihtne, kudusin ülevalt alla kahandusteta, siis kahandasin järsult ja võtsin 1,5 numbri peenemad vardad, hakkasin soonikus kuduma.
Sleeve that goes narrow at the bottom. Very easy, I worked top down without decreases, then dramatically decreased at once and changed to 1.5 size smaller needles and started working in ribbing.
Sleeve that goes narrow at the bottom. Very easy, I worked top down without decreases, then dramatically decreased at once and changed to 1.5 size smaller needles and started working in ribbing.
laupäev, 1. veebruar 2014
Näitan rätikut, millest olen kirjutanudmitu korda (kuidagi ei tahtnud õnnestuda). Helin, tänan pildistamast (2 ülemist pilti on Helini tehtud)!
Here is the shawl I have written about several times (it did not seem to come out right for some time). Helin, thanks for the pictures (the first two pictures were taken by Helin)!
Nagu näete, muster on kahepoolne. Seekord kudusin nii, et mõlemad rätikupooled on ühtemoodi, mitte nagu siin.
As you see, the stitch pattern looks good on both sides. This time I knitted so that both halves of the shawl are identical and not like here.
Lõng/Yarn: Step Classic (Austermann), 100 g/420 m, 75 % vill/wool, 25 % polüamiid/polyamide, ~80 g
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Here is the shawl I have written about several times (it did not seem to come out right for some time). Helin, thanks for the pictures (the first two pictures were taken by Helin)!
Nagu näete, muster on kahepoolne. Seekord kudusin nii, et mõlemad rätikupooled on ühtemoodi, mitte nagu siin.
As you see, the stitch pattern looks good on both sides. This time I knitted so that both halves of the shawl are identical and not like here.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
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