Mul olid teised plaanid, aga Ravelrys küsiti, ega musta topi õpetus ei tule inglise keeles. Mul pole õigust avaldada Käsitöös ilmunud õpetusi mujal ega muus keeles. Seetõttu teen midagi sarnast, aga teisest lõngast. Ongi juba alustatud.
I had had differend plans but several people on Ravelry asked me whether the pattern for the black top would appear in English. I do not have a right to publish elsewhere or in a different language the patterns that appear in Käsitöö. This is why I am doing something similar but using different yarns. In fact, I have already started.
Selle foto autor on Meeli Laidvee. Pildistasime stuudios oma kollektsiooni ja tahtsin mälestuseks fotot. Topp on juba õnnelikult uue omaniku käes.
This photo was made by Meeli Laidvee. We shoot our collection in a studio and I wanted a picture to remeber the collection. The top has already happily found a new owner.
laupäev, 28. veebruar 2015
neljapäev, 26. veebruar 2015
Käsitöö 2015 Kevad/Käsitöö 2015 Spring issue
Näitan nüüd pilte. Tegemist on meie kollektsiooni kudumitega, mille õpetused ilmusid värskes Käsitöös. Piltide autor on Krista Kõiv.
Here are the pictures. The garments are a part of our collection; two patterns appeared in the fresh issue of Käsitöö. Pictures by Krista Kõiv.
Mõlemad kudumid on siidiga mohäärist. Topi krae on Dropsi Cotton Merino'st. Ülevalt alla, õmblusteta, muidugimõista. Mõlemal juhul on krae kootud viimasena.
Both knits are from silk mohair. The collar of the top is from Cotton Merino by Drops. Top down and seamless, needless to say. In both cases the collar was the last thing to knit.
Here are the pictures. The garments are a part of our collection; two patterns appeared in the fresh issue of Käsitöö. Pictures by Krista Kõiv.
Mõlemad kudumid on siidiga mohäärist. Topi krae on Dropsi Cotton Merino'st. Ülevalt alla, õmblusteta, muidugimõista. Mõlemal juhul on krae kootud viimasena.
Both knits are from silk mohair. The collar of the top is from Cotton Merino by Drops. Top down and seamless, needless to say. In both cases the collar was the last thing to knit.
teisipäev, 24. veebruar 2015
Lühike kohtumine Helsingis/A short meeting in Helsinki
Olen Helsingis, see on üsna lühike sõit. Saime kokku Miaga, istusime koos kohvikus. Pildistada kaks kudumit ja kaks tassi on tema idee, pildistasime mõlemad.
I am in Helsinki, it is a rather short visit. We got together with Mia and spent some time in a café. This was her idea to take a picture of two cups and two knits, so we both took this picture.
Mia oma on tass teed ja hall kudum leedu linasest, minu oma on tass kovhi ja must kudum segulõngast (mohäär, vill, sünteetika). Sellest kudumist rohkem teine kord, kui on rohkem kootud.
The cup of tee and the grey knit from Lithuanian linen are Mia's and the cup of coffee and the black knit from mohair-wool-polyamide blend are mine. I will talk more about this knit once I will have knitted more.
Aitäh, Mia! Ja head Vabariigi aastapäeva kõigile!
Thank you, Mia! And I wish a nice Estonian Independence Day to everyone!
I am in Helsinki, it is a rather short visit. We got together with Mia and spent some time in a café. This was her idea to take a picture of two cups and two knits, so we both took this picture.
Mia oma on tass teed ja hall kudum leedu linasest, minu oma on tass kovhi ja must kudum segulõngast (mohäär, vill, sünteetika). Sellest kudumist rohkem teine kord, kui on rohkem kootud.
The cup of tee and the grey knit from Lithuanian linen are Mia's and the cup of coffee and the black knit from mohair-wool-polyamide blend are mine. I will talk more about this knit once I will have knitted more.
Aitäh, Mia! Ja head Vabariigi aastapäeva kõigile!
Thank you, Mia! And I wish a nice Estonian Independence Day to everyone!
pühapäev, 22. veebruar 2015
Abilõngast/On waste yarn
Eile oli meil kooskudumine ja tekkis järgmine arutelu. Mõni ütles, et alt üles on hea kududa sellepärast, et kaelust on kergem viimistleda. Mahakootud äär on parem, kui ülesloomisäär. Muidu aga ülevalt alla on mugavam. Muidugi on maitse asi ja igaüks koob, nagu ise heaks arvab. Lõppude lõpuks ei tee mittekuduja (kõrvalseisja) vahet, vaid näeb lõpptulemust. Siiski juhtusin tähelepanu parajasti seljas olnud jaki kraele, mis on igati korrektne. Seletasin, et ka ülevalt alla kududes võib olla nii, et kaelus lõpeb mahakudumisega (ja ei ole kogu kudumi algus). Kuidas nii? Võtmesõna on abilõngaga loomine. Vaatame nüüd seda pilti.
Yesterday we had our usual knitting together and the following question emerged. A knitter said that bottop up knitting is good because it is easier to do the neckline finishing. Bound-off neck opening looks better than cast-on edge. Otherwise top down is easier. Of course it is a matter of taste and everyone may knit as one wishes. All in all, for a non-knitter (observer) there is no difference, only the final result is that matters. Still I asked to have a look at the neckline of the cardigan I was wearing: the finishing of the neckline looked neat. I explained that also in top down knitting you can bind off the neck opening (and not start the whole garment from it). How so? Cast-on with waste yarn (provisional cast-on) is the key word. Let us have a look at this picture.
See on Aive raglaan. Ta testib selle sviitri õpetust (märtsi alguses saab avaldatud!) ja on pildistanud kõik töö etapid järjest. Suur tänu, Aive! Kes on viitsinud linki vaadata, teab, et sviiter on suure kraega. Krae on kootud aga kõige viimasena (või ütleme siis, kui kere on valmis; põhiline, et varrukad on eraldatud ning esi- ja seljatükk ühendatud, siis on ülaosa fikseeritud). Samahästi võib aga viimistleda ja jätta ilma kraeta (sellepärast on mudeli nimi Afterthought Raglan ehk tagantjärgi tarkus).
It is Aive's raglan. She is testing the pattern for this sweater (will be published in the beginning of March!) and has taken photos of every consecutive step. Thanks a lot, Aive! Those of you who care to follow the link know that the sweater has a large collar. But the collar was the last thing to knit (or, let us say, after the torso had been completed; the main thing you have separated the sleeves and joined the back and front piece, so the upper part is stabilized). It is completely possible that you don't want a collar and just apply finishing to the neck opening (this is why this model is called Afterthought Raglan).
Praegu on kootud juba niipalju.
As of now, this is how much has been done.
Niisiis, lõin abilõngaga, tegin esitükkidele mõned kasvatused, et kujundada kaelaava, siis ühendasin esitükid, luues jällegi abilõngaga vajalikud silmused. Pärast saab kohe tegutseda lahtiste silmustega: võtta seljatükist välja abilõng, panna silmused vardale, siduda töölõng, kududa läbi, üles korjata silmused, liikudes mööda esitükki, võta välja esitüki abilõng, silmused läbi kududa, jälle üles korjata ja töötada ringselt. Kui kraed ei soovi, siis nt paar ringi ripskude või soonik või mis iganes muu viimistlusviis sobib.
Therefore, I casted on with a waste yarn, made some front pieces increases to shape the neck opening, then joined the front pieces with a provisional cast on again by casting on the right number of stitches. Afterwards you can use the live stitches: remove the waste yarn from the back piece, put the stitches on the needle, attach the working yarn and work the stitches, pick up stitches along the front piece, then remove the waste yarn from the fornt piece and work the stithces, then pick up the remaining stitches and work in the round. If you do not want the big collar, work a couple of rounds in garter stich or in ribbing or apply whatever finishing technique you like.
Yesterday we had our usual knitting together and the following question emerged. A knitter said that bottop up knitting is good because it is easier to do the neckline finishing. Bound-off neck opening looks better than cast-on edge. Otherwise top down is easier. Of course it is a matter of taste and everyone may knit as one wishes. All in all, for a non-knitter (observer) there is no difference, only the final result is that matters. Still I asked to have a look at the neckline of the cardigan I was wearing: the finishing of the neckline looked neat. I explained that also in top down knitting you can bind off the neck opening (and not start the whole garment from it). How so? Cast-on with waste yarn (provisional cast-on) is the key word. Let us have a look at this picture.
See on Aive raglaan. Ta testib selle sviitri õpetust (märtsi alguses saab avaldatud!) ja on pildistanud kõik töö etapid järjest. Suur tänu, Aive! Kes on viitsinud linki vaadata, teab, et sviiter on suure kraega. Krae on kootud aga kõige viimasena (või ütleme siis, kui kere on valmis; põhiline, et varrukad on eraldatud ning esi- ja seljatükk ühendatud, siis on ülaosa fikseeritud). Samahästi võib aga viimistleda ja jätta ilma kraeta (sellepärast on mudeli nimi Afterthought Raglan ehk tagantjärgi tarkus).
It is Aive's raglan. She is testing the pattern for this sweater (will be published in the beginning of March!) and has taken photos of every consecutive step. Thanks a lot, Aive! Those of you who care to follow the link know that the sweater has a large collar. But the collar was the last thing to knit (or, let us say, after the torso had been completed; the main thing you have separated the sleeves and joined the back and front piece, so the upper part is stabilized). It is completely possible that you don't want a collar and just apply finishing to the neck opening (this is why this model is called Afterthought Raglan).
Praegu on kootud juba niipalju.
As of now, this is how much has been done.
Niisiis, lõin abilõngaga, tegin esitükkidele mõned kasvatused, et kujundada kaelaava, siis ühendasin esitükid, luues jällegi abilõngaga vajalikud silmused. Pärast saab kohe tegutseda lahtiste silmustega: võtta seljatükist välja abilõng, panna silmused vardale, siduda töölõng, kududa läbi, üles korjata silmused, liikudes mööda esitükki, võta välja esitüki abilõng, silmused läbi kududa, jälle üles korjata ja töötada ringselt. Kui kraed ei soovi, siis nt paar ringi ripskude või soonik või mis iganes muu viimistlusviis sobib.
Therefore, I casted on with a waste yarn, made some front pieces increases to shape the neck opening, then joined the front pieces with a provisional cast on again by casting on the right number of stitches. Afterwards you can use the live stitches: remove the waste yarn from the back piece, put the stitches on the needle, attach the working yarn and work the stitches, pick up stitches along the front piece, then remove the waste yarn from the fornt piece and work the stithces, then pick up the remaining stitches and work in the round. If you do not want the big collar, work a couple of rounds in garter stich or in ribbing or apply whatever finishing technique you like.
reede, 20. veebruar 2015
Uued tööd ja uued plaanid/New projects and new plans
Kahjuks ei saa praegu valminud asju näidata, sest peab jääma üllatuseks. Ütlen niipalju, et järgmisel nädalal viin kaks suvekudumit Käsitöösse. Nüüd aga võtsin käsile midagi Mattise uue kollektsiooni jaoks.
Unfortunately, I cannot show you FOs because it has to be a surprise. I can tell you that much that next week I am going to take two summer knits to the Käsitöö magazine. Now I started something for Mattis' new collection.
Täna Kristiina nägi seda ja ütles, et olek on nagu haapsalu sallill, aga tegelikult ei ole üldse sall. Kuigi värvi ja mustri poolest võiks muidugi olla. Lisaks veel: parajasti on testimisel kaks õpetust, loodan, et saan avalikustada vähemalt ühe neist märtsi alguses.
Today Kristiina saw it and thought it has a spirit of Haapsalu shawl but it is not even a shawl. Although it could be one, based on the colours and the pattern. And something else: two patterns are being currently tested and I hope to relsease at least one of them in the beginning of March.
Unfortunately, I cannot show you FOs because it has to be a surprise. I can tell you that much that next week I am going to take two summer knits to the Käsitöö magazine. Now I started something for Mattis' new collection.
Täna Kristiina nägi seda ja ütles, et olek on nagu haapsalu sallill, aga tegelikult ei ole üldse sall. Kuigi värvi ja mustri poolest võiks muidugi olla. Lisaks veel: parajasti on testimisel kaks õpetust, loodan, et saan avalikustada vähemalt ühe neist märtsi alguses.
Today Kristiina saw it and thought it has a spirit of Haapsalu shawl but it is not even a shawl. Although it could be one, based on the colours and the pattern. And something else: two patterns are being currently tested and I hope to relsease at least one of them in the beginning of March.
kolmapäev, 18. veebruar 2015
Näitus "Ranged raamid"/Exhibition "Firm Frames"
Teema ei ole otseselt seotud kudumisega, küll aga moedisainiga. Arvan, et lugejad ei imesta, sest minu jaoks on kudumine ka moedisaini osa. Tallinna Moenädala raames korraldati suurepärane moeetendus "Mood 100". See oli pühendatud Eesti kunstihariduse 100-le juubelile (1914-2014). Osales 10 moekunstnikku, igaüks võttis endale teatud kümnendi ja disainis mitu mudelit selle kümnendi vaimus. Just nimelt vaimus, sest otsest tsiteerimist ehk vana moe taastootmist ei olnud. Pigem oli tegemist allusioonide ja vihjetega. Nüüd aga on osa neist mudelitest välja pandud publikule vaatamiseks Tallinna Disaini- ja Arhitektuurigaleriis. Mõistagi, kõiki mudeleid ei saa väiksel pinnal eksponeerida. Fotograaf Mark Raidpere on leidnud elegantse lahenduse: iga moekunstnik poseerib fotol, oma disainitud rõivas seljas, vastava kümnendi ajalehe taustal. Nii et igal kümnendil ja rõival on disaineri nägu nii otseses kui ülekantud tähenduses.
The topic is not directly related to knitting but rather to fashion design. I believe my readers are not surprised because for me knitting is also a part of fashion design. During Tallinn Fashion Week a remarkable fashion show "Fashion 100" took place. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of arts education in Estonia (1914-2014). 10 fashion designers took part, each one portrayed a certain decade, creating a design in the spirit of this decade. I emphasize "in the spirit" because it was not about direct quotations neiter about exact reproduction of the period fashion. It was rather an interpretation and hinting. Now some of the designs are exposed for the general public at Tallinn Design and Architecture Gallery. Clearly, one cannot display all designs in a rather limited space. The photograph Mark Raidpere has come up with an elegant solution: each designer is modelling his/her creation with a newspaper from a respective decade as a background. So each decade and design has its designer's face both in the direct and metaphorical sense.
Need on mu lemmikud. Vilve Unt (1914) ja Jaana Varkki (1974). All on näituse plakat ja tutvustav tekst (võib klikkida ja suurendada).
These are my favourites. Vilve Unt (1914) and Jaana Varkki (1974). Below is the placard and the annotation (clickable, also in English).
Veel üks lemmik, jälle Jaana Varkki.
Another favourite, Jaana Varkki again.
Ja siin poseerime koos Anu Ojaveega.
And here we pose together with Anu Ojavee.
The topic is not directly related to knitting but rather to fashion design. I believe my readers are not surprised because for me knitting is also a part of fashion design. During Tallinn Fashion Week a remarkable fashion show "Fashion 100" took place. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of arts education in Estonia (1914-2014). 10 fashion designers took part, each one portrayed a certain decade, creating a design in the spirit of this decade. I emphasize "in the spirit" because it was not about direct quotations neiter about exact reproduction of the period fashion. It was rather an interpretation and hinting. Now some of the designs are exposed for the general public at Tallinn Design and Architecture Gallery. Clearly, one cannot display all designs in a rather limited space. The photograph Mark Raidpere has come up with an elegant solution: each designer is modelling his/her creation with a newspaper from a respective decade as a background. So each decade and design has its designer's face both in the direct and metaphorical sense.
Need on mu lemmikud. Vilve Unt (1914) ja Jaana Varkki (1974). All on näituse plakat ja tutvustav tekst (võib klikkida ja suurendada).
These are my favourites. Vilve Unt (1914) and Jaana Varkki (1974). Below is the placard and the annotation (clickable, also in English).
Veel üks lemmik, jälle Jaana Varkki.
Another favourite, Jaana Varkki again.
Ja siin poseerime koos Anu Ojaveega.
And here we pose together with Anu Ojavee.
esmaspäev, 16. veebruar 2015
Nagu kangas/As if it were a vowen fabric
Lõng on peenike ja kaugelt vaadates tundub koepind kangana. Edeneb probleemideta, aga aeglaselt.
The yarn is thin and when looking from afar the fabric looks as if it were vowen. The knit is progressing unproblematically but slowly.
Küljel peaks ikka midagi olema!
There should be something on the side!
The yarn is thin and when looking from afar the fabric looks as if it were vowen. The knit is progressing unproblematically but slowly.
Küljel peaks ikka midagi olema!
There should be something on the side!
laupäev, 14. veebruar 2015
Põnev lõng/Intriguing yarn
Alustasin midagi uut peenikesest paellõngast. Metraaž on 50 g/170 m, koostis 25 % linane ja 75 % viskoos. Ikka jälle kahekordne pärlkude! Muster on täiesti nähtav, võib-olla tänu sellele, et see on just paellõng.
I started something new from a thin ribbon yarn. The metrage is 50 g/170 m, fiber composition 25 % linen ja 75 % rayon. Double moss stitch again and again! The pattern is quite visible, maybe because it is a ribbon yarn.
Lõnga nimi on Lino, tootja Alize.
The name of the yarn is Lino, manufactured by Alize.
Õige värv on esimesel pildil.
The true colour is in the first picture.
I started something new from a thin ribbon yarn. The metrage is 50 g/170 m, fiber composition 25 % linen ja 75 % rayon. Double moss stitch again and again! The pattern is quite visible, maybe because it is a ribbon yarn.
Lõnga nimi on Lino, tootja Alize.
The name of the yarn is Lino, manufactured by Alize.
Õige värv on esimesel pildil.
The true colour is in the first picture.
mustrid/stitch patterns,
neljapäev, 12. veebruar 2015
Värske Käsitöö on varsti väljas/The fresh issue of Käsitöö is to appear soon
Värske Kästiöö on trükikojast väljas ja jõuab varsti müüki. Tellijad on vist juba kätte saanud. Mul on seal kaks õpetust, mõlemad olid TFW kollektsiooni osa. Mõlemad on mohäärist. Rohkem ei reeda praegu midagi. Üks kudum tuleb kiiresti lõpetada, siis kirjutan pikemalt.
The fresh issue of Käsitöö is out of the printing house and will reach shops soon. Subscribers have probably already received it. I have there two patterns published, both were a part of TFW collection. Both are from mohair. I will not reveal more so far. I have to quickly finish a knit and then I will write more.
The fresh issue of Käsitöö is out of the printing house and will reach shops soon. Subscribers have probably already received it. I have there two patterns published, both were a part of TFW collection. Both are from mohair. I will not reveal more so far. I have to quickly finish a knit and then I will write more.
teisipäev, 10. veebruar 2015
Minimaalne harutamine/Minimal frogging
Sviiter on ära kuivanud, harutasin alt u 5 cm. Laiusesse on ka pisut veninud, aga mitte kriitiliselt, sest plaanis oli nagunii vaba istuvusega sviiter.
The sweater has dried and I frogged approximately 5 cm from the bottom edge. It has stretched somewhat in the width but this is not critical at all because I wanted a loose-fitting sweater from the beginning.
Veel avastasin, et poolpatnt- ja patentkoes sviitri alumine serv ei nõua tingimata erilist viimistlust. Selle sviitri alumine äär on tavaline soonik, aga ei pruugi olla.
I also found that half-patent and patent stitch sweater does not have to have a special finishing at the bottom. This sweater has ordinary ribbing at the edge but it is not necessary.
Minu esimesel patentkoes sviitril on äär lõdvalt maha kootud.
My first patent stitch sweater has a loose bind-off.
Varrukatele tegin ikka soonikust viimistluse.
But I finished the sleeves in ribbing.
Nn pahupool on ilus, saab kanda mõlemat pidi (õmbluseid ju pole!).
So-called wrong side is nice and the sweater is wearable both ways (as there are no seams!).
The sweater has dried and I frogged approximately 5 cm from the bottom edge. It has stretched somewhat in the width but this is not critical at all because I wanted a loose-fitting sweater from the beginning.
Veel avastasin, et poolpatnt- ja patentkoes sviitri alumine serv ei nõua tingimata erilist viimistlust. Selle sviitri alumine äär on tavaline soonik, aga ei pruugi olla.
I also found that half-patent and patent stitch sweater does not have to have a special finishing at the bottom. This sweater has ordinary ribbing at the edge but it is not necessary.
Minu esimesel patentkoes sviitril on äär lõdvalt maha kootud.
My first patent stitch sweater has a loose bind-off.
Varrukatele tegin ikka soonikust viimistluse.
But I finished the sleeves in ribbing.
Nn pahupool on ilus, saab kanda mõlemat pidi (õmbluseid ju pole!).
So-called wrong side is nice and the sweater is wearable both ways (as there are no seams!).
pühapäev, 8. veebruar 2015
Kuivab kaua/It is drying slowly
Puuvillane lõng kuivab kaua. Eile õhtul lõpetasin sviitri, usun, et kuivab veel vähemalt ööpäeva. Värv on vale ja tegelikult mingit triipu ei ole. Ei tea, miks see on pildile tekkinud. Venimise kohta ei oska praegu öelda, ootan, kuini täiesti ära kuivab.
It takes quite a while for cotton yarn to dry. Yesterday in the evening I finished the sweater and I believe it has to dry at least for one day more. The colour is all wrong and there is no stripe really. I don't know how it emerged in the picture. I cannot yet say anything definite about stretching before it will have dryed.
Kude on ilus!
The fabric looks nice!
It takes quite a while for cotton yarn to dry. Yesterday in the evening I finished the sweater and I believe it has to dry at least for one day more. The colour is all wrong and there is no stripe really. I don't know how it emerged in the picture. I cannot yet say anything definite about stretching before it will have dryed.
Kude on ilus!
The fabric looks nice!
reede, 6. veebruar 2015
Mõlemad varrukad on valmis, kaelus viimistletud. Ka nüüd toimis täiesti kaeluse viimistluse viis, mida kirjeldasin siin.
Both sleeves are finished and the neck opening as well. The finishing of the neck opening as described here worked quite fine also for this sweater.
Nüüd koon kere osa alla. Ei oska öelda, kuivõrd kude venib pikkusesse pärast märjaks tegemist, aga otsustasin, et mõõdan kõik üle enne ja pärast. Kindlasti annan teada.
Now I am going to knit the torso part. I have no idea to what extent the fabric will stretch in the length after moistening but I decided to take measurements before and after. Of course I will let you know.
Both sleeves are finished and the neck opening as well. The finishing of the neck opening as described here worked quite fine also for this sweater.
Nüüd koon kere osa alla. Ei oska öelda, kuivõrd kude venib pikkusesse pärast märjaks tegemist, aga otsustasin, et mõõdan kõik üle enne ja pärast. Kindlasti annan teada.
Now I am going to knit the torso part. I have no idea to what extent the fabric will stretch in the length after moistening but I decided to take measurements before and after. Of course I will let you know.
kolmapäev, 4. veebruar 2015
Varrukas, (pool)patent ja erinevad lõngad/Sleeve, (half)patent stitch and various yarns
Patent ja poolpatent edeneb teatavasti üsna aeglaselt. Kere osa on umbes taljeni kootud, eile alustasin varrukat. Mul oli kohe aimdus, et puuvillane lõng käitub teisiti (igatahes ei oska ma erinevusi selle ja teiste patentkoes kudumite varrukate konstrueerimise vahel seletada mingi muu põhjusega).
Patent and half-patent are time consuming and my knit is progressing slowly. The torso part reaches the waist and yesterday I started the sleeve. From the beginning I suspected that a cotton yarn behaves differently (in any case I cannot explain in any other way the differences between constructing sleeves in this and other patent stitch sweaters).
Nagu näha, sviiter on avara istuvusega (siiski ei nimetaks ma seda oversize'iks). Varrukas on täiesti sirge, õlajoon on madal. Täisvillasest ja sokilõngast patentkoe puhul oli mul oluline vahe kere ja väikse diameetriga varruka kudumistiheduse vahel. Tollal ei korjanud üles kõiki silmuseid, vaid teatud proportsiooniga. Antud juhul vaatasin, et siin pole seda vigurit vaja, vardad on samad (3 mm) ja korjasin silmused üles tavalisel viisil (2 rea kohta 1 s).
As you can see, the sweater has some positive ease (but I would not call it oversize). The sleeve is completely straight, the shoulder line is low. When I knitted patent stitch with wool and sock yarn, I had a considerable difference between the gague of thte torso and the sleeves (small diametre). I did not pick up all stitches but in a certain proportion. However, in this case I realized I do not need these tricks, the needle size is the same (3 mm) and I picked up stitches in a usual way (1 st per 2 rows).
Kui on huvi, teised patentkoes sviitrid on siin ja siin.
If you have interest, other patent stitch sweaters are here and here.
Patent and half-patent are time consuming and my knit is progressing slowly. The torso part reaches the waist and yesterday I started the sleeve. From the beginning I suspected that a cotton yarn behaves differently (in any case I cannot explain in any other way the differences between constructing sleeves in this and other patent stitch sweaters).
Nagu näha, sviiter on avara istuvusega (siiski ei nimetaks ma seda oversize'iks). Varrukas on täiesti sirge, õlajoon on madal. Täisvillasest ja sokilõngast patentkoe puhul oli mul oluline vahe kere ja väikse diameetriga varruka kudumistiheduse vahel. Tollal ei korjanud üles kõiki silmuseid, vaid teatud proportsiooniga. Antud juhul vaatasin, et siin pole seda vigurit vaja, vardad on samad (3 mm) ja korjasin silmused üles tavalisel viisil (2 rea kohta 1 s).
As you can see, the sweater has some positive ease (but I would not call it oversize). The sleeve is completely straight, the shoulder line is low. When I knitted patent stitch with wool and sock yarn, I had a considerable difference between the gague of thte torso and the sleeves (small diametre). I did not pick up all stitches but in a certain proportion. However, in this case I realized I do not need these tricks, the needle size is the same (3 mm) and I picked up stitches in a usual way (1 st per 2 rows).
Kui on huvi, teised patentkoes sviitrid on siin ja siin.
If you have interest, other patent stitch sweaters are here and here.
esmaspäev, 2. veebruar 2015
Kirjutasin eile FB-s ja kirjutan nüüd siin, et selle sviitri õpetus on valmis ja soovijad võiksid testida. Kui on soovi, võib mulle märku anda. Tingimus on valmis kududa selle kuu jooksul. Tegelikult oluline on ülemine osa, kaenaalustelt alates on lihtsalt toru ja seal ei toimu midagi.
Yesterday I wrote a FB post and now write it here that the pattern for this sweater is available for testing, if you are interested. If you wish, please let me know. The only condition is to complete it during this month. In fact, only the upper part is important and from armholes downwards it is just a tube and nothing happens there.
Yesterday I wrote a FB post and now write it here that the pattern for this sweater is available for testing, if you are interested. If you wish, please let me know. The only condition is to complete it during this month. In fact, only the upper part is important and from armholes downwards it is just a tube and nothing happens there.
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