Lõpuks sai must sviiter pildistatud. Maiu, suur tänu! Väljas on juba jahedavõitu, et puuvillase sviitri väel poseerida, sees ei pruugi aga olla õiget valgust. Nii et pildid ei näita koepinda, aga siiski on näha, kuidas sviiter mu seljas istub. Olen ise üsna rahul. Teen veel midagi laias soonikus. Kes pole veel näinud, koepinda võib uurida siin.
Finally, I got the sweater photographed. Maiu, many thans! It is quite chilly outside to pose there in a cotton sweater but you don't get the right kind of light indoors. So the pictures do not do justice to the texture but you can see how it fits. I am quite pleased. I will definitely make something else in wide ribbing. If you have not seen the texture, you can observe it here.
Lõng/Yarn: Dublin (puuvill + linane)/(cotton + linen), 100 g/200 m, ~ 400 g.
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
kolmapäev, 30. september 2015
esmaspäev, 28. september 2015
Nööbiliist/Button band
See on tinglikus mõttes nööbiliist, sest nööpe ei tule. Pigem on sallkrae + nööbiliist.
It can be called a button band only symbolically because there are no buttons to come. It is rather a shawl collar + button band.
Rippudes tundub kitsas ja kokkusurutud, aga kui selga panna, siis pole üldse ümber ega pingul.
When it hangs, it appears narrow and crincled but when put on, it is not clingy neither stretched out.
Siin on näha, et nööbiliist tõmbab esitükid laiemakas. Seda on kasulik teada, sest alguses võib olla petlik mulje (vt eelmine postitus), et esitükid on liiga napid.
Here you can see that button band makes front pieces wider. It is good to know this because in the beginning you can have an erroneous impression (see previous post) that the front pieces are too tiny.
Veel üks mustrikord ja siis on valmis.
One pattern repeat more and then it is finished.
It can be called a button band only symbolically because there are no buttons to come. It is rather a shawl collar + button band.
Rippudes tundub kitsas ja kokkusurutud, aga kui selga panna, siis pole üldse ümber ega pingul.
When it hangs, it appears narrow and crincled but when put on, it is not clingy neither stretched out.
Siin on näha, et nööbiliist tõmbab esitükid laiemakas. Seda on kasulik teada, sest alguses võib olla petlik mulje (vt eelmine postitus), et esitükid on liiga napid.
Here you can see that button band makes front pieces wider. It is good to know this because in the beginning you can have an erroneous impression (see previous post) that the front pieces are too tiny.
Veel üks mustrikord ja siis on valmis.
One pattern repeat more and then it is finished.
nööbiliist/button band,
laupäev, 26. september 2015
Kasvab/It is growing
Muster on väga meeldiv ja koob ennast ise. Kudum kasvab.
The sitch pattern is very pleasant and knits itself up. The knit is growing.
Sellel pildil on kõige õigem värv (tegelikkuses on veel tumedam).
This picture renders the colour in the most true fashion (but it is even darker in realitiy).
Tulevane sallkrae tõmbab esitükid pisut laiali ja muster läheb siledamaks. Ja seljatükk:
The future shawlcollar will stretch the front pieces a little bit and the stitch pattern will straighten up. And the back piece:
Lubasin kirjutada lõngadest. Jämedam lõng on Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), 100 g/400 m, 60 % meriino ja 40 % akrüül. Väga hea lõng, olen sellest kudunud tütrele sviitri ja jaki. Teine peenike lõng on Merinos Extra (BBB Filati), 100 % meriino, 100 g/1400 m. Vardad 4 mm.
I have promised to writed more about the yarns. The heaviery one is Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), 100 g/400 m, 60 % merino and 40 % acrylic. It is a very nice yarn, I have made a sweater and a cardi for my daughter. The thin one is Merinos Extra (BBB Filati), 100 % merino, 100 g/1400 m. Needles 4 mm.
The sitch pattern is very pleasant and knits itself up. The knit is growing.
Sellel pildil on kõige õigem värv (tegelikkuses on veel tumedam).
This picture renders the colour in the most true fashion (but it is even darker in realitiy).
Tulevane sallkrae tõmbab esitükid pisut laiali ja muster läheb siledamaks. Ja seljatükk:
The future shawlcollar will stretch the front pieces a little bit and the stitch pattern will straighten up. And the back piece:
Lubasin kirjutada lõngadest. Jämedam lõng on Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), 100 g/400 m, 60 % meriino ja 40 % akrüül. Väga hea lõng, olen sellest kudunud tütrele sviitri ja jaki. Teine peenike lõng on Merinos Extra (BBB Filati), 100 % meriino, 100 g/1400 m. Vardad 4 mm.
I have promised to writed more about the yarns. The heaviery one is Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), 100 g/400 m, 60 % merino and 40 % acrylic. It is a very nice yarn, I have made a sweater and a cardi for my daughter. The thin one is Merinos Extra (BBB Filati), 100 % merino, 100 g/1400 m. Needles 4 mm.
neljapäev, 24. september 2015
Pseudopalmikud/Mock cables
Pseudopalmikud on hea võimalus, kui tahaks palmikute efekti, aga ei taha, et kudum oleks visuaalselt raske või lõnga on vähe. Igatahes olen kogenud, et kudumisest kauged inimesed arvavad, et need on palmikud, kuigi tehniliselt ei ole. Siin on vesti algus:
Mock cables are a good opportunity when you want the impression of cables but do not want your knit to be visually heavy or you don't have much yarn. In any case I have witnessed when non-knitters would think these to be cables but technically they are not. Here is the beginning of a vest:
Mõtlesin, et see pilt ei ole kuigi hea, sest muster tõmbab koepinna kokku. Sellepärast tõmbasin vesti padjale "selga". Eesvaade:
I thought this picture is not very good because the stitch pattern makes the fabric contract. This is why I put it on a pillow. Front view:
Back view:
Lõngade kombinatsioonist kirjutan teine kord.
I will write another time about the yarn combination.
Mock cables are a good opportunity when you want the impression of cables but do not want your knit to be visually heavy or you don't have much yarn. In any case I have witnessed when non-knitters would think these to be cables but technically they are not. Here is the beginning of a vest:
Mõtlesin, et see pilt ei ole kuigi hea, sest muster tõmbab koepinna kokku. Sellepärast tõmbasin vesti padjale "selga". Eesvaade:
I thought this picture is not very good because the stitch pattern makes the fabric contract. This is why I put it on a pillow. Front view:
Back view:
Lõngade kombinatsioonist kirjutan teine kord.
I will write another time about the yarn combination.
teisipäev, 22. september 2015
Seikluse lõpp/The end of the adventure
Ilmselt soovivad lugejad teada, kuidas seiklus lõppes. Annan teada, et lõppes päris kenasti. Kere pikkus on sobiv. Varrukad on kolmveerand varrukad, aga mulle meeldib see, nagunii kipun varrukaid kõrgemale tõmbama või üles keerama.
Probably my readers would like to know how the adventure ended. Hereby I am informing you that it ended quite well. The length of the torso is sufficient. The sleeves are three quarters but I like it because I tend to pull them up or to fold the bottom of the sleeve anyway.
Mul pole praegu fotograafi, seetõttu pildistasin nii. Olen rahul: lihtne must kudum, täiesti minu maitse.
I don't have a photographer now, so I took these pictures at home. I am quite glad: a simple black knit, completely to my taste.
Probably my readers would like to know how the adventure ended. Hereby I am informing you that it ended quite well. The length of the torso is sufficient. The sleeves are three quarters but I like it because I tend to pull them up or to fold the bottom of the sleeve anyway.
Mul pole praegu fotograafi, seetõttu pildistasin nii. Olen rahul: lihtne must kudum, täiesti minu maitse.
I don't have a photographer now, so I took these pictures at home. I am quite glad: a simple black knit, completely to my taste.
pühapäev, 20. september 2015
Põnevus püsib/The intrigue continues
Nagu selgus, lõnga jätkus ja jäi ka pisut üle. Aga kui asi oleks nii lihtne! Teadsin, et niisutamisel lõng paisub. Proovilapp muutus tihkemaks, aga ei tõmbunud kokku. Ilmselt läheb kvantiteet kvaliteediks ja kui koepind on suur, tõmbub ta kokku. See oli silmaga nähtav. Panin kuivama. Hommikul tõmbasin niiskest peast selga. Mahun sisse küll ja isegi pole väga liibuv. Varrukad on lühemad, aga ikkagi normaalsuse piires, kolmveerand (ja mitte ebamäärases pikkuses). Võib-olla peaks alla kuduma paar sentimeetrit, aga võib-olla ka mitte. Panin edasi kuivama ja pingutasin pisut. Vaatame. Põnevus jätkub.
As it turned out, I had enough yarn and even a little bit extra. But if it were so simple! I knew the yarn becomes like swallen (more dense) after moistening. The swatch became thicker but did not shrink. Probably, quantity transforms into quality and when the knitted fabric is large enough, it shrinks a little. It was quite visible. I put it to dry. In the morning I tried the damp sweater on. I managed to put it on and it was not even very tight. The sleeves are somewhat shorter but within a normal range, three quarters and not just some unclear length. Maybe I will have to knit a couple centimetres downwards but maybe this is not necessary. I put it to dry and blocked slightly. We shall see. The intrigue continues.
As it turned out, I had enough yarn and even a little bit extra. But if it were so simple! I knew the yarn becomes like swallen (more dense) after moistening. The swatch became thicker but did not shrink. Probably, quantity transforms into quality and when the knitted fabric is large enough, it shrinks a little. It was quite visible. I put it to dry. In the morning I tried the damp sweater on. I managed to put it on and it was not even very tight. The sleeves are somewhat shorter but within a normal range, three quarters and not just some unclear length. Maybe I will have to knit a couple centimetres downwards but maybe this is not necessary. I put it to dry and blocked slightly. We shall see. The intrigue continues.
reede, 18. september 2015
Läheb huvitavaks/It is getting interesting
Suvel sain WW-st seda lõnga nimega Dublin, 80 % puuvill, 20 % linane, 100 g/200 m. Võtsin 400 g. Mõtlesin, et mingi jaki või sviitri jaoks 800 m on enam-vähem sobiv hulk, kui on vaja, ostan juurde. Nüüd on aga lugu selline, et just musta lõnga poes ei ole. Perenaine ütles, et võib-olla on tal mõni jääk.
In summer I got from the WW shop this yarn named Dublin, 80 % cotton, 20 % linen, 100 g/200 m. I bought 400 g. I was thinking that for a cardi or a sweater 800 m is about right and that I get more if needed. But the thing is that it is exactly the black yarn the store does not have anymore. The owner told me that maybe she has a little quantity somewhere.
Täispikk varrukas pole tingimata vajalik, aga tahaks vähemalt kolmveerand. Mida teha? Mul oli meeles, et poes oli veel teist musta paellõnga. Uurisin eile Malle käest, selgus, et ongi, Duvali-nimeline täpselt sama metraažiga ja 100 % puuvill. Täna läksin poodi, et näha, kas värv sobib. Kudusin proovilapi, mõned read ühte ja sinna otsa mõned read teist. Värvi vahet pole, võib-olla on pisike tiheduse vahe. Muide, sellepärast ei ütle lõnga metraaž alati kõike, sest koostis mängib ka rolli.
It is not exactly necessary to get full length sleeves but at least three quarters woul be nice. What should I do? I recalled that there was a different black ribbon yarn in the store. I wrote to Malle yesterday and it came out I was right, there was a Duval-named yarn with exactly the same metrage and 100 % cotton. Today I went to the store in order to establish whether the shae match. I made a swatch, some rows with one and then some rows with the other yarn. No difference in colours, maybe a small gauge difference.By the way, this is why yarn weight is not always the only telling information because the fiber composition may affect the gauge.
Niisiis, pidasin nõu perenaisega, kes oli täna poes. Kerisin alles jäänud lõnga kaheks võrdseks keraks (kaalu järgi). Nüüd koon mõlemad nii pikaks, kui lõng lubab. Ja siis homme vaatan ja vajaduse korral jätkan teise lõngaga. Kui tiheduse vahe on olemas, siis varruka allosas pole see nii nähtav.
So I talked it through with the owner who was in the store today. I wound the remaining yarn in two equal portions (according to the weight). Now I will make both sleeves as long as the yarn allows. And tomorrow I will see how it is going and continue with the other yarn, if necessary. Even if there is a slight difference in gauge, it is not so visible in the bottom of the sleeve.
Nii et läheb huvitavaks.
So it is getting interesting.
In summer I got from the WW shop this yarn named Dublin, 80 % cotton, 20 % linen, 100 g/200 m. I bought 400 g. I was thinking that for a cardi or a sweater 800 m is about right and that I get more if needed. But the thing is that it is exactly the black yarn the store does not have anymore. The owner told me that maybe she has a little quantity somewhere.
Täispikk varrukas pole tingimata vajalik, aga tahaks vähemalt kolmveerand. Mida teha? Mul oli meeles, et poes oli veel teist musta paellõnga. Uurisin eile Malle käest, selgus, et ongi, Duvali-nimeline täpselt sama metraažiga ja 100 % puuvill. Täna läksin poodi, et näha, kas värv sobib. Kudusin proovilapi, mõned read ühte ja sinna otsa mõned read teist. Värvi vahet pole, võib-olla on pisike tiheduse vahe. Muide, sellepärast ei ütle lõnga metraaž alati kõike, sest koostis mängib ka rolli.
It is not exactly necessary to get full length sleeves but at least three quarters woul be nice. What should I do? I recalled that there was a different black ribbon yarn in the store. I wrote to Malle yesterday and it came out I was right, there was a Duval-named yarn with exactly the same metrage and 100 % cotton. Today I went to the store in order to establish whether the shae match. I made a swatch, some rows with one and then some rows with the other yarn. No difference in colours, maybe a small gauge difference.By the way, this is why yarn weight is not always the only telling information because the fiber composition may affect the gauge.
Niisiis, pidasin nõu perenaisega, kes oli täna poes. Kerisin alles jäänud lõnga kaheks võrdseks keraks (kaalu järgi). Nüüd koon mõlemad nii pikaks, kui lõng lubab. Ja siis homme vaatan ja vajaduse korral jätkan teise lõngaga. Kui tiheduse vahe on olemas, siis varruka allosas pole see nii nähtav.
So I talked it through with the owner who was in the store today. I wound the remaining yarn in two equal portions (according to the weight). Now I will make both sleeves as long as the yarn allows. And tomorrow I will see how it is going and continue with the other yarn, if necessary. Even if there is a slight difference in gauge, it is not so visible in the bottom of the sleeve.
Nii et läheb huvitavaks.
So it is getting interesting.
kolmapäev, 16. september 2015
Mõnikord esimesel katsel ei õnnestu/Sometimes you don't get it right on the first attempt
Mõnikord juhtub nii, et proovilapp on kena, muster on valitud, hakkad kuduma ja teed üsna suure portsu valmis ja siis mingil hetkel mõistad, et see pole see. Mitte, et oleks otseselt midagi halvasti, aga tundub ebahuvitav. Kusjuures seda on raske sõnastada. Mitte selles mõttes "ebahuvitav", et kudum on äärmiselt lihtne, vaid väljanägemine, koepind jms ei ole päris see, mida ette kujutad. Maitse loeb ka. Mulle ei meeldi väga tihke kude (kui me ei räägi kinnastest ja sokkidest, kus see on vajalik). Tean, kui ilus võib olla kahekordne pärlkude. Täna hommikul oli nii:
Sometimes it happens that the swatch is nice, the stitch pattern chosen, you start knitting and manage to knit quite a large portion and then at some point you realize that this is not quite it. Not that something is explicitly wrong but it looks uninteresting. Which is difficult to formulate. Not "uninteresting" as in "very simple knit" but rahter the appearance, the fabric etc is not what you have imagined. And your taste matters, too. I don't like very tight fabric (unless we talk about mittens and socks where it is necessary). I know how beautiful double moss stitch can be. This is what I had in the morning:
Ja nüüd alustasin uuesti ja otsustasin, et tuleb sviiter, sest lõnga pole eriti palju ja see kude sööb lõnga. Võtsin jämedama varda ka. Nüüd on nii:
And now I started all over again and decided to make it a sweater because I don't have much yarn and this stitch eats up the yarn. And I also took thicker needles. This is what I have now:
Sometimes it happens that the swatch is nice, the stitch pattern chosen, you start knitting and manage to knit quite a large portion and then at some point you realize that this is not quite it. Not that something is explicitly wrong but it looks uninteresting. Which is difficult to formulate. Not "uninteresting" as in "very simple knit" but rahter the appearance, the fabric etc is not what you have imagined. And your taste matters, too. I don't like very tight fabric (unless we talk about mittens and socks where it is necessary). I know how beautiful double moss stitch can be. This is what I had in the morning:
And now I started all over again and decided to make it a sweater because I don't have much yarn and this stitch eats up the yarn. And I also took thicker needles. This is what I have now:
esmaspäev, 14. september 2015
Viimane/The last one
See on viimane kollektsiooni kudum ja see on valmis! Paar rätiku pilti.
This is the last knit from the collection and it is finished! Some pics of the shawl.
Ma ei väsi patent- ja poolpatent koest. Kui tahta lihtsat rätikut, siis sobib see suurepäraselt ääremustriks.
I cannot get enough of patent and half-patent stitch. If you want a simple shawl, th stitch is perfectly suitable for the edge.
This is the last knit from the collection and it is finished! Some pics of the shawl.
Ma ei väsi patent- ja poolpatent koest. Kui tahta lihtsat rätikut, siis sobib see suurepäraselt ääremustriks.
I cannot get enough of patent and half-patent stitch. If you want a simple shawl, th stitch is perfectly suitable for the edge.
laupäev, 12. september 2015
Uus kooskudumine tulemas/A new KAL to start soon
Kunagi näitasin selle topi pilte.
I have shown pictures of this top some time ago.
Õpetus on nüüd Ravelrys olemas. Seekord HauteKnit Yarn omaniku palvel tegime nii, et kooskudumisest saab osa võtta siis, kui ostate tema lõnga (siit). Lõng on Ultra Soft Merino Superwash, 100 g/450 m, 100 % meriino. Alustame 15. septembril, siis teen meie rühmas ka vastava teema.
The pattern is now avialable on Ravelry. This time we decided together with HauteKnit Yarn that in order to participate in the KAL, you have to by the original yarn (here). The yarn is Ultra Soft Merino Superwash, 100 g/450 m, 100 % merino. We start on September 15 and then I will make a respective thread in our group.
I have shown pictures of this top some time ago.
Õpetus on nüüd Ravelrys olemas. Seekord HauteKnit Yarn omaniku palvel tegime nii, et kooskudumisest saab osa võtta siis, kui ostate tema lõnga (siit). Lõng on Ultra Soft Merino Superwash, 100 g/450 m, 100 % meriino. Alustame 15. septembril, siis teen meie rühmas ka vastava teema.
The pattern is now avialable on Ravelry. This time we decided together with HauteKnit Yarn that in order to participate in the KAL, you have to by the original yarn (here). The yarn is Ultra Soft Merino Superwash, 100 g/450 m, 100 % merino. We start on September 15 and then I will make a respective thread in our group.
neljapäev, 10. september 2015
Tulemas/Coming up
Siin on ametlik TFW kava. Oleme sees! Kui olete Tallinnas, tulge vaatama.
Here is the official TFW programme. We are in! If you are in Tallinn, you are welcome.
Here is the official TFW programme. We are in! If you are in Tallinn, you are welcome.
teisipäev, 8. september 2015
Raasikul/In Raasiku
Juba traditsiooniliselt käisin tuttavate soome kudujatega Raasikul. Nagu ikka, lõngade keskel on hea olla, ei peagi midagi ostma! Aga lõnga valik on tõsine asi, nagu pildilt paistab.
Quite traditionally I visited Raasiku together with my Finnish knitting friends. As usual, it is nice to be among yarns and you don't have to buy anything! But choosing yarn is a serious matter, as you can see from the picture below.
Seijäl on käes uut värvi lõng: roosa-punane-must-hall.
Seijä holds a skein of a new colourway: pink-red-black-grey.
See pilt pole ehk väga selge, aga näitab värve lähemalt.
Maybe this picture is not very clear but it is a close view of the colours.
Siis käisime veel tootmist vaatamas, kõik muudkui pildistasid, mina ka. See pole minu jaoks esimene kord, aga varem mul polnud pilte.
Then we visited the production section and everyone kept taking pictures, including myself. It was not the first visit there but I had not taken any pictures before that.
Järgmine sõit on ilmselt kevadel.
The next trip will be probably in spring.
Quite traditionally I visited Raasiku together with my Finnish knitting friends. As usual, it is nice to be among yarns and you don't have to buy anything! But choosing yarn is a serious matter, as you can see from the picture below.
Seijäl on käes uut värvi lõng: roosa-punane-must-hall.
Seijä holds a skein of a new colourway: pink-red-black-grey.
See pilt pole ehk väga selge, aga näitab värve lähemalt.
Maybe this picture is not very clear but it is a close view of the colours.
Siis käisime veel tootmist vaatamas, kõik muudkui pildistasid, mina ka. See pole minu jaoks esimene kord, aga varem mul polnud pilte.
Then we visited the production section and everyone kept taking pictures, including myself. It was not the first visit there but I had not taken any pictures before that.
Järgmine sõit on ilmselt kevadel.
The next trip will be probably in spring.
pühapäev, 6. september 2015
Kudum kuivab ja nüüd paistab selle kuju selgelt isegi keskpärasel pildil.
The garment is drying and even a mediocre picture reveals its shape.
Oli kahtlust, kas lõnga jätkub. See on Cotton Linen (Schachenmayer SMC, 50 g/100 m), mul oli seda 5 tokki. Vardad 3,5 mm ja 4 mm. Õnneks jätkus. Järgi jäi nii palju:
There was a dought whether I have enough yarn. It is Cotton Linen (Schachenmayr SMC, 50 g/100 m) and I had 5 balls. Needles 3.5 mm and 4 mm. I was lucky. This is what remains:
The garment is drying and even a mediocre picture reveals its shape.
Oli kahtlust, kas lõnga jätkub. See on Cotton Linen (Schachenmayer SMC, 50 g/100 m), mul oli seda 5 tokki. Vardad 3,5 mm ja 4 mm. Õnneks jätkus. Järgi jäi nii palju:
There was a dought whether I have enough yarn. It is Cotton Linen (Schachenmayr SMC, 50 g/100 m) and I had 5 balls. Needles 3.5 mm and 4 mm. I was lucky. This is what remains:
reede, 4. september 2015
Ühe konstruktsiooni võlust/On the beauty of a certain construction
Kui õpetan oma kudumismeetodeid, soovitan alati kaaluda, mida antud konstruktsioon lubab ja mis piiranguid seab. Mõni konstruktsioon on selline, et mustrite valikut ei piira (siis peab lähtuma sellest, mida lubab antud lõng). Mõni on aga selline, kus mustrite sobitamine oleks keeruline, nt kui peaks igas reas tegema kasvatusi. Mingi lihtne ja kitsas vertikaalne või horisontaalne muster sobiks. Selle konstruktsiooni ja selle modifikatsioonide puhul on olulised jooned: tekib väga selge vorm, mis on minu arust iseenesest ilus ja pole vaja seda üle koormata.
When I teach my knitting methods, I always advice to consider what a certain construction allows and what limitations it sets. Some constructions are such that the choice of stitch pattern is no constraint (in this case you have to consider the qualities of a given yarn). Yet some constructions are difficult for accomodating complicated stitch patterns, for instance, if you have increases in every row. Some simple and narrow vertical or horisontal patterns would be suitable. In this particular construction lines are most relevant: you get a very distinctive shape that is beautiful in itself and, in my view, should not be overloaded.
Nagu näha, õlal on väike ripsi riba.
As you can see, there is a little stripe of garter stitch on the shoulder.
Kuigi vardad kudumi allosas segavad ja pildi järgi ei saa aru tegelikust laiusest, on selge, et õlast allapoole on kahandatud. Kaenla alla ei ole silmuseid loodud.
Although the needles at the bottom prevent seeing the real width, it is clear that there are some decreases on the top. There are no additional stitches underarms.
Põhimõtteliselt saab lisada ka varrukad. Selle konstruktsiooniga saab üsna palju mängida ja võib-olla teen midagi sarnast mohäärist (ja siis kindlasti pika varrukaga).
In principle it is possible to add sleeves. You can play quite a lot with this consruction and I will probably do something similar from mohair (and naturally with long sleeves in that case).
When I teach my knitting methods, I always advice to consider what a certain construction allows and what limitations it sets. Some constructions are such that the choice of stitch pattern is no constraint (in this case you have to consider the qualities of a given yarn). Yet some constructions are difficult for accomodating complicated stitch patterns, for instance, if you have increases in every row. Some simple and narrow vertical or horisontal patterns would be suitable. In this particular construction lines are most relevant: you get a very distinctive shape that is beautiful in itself and, in my view, should not be overloaded.
Nagu näha, õlal on väike ripsi riba.
As you can see, there is a little stripe of garter stitch on the shoulder.
Kuigi vardad kudumi allosas segavad ja pildi järgi ei saa aru tegelikust laiusest, on selge, et õlast allapoole on kahandatud. Kaenla alla ei ole silmuseid loodud.
Although the needles at the bottom prevent seeing the real width, it is clear that there are some decreases on the top. There are no additional stitches underarms.
Põhimõtteliselt saab lisada ka varrukad. Selle konstruktsiooniga saab üsna palju mängida ja võib-olla teen midagi sarnast mohäärist (ja siis kindlasti pika varrukaga).
In principle it is possible to add sleeves. You can play quite a lot with this consruction and I will probably do something similar from mohair (and naturally with long sleeves in that case).
kolmapäev, 2. september 2015
Valmistume/We are preparing
Tallinna Moenädalaks on veel vaja palju teha. Mõni kudum valmib septembris. Valmistume.
There is a lot to be done yet for Tallinn Fashion Week. Some knits will be finished in September. We are preparing.
There is a lot to be done yet for Tallinn Fashion Week. Some knits will be finished in September. We are preparing.
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