I got an invitation to Vilve Unt's exhibition "Fashion has two souls".
Vilve enda sõnul tähendavad need kaks hinge emotsionaalsust ja ratsionaalsust. Mulle meeldib tema stiil, ta on teinud erinevaid asju, ka kudumeid. Rahvast oli palju, nii et päris raske oli pildistada.
According to Vilve, these two souls mean emotions and rationality. I like her style, she has designed many different garments, including knitwear. It was a rather crowded event, so it was difficult to take pictures.
Kõik, mida nägin, oli üsna vaimustav, paneb mõtted tööle. Ka publik, kes taolistel üritustel käib, on meeldiv. Siin mina mõne rõivakomplekti taustal...
Everything I saw was rather inspiring, it puts your mind at work. Also the audience who usually comes to such events was pleasant. Here is me with some garments in the backround...
... ja siis koos tuleva moedisaineri Mariliis Niinega (kavatseme lahkuda, kuid jutt ei taha lõppeda).
... and then together with a future fashion designer Mariliis Niine (we are
about to leave but the conversation does not want to finish).

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