It does not happen often that I have several unfinished knits. I like to work on one knit at a time. Still, sometimes I have two project and alternate between them. As is the case now because a lager knit requires trying on (an order) but I cannot get it tried on all the time. In this situation it is good to have something to work on.
See on sall sokilõnga jääkidest. Mulle meeldivad augulised kudumid. Esialgu tahtsin midagi muud (ka augulist, aga teise mustriga), kudusin tükk aega, aga siis ütles intuitsioon, et pole päris see. Nüüd tundub, et on õige.
This is a scarf from sock yarn leftovers. I like holey knits. In the beginning I wanted something different (also with holes but in a different pattern) and I worked on it for some time; yet my intuition told me that it is not exactly what I want. Now it feels right.