Olen Tartus, ei ole mahti pildistada. Aga tegin ühe pildi rongi aknast.
I am in Tartu and don't have an opportunity to take pictures. Still, I took a picture from the train window.
Ilmus YU Fashion Moekalender. Minu palmikutega sviiter on tagakaanel. Eriti pole näha, sest jakk on peal, aga üldiselt stilistika meeldib mulle.
YU Fashion Calendar is out. My cabeled sweater is on the back cover. You cannot see it properly because it is covered with a jacket but in general I like the style.
Sviiter saab varsti valmis, alustan täna alumist soonikut. Loodetavasti saan laupäeval midagigi näidata. Üldiselt on sellised plaanid, et koon paar salli (kingitused, tellimused, õpetused vms) ja siis tuleb jälle mingi sviiter. Tahaks tagasi tulla ümmarguse passe juurde, aga lubasin veel kirjutada püstkraedest.
The sweter will be inished soon, I am going to stat the bottom ribbing. Hopefully I will be able to show something on Saturday. The plans are as follows: I have to make a couple of scarves (presents, orders, patterns etc) and then the turn comes for another sweater. I want to return to round yoke and besides I've promised to write something about turtleneck collars.
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