The cardi is almost done, I just have to add the bottom edge in moss stitch. As I have to go away for several days, I decided not to drag along the large and almost finished knit. Instead I ripped an old sweater from Drops Fabel (sockyarn) and added some thin mohair. I tried various options and realized that the simplest pattern is the best.
esmaspäev, 15. jaanuar 2018
Jälle rätik jääkidest/A shawl from leftovers again
Jakk on peaaegu valmis, vaja on veel kududa alumist riba pärlkoes. Kuna pean mitmeks päevaks ära sõitma, otsustasin, et ei võta suurt ja peaaegu valmis kudumit kaasa. Selle asemel harutasin ühe vana sviitri Dropsi Fabelist (sokilõng) ja lisasin peenikest mohääri. Vaatasin nii ja naa ja sain aru, et sobib kõige lihtsam kude.
The cardi is almost done, I just have to add the bottom edge in moss stitch. As I have to go away for several days, I decided not to drag along the large and almost finished knit. Instead I ripped an old sweater from Drops Fabel (sockyarn) and added some thin mohair. I tried various options and realized that the simplest pattern is the best.
The cardi is almost done, I just have to add the bottom edge in moss stitch. As I have to go away for several days, I decided not to drag along the large and almost finished knit. Instead I ripped an old sweater from Drops Fabel (sockyarn) and added some thin mohair. I tried various options and realized that the simplest pattern is the best.
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