Üks stiili alane tähelepanek: see pilt on võetud meie viimases tunnis, avastasin, et palmikuline kude sobib hästi kokku jaki sileda pinnaga. Praegu on päris külm ja hea oleks ehk kududa veel mõni selline sviiter. Külli, tänan pildistamast!
A stylistic observation: this picture is taken during our last knitting class and I realized that the cabled fabric of the sweater goes together with the smoth fabric of the jacket. It is rather cold now and it would be nice to make another sweater of this kind. Külli, thanks for taking the picture!
Jätkates reljeefsete sviitritega, näitan, mis on töös. Kahekordne pärlkude ehk kananahk, mitme lõnga segu. Kirjutan täpsemalt, kui sviiter on valmis.
Continuing the topic of textured sweaters, I am showing you this one under construction. Double moss stitch, a combination of several yarns. I will write more about it once the sweater is completed.
Mõlemad varrukad on valmis, on vaja alla kududa u 20-25 cm.
Both sleeves are finished and some 20-25 cm have to be added to the torso.
kolmapäev, 28. veebruar 2018
esmaspäev, 26. veebruar 2018
Tegemisi/What is going on
Sain valmis suvetopi (jah, lubatakse külma lausa -20, aga suvi tuleb kunagi). Väga lihtne, lõng on linase ja puuvillase segu. Paremad pildid kunagi hiljem.
I have finished a summer top (yes, I know the forcast is threatening with -20 degrees in the nearest future but summer will come one day). It is a very simple garment, the yarn is cotton-linen blend. Better pictures later.
Siin tundub topp lausa sinakas, aga tegelikult on must. Töötlesin pildi nii, et saaks näha triipe. Muidu päriselus on nad nähtavad ega kao mustal taustal ära.
In this picture the top appears quite bluish but it is black in reality. I tweaked the picture in order to make stripes visible. In reality the stripes are visible and don't disapper on the black background.
Väljas on tegelikult külm ja nüüd tundub, et vana mohäärirätik on üsna paras. Muidu kannan seda üsna harva, sest tundub hirmus soe.
It is quite cold outside and now I think that the old mohair shawl is quite handy. Otherwise I don't wear it often because it feels excessively warm.
Siin on üks vana pilt.
Here is an older picture.
I have finished a summer top (yes, I know the forcast is threatening with -20 degrees in the nearest future but summer will come one day). It is a very simple garment, the yarn is cotton-linen blend. Better pictures later.
Siin tundub topp lausa sinakas, aga tegelikult on must. Töötlesin pildi nii, et saaks näha triipe. Muidu päriselus on nad nähtavad ega kao mustal taustal ära.
In this picture the top appears quite bluish but it is black in reality. I tweaked the picture in order to make stripes visible. In reality the stripes are visible and don't disapper on the black background.
Väljas on tegelikult külm ja nüüd tundub, et vana mohäärirätik on üsna paras. Muidu kannan seda üsna harva, sest tundub hirmus soe.
It is quite cold outside and now I think that the old mohair shawl is quite handy. Otherwise I don't wear it often because it feels excessively warm.
Siin on üks vana pilt.
Here is an older picture.
laupäev, 24. veebruar 2018
Head 100-ndat sünnipäeva!/Happy 100th birthday!
Täna on Eesti Vabariigi aastapäev, palju õnne kõigile käsitöö tegijatele ja disaineritele!
Today is Estonia's Independence day and my best wishes to all crafters and designers!
Mul on ka üht-teist näidata, üks asi sai valmis ja teine alustatud, aga räägime sellest järgmine kord.
I have something to show as well, one knit is completed and the next started but we shall talk about it next time.
Today is Estonia's Independence day and my best wishes to all crafters and designers!
Mul on ka üht-teist näidata, üks asi sai valmis ja teine alustatud, aga räägime sellest järgmine kord.
I have something to show as well, one knit is completed and the next started but we shall talk about it next time.
neljapäev, 22. veebruar 2018
Täna tunnis/Today in class
Viimastel päevadel sain suhteliselt vähe kududa. Aga tund toimub nagu kord ja kohus. Kuna seltskonnas oli erinevaid soove, tegime kompromissi. Räägime nii sadulõlast kui ka rätikute konstrueerimiset.
Last couple of days I did not have much time for knitting. But the class will take place as supposed. As there were different wishes among the students, we made a compormise. We shall discuss both saddle shoulder and shawl constructions.
Last couple of days I did not have much time for knitting. But the class will take place as supposed. As there were different wishes among the students, we made a compormise. We shall discuss both saddle shoulder and shawl constructions.
teisipäev, 20. veebruar 2018
Mitmesuguseid asju/Various matters
Nüüd on Kristeli moeshow läbi ja siin saab näha pilte, kus on ka Maokirja sviiter nr. 1. Mind on ka mainitud. Foto: Deborah Smith.
Now Kristel's fashion show is over and here you can see pictures with the Snake pattern sweater no 1. My name is mentioned as well. Photo by Deborah Smith.
Teiseks, n-ö tavaelu variant (vt eelmine postitus) on saanud palju "laike" Facebookis ja nüüd arutame, kas teha kooskudumine. Kui soovite, siis võite kommenteerida siin. Küsimus on veel, kas teha Ravelrys või Facebooki rühm.
Second, so-called everyday version (see previous post) has got a lot of "likes" on Facebook and we are talking about a possible KAL. If you are interested, you can comment here. Another question is whether to do it on Ravelry or to make a group on Facebook.
Kolmandaks, töös on lihtne topp. Tegin teise pildi üsna heledaks, et triibud oleksid näha. Tegelikult on nad üsna nähtavad, aga pildil kipuvad ära kaduma. Lõng on puuvillase ja linase segu.
Third, I am working on a simple top. I made the second picture rather light in order to make the stripes visible. In real life they are quite visible but tend to disappear in the picture. The yuarn is cotton and linen blend.
Now Kristel's fashion show is over and here you can see pictures with the Snake pattern sweater no 1. My name is mentioned as well. Photo by Deborah Smith.
Teiseks, n-ö tavaelu variant (vt eelmine postitus) on saanud palju "laike" Facebookis ja nüüd arutame, kas teha kooskudumine. Kui soovite, siis võite kommenteerida siin. Küsimus on veel, kas teha Ravelrys või Facebooki rühm.
Second, so-called everyday version (see previous post) has got a lot of "likes" on Facebook and we are talking about a possible KAL. If you are interested, you can comment here. Another question is whether to do it on Ravelry or to make a group on Facebook.
Third, I am working on a simple top. I made the second picture rather light in order to make the stripes visible. In real life they are quite visible but tend to disappear in the picture. The yuarn is cotton and linen blend.
pühapäev, 18. veebruar 2018
Sviitri pilte/Pictures of the sweater
Eile kohtusin Miaga, kes tuli Tallinna üle hulga aja.
Yesterday I met with Mia who came to Tallinn after a long break.
Ja siis ta tegi mõned sviitri pildid. Suur tänu! Kiitos!
And then she took some pictures of the sweater. Many thanks!
Lõng/Yarn: Nevada (Lana Cervinia), 50 g/125 m. Sinine/Blue ~ 425 g, lilla/purple ~ 215 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Yesterday I met with Mia who came to Tallinn after a long break.
Ja siis ta tegi mõned sviitri pildid. Suur tänu! Kiitos!
And then she took some pictures of the sweater. Many thanks!
Lõng/Yarn: Nevada (Lana Cervinia), 50 g/125 m. Sinine/Blue ~ 425 g, lilla/purple ~ 215 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
reede, 16. veebruar 2018
Paar asja/A couple of things
Kas mäletate seda salli?
Do you remember this scarf?
Nüüd on eestikeelne õpetus ilmunud Käsitöös.
The pattern has just been published in the Estonian magazine Käsitöö.
Sviiter on lõpuks valmis, kuivab nüüd. Loodetavasti saan lähiajal korralikud pildid.
The sweater is finally finished and is drying. Hopefully, I will get proper pictures taken soon.
Do you remember this scarf?
Nüüd on eestikeelne õpetus ilmunud Käsitöös.
The pattern has just been published in the Estonian magazine Käsitöö.
Sviiter on lõpuks valmis, kuivab nüüd. Loodetavasti saan lähiajal korralikud pildid.
The sweater is finally finished and is drying. Hopefully, I will get proper pictures taken soon.
kolmapäev, 14. veebruar 2018
Üks varrukas/One sleeve
Nüüd on üks varrukas valmis. Muster sööb lõnga, kes tahab sellist sviitrit kududa, soovitan kergemat lõnga. Praegune on enam-vähem, aga see on vist ülemine piir, jämedamat ei kasutaks.
Now one sleeve is finished. The pattern eats up yarn, so if you want to make such a sweater, I recommend using lighter yarns. This one is more or less suitable but this is probably the upper limit, I would not use anything heavier.
Homme on Domus Linumis tund, räägime ümmargusest passest. Uus materjal on kirja pandud, väga võimalik, et see täieneb veelgi lähiajal.
Tomorrow we have a class at Domus Linum, we shall discuss circular yoke. The new material has been written down and it is quite possible that something will be added to it in the nearest future.
Now one sleeve is finished. The pattern eats up yarn, so if you want to make such a sweater, I recommend using lighter yarns. This one is more or less suitable but this is probably the upper limit, I would not use anything heavier.
Homme on Domus Linumis tund, räägime ümmargusest passest. Uus materjal on kirja pandud, väga võimalik, et see täieneb veelgi lähiajal.
Tomorrow we have a class at Domus Linum, we shall discuss circular yoke. The new material has been written down and it is quite possible that something will be added to it in the nearest future.
esmaspäev, 12. veebruar 2018
Vist töötab/It is probably working
Olen nüüd hulk aega kudunud, nüüd laotasin lauale, tundub, et nii on parem. Võrdluseks panen ühe vana pildi (kõik labases koes, vardad 3,5 mm).
I have been knitting for some time and now spread the sweater on the table, it looks better. For the sake of comparison I am showing an old picture (everything in stockinette, needles 3.5 mm).
Ja nüüd (ripsiga, vardad 4 mm):
And now (with garter stitch, needles 4 mm):
Koon veel mõnda aega ja siis alustan varrukaid. Ei tea veel, milline tuleb viimistlus, kas ripsiga soonik või ripskude.
I will work the torso for some time and then start the sleeves. I still don't know about finishing, whether it will be garter stitch or broken rib.
I have been knitting for some time and now spread the sweater on the table, it looks better. For the sake of comparison I am showing an old picture (everything in stockinette, needles 3.5 mm).
Ja nüüd (ripsiga, vardad 4 mm):
And now (with garter stitch, needles 4 mm):
Koon veel mõnda aega ja siis alustan varrukaid. Ei tea veel, milline tuleb viimistlus, kas ripsiga soonik või ripskude.
I will work the torso for some time and then start the sleeves. I still don't know about finishing, whether it will be garter stitch or broken rib.
laupäev, 10. veebruar 2018
Mis läks valesti ja kuidas püüan seda parandada/What went wrong and how I try to fix it
Jutt on ikka sviitrist. Proovisime selga, selgus, et suurus sobib, aga koepind on väga pingul (pole ime, sest mustris on väljavenitatud silmuseid). Siis harutasin ja mõtlesin, et ripskoega maokiri ei kisuks nii kokku. Võtsin ka poole numbri võrra jämedamad vardad (enne oli 3,5 mm ja nüüd on 4 mm). Praegu tundub, et see töötab. Vaatame.
This is about the sweater. We tried it on and it became clear that, albeith it fits, the fabric is too strained (small wonder because there are slipped stitches). Then I ripped it and thought that maybe the version of the pattern with garter stitch would not be so dense. I went half size up (3.5 mm neeldes before and 4 mm now). It seems now that it is working. We shall see.
Haruldane juhtum, kui töös on mitu asja, aga mõtlesin järgmiseks tunniks teha veel ühe ümmarguse passega topi pisut teistsuguse kalkulatsiooniga. Siin on kõik korras, võin lõpetada hiljem, põhiasi on olemas ja saab õpilastele näidata.
This happens seldom when I work on several knits at the same time but I decided to make another top with circular yoke for my next class, using a slightly different calculation. Everything is fine here, I can finish it later, as I have the most critical part done and can show it to my students.
This is about the sweater. We tried it on and it became clear that, albeith it fits, the fabric is too strained (small wonder because there are slipped stitches). Then I ripped it and thought that maybe the version of the pattern with garter stitch would not be so dense. I went half size up (3.5 mm neeldes before and 4 mm now). It seems now that it is working. We shall see.
Haruldane juhtum, kui töös on mitu asja, aga mõtlesin järgmiseks tunniks teha veel ühe ümmarguse passega topi pisut teistsuguse kalkulatsiooniga. Siin on kõik korras, võin lõpetada hiljem, põhiasi on olemas ja saab õpilastele näidata.
This happens seldom when I work on several knits at the same time but I decided to make another top with circular yoke for my next class, using a slightly different calculation. Everything is fine here, I can finish it later, as I have the most critical part done and can show it to my students.
neljapäev, 8. veebruar 2018
Edeneb tasapisi/Slow progress
Sviiter edeneb tasapisi, silmuseid on palju ja mustrit peab jälgima. Varsti saab selga proovida ja selgub, kas suurus on õige.
The sweater is progressing slowly, as there is a lot of stitches and the pattern requires attention. Soon there will be a possibility to try it on and it will be clear whether the size is right.
The sweater is progressing slowly, as there is a lot of stitches and the pattern requires attention. Soon there will be a possibility to try it on and it will be clear whether the size is right.
teisipäev, 6. veebruar 2018
Topi pilte ja sviitri algus/Pictures of the top and the beginning of the sweater
Eelmises postituses lubasin topi pilte. Nüüd näitan. Maiu, suur tänu! Kuna talvisel ajal on raske pildistada ja väljas on külm, tegime mõned kiired klõpsud. Nad on iseenesest kenad, aga topi tegumoodi pole eriti näha. Keda huvitab tegumood, võib vaadata eelmist postitust.
In the previous post I promised pictures of the top. Here they are. Maiu, many thanks! As it is hard to take pictures in winter and it is cold outside, we just made some quick shots. They are nice but one cannot see the details of the top. If you want to see construction details, please refer to the previous post.
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton Gold (Alize), 100 g/330 m, ~ 700 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Ja sviitri algus on siin:
And the beginning of the sweater is here:
In the previous post I promised pictures of the top. Here they are. Maiu, many thanks! As it is hard to take pictures in winter and it is cold outside, we just made some quick shots. They are nice but one cannot see the details of the top. If you want to see construction details, please refer to the previous post.
Lõng/Yarn: Cotton Gold (Alize), 100 g/330 m, ~ 700 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Ja sviitri algus on siin:
And the beginning of the sweater is here:
pühapäev, 4. veebruar 2018
Tegemisi/What is going on
Ümmarguse passega top on valmis, olen rahul. Tahaks kududa kohe järgmist pisut teise kalkulatsiooniga, aga kõhklen lõngavaliku suhtes. Ikkagi kas teha talvisem või kergem variant. Kodus on mitmesugust villast lõnga. Pole veel otsustanud.
The top with circular yoke is completed and I like it. I would like to knit another one with a slightly different calculation but I am hesitant about yarn. Haven't made up my mind whether it should be a winter or a lighter knit. There are several woollen yarns at home. I have not decided yet.
Enda seljas näitan, kui saan pildistaja. Kuna aga ma ei saa kudumata olla ja pealegi palus tütar maokirjaga sviitrit (aga mitte nii suurt ja rasket nagu too), alustasin eile. Pildil on proovilapp, nüüdseks on juba seljatükki kootud paar mustrikorda.
I will show model pics once I will have found a photographer. Because I am never not knitting and, besides, my daughter has asked to make a snake pattern sweater (but not as large and heavy as that one), I started one yesterday. My swatch is in the picture but I have already knitted a couple of pattern repeats of the back piece.
Nagu näete, see maokiri on labase koe põhjal. Lõng on poolvillane, vaatame, kuidas käitub.
As you can see, this pattern is based entirely on stockinette stitch. The yarn is half-wool and we shall see how it behaves.
The top with circular yoke is completed and I like it. I would like to knit another one with a slightly different calculation but I am hesitant about yarn. Haven't made up my mind whether it should be a winter or a lighter knit. There are several woollen yarns at home. I have not decided yet.
Enda seljas näitan, kui saan pildistaja. Kuna aga ma ei saa kudumata olla ja pealegi palus tütar maokirjaga sviitrit (aga mitte nii suurt ja rasket nagu too), alustasin eile. Pildil on proovilapp, nüüdseks on juba seljatükki kootud paar mustrikorda.
I will show model pics once I will have found a photographer. Because I am never not knitting and, besides, my daughter has asked to make a snake pattern sweater (but not as large and heavy as that one), I started one yesterday. My swatch is in the picture but I have already knitted a couple of pattern repeats of the back piece.
Nagu näete, see maokiri on labase koe põhjal. Lõng on poolvillane, vaatame, kuidas käitub.
As you can see, this pattern is based entirely on stockinette stitch. The yarn is half-wool and we shall see how it behaves.
reede, 2. veebruar 2018
Peaaegu valmis/Almost finished
Nüüd on vaja kududa alla veel mõned sentimeetrid ja siis tuleb soonik.
Now I need to work a couple of centimetres and then to do ribbing.
Ilm on selline, et olen kahevahel, kas teha järgmisena topp või sviiter.
The weather is such that I am in doubt whether to make my next knit a top or a sweater.
Now I need to work a couple of centimetres and then to do ribbing.
Ilm on selline, et olen kahevahel, kas teha järgmisena topp või sviiter.
The weather is such that I am in doubt whether to make my next knit a top or a sweater.
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