Nüüd on üks varrukas valmis. Muster sööb lõnga, kes tahab sellist sviitrit kududa, soovitan kergemat lõnga. Praegune on enam-vähem, aga see on vist ülemine piir, jämedamat ei kasutaks.
Now one sleeve is finished. The pattern eats up yarn, so if you want to make such a sweater, I recommend using lighter yarns. This one is more or less suitable but this is probably the upper limit, I would not use anything heavier.
Homme on Domus Linumis tund, räägime ümmargusest passest. Uus materjal on kirja pandud, väga võimalik, et see täieneb veelgi lähiajal.
Tomorrow we have a class at Domus Linum, we shall discuss circular yoke. The new material has been written down and it is quite possible that something will be added to it in the nearest future.
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