teisipäev, 11. detsember 2018

Sai valmis/Finished

Sviiter sai valmis. Väljas on kehv ilm, valgust on vähe, seetõttu esialgu selline pilt.
The sweater is finished. The weather is lousy and there is almost no light, thus, only this picture for starters.
Kuna muster on sooniku põhine, siis kududes tundub, et töö on väga kortsus ja kole. Pärast niisutamist ja pingutamist on koepind aga väga ilus. Vaatamata sellele, et lõng on must, muster on hästi nähtav.
Whereas the stitch pattern is based on ribbing, it seems while knitting that the work creases a lot and is ugly. After washing and blocking the fabric turns rather beautiful. Regardless the black colour, the stitch pattern has a great definition.

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