Alustame järgmisel nädalal. Koome sellist sviitrit.
We shall start next week. We will knit this sweater.
kolmapäev, 30. jaanuar 2019
esmaspäev, 28. jaanuar 2019
Uus rätik/A new shawl
Tegin selle rätiku näidiseks Marianne's Mohair firma jaoks. Varsti tuleb ka õpetus.
I made this shawl as a sample for Marianne's Mohair. Pattern coming soon.
I made this shawl as a sample for Marianne's Mohair. Pattern coming soon.
laupäev, 26. jaanuar 2019
Kollektsioon 2019/Collection 2019
Niisiis, tegin väikse kollektsiooni. Panen üles mõned pildid, ülejäänud saab näha siin.
So this is a small collection I made. I am uploading some pictures and the rest is here.
Photo: Meeli Laidvee
MUA: Triinu Halliste
Model: Kristiina Jeromans
So this is a small collection I made. I am uploading some pictures and the rest is here.
Photo: Meeli Laidvee
MUA: Triinu Halliste
Model: Kristiina Jeromans
neljapäev, 24. jaanuar 2019
Lava taga/Behind the scene
Siin on üks tööpilt. Varsti näitan ja kirjutan rohkem.
Here is a working pic. I will show and write more soon.
Pilt/Photo: Meeli Laidvee
Modell/Model: Kristiina Jeromans
Jumestus/MUA: Triinu Halliste
Here is a working pic. I will show and write more soon.
Pilt/Photo: Meeli Laidvee
Modell/Model: Kristiina Jeromans
Jumestus/MUA: Triinu Halliste
teisipäev, 22. jaanuar 2019
pühapäev, 20. jaanuar 2019
Sirbikujulisest rätikust/About sickle-shaped shawls
Minu arust on sirbikujulised rätikud head, kui lõng on hästi langev ja peenike. Sest muidu on pikad otsad ja kaelasidumisel tekib keskel palju volte. Kui lõng on paks, siis on seda kude liiga palju. Mohäär ja peenike villane (või linane, meriino jms) on teine lugu. Ehk mäletate, mul on rätik nimega Vool Ravelrys. Praegu kannan seda hea meelega.
In my vew, sickle-shaped shawls are nice when the yarn is draping well and thin. Otherwise the ends are long and there is a lot of fabric that folds a lot when you put the shawl on. If the yarn is thick, there is too much fabric. Mohair and lightweight wool (or linen, merino etc) is a different story. Maybe you remember my shawl Vool on Ravelry. I am wearing it now with pleasure.
Miks ma sellest räägin? Sest kohtusin hiljuti Mariannega ja arutasime, et märtsi alguses on Helsingis käsitöömess ja hea oleks teha midagi uut sinna, samuti teha mõnest vanemast mudelist näidiseksemplari. Sain tema käest peenikest mohääri ja sarnast värvi Skinny Wool meriinot, mida kasutasin selles mudelis. Mõtlesin, et äkki sellise kujuga sall oleks sobiv. Lõpetan varsti sviitri ja hakkan mõtlema.
Why I am telling you all this? Because I met Marianne recently and we discussed the future craft fair in Helsinki in the beginning of March: it would be nice to make something new and to knit some samples of older designs. I received some thin mohair and Skinny Wool merino in a similar colour (the yarn I used for this design). I am thinking that a shawl in this shape would be suitable. I am about to finish the sweater and will start thinking.
In my vew, sickle-shaped shawls are nice when the yarn is draping well and thin. Otherwise the ends are long and there is a lot of fabric that folds a lot when you put the shawl on. If the yarn is thick, there is too much fabric. Mohair and lightweight wool (or linen, merino etc) is a different story. Maybe you remember my shawl Vool on Ravelry. I am wearing it now with pleasure.
Miks ma sellest räägin? Sest kohtusin hiljuti Mariannega ja arutasime, et märtsi alguses on Helsingis käsitöömess ja hea oleks teha midagi uut sinna, samuti teha mõnest vanemast mudelist näidiseksemplari. Sain tema käest peenikest mohääri ja sarnast värvi Skinny Wool meriinot, mida kasutasin selles mudelis. Mõtlesin, et äkki sellise kujuga sall oleks sobiv. Lõpetan varsti sviitri ja hakkan mõtlema.
Why I am telling you all this? Because I met Marianne recently and we discussed the future craft fair in Helsinki in the beginning of March: it would be nice to make something new and to knit some samples of older designs. I received some thin mohair and Skinny Wool merino in a similar colour (the yarn I used for this design). I am thinking that a shawl in this shape would be suitable. I am about to finish the sweater and will start thinking.
reede, 18. jaanuar 2019
Sviiter edeneb. Mõlemad varrukad on olemas, nüüd koon alla.
The sweater is progressing. Both sleeves are completed and now I am knitting downwards.
The sweater is progressing. Both sleeves are completed and now I am knitting downwards.
kolmapäev, 16. jaanuar 2019
Salli õpetus Ravelrys tasuta/Free Ravelry pattern for scarf
Selle nimi on Combination Scarf, õpetuse saab tasuta siit.
It's name is Combination Scarf and the free pattern is here.
It's name is Combination Scarf and the free pattern is here.
patent/patent stitch,
esmaspäev, 14. jaanuar 2019
Maokirja sviiter/Honeycomb pattern sweater
Möödunud aastal kudusin tütrele sellise sviitri (rohkem pilte siin).
A year ago I made this sweater for my daughter (more pics here).
Nüüd teen teise värvikombinatsiooniga, muidu lõng ja kalkulatsioon on sama. Esi- ja seljatükk on juba ühendatud.
Now I am making one in different colours, otherwishe the yarn and the calculations are the same. Front and back piece are already joined.
A year ago I made this sweater for my daughter (more pics here).
Nüüd teen teise värvikombinatsiooniga, muidu lõng ja kalkulatsioon on sama. Esi- ja seljatükk on juba ühendatud.
Now I am making one in different colours, otherwishe the yarn and the calculations are the same. Front and back piece are already joined.
laupäev, 12. jaanuar 2019
Jälle kaksikud/Twins again
Jälle kaksikud! Lõngad on erinevad, kuid nii halli kui musta salli põhilong on mohäär. Tundub, et see mudel tahab natuke raskemat lõnga, seetõttu võiks olla kas siidiga mohäär (nagu halli puhul) või siis peenike mohäär kahekordselt/peenvillane kahekordselt.
Twins again! The yarns are different but mohair is the main yarn for both grey and black scarf. It seems that this pattern requires for a heavier yarn, so it could be either silk-mohair (as in the case of the grey scarf) or thin mohair held double/laceweight wool held double.
Lõng/Yarn: (1) Kid Mohair (BBB, 75 % mohäär/mohair, 25 % polüamiid/polyamide), 25 g/250 m, ~ 500 m; (2) Merinos Extra (BBB, 100 % meriino/merino), 100 g/1500 m, ~500 m.
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm.
Twins again! The yarns are different but mohair is the main yarn for both grey and black scarf. It seems that this pattern requires for a heavier yarn, so it could be either silk-mohair (as in the case of the grey scarf) or thin mohair held double/laceweight wool held double.
Lõng/Yarn: (1) Kid Mohair (BBB, 75 % mohäär/mohair, 25 % polüamiid/polyamide), 25 g/250 m, ~ 500 m; (2) Merinos Extra (BBB, 100 % meriino/merino), 100 g/1500 m, ~500 m.
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm.
neljapäev, 10. jaanuar 2019
Tegemisi/What is going on.
Koon praegu tutava mustriga salli. Lõngad on peenike meriino Merinos Extra (BBB), 100 g/1500 m ja Kid Mohair (BBB), 25 g/250 m, vardad 4,5 mm.
I am knitting a scarf with a familiar pattern. The yarns are laceweight merino Merinos Extra (BBB), 100 g/1500 m and Kid Mohair (BBB), 25 g/250 m, needles 4.5 mm.
Varsti saab valmis poolpatentkoes ja kontrastsetest lõngadest salli retsept. Muster ise on lihtne, rohkem jutu on lõngade kombineerimisest.
I will soon release a recipe for half-brioche stitch in contrasting yarns. The pattern is easy, I mostly discuss yarn combinations.
I am knitting a scarf with a familiar pattern. The yarns are laceweight merino Merinos Extra (BBB), 100 g/1500 m and Kid Mohair (BBB), 25 g/250 m, needles 4.5 mm.
Varsti saab valmis poolpatentkoes ja kontrastsetest lõngadest salli retsept. Muster ise on lihtne, rohkem jutu on lõngade kombineerimisest.
I will soon release a recipe for half-brioche stitch in contrasting yarns. The pattern is easy, I mostly discuss yarn combinations.
teisipäev, 8. jaanuar 2019
2019.a. esimene kudum/The first knit of 2019
See mall on minu lugejatele väga hästi tuttav. Seekord on tegemist lambavillasaega 100 g/600 m.
This pattern is rather familiar to my users. This time I used lamb wool 100 g/600 m.
Huvitav, et ükskord kudusin seda sama jämedusega lõngast (aga oli kašmiir) ja kasutasin ära samuti 600 m, aga see sall on lühem, saab ainult üks kord ümber kaela keerata (~165 cm). Muidugi sai minu abikaasa salli endale!
It is interesting that once I knitted this pattern with the same weight yarn (but it was cashmere) and I used up 600 m like now but the current scarf is shorter and can be twined around the neck only once (~165 cm). Needless to say, my husband got this scarf, too!
This pattern is rather familiar to my users. This time I used lamb wool 100 g/600 m.
Huvitav, et ükskord kudusin seda sama jämedusega lõngast (aga oli kašmiir) ja kasutasin ära samuti 600 m, aga see sall on lühem, saab ainult üks kord ümber kaela keerata (~165 cm). Muidugi sai minu abikaasa salli endale!
It is interesting that once I knitted this pattern with the same weight yarn (but it was cashmere) and I used up 600 m like now but the current scarf is shorter and can be twined around the neck only once (~165 cm). Needless to say, my husband got this scarf, too!
pühapäev, 6. jaanuar 2019
Sviitri pilte/Some sweater pics
Näitan pilte. Olen sviitriga rahul. Võib-olla võiks olla pisut lühem, aga see selgub kandes. Minu seljas (v.a. esimene pilt) pildistas tütar.
Here are some pictures. I am satisfied with the sweater. Maybe it could be a bit shorter but this will be clear while wearing. Modelled pics (except the first one) by my daughter.
Here are some pictures. I am satisfied with the sweater. Maybe it could be a bit shorter but this will be clear while wearing. Modelled pics (except the first one) by my daughter.
reede, 4. jaanuar 2019
2018.a. viimane sall/The last scarf of 2018
Jõudsin lõpetada vana aasta sees. Olen selle salliga väga rahul. Kavatsen kirjutada retsepti. Iseenesest pole siin midagi keerulist, aga oluline on just lõngade kombineerimine.
I managed to complete it within 2018. I am quite satisfied with the scarf. There will be a pattern recipe. In and by itself there is nothing complicated but the main point is yarn combination.
I managed to complete it within 2018. I am quite satisfied with the scarf. There will be a pattern recipe. In and by itself there is nothing complicated but the main point is yarn combination.
kolmapäev, 2. jaanuar 2019
Mis see on?/What is it?
On pime, valget aega on vähe, pildistamisega on probleeme (eriti reisil). Seetõttu selline pilt. Mis see on?
It is dark and there is very little light during the day, so taking pictures is problematic, especialy on a trip. This explains the picture. What is it?
It is dark and there is very little light during the day, so taking pictures is problematic, especialy on a trip. This explains the picture. What is it?
patent/patent stitch,
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