neljapäev, 29. aprill 2010

Jäälehed/Frost leaves

Nüüd on lubatud pildid, vest seljas. Arutasime veel Anuga, ka tema arvas, et pole nii õrnale kudumile nööpi vaja. Kuna lõng on jäävärvi, olgu kudumi nimi Jäälehed.
Here are the promissed pictures, me modelling the vest. We discussed it once more with Anu and she also thought that such a delicate fabric does not need a button. As the colour of the yarn is that of ice/frost, the name sould be Jäälehed (Frost leaves).

Back view:

Ja lõngariiulite keskel:
And amidst yarn shelves:

Fotod/Pictures: Anu
Lõng/Yarn: BBB Soft Dream (220 m/25 g), ~ 35 g
Vardad/Neeldes: 4 mm
Vahelduse mõttes kudusin alt üles, ega ma ei ole mõni dogmaatik ega fanaatik. Siiski pean ütlema, et ülevalt alla kudumine (või eest taha või selja keskelt ette) meeldib mulle rohkem.
Just for a change I knit the vest from bottom, I am not dogmatical or fanatical about top-down knitting. Still I have to admit that top-down (or from front to back or from the middle of the back towards the front) is more to my liking.

kolmapäev, 28. aprill 2010

Mustritest ja nööpidest/On stitch patterns and buttons

Alustame mustritest, siis liigume nööpide poole. Muidugi on võimalik klassifitseerida mustreid erinevalt. On olemas n-ö loomulikud klassid (pitsilised mustrid, palmikud), kuid kindlasti on igal kudujal omad assotsiatsioonid. Mul on näiteks sellised kategooriad (mõistagi ei hõlma nad kõiki mustreid): lehed, rombid, palmikud, palmikpitsid (palimiku ja pitsi kombinatsioon), pseudopalmikud, lained (siia kuuluvad ka sakilise äärega mustrid). Näiteks viimase topi muster kuulub selle klassifikatsiooni järgi lainete hulka. See on hõlpsasti modifitseeritav, mustrikorda võib muuta laiemaks ja kõrgemaks.
Let us start with stitch patterns and then move to buttons. Of course you can classify stitch patterns differently. There are so to say natural categories (lace patterns, cables) but definitely each knitter has own association. As for me, I have the following categories (of course they do not include all stitch patterns): leaves, diamonds, cables, cabel-lace (combinations of the two), pseudo- or mock-cables, waves (patterns with wavey edges belong here). For instance, the stitch pattern of my recent top belongs to the waves. It is easily adjustable, you can change the repeat to be broader and longer.
Ütleme, et laine võib olla selline:
Let us say a wave pattern can be like this:

Mõtlesin, et tahaks seda kasutada oma uue mohäärikudumi jaoks, aga teistmoodi. Näiteks kududa esialgu selle mustri järgi üks mustrikord ja järgmises nihutada, nõnda:
I thought I wanted to use it in a slightly altered version for my new mohair project. For instance, to knit one repeat according to the mentioned pattern and then to shift it like this:

Oma imestuseks (võib-olla teised teavad seda niigi ja see on vaid minu isiklik avastus) sain lehed! Kusjuures juba tuttavad lehed, umbes nagu siin. Väike muudatus, aga milline vahe ja milline seos erinevate mustrite vahel.
To my greatest surprise (maybe others know it anyway and this is just my personal discovery) I got leaves! And familiar leaves at that, almost like here. Such a small change but what a difference it makes and what a connection between different stitch patterns.
Siin ta on:
Here it is:
Mõtlesin, et muster sobib mohäärile ja et seda on mõnus kududa, nii et alustasin pühapäeval ja sain täna valmis sellise vesti:
I thought that the pattern is suitable for mohair and is fun to knit and started on Sunday and today got this vest:

Nüüd nööpidest. Idee oli selline, et ma ei hakka õhukesse mohäärkoesse auke sisse kuduma, vaid heegeldan aasad. Läksin poodi nööpe vaatama, Liannis oli palju ilusaid nööpe. Oli mitu kandidaati, aga ei suutnud otsustada, mis mind häirib. Väga oluline on n-ö diagnoos panna. Ja siis sain aru: kui oleks tavaline auk, oleks nööp kudumi keskel. Aga aasaga nii ei saa, kui nööbiliistud on sama suurusega, siis rikub nööp sümmeetriat. Arusaadav, võib kududa asümeetrilise vesti, aga see on juba teine asi. Nii et mõtlesin lõpuks, et väike sõlg lahendab asja.
Now about buttons. The idea was that I will not knit button holes into this delicate mohair fabric but crochet loops later. I went to the Liann store where there are so many beautiful buttons. There were several candidates but I could not decide what bothered me. It is curcial to get the diagnosis right, so to say. Then I realized: if there were a conventional hole, the button were strictly in the middle of the front. But you cannot do it with a loop if the button bands are symmetrical, then the button violates symmetry. Of course you can perfectly knit an asymmetrical vest but this is a different story. Thus, finally I decided that a small pin will help.

Loodetavasti saab homme-ülehomme korralikult pildistada. Mohäär on muide BBB Soft Dream, kulus 35 g.
Hopefully, better pictures tomorrow or on Friday. By the way, Mohair is BBB Soft Dream, I used 35 g.

esmaspäev, 26. aprill 2010

Pilte/Some pictures

Selle topi värvide pildistamine pole just kerge. Tänastel piltidel on värv siiski pisut adekvaatsem, tegelikult peaks olema veel sügavam ja rohekam.
It is not exactly easy to capture the colours of this top. Still, today's picture render the colours slightly more adequate; they shoudl be deeper and greener.

Üks tagantvaade:
A back view:
Kuna samas on Tallinna Keraamikatehase pood, tahtsin pildile saada ilusa sügavsinise kruusi:
As Tallinn Ceramics Factory shop is in the same place, I wanted to have a nice deep blue mug photographed:

Pean hoiatama, et selline muster teeb rindkere osa optiliselt suuremaks! Pildil on näha, muidu elus ei märka.
I have to warn that this stitch pattern makes the ribcage optically larger! It is visible in the photographs, otherwise in real life you don't notice it.

Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Lõng/Yarn: Evilla Artistic 8/2 (400 m/100 g)
Lõngakulu/Used: 104 g
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Lõngaga oli veel selline naljakas lugu. Mul oli seda vähe, 115-120 g. Kas sellest saab topi või mitte, ei teadnud. Jõgeva lõnga väljamüügi päeval arutasime, mida teha (rohkem seda värvi lõnga polnud, teadagi, nii ilusad värvid). Kaja võttis endale kampsunijagu heledamat sinirohekat Evilla lõnga, leppisime kokku, et kasutan natuke, värv sobib sinna "seltskonda". Lõpuks selgus, et top kaalub täpselt 104 g ja mul on järel veel väike kera.
There was a funny story with this yarn. I had a small amount of it, only 115-12o g. I had no idea whether I can get a top from it or not. During the sale of Evilla yarns we discussed it because there was no more yarn with theses colourse (but of course, such beautiful colours). Kaja bought for a jacket some lighter blue-green Evilla yarn and we agreed that I can use some of it because the colour fits well into the "company". Finally it prooved that the top weighs 104 g precisely and I have a small skein remaining.

laupäev, 24. aprill 2010


Valmis ja kuivab. Piltidel on värvid täiesti valed.
Finished and drying. The colours in the pictures are completely wrong.

Lõng andis natuke värvi, kuid värvid ei tuhmunud. See on esimene kord minu kogemuses.
The yarn ran colour a little bit but the colours did not fade. This is the first time in my experience.

Kui homseks on kuiv, siis tulevad ka korralikud pildid. Lõnga oli mõnus kududa. Samuti lasen poes kaaluda ja siis selgub, kui palju lõnga kulus. Mulle tundub, et 110 g või pisut üle selle.
If the top gets dry tomorrow, there will be proper pictures. The yarn is pleasant to knit. Also I will get the top weighed in the shop and then we will learn how much yarn was used up. It seems to me that some 110 g or slightly more.

neljapäev, 22. aprill 2010


Näitan midagi uut. Alustasin eile Evilla lõngast topi. Põhimõte on nagu mohääritopil (Mohääriminimalism), ainult kuna lõng on teistsugune, siis tuli teha teine kalkulatsioon. Veel pidin loomulikult arvestama mustriga. Õnneks on see laineline muster kergesti kohendatav, võib silmade arvu kergesti muuta.
I show you something new. Yesterday I started a top from Evilla yarn. The principle is like in Mohair minimalist top, only that this is a different yarn and a new calculation was needed. Of course I had to think about the stitch pattern as well. Fortunately this wave-like pattern is easily adjustable and the number of stitches can be easily altered.

Probleem on värvi pildistamisega. Piltidel on kõik sinisem, tegelikult on värvid tunduvalt rohekamad.
There is a problem with capturing the colours. Everything is more blue in the picture, in reality all colourse are more greenish.

Lõngakera pilt on pisut adekvaatsem, aga ainult pisut.
The picture of the skein is slightly more adequate but only slightly.

Värvikood on A-10. Annan lingi Heli blogile, ta on sellest lõngast kudunud. Tema piltidel on värv õigem.
The code is A-10. Here is the link to Heli's blog, she has knit from this yarn. The colour is much more true in her pictures.

kolmapäev, 21. aprill 2010

Vausabakiri/Horse shue stitch pattern

Lubasin arutleda vausabakirjast. Haapsalu salli raamatus on mitu varianti. Siiski paistab, et see muster lubab väga palju variatsioone, mis pole kõik raamatus. Vist kõige klassikalism ja tavalisem on see:
I have promissed to write about horse shue pattern. In Estonian it is vausabakiri or peacocktail pattern. There are several versions in Haapsalu sall book. Still, it appears that this stitch pattern allows for very much variation that is not entirely in the book. Probably the most usual and classical version is this:

Muster on paindlik. Nagu vertikaalsed mustrid, lubab see vajaduse korral laiemat või kitsamat mustrikorda. Siin on 2 pahempidist silma, võib olla ka 3.
The stitch pattern is flexible. As vertical patterns ever, it can be broadened or narrowed, when required. Here are 2 purl stitches but you can have 3 etc.
Ka kõrgusega võib mängida, siis muutub muster ühtlasi laiemaks:
You can play with the hight and the stitch pattern becomes broader as well:
Võib teha ka nii, et mustri silmade arv on paarisarv (siin pole arvestatud pahempidiseid).
It is possible to have an even number of stitches in the pattern (additional purl stitches not counted):

See on ehk vähemtunud modifikatsioon, hästi kõrge mustrikord. Mõte on selles, et esialgu kootakse mitu rida parempidiseid (pahempidiste vahel) ja muster kui selline algab alles hiljem. See näeb välja rohkem nagu nool.
This is probably a less known modification, a rather high repeat. The idea is that in the beginning several rows of knit stitches are knit (between some purl stitches) and the pattern as such starts later. It looks more like an arrow.

Siis võib teha veel selliseid asju: klassikaline muster, aga mustrikorra viimane tagasirida on pahempidine (tähendab, tagasirida kootud parempidi, aga paremal pool näeb välja pahempidine).
Then you can make the following thing: take the classical pattern but the last back row in the repeat is purl row (that is, you knit on the wrong side and it looks like purls on the right side).
Viimases vestis on kasutatud selline variant: kõrgem ja laiem vausaba ja viimane rida pahempidine.
I used the following version in the recent vest: a higher and a broader horse shue stitch pattern with the last row of purl stitches.

esmaspäev, 19. aprill 2010

Vastuoluline vest/Controversial vest

Tõepoolest, vastuoluline vest! Eile sain valmis ja hakkasin kahtlema, et äkki kisub midagi, äkki see "3-st 3" ei ole selle lõnga puhul üldse hea võte jms. Mõtlesin, kas harutada esiosad või üldse kõik ja teha teisiti. Hommikul oli mul pikk MSNi vestlus Katyushaga, jõudsin mitmele teatada, et asi ikka ei kõlba. Siis võtsin vesti ja panin selga ja oh imet, ei saagi aru, kas üldse oli midagi viga. Mees ütles samuti, et tema ei saanud aru mu eilsest jutust. Mõtlesiin täna, et vaatan nööpe poest. On igasuguseid ilusaid nööpe, aga päris sobivat ei ole. Siis ütles üks tuttav müüa, et vest ilma nööpideta olevat minu stiil, sõlg ajab asja ära.
Really, what a controversial vest! Yesterday I finished it and had doubts that something is not right, maybe this "3 out of 3" on the front pannels is not the best possible pattern for this yarn etc. I was thinking whether to frog the front pannels or even everything and reknit it. In the morining I had a long MSN discussion with Katyusha and informed several knitting friends that I'd failed. Then I took the vest and put it on and, surprisingly, could not understand whether anything had been wrong with it in the first place. My husband also said that he could not get my yesterday's disappointment. I intended to look for buttons today. There are plenty of nice buttons but nothing that suits exactly. Then a saleswoman in a yarn shop said that a buttonless vest is my stile and the pin will do it.

Fotod/Pictures: Anu
Lõng/Yarn: Katia Liana (46 %puuvill/ 46 % cotton, 32 %lina/32 % linen, 22 % viskoos/22 %rayon), 5 tokki/5 skeins.
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
Ikka tavaline ülevalt alla kootud, abilõngaga, põhimuster modifitseeritud vausabakiri (eraldi postitus tulemas), all paar rida ripskudet. Võtsin silmad üles kulgedel (mõttelised nööbiliistad) ja "kaela osas", kudusin labast parempidist 4 rida, siis tegin rea "3-st 3" võttega, siis kudusin 6 rida labast parempidist ja nii mitu korda. Paar viimast rida ripskoes.
This is a usual top-down vest with a provisional cast on, the main lace pattern is a modified horse shue pattern (a separate post comming), in the bottom a couple of rows in garter stitch. I picked up stitces on the sides (imaginary button bands) and "neck stitches", knit 4 rows in stockinette, than made one row "3 out of 3", than 6 rows in stockinette and repeated this several times. A couple of last rows are in stockinette.

laupäev, 17. aprill 2010

Evilla lõnade väljamüük/Evilla yarns sale

Täna saabusid Pronksi poodi Evilla lõngad. Siin on üks kastitäis lõngu (pildil on 8/1 ehk peenikesed pitsilõngad).
Today Evilla yarns arrived at Pronksi yarnshop. Here is a box full of yarns (8/1 or laceweight yarns).

Kohale saabusid mitmed sõbrad: Ruth, Kaja, Freddy ja ka Helena Helsingist. Kõik said endale lõngu! Hiljem tuli kohale soomlasi, kes olid lugenud Ravelrys ja siin lõngade väljamüügist. Kui lõngu on palju, valik on raske.
Several friends arrived as well: Ruth, Kaja, Freddy and also Helena from Helsinki. All of us got some yarns! Then a group of Finns arrived who had read on Ravelry and here about the sale. It is difficult to choose when there are so many yarns.

Osteti ka Raasiku (Aade Lõng) lõngu. Anu poeg pidi ronima, et dekoratsiooniks riputatud lõngade seast mõni viht alla tuua.
Also some Aade Lõng yarns were purchased. Anu's son had to climb in order to bring down some yarns that had been placed there for the sake of decoration.

Nüüd on lõngad valitud.
Now the yarns are chosen.

Ja siin on Rene, kes toobki lõngu Jõgevalt.
And here is Rene who brings all these yarns from Jõgeva.

Lõpuks natuke oma kudumist. See on vaade tagant.
Finally, some words about my project. Here is the back view.

Siin on vaade eest, koon nüüd edasi (Anu, aitäh piltide eest).
Here is the front view, I keep knitting (Anu, thank you for taking pictures).

reede, 16. aprill 2010

Üht ja teist/this and that

Olen tagasi Helsingist. Praegu on rohelise topi pildid sellised (Kati, suur tänu!). Nad on n-ö ajutised, aga panen nad siia, kuna olen lubanud mitmele näidata, kuidas see istub seljas . Paremaid pilte on loota hiljem, kui saan topi tagasi (sellest kunagi hiljem, kui on õige aeg).
I am back from Helsinki. Here are some pictures of the green top, for the moment (Kati, thank you!). These are temporary pictures, so to say, but I am posting them here because I have promissed to show how the top fits me. There is a hope for better pictures in future when I get the top back (this is another matter and I will write about it later when the time is right).

Loodan, et on näha, et äär käitub kenasti!
I hope you can see that that the hem behaves properly!
Kaasa võtsin uue töö, alustatud teisipäeva õhtul. See on vest uuest suvelõngast (Liana, tootja Katia, viskoos-puuvill-lina, 50 g/80 m, vardad nr 4,5). Lõng on hästi mõnus. Eestis müüakse praegu vaid osa värvikaardist. Olemasolevatest toonidest sobib mulle vaid helehall. Lubati, et suve poole tellitakse rohkem. Jälle tuleb selline pealeviskamisasi. Võib-olla teen ka varrukad, siis on suvejakk.
I took the new project with me, started on Tuesday evening. It is a vest from new summer yarn Liana (produced by Katia, rayon-cotton-linen, 50 g/80 m, needles no 4.5). The yarn is very nice. Only a fraction of the whole colour selection is currently being sold in Estonia. Among the available colours only light gray suits me. They promissed to order more shades in summer. It will be a throw-on garment again. Maybe I will knit sleeves, in that case it will be a summer jacket.

Nagu näha, koon praegu kraed ja nööbiliiste:
As you can see, I am working on the collar and the button bands:
Põhiline muster on siin, n-ö modifitseeritud vausabakiri.
The main stitch pattern is here, so-called modified horse shue pattern.
Mul lõppes lõng otsa (kasutatud on 4 tokki), tuleb hankida veel 1 tokk või isegi 2-3, kui teen varrukad. Vausabakirjast peaks tegema eraldi postituse, sest see väärib omaette juttu.
I have run out of yarn (used up 4 skeins), one more skein or, if I opt for the sleeves, even 2-3 skeins are to be purchased. I should write a separate post on horse shue pattern, it is worth it.
Ja homme on Evilla lõngade müük Pronksi poes! Loodetavasti tuleb homme rohkem pilte ja lõngajuttu.
And tomorrow there will be Evilla yarns sale at Pronksi shop! Hopefully there will be more pictures and yarn stories tomorrow.

teisipäev, 13. aprill 2010


Kuna pean homme Soome sõitma, lükub pildistamine edasi. Praegu on vaid üldvaade.
As I am going to Finland tomorrow, a proper photosession is postponed. Now there is only a general picture.

Loodan, et usute mind, kui ütlen, et nüüd on äär korras, ei hõlju. Lahendasin probleemi nii. Harutasin teatud osa ära, kuid jätsin alles mõne portsu, kus on kasvatused, nii et siluett on kergelt alt laienev. Kudisn tükk aega sirgelt. Siis tegin nii: 2 parempidi, 3-ndasse teha 3 (parempidi, õhksilm, parempidi) ja nõnda rea lõpuni. Siis mõtlesin, et ripskude annab raksust juurde ja kudusin 5 rida ripskoes. Ringselt kududes tähendab see rida parempidi, rida pahempidi. Tavaliselt on maha kududes see probleem, et äär kisub kokku, eriti peene pitsi- või mohäärilõnga puhul. Antud juhul ma eriti sellepärast ei muretsenud (muidu mul on omad trikid, kuidas seda vältida). Nii et üldkokkuvõttes tuli välja tavaline mohääritop, ainult pisut pikem ja väikse kaunistusega. Olen rahul, aga pole vist mitte midagi rabavalt huvitavat. See-eest sain jälle targemaks!
I hope you believe me when I am saying that the hem is all right now, it is not floating. This is how the problem was solved. I frogged some part of the top but still left some portion with the increases, so that there is a slight A-shape. I knitted without increasing for some time. Then I did the following: p 2, make 3 into the 3th stitch (k, yo, k) and continued this for the whole row. Then I tought that garter stitch gives some wight and knitted 5 rows in garter stitch. In cirular knitting it means k 1 row, p one row. Usually there is a problem with binding off that edge is too stiff, especially when working with lace yarn or mohair. In this case I was not concerned (otherwise I have some tricks how to avoid it). To summarize, it is a usual mohair top, just a little bit longer and with a small decoration. I am satisfied but there is nothing awfully interesting in it. Still, I gained some experience!

esmaspäev, 12. aprill 2010

Vigade parandus/Correction of mistakes

Pealtnäha on kõik ilus, alt laienev äär ja puha. Pildid on kenad.
On the surface everything looks fine, the broadening hem etc. The pictures are fine.

Selga proovides selgub siiski, et tegin vea. Äär ei lange, vaid hõljub. See on ju mohäär! Mulle ei meeldi, mis välja tuli.
However, after trying on I realized that I made a mistake. The hem is not falling but floating. It is mohair! I am not satisfied with the result.

Mida teha? Arvan, et äär tuleb harutada ja asemele võiks teha rüüši vms. Seega mitte kasvatada iga natukese aja tagant 4 kohas, vaid kasvatada järsult ja ühtlaselt ja siis kududa mõned read. Kui kellelgi on mõtteid, andke palun nõu.
What should be done? I think that the bottom part should be frogged and I could do a ruffle instead. Thus, not regular increases in 4 places but an abrupt increase after small intervals and then knit several rows. If you have ideas, please share with me.