Dear readers, I apologize for irregular posting. Knitting is progressing, although not as fast as at home. Here is how the things are:
Ei pidanud vastu kiusatusele pildistada peeglist, kui proovisin endale selga.
I could not restrain myself from taking a picture in the mirror while I was trying it on.
Muster on kaasahaarav. Ilmselt on suhteliselt universaalne (sobib paljudele lõngadele). Nagu vastasin juba eelmise postituse kommentaaridele, kujutan ette kudumit eesti villast ja niisuguse mustriga.
The pattern is addictive. Probably it is relatively universal (it looks good on many yarns). As I answered to the comments to my previous posting, I can imagine a garment from Estonian wool in this pattern.
6 kommentaari:
Anna, it looks so light and airy!
I'm impressed. You do everything so quickly - how can it be? Greetings from Poland
väga ilus muster on. kui võimalik, joonista palun kunagi selle skeem.
Lidia, thank you! I really like this linen, it makes such a nice fabric.
Healthy, thanks! I don't know, probably, it is that I cannot work on several knitting projects at the same time!
Mari, tänan! Muster on elementaarne, vist on Pitsilistes olemas, aga kindlasti Haapsalu sallis. Nimi on võilillelehekiri.
I agree this stitch would look very pretty in Estonian wool. It does make a very cute summer top as well though.
Robin, thank you. I am about to finish it, would definitely try the stitch in other yarns.
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