There are quite a few matters I will discuss today. First of all, the sweet birthday present that I got from Robin. An exquisite Habu yarn, 14 g/244 m, 75 % wool and 25 % stainless steel. I have been looking at Habu yarns on Ravelry for a long time and wanted to try. Robin wrote in Estonian "Palju õnne sünnipäevaks" (happy birthday)! Thank you so much, Robin, this is such a pleasant surprise! There are 2 cones (that is, 2 x 14 g).
Nüüd veel üks lugu, kuidas Karnaluksis lõnga ostmas käisin. Plaaanis on jälle mohäär millegagi ühendada. On olemas täiesti konkreetne idee. Läksin siis sinna. Probleem on selles, et mohääri valik pole seal kuigi suur. Tõsi küll, Tallinnas on muid kohti, kus mohääri on (kõige parem värvi valik ja mitte ülearu kallis on minu meelest Liannis ja Pronksis), aga seal pole jällegi peenikest viskoosi või polüamiidi. Osta enne viskoos/polüamiid ja minna sellega mohääri vaatama oleks riskantne, vastupidine samuti. Mõtlesin siis, et lähtun sellest, mis on olemas Karnaluksis. Et mohääri värv, jämedus ja faktuur oleks sobiv, piirab võimalusi üsna märgatavalt, aga nõnda välisin välja Austermanni Kid Silki. Nüüd aga oli vaja otsida talle seltsilist.
Now another story how I went to Karnaluks to buy yarns. I have a plan to blend mohair with another yarn again. I have a quite definite idea. So I went there. The problem is that mohair choice is not very big there. Of course, there are other places in Tallinn to look for mohair (the best colour choice and reasonable prices are, in my opinion, in Liann and Pronksi) but there is no thin rayon nor polyamide. To buy rayon/polyamide before and to go looking for mohair afterwards would be risky and the reverse would be also risky. I decided that I will limit myself to Karnaluks. It is not easy to pick up mohair there that the colour, the weight and the texture would be suitable but I was lucky to find Austermann Kid Silk. Now I needed a companion for that.
Pilt näitab, et seltsiline on olemas: 100 % viskoos. Türgi polüamiidi, mida kasutasin varem, ei olnud värvi poolest. See viskoos aga sobis. Küsimus oli aga metraažis. Lõngaetiketil seda pole, sildil ka mitte. Küsisin müüja käest, ta vaatas ringi ja ütles: ega me ei mõõda neid lõngu. Ütlesin, et muidugi mitte! Siis arvasin, et võtan igaks juhuks 4 rulli viskoosi, sest see on jämedam, kui too türgi polüamiid. Riiulis oli aga 3 rulli. Küsisin teie müüja käest, ega rohkem pole. Sain vastuseks, et pole, kõik, mis on, on väljas. Siis tegin uue katse ja võtsin üles metraaži teema. Müüja läks riiuli juurde ja vaatas, et sama firma sama sorti, aga teist värvi lõng, on teistmoodi etiketiga, kus metraaž oli olemas: 240 m. Kuna mohäär on 25 g/220 m, jätkub mulle 3-st rullist! Minu küsimusele, miks ühel on ja teisel pole, vastas ta, et ju siis on uuem toodang. Lõpp hea, kõik hea.
The picture shows that there is a companion indeed, 100 % rayon. There was no suitable colour for Turkish polyamide I used earlier. The rayon was a perfect match. However, the question of yardage remained. Nothing is written on the label and nothing was on the price sign in the store. I asked a saleswoman, she looked around and said: we do not measure these yarns. Of course not, I replied! Then I decided to buy 4 bobbins of the rayon just in case because it is thicker than the Turkish polyamide. There were only 3 bobbins on the shelf, however. I asked another saleswoman whether there was more. She informed me that there was none, everything they had was on the display. Then I made a second attempt and took up the topic of the yardage. The saleswoman approached the shelf and discovered that the same yarn of by the same company but of a different colour has a different label where yardage had been written: 240 m. Whereas mohair is 25 g/220 m, I shall be fine with 3 bobbins! I asked why one label has the yardage and the other has not and she answered that the second one must have been produced more recently. All is good when the end is good!
Siin on minu kudum, pole jõudnud palju kududa. Nüüd läheb aega, sest vardad on peenikesed.
Here is my current project, I have not done much. It will take some time now because the needles are really thin.
Midagi reklaamiks: varsti tuleb uus Moda, kus on minu disain sees. See paks ja suur kampsun.
Something for a preview: a new issue of Moda will appear soon and there is a design by me. This thick and large sweater.

11 kommentaari:
I love your new thick sweater design Anna, congratulations! The new yarn combination looks perfect. The way you related the story about trying to find the yardage was amusing although I know how annoying it must have been, as I have sometimes had similar troubles with unlabeled balls of yarn and unhelpful sales people at wool shows.
Paistab, et oled teinud lõngade suhtes õnnestunud valiku - värv on super ja välimus lausa luksuslik.
Väga meeldiv ja südantsoojendav üllatus Robinilt!
Robin, thank you! Well, this story was funny. I am used to this kind of service in the store.
Kaja, aitäh, üllatus on tõesti suurepäarane. Mohääri ja viskoosi suhtes olen rahul tõepoolest.
Anna congratulations on the new publication :-)) Love the new sweater :-))
The new yarns are all have such great colors. I love all shades of purple myself too :-))
Oh, that's something new - a thick yarn that you're using for a design. I'm looking forward to some more pictures and information on it.
Siga, dekoju. Sis megztukas is suomiskos vilnos, labai storas siulas, mezgiau su 12 mm virbalais! Aprasymas bus suomiskai, bet jeigu Jums idomu, sugalvosim kazka:).
Näin Moda-lehden mainoksen jo kauan aikaa sitten ja tulit heti mieleeni tuosta neuleesta, vaikka en tiennyt, että olet saanut mallin Modaan. Hienoa! Täytyykin kipaista lehtihyllylle heinäkuun alussa.
Mia, kiitos! Lehti ilmeistyy 05.07.
Õnnitlen!! Kas tegu lausa kaanefotoga?
Heli, tänan! Ei tea veel, kas on kaanefoto või mitte. See on reklaam viimase numbri viimasel leheküljel. Uus number ilmub 5.juulil, siis saab näha.
Aa, tundus nii kannefoto moodi, kirjad kõrval ja peal. Aga siis mis muud, kui ootan juulit, et siis endalegi uus number osta.
Mulle väga Moda meeldib, on nii Soome disainerite loomingut, kui parimaid palasid mujalt:)
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