teisipäev, 22. jaanuar 2013

Muster/The stitch pattern

Niisiis, muster on selline. Labane parempidine/pahempidine oleks ka suurepärane, aga et oleks huvitavam kududa, siis on sellised sakid.
So the stitch pattern is like this. Stockinette or reverse stockinette would be most suitable, too, but I opted for these zigzags to make knitting more exiting.
Nagu näha, see ei ole selline lõng, mis moodustab ise värvimustreid. Mõnevõrra meenutab Madelinetoshi, mida olen kasutanud siin, aga antud juhul on varjundite variatsioon suurem.
As you can see, this is not a kind of yarn that "sets itself" into colour patterns. This one is somewhat similar to Madelinetosh that I have used here but the variation of shades within one colour is wider here.

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