Mis puutub eelmise postituse teemasse, siis otsustasin, et võtan endale mõtlemisaega. Kaldun arvama, et pigem harutan ja teen midagi uut. Aga nüüd on kiire mitmesuguse uue asjaga. Praegu ei saa avalikult rääkida, näitan ainult, mis lõnga ja mis mustriga on tegemist.
As far as the topic of the previous post is concerned, I decided to take time to think it over. I am inclined to think that I'd rather frog and make something entirely new. But right now I am in a hurry with several new topics. I cannot talk about it openly and will just show what yarn and what pattern it is about.
Pange tähele, et kuigi lõng on must värvi, releefne muster on hästi selge.
Take a look: although the yarn is black, the textured pattern is rather clear.
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