Alustasin eile rätikut. Mul on mingi hulk sinist Angora 2 lõnga. Midagi väga lihtsat, aga konstruktsiooni mõttes minu jaoks uudne. Vaatame, mis välja tuleb.
Yesterday I started a shawl. I have some blue Angora 2. Something rather simple but new to me as far as construction is concerned. We shall see how it turns out.
laupäev, 29. november 2014
kolmapäev, 26. november 2014
Kästitöö 2014 Talv/Käsitöö magazine 2014 Winter
Uus Käsitöö on väljas. Seal on kaks minu kudumit, üks on niisama inspiratsiooniks (the pattern will be available later on Ravelry), teine koos õpetusega. Loo algust saate lugeda siit, siit ja siit. Julika Roosi talu lammas on andnud villa, Liis Luhamaa on kedranud ja mina valmis kudunud.
The fresh issue of the Käsitöö magazine has come out. I have two knits there, one for inspiration (a pattern will appear later on Ravelry) and the other one with a pattern). The beginning of the story is available here, here and here. A lamb from Julika Roosi farmstead has given wool and Liis Luhamaa has spun it and I have knitted it up.
The fresh issue of the Käsitöö magazine has come out. I have two knits there, one for inspiration (a pattern will appear later on Ravelry) and the other one with a pattern). The beginning of the story is available here, here and here. A lamb from Julika Roosi farmstead has given wool and Liis Luhamaa has spun it and I have knitted it up.
See on õpetuseta sviiter, tegemist on sokilõngaga (Dropsi Fabel). Selle suhtes on mitmesuguseid mõtteid.
This is the sweater without a pattern, the yarn is Fabel (by Drops). I have several thoughts about it.
esmaspäev, 24. november 2014
Ma ei tea, mis on selle mustri ametlik nimi, aga mulle meenutab ta vahvlit. Kristiina, tänan piltide eest!
I don't know the official name of this stich pattern but it reminds me of wafer. Kristiina, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Liisu (Elotroi), 100 g/360 m, ~350 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
Esialgu tahtsin teha püstise kraega (muidu oleks pisut avaram kaelus, aga ka selline pole võimatu). Tegingi laias soonikus. Kuid siis selgus, et kudum on liiga raskepärane. Muster on reljeefne, paks püstkrae tundus liialdusena. Püstkrae tuleb siis mõni teine kord.
At first I wanted to make a turtle-neck collar (otherwise the neck opening would bi slightly wider; still, the current one is not impossible). I made the collar in wide ribbing. But then it became clear that the knit looks too heavy. The stitch pattern has a prominent texture and a thick turtle-neck collar overdid it. Some other time then.
I don't know the official name of this stich pattern but it reminds me of wafer. Kristiina, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Liisu (Elotroi), 100 g/360 m, ~350 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
Esialgu tahtsin teha püstise kraega (muidu oleks pisut avaram kaelus, aga ka selline pole võimatu). Tegingi laias soonikus. Kuid siis selgus, et kudum on liiga raskepärane. Muster on reljeefne, paks püstkrae tundus liialdusena. Püstkrae tuleb siis mõni teine kord.
At first I wanted to make a turtle-neck collar (otherwise the neck opening would bi slightly wider; still, the current one is not impossible). I made the collar in wide ribbing. But then it became clear that the knit looks too heavy. The stitch pattern has a prominent texture and a thick turtle-neck collar overdid it. Some other time then.
reede, 21. november 2014
Kahepoolse sviitri pilte/Pictures of the reversible sweater
Suur tänu Kristiinale piltide eest! Kuigi kudum on must, muster on pildil näha.
Many thanks to Kristiina for the pictures! The pattern is visible in the picture, albeit the garment is black.
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/3 (100 g/270 m), 285 g
Vardad/Neeldes: 4,5 mm
Many thanks to Kristiina for the pictures! The pattern is visible in the picture, albeit the garment is black.
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/3 (100 g/270 m), 285 g
Vardad/Neeldes: 4,5 mm
Aade lõng,
mustrid/stitch patterns,
kolmapäev, 19. november 2014
Jälle soonikutest/On ribbing once again
Mõne teema juurde tuled ikka tagasi. Eelmisel aastal uurisin, mida mu sõbrad soonikutest arvavad ja kirjutasin siin. Hiljuti kudusin lihtsa kampsuni, kus nööbiliist on lai soonik.
One keeps returning to certain topcs. Last year I aksed what my friends think about ribbing and wrote about it here. Recentrly I knitted a simple cardi where button band is in broad ribbing.
Need, kes jälgivad seda blogi ja minu kudumist, teavad, et kasutan soonikut vähe. Ei kasuta seda funktsionaalse, vaid dekoratiivse elemendina. Kudum võib olla üleni soonikus, siis see on disaini element.Üleni patent- või poolpantent koes mohäärisviitrid on hea näide. Võite otsida internetist pilte märksõnaga "poor boy sweater" ("vaese poisi sviiter").
Those who follow this blog and my knitting know that I usually use ribbing quite sparingly. I don't use it not as a functional but rather as a decorating element. A knit can be entirely in ribbing, in which case it is a design element. Mohair sweaters in all over patent or half-patent stitch are a nice example. You can try searchin interenet for "poor boy sweater".
See kudum on soonikus. Põhimuster on sooniku variatsioon ja all on pikk soonik. Pikk sooniku osa mõjub teisiti, kui tavaline, paari sentimetrine soonik. Huvitav, et kui plaanisime Mattisega TFW kollektsiooni, arutasime ka soonikuid ja talle meeldis ripskoes või pärlkoes äär.
This knit is in ribbing. The main pattern is a variety of ribbing and a longer section in ribbing is below. A longer section of ribbing has a different effect as compared to just a couple of centimetres in ribbing. It is interesting that when we discussed our TFW collection with Mattis, we talked about ribbing as well and liked edging in garter stitch or moss stitch better.
One keeps returning to certain topcs. Last year I aksed what my friends think about ribbing and wrote about it here. Recentrly I knitted a simple cardi where button band is in broad ribbing.
Need, kes jälgivad seda blogi ja minu kudumist, teavad, et kasutan soonikut vähe. Ei kasuta seda funktsionaalse, vaid dekoratiivse elemendina. Kudum võib olla üleni soonikus, siis see on disaini element.Üleni patent- või poolpantent koes mohäärisviitrid on hea näide. Võite otsida internetist pilte märksõnaga "poor boy sweater" ("vaese poisi sviiter").
Those who follow this blog and my knitting know that I usually use ribbing quite sparingly. I don't use it not as a functional but rather as a decorating element. A knit can be entirely in ribbing, in which case it is a design element. Mohair sweaters in all over patent or half-patent stitch are a nice example. You can try searchin interenet for "poor boy sweater".
See kudum on soonikus. Põhimuster on sooniku variatsioon ja all on pikk soonik. Pikk sooniku osa mõjub teisiti, kui tavaline, paari sentimetrine soonik. Huvitav, et kui plaanisime Mattisega TFW kollektsiooni, arutasime ka soonikuid ja talle meeldis ripskoes või pärlkoes äär.
This knit is in ribbing. The main pattern is a variety of ribbing and a longer section in ribbing is below. A longer section of ribbing has a different effect as compared to just a couple of centimetres in ribbing. It is interesting that when we discussed our TFW collection with Mattis, we talked about ribbing as well and liked edging in garter stitch or moss stitch better.
esmaspäev, 17. november 2014
Jälle kahepoolne/Once again reversible
Ka see muster on kahepoolne. Parem ja pahem pool on peaaegu samasugune.
This pattern is reversible as well. Right and wrong side are almost identical.
Lõng on Teksrena villane (Leedu), 100 g/350 m.
The yarn is Teksrena wool (Lithuania), 100 g/350 m.
This pattern is reversible as well. Right and wrong side are almost identical.
Lõng on Teksrena villane (Leedu), 100 g/350 m.
The yarn is Teksrena wool (Lithuania), 100 g/350 m.
mustrid/stitch patterns,
laupäev, 15. november 2014
Kiire postitus: madala õlajoonega ja nahkhiiire varrukaga kampsunid/A quick post: dropped shoulder dolman sleeve sweaters
Aega ei ole, seetõttu kirjutan praegu lühidalt. Eile oli viimane tund Rahvaülikoolis. Tänan kõiki osalemast! Arutasime muuhulgas ka nahkhiire-tüüpi kampsuneid ja konstrueerimisvõimalusi. Olin enne paarist poest läbi astunud ja näinud, et selliseid kudumeid on üsna palju ja selle asemel, et osta, oskame nüüd ise kududa. Aga midagi on õhus ja nüüd leidsin mõningaid pilte ja panin Pinteresti. Praegu postitan mõned siia.
I have no time and for this reason I will be brief. Yesterday I taught the last class at Folk University. Thank you all for participating! Among other things, we discussed dolman sleeve sweaters and constructions thereof. I had visited a couple of stores before and see that there are plenty of such knits and instead of buying we know how to knit them. But something is in the air and I've found several pictures and put them on Pinterest. Some of them are here.
Acne Fall 2014
Reserved Fall 2014
Ja vaadake seda: Rick Owens 2014. Mis on selle kudumi hind?!
And look here: Rick Owens 2014. What is the price of this knit?!
I have no time and for this reason I will be brief. Yesterday I taught the last class at Folk University. Thank you all for participating! Among other things, we discussed dolman sleeve sweaters and constructions thereof. I had visited a couple of stores before and see that there are plenty of such knits and instead of buying we know how to knit them. But something is in the air and I've found several pictures and put them on Pinterest. Some of them are here.
Acne Fall 2014
Reserved Fall 2014
Ja vaadake seda: Rick Owens 2014. Mis on selle kudumi hind?!
And look here: Rick Owens 2014. What is the price of this knit?!
Number on neljakohaline. Kui ei usu, käige kodulehel vaatamas.
We are talking four figures here. If you don't believe me, visit the home page.
neljapäev, 13. november 2014
Kahepoolne muster ja homne tund/The reversible pattern and tomorrow's class
Kahepoolse mustriga sviiter kuivab nüüd. Otsustasin, et kannaks ise n-ö pahupidi, see sobib mulle rohkem.
The sweater with the reversible pattern is drying now. I've made up my mind that I will wear it so to say wrong side out, it suits me better.
Varrukas on poolenisti ripskoes.
One half of the sleeve is in garter stitch.
Ja siin on varruka alumine äär, ka paar ringi ripskoes.
And here is the bottom of the sleeve with a couple of rounds of garter stitch.
Homme on mul Tallinna Rahvaülkoolis viimane tund, mis on plaanitud konsultatsioonina. Kuna eelmine kord rääkisime sallkraedest, näitan veel oma viimast jakki ja arutame seda ka. Kui kahepoolne sviiter on ära kuivanud, siis võtan kaasa. Vaatame, mida keegi koob ja vastan küsimustele. Ühtlasi palun mõelda, kas tahaksite jätkata või soovite hoopis midagi koos kududa.
Tomorrow at Tallinn Folk University I have the last class that is planned as a questions-answers session. Since we spoke about shawl collars last time, I am going to show my recent jacket and we shall talk about it. If the reversble sweater is dry by that time, I will bring it. We shall see who knits what and I will answer questions. Also please think whether you want to continue or you'd rather knit something together.
The sweater with the reversible pattern is drying now. I've made up my mind that I will wear it so to say wrong side out, it suits me better.
Varrukas on poolenisti ripskoes.
One half of the sleeve is in garter stitch.
Ja siin on varruka alumine äär, ka paar ringi ripskoes.
And here is the bottom of the sleeve with a couple of rounds of garter stitch.
Homme on mul Tallinna Rahvaülkoolis viimane tund, mis on plaanitud konsultatsioonina. Kuna eelmine kord rääkisime sallkraedest, näitan veel oma viimast jakki ja arutame seda ka. Kui kahepoolne sviiter on ära kuivanud, siis võtan kaasa. Vaatame, mida keegi koob ja vastan küsimustele. Ühtlasi palun mõelda, kas tahaksite jätkata või soovite hoopis midagi koos kududa.
Tomorrow at Tallinn Folk University I have the last class that is planned as a questions-answers session. Since we spoke about shawl collars last time, I am going to show my recent jacket and we shall talk about it. If the reversble sweater is dry by that time, I will bring it. We shall see who knits what and I will answer questions. Also please think whether you want to continue or you'd rather knit something together.
teisipäev, 11. november 2014
Õmblusteta kudumise eelis on see, et pole õmbluseid. Mis siis sellest, see on ju täiesti ilmne! Aga see tähendab muuhulgas, et kui koepind on mõlemalt poolt ilus, siis võib kanda sviitrit kord nii-, kord naapidi, sest tehnilises mõttes pahupool puudub. Mõnikord on nii, et isegi labase koe puhul ei suuda kudumise alguses otsustada, kumb on n-ö õige. Juhtub, et labane pahempidine on hoopis huvitavam (sõltub muidugi lõngast). Siin on praeguse kudumi teine pool (palun ignoreerida värvi, see on tegelikult must!).
One of the advantages of seamless knitting is the fact that there are no seams. So what, it is selfevident! But, among other things, it means that if the fabric looks nice on both sides, you can alternate the ways you wear the sweater because wrong side is technically absent. Sometimes it happens that I am unable to decide in the beginning of my knitting which side of the stockinette fabric is the so-called right side. It occurs that reverse stockinette looks much more interesting (of course, it depends on the yarn). Here is the reverse side of my current knit (don't pay attention to the colour, in reality it is black!).
Kudum edeneb, varsti saab valmis teine varrukas ja siis tuleb kududa kere osa.
The knit is progressing: the second sleeve will be finished soon and then I will work on the torso.
One of the advantages of seamless knitting is the fact that there are no seams. So what, it is selfevident! But, among other things, it means that if the fabric looks nice on both sides, you can alternate the ways you wear the sweater because wrong side is technically absent. Sometimes it happens that I am unable to decide in the beginning of my knitting which side of the stockinette fabric is the so-called right side. It occurs that reverse stockinette looks much more interesting (of course, it depends on the yarn). Here is the reverse side of my current knit (don't pay attention to the colour, in reality it is black!).
Kudum edeneb, varsti saab valmis teine varrukas ja siis tuleb kududa kere osa.
The knit is progressing: the second sleeve will be finished soon and then I will work on the torso.
pühapäev, 9. november 2014
Töös & TFW pilte/Under construction and TFW pictures
Võrratu Aade Lõng 8/3 on jälle töös. Tulemas on lihtsa mustriga sviiter.
The superb Aade Lõng 8/3 is in use again. A sweater with a simple pattern is under construction.
Ühtlasi annan teada, et Tallinna Moenädalate stuudiopildid on valmis. Fotograaf Meeli Laidvee. Suur tänu! Kes tahab näha pilte kõigist kudumitest, palun Pinteresti või minu albumisse Facebookis. Nüüd on mul disaineri lehekülg olemas ka Facebookis.
And for your information, Tallinn Fashion Week studiophotos are ready. Photography by Meeli Laidvee. Many thanks! If you wish to see pictures of all knits, please visit me on Pinterest or my album on Facebook. Now I have a designer's page on Facebook as well.
See kampsun meeldis paljudele ja ilmselt tuleb ka õpetus. Rõngassalli õpetus on olemas Ravelrys.
This cardi is liked by many and probably there will be a pattern. The pattern for the cowl is available on Ravelry.
The superb Aade Lõng 8/3 is in use again. A sweater with a simple pattern is under construction.
Ühtlasi annan teada, et Tallinna Moenädalate stuudiopildid on valmis. Fotograaf Meeli Laidvee. Suur tänu! Kes tahab näha pilte kõigist kudumitest, palun Pinteresti või minu albumisse Facebookis. Nüüd on mul disaineri lehekülg olemas ka Facebookis.
And for your information, Tallinn Fashion Week studiophotos are ready. Photography by Meeli Laidvee. Many thanks! If you wish to see pictures of all knits, please visit me on Pinterest or my album on Facebook. Now I have a designer's page on Facebook as well.
See kampsun meeldis paljudele ja ilmselt tuleb ka õpetus. Rõngassalli õpetus on olemas Ravelrys.
This cardi is liked by many and probably there will be a pattern. The pattern for the cowl is available on Ravelry.
reede, 7. november 2014
Vanaema kampsun/Grandmother's jacket
Hall kampsun Raasiku vabriku lõngast. Kristiina, tänan piltide eest!
My grey jacket from Raasiku factory wool. Kristiina, thank you for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/3 (100 g/260 m), 350 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
My grey jacket from Raasiku factory wool. Kristiina, thank you for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/3 (100 g/260 m), 350 g
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm
kolmapäev, 5. november 2014
Uus raamat/A new book
Saara kirjastuselt on järjekordne uus raamat, Eesti silmuskudumine I. Tulemas on veel 2 osa, öeldakse, et inglise keeles tuleb ka.
A new book from Saara publishers, Eesti silmuskudumine I (Estonian Knitting I). Two more parts are coming and they say that there will be an English version as well.
Raamatus on juttu ajaloost, traditsioonist, tehnikatest jms. On hästi palju mustreid. Keda huvitavad sokid ja kindad, ei pea pettuma. Sain teada, et mõni üldtuntud muster on olemas ka eesti traditsioonis.
The book tells about history, tradition, techniques etc. There are many patterns there. Those who like to knit socks and mittens will not be disappointed. I've learned that some well-known stitch patterns are a part of Estonian tradition as well.
Mind huvitab aga konstureerimine ja sellest on ka mingil määral juttu. Räägitakse ka kampsunitest ja sviitritest. Lugesin, et muidu kooti õmblusteta, aga patentkoes kampsuneid siiski õmblustega. Huvitav miks, sest patentkoes saab väga edukalt ka ringselt kududa (olen seda korduvalt teinud, vt näiteks siin).
I am interested in construction and this topic is touched upon to a certain extent. Cardigans and sweaters are discussed as well. I learned that generally knitting was seamless but sweaters in English rib (patent) had seams. It is interesting why because it is possible to knit English rib in the round quite well (I've done this several times, for example here).
A new book from Saara publishers, Eesti silmuskudumine I (Estonian Knitting I). Two more parts are coming and they say that there will be an English version as well.
Raamatus on juttu ajaloost, traditsioonist, tehnikatest jms. On hästi palju mustreid. Keda huvitavad sokid ja kindad, ei pea pettuma. Sain teada, et mõni üldtuntud muster on olemas ka eesti traditsioonis.
The book tells about history, tradition, techniques etc. There are many patterns there. Those who like to knit socks and mittens will not be disappointed. I've learned that some well-known stitch patterns are a part of Estonian tradition as well.
Mind huvitab aga konstureerimine ja sellest on ka mingil määral juttu. Räägitakse ka kampsunitest ja sviitritest. Lugesin, et muidu kooti õmblusteta, aga patentkoes kampsuneid siiski õmblustega. Huvitav miks, sest patentkoes saab väga edukalt ka ringselt kududa (olen seda korduvalt teinud, vt näiteks siin).
I am interested in construction and this topic is touched upon to a certain extent. Cardigans and sweaters are discussed as well. I learned that generally knitting was seamless but sweaters in English rib (patent) had seams. It is interesting why because it is possible to knit English rib in the round quite well (I've done this several times, for example here).
pühapäev, 2. november 2014
Paar pilti/A couple of pictures
Väljas sajab vihma, pildistamiseks pole head kohta. Kaidi tegi paar klõpsu kooskudumisel. Kindlasti tuleb teha korralik fotosessioon korraliku kaameraga.
It is raining outside and I could not find a good place to take photos. Kaidi took a couple of shots during our knitting together. For sure, an approprate session with a decent camera is needed.
Nalja pärast ka must-valge pilt.
A black-and-white picture just for fun.
Lõnga on kulunud 350 g.
I used up 350 g of yarn.
It is raining outside and I could not find a good place to take photos. Kaidi took a couple of shots during our knitting together. For sure, an approprate session with a decent camera is needed.
Nalja pärast ka must-valge pilt.
A black-and-white picture just for fun.
Lõnga on kulunud 350 g.
I used up 350 g of yarn.
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