pühapäev, 28. detsember 2014

Tehnilisi kaalutlusi patentkoe puhul/Some technical considerations concerning patent stitch

Teatavasti alustan oma n-ö põhikonstruktsiooni enamasti abilõngaga, et hiljem kaeluse viimistlemisel/krae kudumisel silmused ära kasutada. Aga patentkude on selles suhtes kapriisne, sest 1.rida on lõtv, kuigi alguses on lihtne soonik. Mida teha?
As you probably know, I usually start my so-called basic construction with a waste yarn in order to use the stitches for finishing/making the collar. But patent stitch is somewhat moody because the first row tends to be loose, even if there is ribbing in the beginning. What should be done?
Niisugune on kaelus pärast viimistlemist. Äär oli lõtv ja kaelus päris avar. Iseenesest olgu pigem avar, sest hiljem saab alati kitsamaks teha. Võtsin peenemad vardad, kui kusagil oli liiga lõtv silmus, siis korjasin kõrvalt juurde veel ühe silmuse ja kudusin kokku, nii et auke poleks. Kudusin ühe ringipahempidid, kahandades iga 6. silmust (5. ja 6. s. ph kokku kududa). Täpne silmuste arv pole oluline, kui ei jagu ja jääb üle näiteks 3-4 s, siis pole viga. Aga selline kahandamine (u. 15-17 % võrra) teeb asja ära. Seejärel kudusin veel mõned ringid ripsis ja kudusin maha lõdvalt. Olen tulemusega rahul.
This is how the neck opening looks after finishing. The edge was rather loose and the neck opening quite wide. Actually, it is better to have a little bit too wide neck opening because you can always make it smaller afterwards. I took thinner needles and if some stitches were too loose, I picked up an additional stitch and knitted theem together in order to avoid holes. I purled one round, while decreasing every 6th stitch (by purling together every 5th and 6th stitch). The exact number of stitches is not terribly important, if it is not dividable by 6 and you have 3-4 stitches remaining, that's no big deal. But such a decreasing by approximately 15-17 % worked quite well. Then I worked some rounds in garter stitch and bound off loosely. I am satisfied with the result.

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