teisipäev, 10. mai 2016


Mul on patendihullus! Mulle meeldib seda kududa, aga kuna see on kapriisne muster, pean kogu aeg mõtlema. Samas kogu aeg õpib midagi. Nt patentkoes sviitri jaoks on parem peenike lõng. Hakkasin kuduma puuvillasest 50 g/125 m, väga hea puuvillane. Aga hakkasin kahtlema, kas teha ka varrukad, sest üldmulje oleks raskepärane. Mul on samast puuvillasest see sviiter. Aga see on minu figuuril pisut liiga vaba, kuigi pole päris võimatu. Sel teemal kirjutasin umbes aasta tagasi siin.
I have patent-stitch madness! I like knitting it but as it is quite a moody pattern, I have to concentrate all the time. At the same time I always learn something. For instance, thin yarn is better for a patent sweater. I started knitting with this cotton 50 g/125 m, it is a very good yarn. Then I started doubting whether I need long sleeves or not because a general impression would be heavy. I have this sweater from the same cotton. But it is a bit too loose on me, albeit not completely impossible. I wrote about this here about a year ago.
Niisiis, tuleb topp. Võrreldes sviitriga lõin natuke vähem silmuseid ja kahandasin pisut ka.
So it will be a top. Compared to the sweater, I casted on a little less stitches and then decreased a bit, too.

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