neljapäev, 26. oktoober 2017

Pikemalt sviitrist/More about the sweater

Fotograafi praegu pole, seetõttu tegin ühe selfie-katse (ehk kena pildina, kuid mitte ei anna ettekujutust kudumist), et näidata enam-vähem, mis toimub. Ülemisel pildil on varruka muster näha.
I don't have a photographer right now, so in order to show more or less what it is all about, I made a selfie-attempt (may be these may be considered as fine pohotos but they give no idea about the knit itself). On the top picture you can see the sleeve pattern.
Niisiis, mul jäi üks tokk mohääri kasutmata (ei läinud nii palju, kui arvasin), viisin tagasi poodi, et millegi vastu ümber vahetada. Muidugi ei saanud tumehallist mööda minna. Arvasin, et võiks proovid meriinot. Tegin proovilapi, vaatasin, et labane parempidine on ebahuvitav. Mingeid mustreid, pitse ega palmikuid ei tahtnud. Hoopis labane pahempidine tundus huvitavam. Hakkasin kuduma, kogu aeg oli kahtlus, et kude on kuidagi tihke, piltlikult öeldes sviiter seisab püsti (kuigi jämedama vardaga kududes oleks juba liiga hõre). Ei teinud enda arust liiga liibuvat, on ikka istumisavarust, aga kudum tundus ikka liibuv. Lambavillasega nii ei ole, kui kood, on enam-vähem selge. Küsisin Maiu käest, ta kinnitas, et pesus avaneb kude rohkem ja võib-olla venib isegi välja. Sviiter oli juba peaaegu valmis, siis arvasin, et varruka muster tõmbab kogu varruka kokku ja ilmselt tuleb siiski ära harutada ja midagi muud välja mõelda. Siis tegin kaeluse viimistluse, pilt muutus paremaks. Mõtlesin siis, et tühja, niisutan ja pingutan, pärast vaatame. Ja nüüd tundub, et polegi viga.
So I had one ball of mohair left from a previous knit (I had not used up as much as I thought I would), I took it back to the store in order to exchange for something else. Of course I cannot leave alone dark grey. I thought that I could tried out merino. I made a swatch and realized that stockinette is unimpressive. I did not want any cables or lace. Reverse stockinette was much more attractive. I started knitting and having doubts all the time that the fabric is too dense; to put it figuratively, the sweater was standing vertically (albeit larger needles would give an excessively loose fabric). I calculated fore some positive ease but the sweater seemed to cling to my body. It does not happen with sheep wool: when you knit, you see more or less how it is going to turn out. I asked Maiu what she thought and she confirme that the fabric would open up after moistening and blocking and may even stretch. The sweater was almost finished and I thought the stitch pattern on the sleeves makes the whole sleeve contract and that I will have to rip it all out and invent something different. Then I made the neck finishing and it improved the whole picture. Then I decided that I will make it wet and block and then we shall see. And now it seemes not bad at all. 

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