laupäev, 25. november 2017


Olen praegu Leedus. Sain rätiku valmis ja pildistasin kohe Diteksase poes (taustal on mohääripoolid). veel pesemata ja pingutamata, et oleks arusaadav, mis on vahe.
I am in Lithuania now. I finished the shawl and quickly photographed it at the Diteksas store (you can see mohair cones in the background), still unwashed and unbocked, so that the difference can be seen.

Siin on arusaadav, milline on kuju.
Here you can get an idea about the shape.
Muster ja värvivahetuskoht.
The pattern and the point of colour change.
Window photos.
Nagu näha, on selline väljavenitatud kolmnurk, mille sisekülg on ümar ja otsad kipuvad spiraali. Lühikesed read sobisid kokku mustriga.
As you can see, it is a stretched triangle with curved inner side and the ends going spiral. Short rows woked well with the stitch pattern.

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