esmaspäev, 30. aprill 2018


Rätik on täiesti piisava suurusega, kudusin ära täpselt 3 tokki.
The shawl has quite sufficient size, I've used up exactly 3 balls of yarns.
Ja väike video.
And a short video.

laupäev, 28. aprill 2018

Kasvab, kasvab.../Growing, growing...

Alustasin kolmandat tokki.
I've started the third ball of yarn.
Nagu näha, üks ots on juba üsna pikk. Mul on 5 tokki seda lõnga, aga võimalik, et kulub vähem.
As you can see, one end is already quite long. I have 5 balls of the yarn but it is likely that I will use up less.

neljapäev, 26. aprill 2018

Rätik kasvab/The shawl is growing

Rätik kasvab,  kasutasin ära ühe toki (25 g/140 m) ja alustasin juba järgmist.
The shawl is growing, I've used up one ball (25 g/140 m) and started the second.
Ülemisel pildil on juba natuke näha metalliku läiget.
In the top piture you can already notice some shine of metallic.

teisipäev, 24. aprill 2018


Hakkasin täna proovima Adéle Mohair lõngast, millest kirjutasin enne siin. Mul oli see muster juba mugandatud vastava rätiku kuju jaoks, nüüd tegin skeemi ja alustasin. Proovilapp läheb edasi rätikuks.
Today I started trying the Adéle Mohair yarn I had described earlier. I had already adjusted the stitch pattern to the shawl shape in question and today I made a chart and started. The swatch is trurning into the shawl.
Pildil ei paista üldse metalliklõng. Aga kui on rohkem kootud ja saab paremas valguses pildistada, siis näitan uuesti.
The metallic yarn is completely invisible in the picture. Once I will have knitted some more, I will make more photos and show again.
Topp on valmis ja kuivab, aga näeb praegu ebahuvitav välja. Paremad pildid hiljem.
The top is finished and drying and looks rather uninteresting at present. Better pictures will appear later.

pühapäev, 22. aprill 2018

Mis toimub/What is going on

Plaanin juba mustreid rätiku jaoks, mul on mitu kandidaati. Varsti teen proovilapi mohääriga, siis saab näha. Praegu aga koon lihtsat puuvillast toppi. Mul oli plaan teha ripsiga soonikus (2 s ripsi, 2 s labases koes), tegin proovilapi, aga siiski ei tundunud hea, raske midagi näha (ja asi pole värvis, vaid lõngas, sest puuvillaseid on palju erinevaid, sõltub keerust ja paljudest muudest asjadest). Küll jõuab ka niisuguses koes midagi teha.
I am already considering stitch patterns for the shawl, there are several candidates. I will make a swatch in mohair, then I will be able to decide. Right now I am making a simple cotton top. At frist I planned to do garter stitch rib (2 sts in garter stitch, 2 sts in stockinette), I made a swatch but it did not look good, the pattern was hardly visible (and no, it is not due to the colour but due to the yarn because different manufacturers produce different type of cotton, it depends on the twist and many other things). Once I will make something in this stitch pattern.

reede, 20. aprill 2018

Lõnga valimine pole naljaasi/Choosing a yarn is not a play thing

Jah, igaüks teab, et lõnga valimine on tore ja huvitav, aga samas oleneb sellest kogu kudumi "saatus". Muidugimõista kui hankida lõnga sellepärast, et meeldib, siis seda probleemi pole, aga siis tuleb hiljem välja mõelda, milleks see lõng sobib. Tavaliselt on mul meeles konkreetne kudum, milleks tahan lõnga, aga nt välismaal olles võin osta lõnga sellepärast, et meeldib (siiski, ka siis kujutan ette vähemalt esialgselt, mida sellest teha, kuigi plaan võib muutuda).
Yes, everybody knows that choosing a yarn is pleasant and interesting but the whole "destiny" of your knit depends on a right choice. Of course if you get yarn just because you like it, you don't have this problem but still you have to think in the future what this yarn is good for. Usually I have a particular project in mind and choose yarn accordingly but when abroad, I can purchase yarn just because I like it (still, I have at least a prelinimary idea what to do with it, although the plan can change eventually).
Siin on juba teile tuttavad lõngad (vt eelmine postitus), aga teine pilt. Hoian käes halli ja musta. Selle pildi saatis Marianne Adéle Mohair firmale, et nad teaksid, kes teeb kruiisirätiku disaini. Muide, leppisime juba kokku rätiku kuju kohta, hakkasin juba koekirju vaatama. Hall on mohääri ja linase segu, selle valisin küll. Aga musta ma ei võtnud, sest on suhteliselt karvane, pole mõtet mingeid mustreid teha. Teine asi, et kombinatsioonis mõne peenvillasega oleks kena labases koes sviiter, aga praegu räägime ikka konkreetsest kudumist, mitte sellest, mis oleks teoreetiliselt kena. Küllap jõuab ka sviitri teha.
Here you see familiar yarns (cf previous post) but a different picture. I am holding gray and black mohair. Marianne has sent this picture to Adéle Mohair so that they should know who is desiging the cruise shawl. By the way, we have already agreed on the shape of the shawl and I started thinking of stitch patterns. The gray one is mohair-linen blend, I picked up this. But I decided against black because it is relatively hairy and there is no point to make any pattern with it. Of course, combined with some laceweight wool it will make a nice sweater in stockinette stitch but we are talking about a particular knit here and not theorizing what would be nice. There will be time for a sweater, too.

kolmapäev, 18. aprill 2018


Kõik pildid peale alumise on Maiu tehtud. Aitäh!
All pics except the last one are by Maiu. Thank you!
Lõng/Yarn: Schulgarn (100 % puuvill/cotton, Schoeller + Stahl), 50 g/115 m, ~720 m
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 3,5 mm

esmaspäev, 16. aprill 2018

Valmistume järgmiseks käsitöökruiisiks/Preparing for the next handicraft cruise

Oktoobris toimub teatavasti soomlaste Burda Style Finland korraldatud käsitöökruiis. Osalesin 2016. ja 2017.a., tegin rätikute konstrueerimise töötoa ja iga kord disainisin rätiku, mida kudusime koos. Meeldetuletuseks 2016. ja 2017.a. rätikud:
As we all know, in October handicraft cruise organized by Burda Style Finland takes place. I took part in 2016 and 2017, made a workshop on shawl construction and each time designed a shawl for knitting along. To remind, these are the shawls of 2016 and 2017:
Täna tuli Burda Style Finland peatoimetaja ja kruiiside korraldaja Marianne Koskimies Tallinna ja tõi mulle lõngu järgmiseks disainiks. Lõuna-Aafrikas on suhteliselt uus lõngafirma Adéle's Mohair, millel tekib ka ladu Soomes. Nii et soovijad saavad lõnga hankida. Nagu nimest ilmneb, toodab firma üsna palju mohääri, seda erinevas jämeduses ja erineva faktuuriga. Nt on buklee ja on ka linase ja mohääri segu ja muud huvitavat. Täna arutasimegi, mida teha. Salli algus on Marianne oma, hiljuti alustatud. Sama muster, nagu minu Võrgulise puhul (ainult teine laius ja pole vist nii palju ääresilmuseid).
Today Marianne Koskimies, the editor in chief of Burda Style Finland and cruise organizer arrived to Tallinn and brought me some yarns for a future design. There is a relatively new yarn manufacturer in South Africa, Adéle Mohair that will eventually have a storage in Finland. So those who wish can purchase their yarns. As it is clear from the name, the company produces quite a lot of mohair yarns in different weight and structure. For instance there is bouclé and there is a mohair-linen blend and other intriguing thins. Today we discussed what I could do. The beginning of a scarf is by Marianne, started recently. It is the same stitch pattern as in my Võrguline (but different width and probably fewer edge stitches).
Varsti otsustame, mis kujuga rätik tuleb, siis läheb katsetamiseks ja kudumiseks. Hiljem teen õpetuse ka Ravelry jaoks.
We will decide soon upon the shape of the shawl, then it will be all swatching and knitting. Later I will make a pattern for Ravelry, too.

laupäev, 14. aprill 2018

Ripskoe ilu/The beauty of garter stitch

Lihtne puuvillane topp. Pärst pesu pole kude nii "vedel", läheb tihkemaks.
A simple cotton top. After washing the fabric will not be so "liquid", it will become denser.

neljapäev, 12. aprill 2018

Kooskudumine/Knitting along

Võib liituda sviitri kooskudumisega Ravelrys. Praegu on õpetus tasuta!
You can join the KAL on Ravelry. For now the pattern recipe is free!
On ka muid kudu-uudiseid, sain ka midagi valmis, aga sellest järgmine kord.
There are some other knitting news, I've finished a knit but we shall talk about it another time.

teisipäev, 10. aprill 2018

Rätik edeneb/The shawl is progressing

Rätik edeneb, varsti saab valmis. Antud juhul tegelesin jääkidega ja malliks on vana hea poolpatendis asümmeetriline rätik, aga mul on veel mõni rätiku idee. Laupäeval räägimegi Tartus rätikute konstrueerimisest, kes teab, võib-olla jõuan midagi selleks ajaks alustada.
The shawl is progressing and will be finished soon. In this case I am dealing with leftovers and the pattern is the good old half-brioche stitch asymmeterical shawl but I have some more shawl ideas. On Saturday we shall discuss shawl constructions in Tartu and maybe I will be able to have started something before.
Pildil on näha, et kerad on päris "kõhnad".
You can see in the picture that the yarn balls are quite "slim".

pühapäev, 8. aprill 2018

Jälle vanad jäägid/Old leftovers again

Mul oli üks rätik, kus koos on tundmatu peenike meriino (ostetud Vilniuse kaltsukast, kus müüakse ka poolidel lõngu) ja leedu Biržai linane. Värv oli minu jaoks liiga plass. Harutasin, panin juurde peenikese musta puuvillase. Katsetasin nii ja naa, vahepeal tekkis paar rätiku ideed, aga ilmselt mitte sellele lõngale. Antud juhul otsustasin vana hea poolpatendi kasuks.
I had a shawl that was a combination of unknown laceweight merino (bought at a second hand store in Vilnius where they sell some yarns on cones) and Lithuanian linen from Biržai factory. The colour was too bleak for me. I frogged it and added thin black cotton. I tried out various options and meanwhile got some ideas for shawls but probably not of this yarn combo. In this case I opted for the good old half-brioche.
Sviitri õpetus on töös, varsti kuulutan välja kooskudumise. Jälgige infot!
Sweater pattern recipe is currently under construction and I will announce KAL soon. Stay with me!

reede, 6. aprill 2018

Topp on valmis/The top is finished

Topp on valmis, aga väljas pildistamisega on häda: päike ja tuul. Seetõttu on üks pilt hoopis selline.
The top is finished but there is a problem with taking pictures outdoors: sun and wind. This is why one of the pictures is like this:
Ma ei ole veel kaalunud, arvan, et kulunud on u 150 g ehk 600 m. Koepind on mõnus. Ajab natuke viltu (mõingate linaste omadus), aga kandes pole märgata.
I have not weighed it yet, probably, some 150 g or 600 m is used up. The fabric is lovely. It is slightly biased (a feature of some linen yarns) but this is not visible when wearing.

kolmapäev, 4. aprill 2018

Suvekudumeid/Some summer knits

Teen väikse ülevaate, mis on suveks kootud. Mõned eelmise suve topid on kahjuks koledaks muutnud (topid on läinud topiliseks!), nii et seda kraami on ikka vaja.
Here is a small overview of what I've knitted for summer. Some tops from the previous summer are no good anymore (neps etc), so one needs to make more of them.
Topp, mida näitasin eelmine kord, on veel ikka töös, kuigi on üsna palju kootud. Ilmselt jääb ilma varrukateta, siis tuleb viimistleda käeaugud.
The top I showed you in the previous post is still under construction, although I've knitted quite a lot. Probably, it will remain sleeveless, so armholes should get a finishing.
Kirjutan pseudopalmikutega sviitri retsepti, loodetavasti varsti hakkame kood kuduma.
I am writing a pattern recipe for mock cable sweater, so hopefully we will start a KAL soon.

esmaspäev, 2. aprill 2018

Jälle suvekudum/A summer knit again

Selle lõnga sain kingituseks Nataljalt, ta elab Moskvas ja teeb igasugu huvitavat käsitööd. Lõng on linase, puuvillase ja viskoosi segu, üsna peenike, 100 g/400 m. Proovisin peenikese puuvillasega kokku panna, aga koepind on siis kohe paksem kui tahaksin. Siis hakkasin kuduma ühekordselt, minu meelest päris hea koepind. Nagu ikka, pole veel teada, kas varrukad tulevad.
I got this yarn as a present from Natalja, who lives in Moscow and does all knid of interesting crafts. The yarn is a linen, cotton and rayon blend, quite thin, 100 g/400 m. I tried to combine it with thin cotton but the fabric was substanatially thicker than I would like. So I am using one strand of the yarn and the fabric is quite nice, as far as I am concerned. As usual, I don't yet know whether there will be sleeves.
Nagu näha, külgedel on laiem ripsi triip. See lõng ei talu mingit soonikut (loogiline, see on peenike linasega lõng), seetõttu viimistlesin kaeluse ripskoes ja alla äärde tuleb ilmselt samuti ripskude.
As you see, there is a wide stripe of garter stitch on the sides. This yarn does not tolerate any kind of ribbing (quite logical, isn't it, as it is a light yarn with linen), so I made the finishing of the neck opening in garter stitch and the bottom edge will probably be in garter stitch as well.