Oktoobris toimub teatavasti soomlaste Burda Style Finland korraldatud käsitöökruiis. Osalesin 2016. ja 2017.a., tegin rätikute konstrueerimise töötoa ja iga kord disainisin rätiku, mida kudusime koos. Meeldetuletuseks 2016. ja 2017.a. rätikud:
As we all know, in October handicraft cruise organized by Burda Style Finland takes place. I took part in 2016 and 2017, made a workshop on shawl construction and each time designed a shawl for knitting along. To remind, these are the shawls of 2016 and 2017:
Täna tuli Burda Style Finland peatoimetaja ja kruiiside korraldaja Marianne Koskimies Tallinna ja tõi mulle lõngu järgmiseks disainiks. Lõuna-Aafrikas on suhteliselt uus lõngafirma Adéle's Mohair, millel tekib ka ladu Soomes. Nii et soovijad saavad lõnga hankida. Nagu nimest ilmneb, toodab firma üsna palju mohääri, seda erinevas jämeduses ja erineva faktuuriga. Nt on buklee ja on ka linase ja mohääri segu ja muud huvitavat. Täna arutasimegi, mida teha. Salli algus on Marianne oma, hiljuti alustatud. Sama muster, nagu minu Võrgulise puhul (ainult teine laius ja pole vist nii palju ääresilmuseid).
Today Marianne Koskimies, the editor in chief of Burda Style Finland and cruise organizer arrived to Tallinn and brought me some yarns for a future design. There is a relatively new yarn manufacturer in South Africa, Adéle Mohair that will eventually have a storage in Finland. So those who wish can purchase their yarns. As it is clear from the name, the company produces quite a lot of mohair yarns in different weight and structure. For instance there is bouclé and there is a mohair-linen blend and other intriguing thins. Today we discussed what I could do. The beginning of a scarf is by Marianne, started recently. It is the same stitch pattern as in my Võrguline (but different width and probably fewer edge stitches).
Varsti otsustame, mis kujuga rätik tuleb, siis läheb katsetamiseks ja kudumiseks. Hiljem teen õpetuse ka Ravelry jaoks.
We will decide soon upon the shape of the shawl, then it will be all swatching and knitting. Later I will make a pattern for Ravelry, too.
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