Selle lõnga sain kingituseks Nataljalt, ta elab Moskvas ja teeb igasugu huvitavat käsitööd. Lõng on linase, puuvillase ja viskoosi segu, üsna peenike, 100 g/400 m. Proovisin peenikese puuvillasega kokku panna, aga koepind on siis kohe paksem kui tahaksin. Siis hakkasin kuduma ühekordselt, minu meelest päris hea koepind. Nagu ikka, pole veel teada, kas varrukad tulevad.
I got this yarn as a present from Natalja, who lives in Moscow and does all knid of interesting crafts. The yarn is a linen, cotton and rayon blend, quite thin, 100 g/400 m. I tried to combine it with thin cotton but the fabric was substanatially thicker than I would like. So I am using one strand of the yarn and the fabric is quite nice, as far as I am concerned. As usual, I don't yet know whether there will be sleeves.
Nagu näha, külgedel on laiem ripsi triip. See lõng ei talu mingit soonikut (loogiline, see on peenike linasega lõng), seetõttu viimistlesin kaeluse ripskoes ja alla äärde tuleb ilmselt samuti ripskude.
As you see, there is a wide stripe of garter stitch on the sides. This yarn does not tolerate any kind of ribbing (quite logical, isn't it, as it is a light yarn with linen), so I made the finishing of the neck opening in garter stitch and the bottom edge will probably be in garter stitch as well.
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