teisipäev, 31. juuli 2018

Sviiter sügiseks/A sweater for autumn

Oleks vaja sviitrit, mis oleks pikkade varrukatega, aga poleks hirmsoe, midagi üleminekuhooajaks. Nagu kirjutasin eelmises postituses, käisin Diteksases ja tegin mitmeid proovilappe. Mulle meeldis üks must-hall peenike lõng, panin kokku erinevate lõngadega ja lõpuks peatusin poolvillasel. Too poolvillane on  umbes 100 g/600 m. Vastu valgust pildistades tundub, et kude on läbipaistev, tegelikult ei ole. Viimistlesin ära kaeluse ja alustan varsti varrukaid.
I need a sweater with long sleeves but not terribly warm, something for transitional seasons. As I mentioned in the previous post, I visited Diteksas and made several swatches. I liked a certain black-and-gray thin yarn and combined it with various yarns and finally opted for a wool-polyamide blend. The blend is about 100 g/600 m. If you photograph against the light, the fabric appears transparent but in fact it is not. I finished the neck opening and will start sleeves soon.

Helesinise sviitri õpetus ilmub sel nädalal leedu keeles poe kodulehel.
The pattern for the light-blue sweater will appear in Lithuanian on the store site this week.
Žydro megztuko aprašymas bus publikuotas netrukus lietuviškai parduotuvės tinklapyje.

pühapäev, 29. juuli 2018

Topi pilte/Pics of the top

Pilte pole praegu palju. Tegin siiski ühe pisikese video, panin Instagrami. Loodetavasti saab varsti keegi ka minu seljas pildistada.
I don't have many pictures as of now. I made a short video though and put it on Instagram. Hopefully, someone can take modelled pics soon.
Ülemisel pildil paistab pisut sadulõla muster. Proovisin nii ja naa, kuna lõng on paksuvõitu, loobusin ripskoest. Selle asemel on ripsiga soonik, mis on ka külgedel.
In the top picture you can see some of the pattern of the saddle shoulder. I tried various things and since the yarn is somewhat thick, I rejected garter stitch. Used broken rib instead and on the sides as well.
Nagu olen jõudnud veenduda, kui lõng ei armasta soonikut (juhtub tihti puuvillasega), siis on i-cord päris hea valik. Kaelusel ja käeaukudel on 2 silmusega i-cord ja all klassikaline 3-silmuseline.
As I have had chance to realize, if a yarn does not like ribbing (the case of many cotton yarns), then i-cord is quite a good option. I have 2 stitches i-cord on the neck opening and armholes and the classical 3 stitches one in the bottom.

reede, 27. juuli 2018

Tegemisi/What is going on

9. augustil õpetan Mezgimo Zona poes sadulõlaga konstruktsiooni. Selle jaoks hakkasin kuduma toppi. Lõng on ümbertöödeldud puuvillane Re-Use (Rosarios), 100 g/192 m. Vaatame, kas saan hakkama 3 tokiga või on vaja rohkem.
On 9 August I am teaching saddle shoulder construction at Mezgimo Zona. For this purpose I've started knitting a top. The yarn is recycled cotton Re-Use (Rosarios), 100 g/192 m. We shall see wheather 3 balls is sufficient or maybe I will need some more.

Lõng meentuab natuke Denim-nimelist puuvillast (vt siin), aga on jämedam ja ei kisu viltu. Tookord olin sunnitud kuduma üleni triibulise topi, et vältida viltukiskumist.
The yarn remindse somewhat of the cotton named Denim (see here) but is thicker and does not form biased fabric. I had to knit the other top with stripes all over in order to avoid bias.

kolmapäev, 25. juuli 2018


Sviiter on valmis. Täna lähen poodi ja kaalume ära allesjäänud poolid, siis saan teada, kui palju kulus. Igatahes vähem, kui algselt ette kujutasin.
The sweater is finished. I am going to the store today in order to weigh up the rest of the yarn on the cones and to learn how much has been used up. In any case, it is less than I imagined in the beginning.
Õpetus tuleb eelkõige leedu keeles poe lehel, pärast vaatame.
The pattern will be first in Lithuanian on the store website and then we shall see.

esmaspäev, 23. juuli 2018


Vahepeal vaatasin, et käeauk on liiga lai. Isegi kui arvestada, et sviiter on M-suurusele ja vaba istuvusega, tundus liig mis liig. Harutasin lühemaks ja ühendasin esi- ja seljatüki varem. Otsustasin, et vahelduse mõttes võib kogu kere olla triibuline, aga varrukad labases koes. Olime otsustanud, et olgu 3/4 varrukad, seetõttu läks kiiresti ja sain eile valmis mõlemad varrukad. Selgus, et mõni rida ripskoes sobib hästi viimistluseks, all teen sama (see pole sugugi nii iga lõnga puhul, seetõttu varrukad on hea võimalus proovida, saab ruttu näha, kas valitud viimistlus sobib).
Meanwhile I noticed that the armhole was too wide. Even if you take into account that it is an M-size sweater and with a lot of ease, it seemed too much. I ripped and joined back and front piece earlier. I decided that for a change the torso can be with stripes all over and the sleeves in stockinette. We had decided that the sleeves should be 3/4, that's why it was a fast knit and I finished both sleeves yesterday. It came out that a couple of rounds in garter stitch is a good finishin and I will do the same in the bottom (this does not hold in all cases, a lot depends on a particular yarn, so the sleeves are a good opprotunity to try the finishing because you can see pretty soon whether the chosen finishing is suitable).
Siin on veel 2-3 päeva tööd, siis kirjutan õpetuse, esialgu leedu keeles poeblogi jaoks.
It will be done in 2-3 days, then I will write a pattern, first in Lithuanian for the store blog.

laupäev, 21. juuli 2018

Puuvillane sviiter/Cotton sweater

Järgmine postitus Mados Garažas/Diteksas poe blogi jaoks tuleb sellest sviitrist. Koon selle poe jaoks ja teen õpetuse, sviiter jääb poodi näidiseks.
The next post for Mados Garažas/Diteksas yarn store blog will be about this sweater. I am knitting it for the store and will write a pattern and the sweater will be a sample for the store.
Selle proovilapi tegin kohe poes 4 mm vardaga. Heledam lõng on puuvillane ja tumedam on puuvillase ja siidi segu. Vaatasin kodus, et 4,5 mm vardaga on parem kududa.
I made this swatch at the store with 4 mm needles. The lighter yarn is cotton and the darker one is cotton-silk blend. At home I realized that 4.5 mm would be better.

neljapäev, 19. juuli 2018

Topi pilte/Pics of the top

Siin on pilte. Aitäh Sonatale (Mezgimo Zona) ja Daivale (Diteksas).
Here are some pics. Thank you, Sonata (Mezgimo Zona) and Daiva (Diteksas).
Õpetus tulemas.
Pattern coming.

teisipäev, 17. juuli 2018

Rätik MZ poe jaoks/A shawl for MZ store

Hakkasin kuduma juba tuttavat mustrit Mezgimo Zona poe jaoks. Suvine variant võib vabalt olla linasest. Teatavasti algab ametlik kooskudumine originaallõngast augustis ja augusti teises pooles panen õpetuse Ravelrysse, siis saab igaüks kududa mistahes lõngast.
I started knitting a familiar pattern as a sample for Mezgimo Zona store. A summer version can easily be from linen. As you know, official KAL from the original yarn starts in August and in the second part of August I will upload the pattern on Ravelry, so anyone would be able to knit it from whatever yarn.

Tegelik värv ei ole nii tume, pigem jäise helesinise ja halli vahel.
The true colour is not as dark as it appears in the pics, it is rather between icy light blue and grey.

pühapäev, 15. juuli 2018

Vilniuses/In Vilnius

Jõudsin käia Mezgimo Zonas ja Diteksases, käin kindlasti veel palju kordi. Praegu hakkasin MZ jaoks kuduma rätikut, sellest räägin mõnes järgmises postituses ja näitan algust.
I had time to visit Mezgimo Zona and Diteksas and will do it more on several occasions. Right now I started knitting a shawl for MZ; I will discuss it in a future post and show the beginning.
Üleval on jämedam mohäär (must), minu selja taga kašmiiri ja villase segu ning puhas kašmiir.
On top there is some thicker mohair (the black one), cashmere and wool blend and pure cashmere is behind my back.
Topp on muide valmis, aga ilm on niiske ja kuivab väga aeglaselt. Loodetavasti saan järgmisel nädalal pildistatud.
The top is finished, by the way, but the weather is so damp and it dries very slowly. I hope to have some pictures taken next week.

reede, 13. juuli 2018

Varsti saab valmis/It will be completed soon

Muster "koob end" väga hoogsalt, seetõttu topp kasvab kiiresti. Otsustasin, et jääb topiks, seda enam, et ma pole kindel, kas varrukateks jätkub lõnga. Ja sviitri teeksin juba mõnest muust lõngast (vill, mohäär + peenvillane, linane vms). Teen ilmselt ka õpetuse, jälgige infot. Teeme Ravelrys kooskudumise.
The pattern "knits itself up" quite swiftly, so the top is growing fast. I decided to leave it as a top, especially because I am not so sure I have enough yarn for the sleeves. And I would make a sweater from a different fiber (wool, mohair + laceweightwool, linen etc). Probably, I will write a pattern, so stay with me. We shall make a KAL on Ravelry.
Kaeluse viimistlesin i-cord-võttega, alumises ääres ja varrukatel teen ilmselt sama.
I made i-cord finishing for the neck opening and probably will do the same for the hem and the sleeves.

Täna sõidan Vilniusesse, seal on mitmeid plaane, kirjutan varsti. Diteksas (aka Mados garažas) ootab, plaanime varsti järgmist postitust. Mezgimo zonasse aga lähen juba täna õhtul.
I am travelling to Vilnius today, there are many plans, I will write soon. Diteksas (aka Mados garažas) is waiting, we are planning the next blog post shortly. Already in the evening I will visit Mezgimo zona.
Mano lietuviški skaitytojai, atvažiuosiu šiandien į Vilnių ir pasiliksiu menesiui. Susitiksime Vilniaus sūlų parduotuvėse!

kolmapäev, 11. juuli 2018

Koon, harutan ja koon uuesti/I am knitting, ripping out and knitting again

Mõnikord on nii, et otseselt pole midagi viga, aga kudum on kuidagi ebahuvitav. Siis on targem harutada. See lõng on Jeans (Yarn Art), 70 % puuvill, 30 % akrüül, 50 g/160 m. Kuna lõng on suvelõnga kohta parajalt peen ja kuna värv on suvelõnga jaoks haruldane, ostsin ja mõtlesin tega väga lihtsa sviitri, midagi Triibiku moodi. Aga labane kude ei olnud ilus, kudum ei langenud hästi. Mul oli juba kere osa tublisti alla kootud ja üks varrukas peaaegu valmis. Harutasin üles ja hakkasin nuputama. Sain aru, et lõng ei taha reljeefseid pindu, midagi pole näha. Mitmed libapalmikud polnud ka kenad. Siiski leidsin mustri, mis sobib.
Sometimes you see that nothing is wrong but the knit is somehow uninteresting. In that case it is wiser to rip out.  The yarn is Jeans (by Yarn Art), 70 % cotton, 30 % acrylic, 50 g/160 m. As the yarn is quite thin for a summer yarn and as the colour is rare for a summer yarn, I bought it and planned to make a very simple sweater in the spirity of this one. But stockinette did not look nice and the fabric did not fall properly. I had already knitted a considerable part of the torso and one sleeve was practically completed. I ripped it out and started thinking. I realized that the yarn does not want textured patterns, you cannot see a thing. Several mock cable patterns did not look good either. Still I found a pattern that is suitable.
Kaeluse viimistlesin i-cord võttega. Soonik ei sobinud. Nüüd jätkan alla. Kui lõnga jätkub, teeksin sviitri, aga vaatame, kuidas välja kujuneb.
I finished the neck opening with i-cord. Ribbing did not fit there. Now I am going downwards. If I have enought yarn, I will make a sweater but we shall see how it goes.

esmaspäev, 9. juuli 2018

Rätiku pilte/Pics of the shawl

Tegin mõned rätiku pildid meil Kalamajas ja tütar pildistas mind meie õues.
I made some pics of the shawl in my neigbourhood in Kalamaja and my daughter took modelled pics in our yard.
Väke video ka:
A short video, too:
Lõng/Yarn: Linas (Midara), 100 g/600 m, ~ 70 g (420 m)
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm

laupäev, 7. juuli 2018

Vanad trikid /Old tricks

Väga ilusat värvi Midara linane, kirjutasin juba varem, et keerutasin nii ja naa ja lõpuks selgus, et vana hea poolpatentkoes asümmeetriline kolmnurkne rätik on kõige parem.
A very beatuiful colour of Midara linen, I wrote earlier that I tried and it became evident that old good half-brioche stitch asymmetrical triangular shawl is the best. Old tricks. 
Alumisel pildil on enam-vähem õige värv. Mulle meedlib, et kude on ebaühtlane ja pildil paistab, justkui koon traati.
In the bottom picture the colour is more or less true. I like that the fabric is uneven and it appears as if I am knitting wire.

neljapäev, 5. juuli 2018

Kruiisirätiku komplekt on müügil/Cruise shawl kits are available

Kui tahate kududa Facebooki rühmas ja originaallõngast juba 01.08, võib hankida komplekt siit. Komplekti kuulub 3 tokki mohääri ja õpetus. Lõngade pilt: Katja Koskinen.
If you want to knit in Facebook group and from the original yarn already on 01.08, you can purchase the kit here. The kit consists of 3 balls of mohair and the pattern. Photo of the yarns: Katja Koskinen.
Augusti keskel avaldan õpetuse Ravelrys, siis saab kududa mistahes lõngast.
In the middle of August I will publish the pattern on Ravelry, then you can use whatever yarn you want.

kolmapäev, 4. juuli 2018


Kirjutasin sellest kohvikust juba enne. Nüüd sai jälle Kalevi ja Kungla tänava nurgal pilte tehtud.
I wrote about this café ealier. Now again I had pictures taken on the corner of Kalevi and Kungla street.

Olen üsna rahul.
I am quite pleased.
Lõng/Yarn: MarLen (www.marlen.cz), 70 % puuvill/cotton, 30 % akrüül/acrylic, 100 g/160 m , ~ 400 m.
Vardad/Needles: 4,5 mm, 5 mm

teisipäev, 3. juuli 2018

Üht ja teist/Various matters

Olin reisil ja ei saanud normaalselt kirjutada. Nüüd räägin lühidalt paarist asjast, edaspidi kirjutan regulaarselt. Selles postituses mainisin, et Mia kinkis mulle lõnga.
I was away and could not write in a usual way for a variety of reasons. Now I will briefly talk about a couple of things and from now on will update regularly. I mentioned in this post that Mia had given me me some yarn as a present.
Lõng on puuvilla (70 %) ja akrüüli (30 %) segu, 100 g/160 m. Koosneb 4-st kiust, millest mustad on siledad ja tumehallid natuke käharad.
The yarn is a blend of cotton (70 %) and acrylic (30 %), 100 g/160 m. It is 4-ply yarn, of which the black threads are smooth and the dark-grey ones are slightly curly.
Lõnga nimi on MarLen, toodetud Tšehhi Vabariigis. Selge, et see lõng tahab midagi väga lihtsat ja jämedaid vardaid. Vaatasin, et labases koes oli tihedus umbes selline, nagu viimase topi puhul. Tegin peaaegu sama kalkulatsiooniga topi, panin kuivama just enne ärasõitu. Küllap on juba kuiv ja kui hästi läheb, näitan lähiajal juba korralikke pilte.
The name of the yarn is MarLen, produced in Czech Republic. It is clear that the yarn asks for something very simple and large needles. I noticed that the gauge for stockinette is approximately the same as in my recent top. So I used almost identical calculation and made a top and blocked it just before my trip. It is certainly dry by now and if everything is fine, I will show you proper pictures quite soon.
Reisil ei saanud eriti kududa, alustasin rätikut mitu korda ja lõpuks otsustasin, et nn lollikindel variant on poolpatendis asümmeetriline rätik. On hea praktiliselt iga lõnga puhul. Siin on Midara linane, 100 g/600 m.
I was unable to knit properly during my trip and started a shawl for a couple of times, then I decided that so-called idiot-proof option is an asymmetrical shawl in half-brioche. It looks fine practically in any yarn. This one is linen by Midara, 100 g/600 m.