laupäev, 27. veebruar 2010

Mitmesugust/Various matters

Eelkõige valge kampsun. Kootud on juba niipalju (vestihakatis on olemas):
First of all, the white cardigan. I have this much (a vest prototype):


Muster on lihtne, aga seda on mõnus kududa. Siin näeb seda lähemalt:
The stitch pattern is easy but quite nice to knit. Here is a closer view:

Side view:

Ruth, tänan piltide eest! Mul oli seljas Baklažaani-nimeline vest. Otsustasime, et võiks ka sellest uusi pilte teha:
Ruth, thank you for the pictures! I had my Baklažaan (Aubergine) named vest. We decided to take new picutres:

Täna sain rõõmsa teate Tiinalt, kes oli proovikudujaks. Nüüd tema vest sai valmis mõningate modifikatsioonidega (pisut pikem) ja pealegi hästi tuntud lõngast, nimelt Dropsi alpakast. Eksootilise lõnga (s.o. välismaalaste, mitte meie jaoks) pakkumine õpetuses võib tekitada raskusi, nii et antud juhul läks hästi, et Dropsi alpaka ja Elotroi Liisu on jämeduse poolest sarnased. Tiina vesti saab näha siin ja siin. Varsti tuleb tasuta õpetus.
Today I received good news from Tiina who was test-knitting for me. Now her vest is completed after some modifications (she made it a little bit longer) and, what's more, from a well known yarn, namely, Drops alpaca. Suggesting exotic yarns (that is, exotic not to us but to foreigners) may create problems, so it all went well, Drops alpaca and Elotroi Liisu are approximately of the same weight. Tiina's vest can be seen here and here. The pattern (free) will appear soon.
Midagi uut Pronksi poes: saabus järjekordne hulk peenvillast (pitsilõnga). Värve on palju:
Something new from Pronksi shop: a new portion of thin wool (laceweight) has arrived. Plenty of colours:

See värv meeldis mulle väga, pildistasin eraldi. See on n-ö "minu" roheline.
I liked this colour very much and took a separate picture. It is "my" green, so to say.

neljapäev, 25. veebruar 2010

Uus algus/New beginning

Paistab, et olen nüüd tükk aega hõivatud tellimustega. Seekord on tütre tellimus. Eile näitasin proovilappe, ostustasime siis sellise mustri kasuks:
It appears that I am going to be busy with orders for some time. This time it is my daughter's order. Yesterday I showed the swatches and we opted for this stitch pattern:

Niipalju on mul kootud: 4 mustrikorda ja alustasin 5-ndat. Abilõngaga alustatud seljatükk. Varsti hakkan külgedelt kasvatama, siis võtan abilõnga välja, panen krae silmad haaknõelale oma aega ootama, hakkan esitükke kuduma ja mingil ajal samuti külgedelt kasvatama. Siis proovime selga ja vaatame, kas sobib. Kui sobib, siis ühendan ja siis on olemas vestihakatis, nagu ma seda nimetan.
I have knitted this much sofar: 4 pattern repeats and started the 5th. The back part with provisional cast on. Soon I will make some increases at the sides, then discard the waste yarn, put neck stitches aside on a pin and knit the front parts and make increases in the same manner. Then we'll try it on and see whether the size is right. If it is, I will join the parts and there will be a vest prototype as I call it.

Väga huvitav, et selline kampsuni kudumisviis ei ole väga levinud (võrreldes raglaani ja ümmarguse passega). Olen ise selle peale tulnud, teadmata, et mõned kudujad kasutavad seda päris edukalt. Vist seetõttu, et meetod pole millegipärast väga tuntud. Aga tahtmine õmblusi vältida on suur, samuti erinevate konstruktsioonide leiutamine-katsetamine on minu jaoks kudumise üks huvitavamaid osi. Meetod on suhteliselt lollikindel, sest esialgu on vaja vaid ühte mõõtu, nimelt õlast õlani. Edaspidine selgub kududes ja selga proovides.
It is rather interesting that this way of knitting a cardigan is not very spread (as compared to raglan and round yoke constructions). I have derived it myself, being completely unaware that some knitters have been using it quite sucessfully. Maybe because this method is not widely known. But my wish to avoid seams is strong, also inventing and trying all kind of construction is one of the most exiting aspects of knitting to me. The method is relatively error-proof because in the beginning you need to know only the distance from sholder to sholder. The rest is built up as you go.
Lõngast (Jil): olen selle lõngaga väga rahul. Vist on tekkinud uus lemmik! Kui saan tellimustega ühele poole, peaks hankima mõne mulle sobiva värvi ja midagi kuduma. Värvikaart on Jilil suhteliselt suur.
About the yarn (Jil): I am really pleased. Probably this is going to become another favourite! When I will have completed the orders, I would like to get another colour that fits me better. The colour chart is rather diverse.

kolmapäev, 24. veebruar 2010

Lõpuks valmis/Finished at last

Head Vabariigiaastapäeva! Jakk on lõpuks valmis. Viimase hetkeni polnud selge, kas soovitud A-kuju on nähtav või ei. Igatahes kergelt seda on. Sellest lõngast kootud tükk ei lange hästi, on pehme, kudum pigem hõljub. Siin on hulk pilte. Pildistajaks on Anu ja kohaks Pronksi pood.
Have a nice Independence Day! The jacket is finished at last. To the very last moment it was not clear whether the desired A-shape is visible or not. At least, there is a light increase. The fabric does not fall well, it is soft and the knitwear floats in the air rather than drapes. Here are some pictures. Anu was the photographer and the place is Pronksi yarnshop.

Back view:

Siis mõtlesin, et oleks vaja midagi kontrastset näo lähedale. Valge pole minu värv. Selleks puhuks oli mul varutud üks lemmikkee. Selline kee kaela panna ja pilt must-valgeks teha, siis on peaaegu 1920-ndate hõng.
Then I thought that I needed something contrasting near the face. White is not my colour. For that purpose I had my favourite necklace in store. If you put it on and make the picture black-and-white, it is almost like 1920s.

Värviliselt ikka ka:
And the colour version:
Nüüd võib veenduda, et A-kuju on olemas:
Now you can see yourself that A-shape is present:
Siis tekkis mul veel üks mõte. Kui pole rätikut ega salli, aga tahad midagi kaela panna (ikka kontrasti mõttes), siis lõngapoes tuleb appi viht. Võta viht ja pane ümber kaela. Antud juhul on kaelas Aade Lõng 8/1.
Then yet another idea occured to me. If you don't have a shawl or a scharf but you want to put something around your neck (for the sake of contrast), then in a yarnshop you can use yarn. Take a hank of yarn and put around your neck. In this case I have Aade Lõng 8/1.

Lõng/Yarn: TT Cacao (100 g/ 500 m)
Vardad/Needles: 5,5 mm
Suurus/Size: S (~110 g)
Pildid/Pictures: Anu
Nüüd midagi muud: poodi on saabunud uus lõng, villa-alpaka-polüakrüüli segu, tibukollane. Polüakrüüli on suht palju, kuid katsudes tundub täitsa kena.
Now something else: a new yarn in the shop, wool-alpaca-polyacryl blend, chiken-yellow. Indeed there is a great deal of polyacryl but when you touch the yarn it feels nice.

Muidugi tekkis mul kange tahtmine proovida, tegin kohe vardaga nr 3 proovilapi:
Needless to say, I wanted to try it and made a swatch with needles 3 mm:

Ja lõpuks uue asja (seekord tütre tellimuse) proovilapid. Lõng on hea tuntud Jil, kuigi pole sellest varem kudunud. Värv on pigem naturaalne valge.
And finally, swatches for something new (this time it is my daughter's order). The yarn is well-known Jil, although I had not tried it before. The true colour is natural white.

esmaspäev, 22. veebruar 2010


Lund sajab kogu aeg, ilmselt pole selles midagi uut. Mõtlesin, et pole mõtet pildistada aknatagust vaadet. Muide, kas see pind pole lume moodi?
It is snowing all the time and probably you know it anyway. I thought that there is little sense in taking picture of what is behind the window. By the way, does not this surface look like snow?

Nagu juba kirjutasin, pehme ja kohev lõng. Kuidas ta vormi hoiab, seda ei tea. Kahjuks pole eriti kasvatamist näha, sest varraste tamiil on pisut keerdus ja moonutab pilti. On vaja kududa veel 25-30 rida.
As I wrote earlier, the yarn is soft and fluffy. I have no idea whether and how it preserves shape. Unfortunately, the increases are not noticable because the cable of the cirular needles is somewhat bent and it distorts the picture. I need to knit 25-30 rows more.

laupäev, 20. veebruar 2010

Kaks varrukat/Two sleeves

Eilne arutelu teemal, kas varrukaid on igav kududa või mitte, pani mind mõtlema. Asi pole ainult kiiruses. Muide, varrukate puhul pole mul eelistatud viisi, kas kududa ring- või sukavarrastel. Kord on nii, kord naa, kiirus on vist sama. Muidu eelistan selgelt ringvardaid. Ilmselt asi on selles, et antud lõng ei anna eriti valikuvabadust, sellepärast varrukate kudumise ajaks olen labasest parempidisest juba tüdinenud. Mustriga oleks teine lugu, arvan ma vähemalt praegu. Varrukate kudumine läks siiski libedalt, nüüd on pildil näha, et neid on kaks.
Yesterday's discussion on the topic whether it is borring to knit sleeves or not made me think. Probably, it is not entirely about speed. By the way, I don't have a clear preference whether to knit sleeves with DPNs or with circulars. Sometimes it is one, sometimes the other, the speed is presumably the same. Otherwise I definitely prefer circular needles. Apparently the problem here is that the given yarn does not allow for much freedom of choice, that is why by the moment when I started sleeves I had been borred by stockinette. With a stitch pattern it would be different, at least now I am inclined to think so. Still, knitting the sleeves was smooth and you can see in the picture that there are two of them.

Praegu on mul kootud niipalju:
This is what I have at this point:

Nüüd tuleb kududa veel 5-7 cm ja mõelda A-kuju peale. See võib olla päris huvitav. Muide, kaalusin täna lõngapoes esimese toki jäägi, selgus, et 100 grammist on 31 alles. Seega kõik see, mis on mul seljas, kaalub 69 g. Uskumatu!
Now I have to knit 5-7 cm and to ponder about A-shape. This can be quite interesting. By the way, today in the yarnshop I weighed what has remained from the first skein and from 100 g I have 31 g remaining. Thus, what I am wearing here is 69 g. Unbelievable!

reede, 19. veebruar 2010


Varrukate kudumine meeldib vähestele. Igatahes ei tunne ma ühtegi kudujat, kes ütleks, et koob neid hea meelega. Sellepärast otsustasin, et koon enne varrukad valmis ja siis hakkan mõtlema A-kujule. Kui vestihakatis (eelmises postituses) on valmis ja sobib selga, siis on üks kriitiline koht möödas. Varruka ülemine ots (ühenduskoht) on juba definitsiooni järgi kriitiline koht. Seega olles õnnelikult üle saanud ühest kriitilisest kohast, arvasin, et võib kohe mõlema varrukaga alustust teha. Siin on üldpilt: olemas on vestihakatis, mis on juba jakihakatiseks muutunud, kuna ühe varruka algus on olemas, nüüd jääb ainult edasi kududa ja kahandusi teha, ning teine varrukas on juba küünarnukist allapoole jõudnud.
Very few people like knitting sleeves. At least I don't know any knitter who would claim that knitting sleeves is a great fun. That is why I decided to knit the sleeves and think about A-shape afterwards. When you have a vest prototype (see previous post) that fits, one critical point has been overcome. The upper part of a sleeve (where it joins the torso part) is critical by definition. Thus, having overcome one critical point, I decided to start both sleeves at once. Here is a general view: the vest prototype has become a jacket prototype because there is a beginning of the one sleeve and all I have to do is to knit forward and to do decreases and the second sleeve is past elbow.
Ja nüüd tänase postituse peategelane ise:
And now the main protagonist of today's post:

Ülevalt alla kududes on ühenduskoht päris viisaka väljanägemisega.
When you knit top down, the line where the sleeve is joined to the body looks rather neat.

kolmapäev, 17. veebruar 2010

Vestihakatis/A vest prototype

Alustasin midagi uut. Pildil olev näeb välja nagu algeline vest ehk vestihakatis (nõnda nimetan enda jaoks). Et juba saab selga proovida ja näha, kas suurus on õige. Jälle Tekstiiliteollisuuse tellimus. Cacao lõngast (89 % alpakat, 11 % polüamiidi) on vaja kavandada A-lõikelist jakki. Pole kerge ülesanne, sest buklee lõng on kapriisne, selles mõttes, et mingit erilist mustrit ei saagi teha. Ja kuidas ta vormi hoiab, ei tea. Nii et labane parempidine vms. Samas on see lõng päris mõnusalt pehme ja allub harutamisele. See on oluline. Mul olid esialgu kaenlaaugud liiga suured, pidin harutama. Nüüd on korras.
I started something new. The picture show something like a prototype of a vest (this is how I call it). Something you can try on and see whether the size is right. Again an order from Tekstiiliteollisuus. I have to design an A-shaped jacket from Cacao yarn (89 % alpaca, 11 % polyamide). The task is not exactly easy because boucle yarns are very demanding in the sense that the choice of stitches etc is rather narrow. And I don't know yet whether it stays in shape. So stockinette etc. Nevertheless, the yarn is rather pleasently soft and can be frogged. This is important. In the beginning I had too large armholes and I had to rip. It is fine now.

Nüüd ilmselt hakkan varrukaid kuduma. Mismoodi alumises osas kasvatada, pean veel mõtlema. Varrukate kudumine on tõesti tüütu, nii et teen praegu ära. Ikka jälle veendun, et ülevalt alla kudumine on hea asi. Saab kohe selga proovida ja harutada, kui suurus on vale.
Probably I will start the sleeves now. I have to think yet about increases in the bottom. Knitting the sleeves is really borring so I will do it now. Time and again I think what a good technique is topdown knitting. You can try on and rip if the size is wrong.

esmaspäev, 15. veebruar 2010

Muster/The stitch pattern

Nagu lubatud, siin on halli topi muster. Lõng: Aade Lõng 8/3; vardad: 5 mm. Lõngakulu: ~ 190 g (suurus S-M).
Silmade arv peaks jaguma 12-ga + 1 sümmeetria jaoks. Ringse kudumise puhul pole seda ühte vaja, edasi-tagasi kududes aga läheb seda vaja, muidu lõpeb mõni rida õhksilmaga. Ringsel kudumisel kududa õhksilmad parempidi, edasi-tagasi kudumisel pahempidi.
As promised, here is the stitch pattern for the gray top. Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/3; needles: 5 mm. I used ~ 190 g (size S-M). The number of stitches is multiple of 12 + 1 for symmetry. When you work in round, you don't need this one for symmetry but you will need it in flat knitting because otherwise some rows end with a yarnover. When you work in rounds, knit yarnovers in even rows and in flat knitting purl yarnovers.

Siin on kirjeldus, kui keegi tahaks testida, siis tere tulemast.
Here is the pattern, if someone would like to test-knit, you are welcome.
1. Lõin 96 silma, ühendasin, kudusin 1 rea parempidi, siis alustasin mustrit. Oleks hea, kui mustrikorduste arv oleks paarisarv, siis saaks ilusti jagada kaheks. Kudusin 3 mustrikorda, see on krae. Krae on küllalt suur, eilsetel piltidel on näha, et keerasin selle sissepoole, et ta püsti seisaks. Krae võib vabalt ka väiksem olla.
CO 96, join, knit 1 row, sart the stitch pattern. It would be wise to have an even number of repeats in for an easy division into the back and front. I knitted 3 pattern repeats, this is the collar. It is quite large and you can see in yesterday's pictures that I turned it inside so that it stands vertically. The collar can easily be smaller if you wish.
2. Jagasin kaheks osaks: 48 silma (4 mustrikorda), siis tegin 1 silma juurde (sümmeetria jaoks), see tuleb kududa pahempidi. Kudusin eraldi, teine osa samamoodi 48 + 1. Kudusin eraldi 4 mustrikorda, käeaugud on küllalt suured, võiks kududa nt 3,5.
I devided the work into the front and back part: 48 st (4 repeats), than made one stitch in the end for the symmetry, it will be a purl stitch. I knitted two parts separately (thus, each part is 48 +1 st). I made 4 pattern repeats but the armholes are rather big, you should try on and decide, maybe 3.5 repeats is enough.
3. Siis on aeg taas ühendada ringiks. Kudusin 48 +1, lõin veel 3 s, siis teise osa 48 +1, lõin veel 3 s ja ühendasin. Kokku on 49 + 49 +3 + 3 = 104 s. Jätkasin mustrit. Loodud silmad võib kududa nt kogu aeg parempidi. Tegin lihtsa palmiku: igas 7. reas tõstsin 1 silma 3-st töö ette, kudusin 2 ja siis selle ühe. Tuleb kududa soovitud pikkuseni. Kogu lugu.
Then it is time to join the knitting again. Knit 48 + 1, CO 3 st, then 48 +1, CO 3 st and join. Now you have 49 + 49 + 3 + 3 = 104 st. Continue in the stitch pattern. You can knit the newly cast-on stitches or you can make a very simple cable as I did: in every 7th row take 1 st in front of the work on a cable needle, knit 2, then knit the st from the cable needle. Knit to the wished length. That's it.
Veel kord aitäh kõigile lahkete kommentaaride eest.
Once again I am grateful for your kind comments.

pühapäev, 14. veebruar 2010

Väga rustikaalne/Very rustic

Nagu arvata võis, keset pildistamist sai aku tühjaks. Siiski paistab, et Anu jõudis ikka mõned pildid teha. Kartsin juba, et homme jälle. Kuna võrreldes Basia lõngaga on minu 8/3 hoopis jämedam ja jõulisem, on minu top üsna radikaalselt rustikaalne.
As you imagine, in the middle of the photosession the battery became empty. Still, it appears that Anu managed to take some pictures. I was afraid that we will have to start tomorrow all over again. Compared to Basia's yarn mine (Aade lõng 8/3) is much coarser and thicker, so my top is quite radically rustic.

De La Gardie kaubajama keldris on Pronksi lõngapood ja veel üks armas keraamika pood. Nüüd ilmestab rustikaalsust keraamikatehase toodangut reklaamiv pilt ja mõned kausid.
Pronksi yarnshop is situated in the cellar of De La Gardie shopping centre, as well as a lovely ceramics shop. Now the rustic character of the knitwear is emphasized by the photo advertising ceramics factory production and by some bowls.

Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng 8/3, ~190 g
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
Pildid/Photos: Anu
Aitäh kõigile, kes kaasa elasid!
Thank you all for your encouragement!
Mustriskeem tuleb teine kord. Nagu kirjutasin, tekkis muster improvisatsiooni teel. Seda võiks ehk teinegi kord kasutada. Kootud ülevalt alla ringselt õmblusteta.
The chart for the lace pattern will be posted another time. As I have written, the stitch pattern came into being by improvisation. It can be probably used on other occasions as well. Knitted top down and seamless.
Ja nüüd uus tellimus, jälle Tekstiiliteollisuus. Materjaliks on Cacao (100 g/500 m), buklee tüüpi lõng (89 % alpakat ja ülejäänud polüamiidi). Tarvis kududa alt laienev jakk. Siin on proovilapp. Tegin prooviks mõned kasvatamised. Lõng on üsna pehme. Vardad nr 6.
And now a new order from Tekstiiliteollisuus again. The yarn is Cacao (100 g/ 500 m), bouclee type, 89 % alpaca and the rest is polyamid. I have to knit an A-shaped cardigan. Here is the swatch. I made some increases to see how it works. The yarn is rather soft. Needles no 6.

laupäev, 13. veebruar 2010

Kodus/At home

Olen lõpuks kodus. Aitäh kõigile, kes kommenteerisid mu esimest kudumisalast publikatsiooni ja elasid kaasa halli toru valmimisele!
I am finally at home. Thank you all who commented on my first knitting design publication and followed the consturction of the grey top.
Helsingis sain kokku Tiinaga. Kohtumispaik oli Menita pood. Pildil on Dropsi Safran. Tahtsin veenduda, et on ka mõnusat puuvillast. Dropsi värvikaart on vapustav. Ostsin endale suveks sinihallikat või hallisegust sinist. Värvi valik võttis aega.
In Helsinki I met Tiina at Menita yarn shop. In the picture you see Drops Safran. I wanted to be sure that cotton can be pleasant. The colour card of Drops is just stunning. I bought some blewish gray or grayish blue Safran for summer. Indeed, choosing among the colours took time.

Ja siiin jätkub:
And here some more:

Tiina hakkab testima mu lilla vesti õpetust. Pakkusin selleks Dropsi alpakat. Arvasin, et kena oleks, kui potentsiaalsele huvilisele saaks soovitada variandina mõne vähem eksootilise valiku kui Elotroi Liisu. Metraaž on enam-vähem sama, vaatame, kuidas asi välja kujuneb.
Tiina is going to test-knit my purple vest pattern. I suggested Drops alpaca. I thought that it would be good to recommend to potential knitters some less exotic yarn than Elotroi Liisu. The meter/g ratio is more or less the same, we shall see.
Siis käisin veel Espoos Suviga kohtumas. Ajasime kudumisalast juttu, mida siis muud. Olen Suvile tänulik sissejuhatuse eest kudumisdisaini maailma.
Then I visited Espoo and met Suvi. We spoke about knitting, what else canone expect? I am grateful to Suvi for a useful introduction into the world of knitting design.
Kodus ootas mind meeldiv üllatus: Basia oli saatnud oma käsitsi kedratud lõnga näidiseid. Tema top on just sellisest lõngast kootud. Imeilus pehme lõng, minu top on palju rustikaalsem!
At home a nice surprise was in store for me: Basia had sent her hand-spun yarn samples. Her rustic top is of this yarn. Lovely soft yarn, my top is much more rustic!
Basiu, dzekuje bardzo!

Minu top on hästi soe. Loodetavasti saab homme pildistatud.
My top is rather warm. Hopefully I will have pictures taken tommorow.

teisipäev, 9. veebruar 2010

"Koo ruttu edasi"/"Go on knitting"

Eile sain Marilt selle armsa kommentaari: "koo ruttu edasi". See on väga kena kompliment, ju siis on huivtav, mis mu kudumist edasi saab. Eks ma siis koon! Pildil on juba näha, et käeaugud on valmis ja nüüd on lugu üsna selge.
Yesterday I recieved this charming comment from Mari: "go on knitting". It is a nice compliment indeed, it implies that the progress of my knitting may be of some interest. So I am knitting! In the picture you can see that I am past the armholes and it is pretty much straightforward now.

Ees on Soome sõit, nii et järgmine postitus tuleb kunagi nädalavahetusel. Soomes on plaanis mitmed kohtumised ja lõngapoe külastused (mu lemmik Menita nende seas).
I am going to Finland and the next post will be sometimes later on the weekend. There are some meeting plans and of course visiting yarnshops, my favourite Menita included.

esmaspäev, 8. veebruar 2010

Hall toru/Gray tube

Nagu arvata võib, haarasin jälle halli lõnga järele. Lemmiklõng Aade Natural 8/3, lemmikvärv ja veel päris kena muster.
As you can imagine, I reached for the gray yarn again. My favourite Aade Natural 8/3, one of my favourite colours and a nice sitch pattern.
Inspiratsiooniallikaks on see Fanaberia top.
I was inspired by this top by Fanaberia.

Muidugi lõng on meil erinev. Temal on pehme tema enda kedratud, mul on pigem jämedam ja jõulisem. Ja päris sama mustrit ma ei tahtnud ka korrata. Aga selline toru-kujuline top on midagi, mis mulle istub, meile meeldivad ilmselt samad tehnikad ja samad konstruktsioonid.
Of course our yarns differ. She has a soft yarn spun by herself, whereas I have a thicker and more defined yarn. And I did not want to reproduce the same stitch patter. Still, such a tube-shaped top is something I like, probably we like the same kind of techniques and constructions.
Mustrist: hakkasin kuduma skeemi järgi üht lehemustrit, jäin ilmselt mõnes kohas unistama, hiljem sain aru, et teen midagi muud, kuid tundus, et tulemus pole sugugi paha. Muster hakkab paistma pärast pesemist jne, pildi järgi pole aru saada.
About the stitch patter: I started knitting some leaf pattern according to the chart and probably started dreaming at some point, later I realized I was doing something different, yet the result seemed to be quite decent. The stitch pattern will become visible after washing, the picture does not show it properly.