kolmapäev, 31. oktoober 2012


Näitan alustatud kudumit. See, millest kirjutasin üleeile, läheb kindlasti harutamisele. Ja mingit kahetsust ei ole. Mul ei ole raske harutada; põhilne on jõuda arusaamisele, mis nimelt on valesti, siis saab midagi õppida. Järgmisena hakkangi harutatud lõngast kuduma, mul on ettekujutus olemas.
Here is what I started. The project I wrote about the day before yesterday will be certainly frogged. No regrets. I do not have difficulties with froging; it is essential to realize what exactly is wrong, then you can learn something. The next project I will undertake will be exactly from the frogged yarn, I already imagine what I want.
Nagu näete, kudum on mohäärist. See on King Kid Silk (Classic Yarn), 70 % mohäär, 30 % siid. Nüüd müüakse seda ka Eestis Liann Lõngas. Olen sellest kudunud ennegi.
As you see, the current project is from mohair. It is King Kid Silk (Classic Yarn), 70 % mohar, 30 % silk. Now it is available in Estonia at the Liann Lõngad yarn store. I have used it previously.
Värv on päris eriline, must koos ereda sinisega (värvikood 214). Nüüd on juba pime, siiski loodan, et pildil on natuke näha, et lõng on ebaühtlane. Laineline muster sobib suurepäraselt.
The colour is special, black with bright blue (colour code 214). It is already dark now but I hope that the picture renders the uneven colour. The cheveron pattern fits perfectly.

esmaspäev, 29. oktoober 2012


Koon ja koon ja mõtlen, et miski häirib mind. Mingil hetkel otsustasin, et tuleb harutada ja teha sellest lõngast midagi muud. Eile õhtul jõudsin lõplikult arusaamale, mis on valesti. Mainisin eelmistes postitustes, et mulle ei istu koepind, põhjus on kius. Nüüd sain aru, et labane parempidine, mis on enamasti alati hea, on paradoksaalsel kombel kuidagi ilmetu (põhjus on jällegi lõngas, villane annaks hoopis teise koepinna). Minimalism ei eelda aga sugugi ilmetust, hoopis vastupidi. Selle asemel peaks tegema midagi mustrilist. Ja ilmselt jaki, mitte sviitri. Võtsin mõtlemisaega, praegu koon midagi muud, millest räägin varsti.
I was knitting and knitting and thinking that something bothers me. At some point I decided I will have to frog and to do something else from this yarn. Yesterday in the evening I finally understood what was wrong. In the previous posts I mentioned that  I am not totally satisfied with the fabric because of the fiber. Now I realized that stockinette stitch, which is mostly always fine, looks really poor (the reason bing the yarn, lamb wool would yield a totally different fabric). Note that minimalism does not mean poorness, quite opposite. Something with a stitch pattern should be made of this yarn. And probabaly a jacket and not a sweater. I took some time for thinking it over and now started something else that I will eventually tell you.

laupäev, 27. oktoober 2012

Jätkan/I go on

Vahepeal olen kudunud niipalju. Huvitav, et selga proovides ei ole kaelus üldse keerdus. Helka, aitäh pildi eest!
Meanwhile I have knitted this much. It is interesting that the neck opening does not curl when I try this on. Helka, thanks for the picture! Helka, kiitos kuvasta!
Saan järjekordse kinnituse, et selline pehme ja mitte väga peenike meriino (50 g/115 m) pole minu lõng. Midagi pole paha, aga tavaline villane või villasegu meeldib rohkem. Vaatan, kuidas läheb. Võib-olla tasub teha midagi taolist mõnest sokilõngast. Kudum tundub kuidagi paksem, kui sama varadanumbriga (3,5 mm) kootud villane kudum. Samas tean, et paljudele meeldib just selline lõng. Asi pole ilmselt ainult lõpptulemuses, vaid ka selles, kas lõnga on kududes mõnus käes hoida.
I am getting yet another confirmation that such a soft and not particularly thin merino (50 g/115 m) is not my yarn. Nothing is wrong but usual wool or wool blend pleases me much more. I will see how it goes. Maybe this kind of knit would be nice in some sock yarn. The garment appears thicker than a woolen knit worked with the same needles (3.5 mm). At the same time, I am aware that many love exactly this kind of yarn. Probably, it is not only about the final result but about the pleasantness of holding the yarn while you knit.

neljapäev, 25. oktoober 2012

Midagi väga lihtsat/Something very plain

Praegu on kogu aeg mõni sõit ees. Nagu teada, pole mugav alustada uut kudumit piltlikult öeldes bussis, on alati parem, kui alustust on tehtud enne bussi peale minekut. Esimesel pildil näete palmikukampsuni mustrit. Kampsun on valmis ja kuivab. Kuna lõng on jäme ja kudum suur, siis kuivamine võib võtta 2 päeva või rohkem. Loodetavasti järgmisel nädalal saab pildistatud. 
Recently I have been traveling every now and then. As it is known, it is not convenient to strat a new knitting project on a buss, to put it in a figurative way; it is always better when you begin prior to taking a bus. The first picture features the pattern of the cable jacket. The jacket is finished and drying. As the yarn is thick and the garment is large, it will take 2 days or even more to dry. I hope to get proper pictures next week.
Nüüd näitan, mida alustasin. Väga lihtne, lakooniline kudum. Kaalusin igasuguseid mustreid ja loobusin, ei ole pitsimustrituju. Lõng on Teetee Primavera (meriino ja siid). Ma ei oleks ise niisugust lõnga ostnud, aga kunagi sain Teetee firmalt honorari lõngas. Pakuti just seda lõnga, värvikaart on nagu on, nii et jäin halli juurde. Lõng on oodanud oma aega päris pikalt. Nagu näete, reljeefne ripskude paistab hästi. Lõng hargneb/lõheneb suht kergesti. Proovilapp ei veninud ega tõmbunud kokku pärast pesu, kuid ikkagi jääb küsimus, kas selline pehme lõng ei lähe kergesti topiliseks.
Now I will shaw what I started. This is a rather simple, laconic knit. I was thinking about all kind of stitch patterns and decided against them; apparently, I am not in the mood for lace. The yarn is Primavera by Teetee (merino and silk). I would not buy this kind of yarn but once I got my fee from Teetee in yarn. I was offered this yarn and the colour card is not the one that would give me choice difficulties, so I opted for grey. The yarn has been waiting for quite a long time. As you see, the texture of the garter stitch is well defined. The yarn splits relatively easily. The swatch did not strech or shrink after washing but still the question remains whether such a soft yarn would easily develop neps.

esmaspäev, 22. oktoober 2012

Palmikuid on juba hästi palju/There is quite a lot of cables already

Jakk on vahepeal märkamatult kasvanud. Võrdluseks on alla pandud minikleit. Plaanis on kududa veel poolmustrikorda, siis alla tuleb samasugune keeruga soonik nagu varrukatel. Ja nööbiliistud + krae tuleb ka soonikus.
Meanwhile the jacket has grown quite suddenly. A minidress is underneath for the sake of comparison. I plan to knit a half of the pattern repeat and then to make the same kind of twisted ribbing as the sleeves. And the buttonbands + collar will be in the ribbing.
Palmikud on disaini suhtes eriti nõudlikud. See jakk on suur ja lohva, ma ei arva, et palmikud annavad kandjale volüümi juurde, sest on näha, et proportsioonid on meelega liialdatud. Minu meelest tuleb palmikute hulka, paigutust jms kavandada eriti hoolikalt, sest on suur oht üle pakkuda ja proportsioonid ära rikkuda.
Cables are very demanding as far as design is concerned. This jacket is large and oversized and I don't think that the massive cables will result in adding volume to the owner because it is clear that proportions have been augmented on purpose. I believe one has to ponder with a special caution the number and the placement of cables because there is a great danger to overdo it and to destroy right proportions.

reede, 19. oktoober 2012

Ikka palmikud/Cables on and on

Väga kiired ajad, üks sõit teise järel. Viimasel kahel päeval jõudsin vähe kududa, sest olin reisil ja lõng lõppes otsa! Õnneks kodus ootab mind veel 2 tokki. Mul on tunne, et läheb vaja veel 2-3 tokki.
Very busy times, one trip after another. I did not knit much during the last two days because I was away and ran out of yarn! Luckily, 2 more balls of yarn were waiting for me at home. It appears that I will need 2-3 balls more.
Proportsioonist on raske aru saada, sest kudum on lai. See tükk, mida näete, ulatub mulle vöökohani.
It is rather difficult to imagine proportions because the garment is wide. The piece you see reaches my waist.

teisipäev, 16. oktoober 2012

Jälle palmikuid/Cables again

Näitan oma palmikuid. Vahepeal ei saanud väga palju kududa. Aga nüüd on juba rohkem näha. Mustrikord on hästi suur, 43 rida. Siin ei ole veel üks mustrikord täis! Kudum on ka üsna lai, nagu telliti.
I am showing my cables. I have not had much time for knitting in-between. But now you can see more. The pattern repeat is quite high, 43 rows. And one repeat in the hight is not yet completed! The garment is rather broad and loose as ordered.

pühapäev, 14. oktoober 2012


Eile ja üleeile olin ametis mustri valimisega. Tellimus on, et olgu kindlasti palmikutega. Jakk tuleb suhteliselt lohvakas, seega pinda on palju ja mustrid võivad olla suured. Enne oli plaanis hoopis teist tüüpi palmik, aga vaatasin, et too tahab hoopis õhulisemat ja peenemat lõnga. Mustrivihikutest sai valitud selline. Mustrikord on päris suur, pidin esitükkide jaoks pisut kohendama. Kududa on päris põnev, ainult ei oska praegu ette kujutada, kui palju lõnga kulub.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday I was busy picking up a stitch pattern. The order was: a cabled pattern in any case. The jacket will be relatively big and loose, thus, there is a lot of space to fit in large pattern repeats. In the beginning we planned a totally different cable but then I saw that it would require a much more thin and airy yarn. From a stitch booklet this one was picked up. The repeat is quite large and I had to do some adjustments for the front  pieces. It is rather fun to knit it, the only thing I cannot say at this stage how much yarn I will need.

reede, 12. oktoober 2012

Lõpuks lõng olemas/I have the yarn, finally

Lõpuks leidsin tütre kampsuni jaoks midagi sobivat. Siin on mitu olulist tingimust: et oleks soe, et sobiks palmikumustri jaoks ja et oleks tumesinine. Tegelik värv on pisut intensiivsem. Peamine on aga, et võin alustada proovilappidega. Peenikesest Fabelist olen kudunud ja olen rahul. Sellest on mul rätik ja sviiter.
Finally, I found something suitable for my daughter's jacket. There are several conditions to be followed: it should be warm, it should be suitable for cable patterns and it should be dark blue. The true colour is slightly more intensive. The main thing is that I can start swatching. I have knitted the thin version of Fabel and I liked it. I have this shawl and this sweater.
Loodan, et muster saab varsti valitud ja tegumood kokku lepitud. Eestis võiks olla rohkem head sokilõnga. "Head" tähendab minu jaoks mitte liiga kallist ja sobivates värvitoonides (mitte kirju). Dropsi Fabel on kindlasti hea, aga värvikaart võiks ka laiem olla.
I hope the pattern and the make will be agreed upon soon. I wish there were more good sock yarns in Estonia. By "good" I mean not very expensive and in suitable colours (not variegated). Drops Fabel is definitely a nice one but the colour choice could be wider.

teisipäev, 9. oktoober 2012


Seekord tuleb lühike postitus. Kirjutan lühidalt plaanidest.
  • Tütar on tellinud suure jaki. Eelistatavalt palmikutega. Lõnga idee on juba olemas, mõned mustrikandidaadid ka.
  • Lilla lehejaki õpetus on valmis testimiseks. Pidin eri suuruste üle pead murdma, suur tänu Suvile, kes mõtles kaasa ja mulle nõu andis. Kui soovite testida, andke palun teada.
  • Tuletan meelde, et 10. novembril kl 16.00 on soomekeelne rätikute koolitus Rocca-al-Mare Lianni poes.
  • Kui kellelgi on mõni koolituse teema olemas, kirjutage! Võib olla nii teoreetilisem kui konkreetsem (nt mõne minu kudumi analüüs).
  • Plaanis on veel paar stiili-teemalist postitust, aga seda ikka kudumisega seoses. Üks tuleb faktuuridest, teine mustast värvist.
It will be a short post this time. I am going to briefly outline my plans.
  • My daughter has orderd a large jacket. Perferably with cables. I already have a yarn idea and some pattern candidates to be considered.
  • The pattern for the purple leaf jacket is ready for testing. I had to ponder quite a lot about various sized; I am so grateful to Suvi who thought along and gave me advice. If you want to test, please let me know.
  • On 10th November at 4 p.m. there will be a Finnish-language class on shawl knitting at Liann shop in Rocca-al-Mare.
  • If anybody has a topic for a class, don't be shy and let me know! It can be more theoretical or more particular (for instance, an analysi of a knit designed by me).
  • I plan a couple of posts about style, certainly in connection with knitting. One will be on knitted fabrics, another about the black colour.

pühapäev, 7. oktoober 2012

Hästi mitu kudumit/Quite a lot of knits

Kuna eelmisel pühapäeval ei saanud pildistada, aga kudumeid on lausa 3 tükki, siis tegime Avega suure pildistamissessiooni, mille eest suur tänu! Eelkõige tviidijakk:
As last Sunday we were unable to take photos but by now I have 3 unphotographed knits, today Ave and I did quite a lot of photographying, for which I am very grateful to Ave. First of all, the tweed jacket.
Lõng/Yarn: Folk (Lineapiu), 100 g/370 m, ~210 g
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Lõng on pehme, läheb katki väga kergesti. Ma ei tahtnudki siia mingeid keerukaid mustreid. Tviid nõuab hubast, aga samas klassikalist ja minimalistlikku tegumoodi (vähemalt minu puhul).
The yarn is soft and tears very easily. I did not want any complicated stitch patterns here. Tweed requires cosy but at the same time classical and minimalist design (at least in my case).

Rätik on see, millest oli juttu siin. Mitmed sõbrad on testinud ja varsti tuleb õpetus.
The shawl is the one I described here. Several friends have tested it and the pattern will be released soon.
Lõng/Yarn: Hanna Cable (G-B Wolle), 50 g/175 m, 100 % puuvill/cotton, 150 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm.

Sellest sviitrist polnudki vahepealseid pilte. Ei jõudnud pildistada, olin reisil.
There are no pictures showing the process of knitting of this garment. I had no time to take pictures because I was travelling. 

Lõng/Yarn: Angel (Bergère de France), 25 g/27g m (44 % polyamide, 32 % acrylic, 24 % mohair), ~65 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm
Vaatamata suurele sünteetika sisaldusele, katsudes on hästi pehme, ei ole seda krudisevat ega vatist tunnet.
Despite of a large amount of syntetic fibers, the fabric is very soft to touch and there is no this skreechy or cotton-like feeling to it.

reede, 5. oktoober 2012

Mustrite kohandamine/Adjustment of stitch patterns

Mustrite kohandamisega puutume kokku siis, kui on vaja kirjutada õpetus mitmele suurusele. Mõne mustriga ei ole vaja pikka targutamist, nt võib suurendada mustrikordade arvu. Vertikaalsete mustrite vahele võib lisada silmuseid. Kuid mõnikord peab suurendama/vähendama mustrikorda. Sama vajadus võib tekkida ka varrukate puhul. Kui koome varrukat ülevalt alla, siis on vaja kasvatada silmuseid ja vastavalt sobitada mustrikorda nagu kirjutatud selles postituses. Kui mustrikord on suur ja muster keerukas, nt midagi toimub ka paarisridades, siis võib kaaluda mustrikorra vähendamist. Praeguses töös tegin just nii. See on kere osa mustrikord:
One deals with the adjustment of stitch patterns when it is necessary to write a pattern for several sizes. With some stitches it does not require much effort, for instance, you can add several pattern repeats. Also you can add stitches between pattern columns. However, sometimes you have to make a pattern repeart smaller/larger. This may also be necessary for knitting sleeves. If we knit sleaves top down, we have to increase stitches and to fit the stitch pattern as described in this post. If the stitch pattern in question is large and the pattern complicated, that is, something happens also in odd rows/rounds, then it would be wise to consider making the stitch pattern smaller. This is exactly what I did in my current project. This is the stitch pattern for the torso part:
Ja see on varruka oma:
And this is one for the sleeve:

teisipäev, 2. oktoober 2012

Rätiku eelvaade/The shawl preview

Töös on uus kudum, aga vanad on korralikult pildistamata. Näitan praegu rätikut, mis sai valmis juba laupäeval, aga pühapäeval pildistamata jäi (süüdi on vihmane ilm).
I am working on a new kint while the old ones have not yet been photographed properly. I am showing the shawl that was finished on Saturday and that could not be photographed on Sunday (the rain is to blame).

Kuna pean homme mitmeks päevaks ära sõitma, siis on postitus üsna lühike. Rätiku õpetus ilmub Ravelrys. Juba mitmed on endale valmis kudunud, päris huvitav on, et täiesti erinevatest lõngadest. Olen näinud villa ja mohääri varianti. Minu oma on peenike puuvillane.
Since I am leaving tomorrow for some days, this post is rather short. The pattern of the shawl will be available on Ravelry. Several people have already knitted it from quite different yarns, which fact makes it interesting. I have seen wool and mohair versions. This one is fine cotton.