Kahjuks on meil väga vähe peenikest puuvillast. Rääkimata mingist segust. Peenike puuvillane on tihti mõeldud heegeldamiseks ja on väga tugeva keeruga. Aga tahaks midagi sokilõnga jämeduses või sinnapoole. Alize Bella on 50 g/180 m. Üsna pehme, olekult sarnaneb Midara Amberiga (vt siin). Eestis on aga tihti vaja vahepealseid kudumeid: pika varrukaga, aga mitte väga sooje. Nii et teen praegu üsna lihtsat sviitrit.
Unfortunately, we have very few kinds of thin cotton. To say nothing about cotton blends. Thin cotton is often manufactured fore crocheting and has quite a strong twist. I would like something in the weight of sock yarns or similar. Alize Bella is 50 g/180 m. Quite soft with a character similar to that of Amber by Midara (see here). In Estonia, you often need in-between knits: long sleeved but not very warm. So I am making a rather simple sweater.
Hotelli toa valguses on üsna raske pildistada. Ega siin midagi erilist pole: labane parempidine, õlgadel rips, külgedel rips, madal õlg.
It is quite impossible to take pictures in the light of my hotel room. But there is nothing fancy here: stockinette, garter stitch on the shoulders and on the sides, low shoulder line.
Nüüd koon alla, varrukad on valmis.
I am working downwards now, the sleeves are finished.
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