Mõnikord tellitakse midagi ka. Alustasin jakki niisuguse mustriga, nagu minu Lemmikjakk.
Sometimes I get orders. I started a cardi with the pattern like in my Lemmikjakk.
Ainult lõngakombinatsioon on teistsugune: Angora 2 ja Haapsalu (peenvillane 100 g/1400 m). Tegin ka teise kalkulatsiooni, muster on hõlpsasti kohandatav. Vardad 4,5 mm.
But the yarn combination is different here: Angora 2 and Haapsalu (laceweight wool 100 g/1400 m). I made a different calculation, too; the stitch is easily adjustable. Needles 4.5 mm.
Siin on seljatükk, esitükid on ka olemas, aga pean praegu vahet, sest enne ühendamist peaks tellija selga proovima. Seda saan teha alles esmaspäeval. Niikaua tegelen muude asjadega.
Here is the back piece and I already have the front pieces but I have to put it on hold now because before joining I need my client to try it on. I will have a chance to do this as late as Monday. Meanwhile I will do other things.
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