pühapäev, 31. juuli 2016

Kahevärviline või hoopis ühevärviline/Two-coloured or may be one-coloured after all

Kunagi maikuus sai valmis sall. Siis ei saanud kohe pildistada. Kristiina pildistas hiljem (tänan!), aga siis olid muud asjad käsil. Teatavasti tuleb järgmisel neljapäeval rätikute ja sallide konstrueerimise tund. Sofija nägi minu salli ja tahtis ka. Tema otsustas, et teeb ühevärvilise. Tal on teine linane lõng, aga pole oluline, sallid ja rätikud on selles mõttes väga paindlikud. Konstruktsioon on selline, et saab kududa laiemaks ja pikemaks (või kitsamaks ja lühemaks). Minu oma on päris vorst, aga pole midagi. Näitan nüüd mõlemaid.
Sometimes in May this scarf got finished. Back then there was no opportunity to photograph. Later Kristiina took some pictures (thank you), but I had other knits on my mind. As you may know, next Thursday I will teach constructions of shawls an scarf. Sofija saw my scarf and wanted one for herself. She decided to do it in one colour. She has a different linen but this is not important: shawls and scarves are very versatile as far as yarns are concerned. The construction allows to make it wider and longer (or narrower and shorter). Mine is a kind of sausage but this does not bother me. I am showing both,

Arusaadav, et Sofijal on teine stiil ja olek, seetõttu on hoopis teistsugune fotostilistika. Tema kleit on linasest ja viskoosi kangast, leedu disaineri Julia Januse looming.
It is understandable that Sofija has a different style and different appearenc, thus, the photos have a completely different style. Her dress is from linen and rayon fabric, a desgin by Lithuanian designer Julia Janus.
Tema sall on laiem. Lõng: Lino (Katia), 100 % linane, 50 g/150 m, ~ 450 m.
Her scarf is wider. Yarn: Lino (by Katia), 100 % linen, 50 g/150 m, ~450 m.
Ačiū, Sofija, kad numezgate šaliką taip greitai!

reede, 29. juuli 2016

Poolpatent ripsiga: pilte/Half-patent with garter stitch: pictures

On igasuguseid uudiseid. Esiteks, õpetan Mezgimo zona poes rätikute konstrueerimist 4. augustil kl 17.30. Teiseks, paar kohalikku kudujat on nakatanud võrgulistesse sallidesse ja ühel on juba valmis vähem kui nädalaga päris suur sall, kunagi näitan pilte. Kolmandaks muidugi poolpatent ripsiga-sarja järjekordse sviitri pildid (Sonata, aitäh!).
There are news of all sorts. First, on 4 August at 5.30 p.m. I will be teaching shawl constructions at Mezgimo Zona. Second, a couple of local knitters have become infected with mesh scarves and one of them has already knitted quite a large scarf in less then a week; I will show some pictures eventually. Third, the pictures of my new sweater in the series of half-patent with garter stich (thank you, Sonata!).
Nagu teate, Vilniuses on palju vägevaid hoove, kus pildistada.
As you know, Vilnius has a lot of cool courtyards where to take pictures.
Midagi küljel.
Something on the side.
Lõng/Yarn: Drops Loves You 6 (50 g/120 m), ~ 840 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm

kolmapäev, 27. juuli 2016

Kombineerime lõngu/Let us combine yarns

Lõngade kombineerimine on päris põnev ja kasulik. Lõngade koostoimimisel tekib uus kvaliteet (ja kvantiteet ka). Kavatsen sellest kirjutada. Tekitan uue märksõna. Muidugi on see teema nii lai, et ma ei saa väita, et tean kõike. Siiski mõningaid kogemusi juba on. Näiteks panen pidevalt kokku mohääri ja peenvillast (või meriinot). Või see jakk on sokilõnga ja peenikese meriino segust.
Yarn combining is quite exciting and useful. Joint functioning yields new quality (and also quantity). I am going to write about this. I am adding a new tag. Of course the topic is so vast that I cannot claim I know it all. Still, I have some experience. For instance, I constantly put together mohair and laceweight wool (or merino). Or consider this cardi that is a blend of sock yarn and laceweight merino.
See on proovilapp. Koos on Midara lõngad: Roma (100 % vill, 100 g/750 m) ja paljudele pitsikudujatele tuntud Haapsalu (100 % vill, 100 g/1400 m). Vardad 4 mm.
Here is a swatch. Two Midara yarns are put together: Roma (100 % wool, 100 g/750 m) and Haapsalu (100 % wool, 100 g/1400 m), known to many lace knitters. Needles 4 mm.
Esiteks näete uut värvi: peenem lõng on tumehall, ta ei domineeri ei visuaalselt ega füüsiliselt (nii väljanägemise kui ka koe seisukohalt on jämedam lõng põhiline), siiski lisab midagi juurde. Teiseks, kindlasti isegi peenikese lõnga lisamine annab jämedust ja reljeefsust (mohäär on selles mõttes veelgi markantsem). Geomeetrilised mustrid õhksilmustega ei tundunud huvitavad (kuigi ei olnud täiesti võimatud). Mõtlesin kaua ja täna hommikul katsetasin, tundub, et see on õige.
First, you notice a new colour: the thinner yarn is dark grey, it is not dominant either visually or physically (the thicker yarn is the main yarn both for a general appearance and for the fabric); still, it gives something new. Second, adding of another yarn, even a thin one, adds to the weight and stitch definition (in this sense, mohair is even more prominent). Geometrical patterns with yarnovers did not seem interesting (although not entirely impossible). I gave it a lot of thought and made this attempt today in the morning, this one seems to be the right one.

esmaspäev, 25. juuli 2016

Sviiter edeneb/The sweater is progressing

Mul pole selles korteris ühtegi riidepuud, seetõttu ei saa ma tervikuna pildistada, ainult osade kaupa. Tuleb veel kududa alla 15-20 cm. Praeguseks on kulunud 6 tokki (50 g/120 m).
I don't have a hanger in this flat, so I cannot photograph the whole thing, olny parts. I have to knit 15-20 cm more. So far I've used up 6 balls (50 g/120 m).
Siin on veel päeva jagu tööd. Loodetavasti saan järgmisel kudumisklubi kogunemisel Mezgimo zona poes näidata kaaskudujatele valmisasja.
It would require a couple of days to finish. Hopefully I will be able to show the finished sweater to my fellow knitters at the next knitting meeting in Mezgimo zona.

laupäev, 23. juuli 2016

Jätkame/We go on

Eile käisime Miaga Diteksases. Lasin end pildistada "lõngamüüri" taustal. Kaks sektsiooni vaadates vasakult on mohäär ja kolmas (parempoolne) on juba villane, meriino jms.
Yesterday we visited Diteksas together with Mia. I got myself photographed against the "yarn wall". The first two sections from left are mohair yarns and the third one, the most right one, is wool, merino etc.
Niikaua aga koon ripsiga patendis puuvillasviitrit. Üks varrukas on valmis. Pildistasin nii, et näeksite kahandusi.
So far I am knitting my cotton sweater in patent-garter stitch. One sleeve is finished. I photographed it so that you can see decreases.

Paistab, et patendi kohta koguneb mul märkmeid. Ilmselt tuleb sügisel patent- või poolpatentkoes lihtsa sviitri kooskudumine.
It appears that I have accumulated some notes on patent stitch. Probably, I will do a KAL of a patent or half-patent sweater.

neljapäev, 21. juuli 2016

Miaga Vilniuses ja uus kudum/With Mia in Vilnius and a new knit

Mia on siin, kavatseme kududa, käia lõngapoodides ja kohtuda kohalike kudujatega.
Mia is here, we are going to knit, to visti yarn stores and to meet local knitters.
Aga nagu näete, mul on seljas patentkoes sviiter, kaelas patentkoes linane rätik ja käes uue patentkoes kudumi algus. Mia käsi just Steven Westi kursusel, kus õppis patentkoe tarkusi. Meister Steven Westi sõnul "more is more", ehk küll küllale liiga ei tee. Mia ja mina arvame, et "less is more", ehk mida vähem ja lihtsam, seda parem. Lihtsalt erinevad stiilid. Samas võin öelda, et nt musta või halli värvi ei ole kunagi liiga palju ja patentkude pole ka liiga palju. See on omaette teema, kas ja kuidas kanda mitu kudumit. Mulle tundub, et antud juhul see toimib.
As you can see, I am wearing a patent stitch sweater, there is a linen patent stich shawl around my neck and I am holding a beginning of a new patent stitch knit. Mia has just returned from Steven West's course where she learned patent stitch subtleties. The master says that "more is more". Mia and I think that "less is more", the easier, the better. The styles are different. At the same time I can say that for instance there is never too much black or gray and that there is never too much patent stich knits. This is a separate topic, whether and how to wear several knits. I think that it works in my case.
Lõng/Yarn: Drops Loves You 7 (50 g/170 m), ~850 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm

teisipäev, 19. juuli 2016

Sviiter kuivab/The sweater is drying

Poolpatent-ripskoes sviiter kuivab (kui kellelgi on ettepanek, kuidas seda mustrit nimetada, andke teada). Uskumatu, kuidas pärast niisutust kude avaneb ja läheb ilusaks!
Half-patent and garter stich sweater is drying (if you have suggestions how to name this stich, please let me know). It is unbelievable how fabric opens up and becomes nice after moistening.
Edasi on mul plaanis augulise või sakilise mustriga sallkraega jakk. Nimelt Drops Loves You 6 on väga mõnus puuvillane lõng ja sain just haruldast tumehalli värvi. Link on siin, minu värv on 118.
After that I have plans for an eylet or zigzag patterned cardigan. Namely, Drops Loves You 6 is a very pleasant cotton yarn and I've just got it in a rare dark grey colour. Follow the link, my colour is 118.

pühapäev, 17. juuli 2016

Topi pilte/Pictures of a top

Enne ärasõitu tegi Kristiina pildid viimasest topist. Aitäh! Kannan seda enam-vähem kogu aeg. Väga lihtne, sile, labane kude, mõned detailid ripskoes.
Before my departure Kristiina took some photos of the recent top. Thank you! I am wearing it more or less all the time. A very simple, smooth, stockinette stitch with some elements in garter stitch.
Kui kududa 2 ääresilmust ripskoes (ja mitte 1, nagu teen tavaliselt), siis tekib üsna kena äär. Hiljem korjasin üles varruka silmused ja tegin veel mõned read ripskoes.
If you make 2 edge stitches in garter (and not 1, as I usually do), then you get quite a nice edge. Afterwards I picked up sleeve stitches and made some rounds in garter stitch.
Lõng/Yarn: Egitto (Titan Wool), 50 g/125 m, 100 % puuvill/cotton, ~ 225 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm.

reede, 15. juuli 2016

Vilniuses/In Vilnius

Kõigepealt traditsiooniline pilt Vilniusest.
First of all, a traditional photo from Vilnius.
Täna ei jõundud kuigi palju, aga käisin Mezgimo zona- poes.
I did not do many things today but I vistited the Mezgimo zona yarn shop.
Kindlasti käin seal veel mitmeid kordi. Neljapäeviti on kudumisklubi ja rääkisime Sonataga, et teeksin ühe tunni rätikute konstrueerimisest.
I will certainly visit it many times. The knitting club comes together on Thursdays and we discussed it with Sonata that I would teach a class on shawl construction.
Traditsiooniline pilt linase poolidest.
A traditional picture of linen cones.

Kõige alumine pilt on minu praegune kudum. Kaenla all on ühendatud, all kootud u 15 cm. Varsti alustan varrukaid.
The picture in the bottom shows my current knit. I have joined under arms and worked about 15 cm downwards. I will start sleeves soon.

kolmapäev, 13. juuli 2016

Poolpatent ripsiga/Half-patent with garter

Väga võimalik, et see on niigi teada. Nt olen ühes eesti raamatus näinud niisugust mustrit, kus üks silmus on parempidine, teine patentsilmus. Ei ole ise nii kudunud, aga pildi järgi ei tundunud kuigi reljeefne. Aga vaatame nüüd seda.
It is quite possible that the whole thing is well-known anyway. For instance, I have seen in an Estonian knitting book such a pattern where one stitch is in stockinette and the next is a patent stitch. I have never knittid this but the fabric did not seem very textured in the picture. But let us look at this now.
Pealtnäha on justkui poolpatent (1 ph, õs, 1 kudumata tõsta, tagasireas 1 pp ja patentsilmus koos õhksilmusega ph). Aga ei ole nii. Vaatame pahemat poolt.
On the first glance looks like half-patent (p1, yo, slip next stitch, in wrong side row k 1 and p patent st together with yo). But this is not the case. Please observe the wrong side.
Siin on midagi, mis meenutab nn broken rib-nimelist kude (ma ei tea, mis on ametlik nimi, nimetan ripsiga soonikuks). Seda koome nii, et esimeses reas kõik pp, tagasireas 1 pp, 1 ph. Antud juhul ongi peaaegu sama, ainult esimeses reas on 1 pp, õs, 1 kudumata tõsta, tagasireas on 1 pp, patentsilmus koos õs-ga ph. Mõlemad pooled on päris kenad.
This is something that reminds of so-called broken rib stitch. This is done as follows: in the first row, k across, back row k1, p1. In my case it is almost the same: in the right side row, k1, yo, s1, wrong side k1, p patent stitch together with yo. Looks nice on both sides.