reede, 1. juuli 2016

Jakk edeneb/The cardi is growing

Jakk edeneb. On vaja kududa veel pool mustrikorda pikkusesse, seejärel sallkrae. Peab jällegi rõhutama, et standardsed suurused loevad vähe, tuleb ikkagi vaadata figuuri. Tihti on õpetustes suurematele suurustele varrukad ja kereosa pikemad, kui väiksemate puhul. Aga tegelikult on teisiti. Koon praegu suurust L (rinnaümbermõõdu järgi otsustades), aga inimene ei ole pikka kasvu, kere ja käed pole pikad. Kusjuures isegi pikk kasv ei tähenda, et kere on pikk.
The cardi is progressing. I have to knit a half of pattern repeat in the height and then the shawl collar. It has to be stressed again and again that standard sizing does not make much sense and one has to consider the body shape. Very often patterns suggest that for larger sizes the sleeves and the torso have a bigger lenght than for smaller sizes. But reality is different. I am knitting Size L now (according to bust circumfurence), but the person is not tall and her torso and arms are not long. By the way, "tall" does not mean that the torso is long.
Praegusesk on kulunud peaaegu 1 tokk Angora 2-t (750 m). Ilmselt kulub kogu jakile 1,5 tokki (villast pole kaalunud, lõng on peenike, selgub lõpus).
I have used almost 1 ball of Angora 2 so far (750 m). Probably I will need some 1.5 balls for the entire cardi (I have not weighed the wool, the yarn is light, it will be clear in the end).

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