Muidugi on selliseid, kes üldse ei muretse, et üleminekulõnga sviitri esi- ja seljatüki värvijaotus oleks sümmeetriline. See on muidugi maitse küsimus. Eraldi tükkide kudumisest ja hilisemast kokkuõmblemisest ma ei räägi, see pole minu teema. Kui värvijaotus ei ole oluline, on sellisel juhul kõik on lihtne. Kui aga tahaks, et värvijaotus oleks sümmeetriline, siis on muidugi olemas raglaan, contiguous ja selle modifikatsioonid, ümmargune passe ja taolised konstruktsioonid, kus kohe alustatakse ülevalt alla ringselt. Aga mida teha, kui erinevatel põhjustel ei soovi nimetatud konstruktsioone? Siis tuleb jälgida, kuidas värvid jaotuvad. Esimene asi on kerida lõng n-ö tabletiks (ma ei tea, kas on olemas mõni termin, inglise keeles on yarn cake). Mul on olemas kerija, millega saab selliseid:
Of course there are knitters who are not concerned at all with symmetrical colour distribution on the front and back of a sweater from variegated yarn. This is of course a matter of taste. I am not discussing knitting separate pieces and seaming them, as this is not my topic. If colour distribution is not a problem, then everything is easy. However, if you want symmetrical distribution, there is of course raglan, contiguous and its modification, round yoke and other constructions where you start in the round from top down at the very beginning. But what should one do if, due to different reasons, one does not wish the mentioned constructions? Then one has to pay attention how colours change. The first thing is to winde the yarn into yarn cakes. I have a winder that enables this:
Siin on kohe selge pilt. Seljatükki alustasin halliga ja soovitan kududa mõnda aega (10-15 cm), et oleks näha, kuidas värvid muutuvad.
Here the picture is quite clear. I started the back piece with gray and advice to knit for some length (10-15 cm) in order to see the dynamics of colours.
Hall läheb üle tumehalliks ja varsti muutub mustaks. Esitükkide silmused on juba varrastel. Kuna paatkaelust ei tule, tuleb esitükid kududa esialgu eraldi, siis kujundada kaelaava ja lõpuks ühendada. Selge, et kumbki esitükk on kitsam, kui seljatükk. Järelikult on ühe värvi ports pikem. Mida kitsam on koepind, seda pikem on ühe värvi sektsioon ja vastupidi. Aga minu eesmärk on see, et esi- ja seljatüki ühendades oleks värvidega sama olukord ja ei tekiks järske üleminekuid.
Grey is becoming dark grey and is about to get black. The stitches for the front pieces are already on the needles. As this sweater is not a boatneck, I have to knit the front pieces separately, to shape the neck opening and to join them later. It is clear that each front piece is narrower than the back piece. Thus, a colour section is longer. The narrower is the fabric, the longer is a colour section, and vice versa. My goal is to reach more or less the same colour at the point of joining the front and the back in order to avoid abrupt transitions.
Seega pean esitükke alustama pisut tumedamast hallist, et esitükkide ühendamise hetkeks oleks käes juba väga tumehall sektsioon (seljatükil on samal kõrgusel sama värv). Kuna tableti näitab värvijaotust, saan hõlpsasti kerida nii, et jõuan vajaliku värvini. Siis esi- ja seljatükk on enam-vähem sümmeetrilised. On näha, et omavahel on vasak ja parem esitükk sümmeetrilised, vahe selja- ja esitükkide alguse vahel pole väga suur.
Thus, I have to start the front pieces with a darker gray in order to get to a very dark grey section (as is the situation with the back piece at the same height). As the cake demostrates the distribution of colours, I can easily wind further until I get to the right colour. Then fornt and back pieces are more or less symmetrical. You can see that the left and the right pieces are symmetrical to each other and the difference between the top of the back and of the front pieces is not very significant.
Siin näete, et esi- ja seljatükk n-ö sammuvad ühte sammu (seljatükk on sel hetkel juba pikemaks kootud). Mis edasi saab, kirjutan järgmises postituses.
Here you can see that the front and the back are keeping the same pace, so to say (the back piece is slightly longer at the moment). I will write in my next post what happens later.
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