Seekord leppisime kokku, et Eva on modell ja pildistan mina. Lõpuks tegi ka tema paar pilti minust. Tallinnas on huvitav ilm, puhub tuul ja paistab päike ja sajab pisut vihma, kõik korraga. Seetõttu juuksed ja sall käituvad nagu tahavad.
This time we agreed that Eva would be the model and I will take pictures. In the end she took some pictures of me. It is a peculiar weather in Tallinn, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining and it is slightly raining at the same time. This is why my hair and the scarf do what they want.
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Artistic 8/2 (100 g/400 m), ~ 112 g
Vardad/Needles: 6 mm
reede, 30. september 2016
kolmapäev, 28. september 2016
Sall on nüüd tõesti valmis/Now the shawl is really finished
Harutasin ära üsna tubli tüki ja kudusin kahanduste osa uuesti. Isegi nüüd pole sall sugugi lühike, aga on märksa mugavam.
I ripped a considerable part of the scarf and knitted the decrease section anew. Even now the scarf is not at all short, yet it is much more handy.
Korralikud pildid lähiajal.
Proper pictres coming soon.
I ripped a considerable part of the scarf and knitted the decrease section anew. Even now the scarf is not at all short, yet it is much more handy.
Korralikud pildid lähiajal.
Proper pictres coming soon.
esmaspäev, 26. september 2016
Läksin hoogu/I got carried away
... ja kudusin salli liiga pikaks! Ligi 2,7 m pikaks! Pole midagi, harutan natuke. Tegelikult tean, et võrguline muster võib venida pikkusesse, aga kui palju täpselt, on raske hinnata.
... and made the scarf too long! About 2.7 m long! No problem, I will rip a little. In fact, I know that mesh pattern can stretch in the length but exactly to what extent, is difficult to estimate.
... and made the scarf too long! About 2.7 m long! No problem, I will rip a little. In fact, I know that mesh pattern can stretch in the length but exactly to what extent, is difficult to estimate.
laupäev, 24. september 2016
Rätiku pilte/Shawl pictures
Niisiis, rätiku pilte. Piltnik on Eva Rank, suur tänu! Õpetus on esialgu soome keeles käsitöökruiisi osalejatele (vt Facebooki link), pärast tuleb ka eesti ja inglise keeles.
So here are pictures of the shawl. Photos by Eva Rank, many thanks! The pattern is in Finnish for the participant of the craft cruise (see Facebook link below) and will appear later in Estonian and English.
So here are pictures of the shawl. Photos by Eva Rank, many thanks! The pattern is in Finnish for the participant of the craft cruise (see Facebook link below) and will appear later in Estonian and English.
neljapäev, 22. september 2016
Ühe sviitri seiklused/Adventures of a sweater
See on nagu põnevusromaan. Romaani põhitegelane on suvel Vilnises Diteksase poest hangitud mohäär. Iseenesest pole midagi erilist: Anna koob musta mohäärisviitrit. Aga lugu on sellest, kuidas plaanid muutuvad kudumise käigus, olenevalt erinevatest asjaoludest.
This is like a suspense novel. The main protagonist of the novel is mohair I got this summer at the Diteksas store in Vilnius. If you think of it, there is nothing special: Anna is making a black mohair sweater. But the point is how plans change during the knitting process depending on various circumstances.
Kuna metraaž pole kirjas ja kerida nt 10 g ja siis mõõta, mitu meetrit on selles keras, on üsna tüütu, siis võib vaid umbkaudu hinnata. Tegelikult polegi väga oluline: koon tavaliselt proovilapi, vaatan, mis muster ja vardad sobivad vms. See mohäär on jämedam, kui tavalised Diteksase mohäärid, nagu näiteks selle sviitri oma. Arvasin, et on võrreldav Dropsi mohääriga (25 g/200 m). Pooli peal on meie peategelane ja paremal on Dropsi mohäär. Mulle meeldib, et mohääril oleks mõni kaaslane. Kaaslaseks on BBB meriino (100 g/1400 m).
Since the metrage was not indicated and it is tedious to wind 10 g ball and then to measure how many metres it contains, one can only give an estimation. In fact, this is not terribly important: usually I make a swatch and see what pattern and what needles are the best etc. This mohair is thicker than common Diteksas mohairs as the on in this sweater. I thought it was comparable to the mohair by Drops (25 g/200 m). Our hero is on the cone and Drops mohair is on the right. I like mohair to have a companion. The companion in this case is BBB merino (100 g/1400 m).
Esialgu mõtlesin, et koon suure kraega sviitri. Koon ja mõtlen endamisi, kas ikka teen, võib-olla pole vaja, samas tuleb soe sviiter, krae oleks loogiline. Arvasin, et otsustan lõpus. Siin on üks oht: see mohäär on suhteliselt karvane ja äkki on liiga raskepärane mulje, kui on suur krae. Tegin valmis mõlemad varrukad, koon keret. Ja siis näen, et krae jaoks küll ei jätku lõnga. Hea, kui üldse saan normaalse pikkuse kätte! Krae siis tuleb teha teisest lõngast, võib mängida teadlikult faktuuride erinevusega (aga värv oleks ikka sama). Võrdlesin Dropsi mohääriga, too on hoopis siidiga. Kontrast poleks piisavalt veenev, nagu nt siledast villasest lõngast krae puhul.
At first I considered a large tube collar. I was knitting and pondering whether I should make a collar, maybe it is not necessary; on the other hand, it is a warm sweater and a collar would be rather logical. I decided to make my mind in the end. Still, there is a danger: the mohair in question is relatively fluffy and maybe a large collar will make the sweater visually more bulcky. I finished both sleeves and was working on the torso. Then I realized that I do not have enough yarn for the collar. In fact, it was questionable whether I would get a proper length at all! So the collar should be from a different yarn and I could deliberately play with the difference of textures (but the colour would be the same). I compared it with Drops mohair that contains silk. The contrast would be too insignificant and unconvincing (a collar from some smooth wool would be a different story).
Sain siiski pikkuse kätte. Niipalju lõnga oli järel. Proovisin selga. Sain aru, et kraed pole vaja. Aga kaelust peab veel viimistlema, kas sellest imepisikesest jäägist jätkub?
Still, I was lucky and got the length. This is how much yarn remained. I tried the sweater on. I realized the collar is nto needed. But I had to finish the neck opening: would this very tiny piece of yarn be enough?
Appi tuli üks peenike nimetu sünteetikaga mohäär. Seda kasutasin selle sviitri puhul põhilõnga "kaaslasena". Vaatasin, kui võtta kahekordselt ja panna juurde juba tuttav peenike meriino, siis oleks paras jämedus ja varjund poleks väga erinev. Nii et sain valmis.
A thin unknown mohair-polyamide blend came to rescue. I used it for this sweater as a "companion" of the main yarn. I discovered that it should be held double and combined with the above mentioned thin merion, in that case it would be about right and the shade would not be too different. So I finished the sweater.
Olen juba üsna palju kandnud. Ei taha seljast ära võtta! Korralikud pildid tulemas varsti.
I have already worn it quite a lot. Don't want to take it off! Proper pictures coming soon.
This is like a suspense novel. The main protagonist of the novel is mohair I got this summer at the Diteksas store in Vilnius. If you think of it, there is nothing special: Anna is making a black mohair sweater. But the point is how plans change during the knitting process depending on various circumstances.
Kuna metraaž pole kirjas ja kerida nt 10 g ja siis mõõta, mitu meetrit on selles keras, on üsna tüütu, siis võib vaid umbkaudu hinnata. Tegelikult polegi väga oluline: koon tavaliselt proovilapi, vaatan, mis muster ja vardad sobivad vms. See mohäär on jämedam, kui tavalised Diteksase mohäärid, nagu näiteks selle sviitri oma. Arvasin, et on võrreldav Dropsi mohääriga (25 g/200 m). Pooli peal on meie peategelane ja paremal on Dropsi mohäär. Mulle meeldib, et mohääril oleks mõni kaaslane. Kaaslaseks on BBB meriino (100 g/1400 m).
Since the metrage was not indicated and it is tedious to wind 10 g ball and then to measure how many metres it contains, one can only give an estimation. In fact, this is not terribly important: usually I make a swatch and see what pattern and what needles are the best etc. This mohair is thicker than common Diteksas mohairs as the on in this sweater. I thought it was comparable to the mohair by Drops (25 g/200 m). Our hero is on the cone and Drops mohair is on the right. I like mohair to have a companion. The companion in this case is BBB merino (100 g/1400 m).
Esialgu mõtlesin, et koon suure kraega sviitri. Koon ja mõtlen endamisi, kas ikka teen, võib-olla pole vaja, samas tuleb soe sviiter, krae oleks loogiline. Arvasin, et otsustan lõpus. Siin on üks oht: see mohäär on suhteliselt karvane ja äkki on liiga raskepärane mulje, kui on suur krae. Tegin valmis mõlemad varrukad, koon keret. Ja siis näen, et krae jaoks küll ei jätku lõnga. Hea, kui üldse saan normaalse pikkuse kätte! Krae siis tuleb teha teisest lõngast, võib mängida teadlikult faktuuride erinevusega (aga värv oleks ikka sama). Võrdlesin Dropsi mohääriga, too on hoopis siidiga. Kontrast poleks piisavalt veenev, nagu nt siledast villasest lõngast krae puhul.
At first I considered a large tube collar. I was knitting and pondering whether I should make a collar, maybe it is not necessary; on the other hand, it is a warm sweater and a collar would be rather logical. I decided to make my mind in the end. Still, there is a danger: the mohair in question is relatively fluffy and maybe a large collar will make the sweater visually more bulcky. I finished both sleeves and was working on the torso. Then I realized that I do not have enough yarn for the collar. In fact, it was questionable whether I would get a proper length at all! So the collar should be from a different yarn and I could deliberately play with the difference of textures (but the colour would be the same). I compared it with Drops mohair that contains silk. The contrast would be too insignificant and unconvincing (a collar from some smooth wool would be a different story).
Sain siiski pikkuse kätte. Niipalju lõnga oli järel. Proovisin selga. Sain aru, et kraed pole vaja. Aga kaelust peab veel viimistlema, kas sellest imepisikesest jäägist jätkub?
Still, I was lucky and got the length. This is how much yarn remained. I tried the sweater on. I realized the collar is nto needed. But I had to finish the neck opening: would this very tiny piece of yarn be enough?
Appi tuli üks peenike nimetu sünteetikaga mohäär. Seda kasutasin selle sviitri puhul põhilõnga "kaaslasena". Vaatasin, kui võtta kahekordselt ja panna juurde juba tuttav peenike meriino, siis oleks paras jämedus ja varjund poleks väga erinev. Nii et sain valmis.
A thin unknown mohair-polyamide blend came to rescue. I used it for this sweater as a "companion" of the main yarn. I discovered that it should be held double and combined with the above mentioned thin merion, in that case it would be about right and the shade would not be too different. So I finished the sweater.
Olen juba üsna palju kandnud. Ei taha seljast ära võtta! Korralikud pildid tulemas varsti.
I have already worn it quite a lot. Don't want to take it off! Proper pictures coming soon.
teisipäev, 20. september 2016
Uued õpetused Käsitöös/New patterns in the Käsitöö magazine
Värske Käsitöö sügis 2016 on ilmunud ja soomekeelne Käsityö syksy 2016 ilmub peatselt. Mul on selles numbris kaks kudumit: linane sall ja villane rätik. Õigupoolest võiks olla ka vastupidi: seda salli võiks kududa eesti peenvillasest ja rätiku linasest.
The fresh issue of Käsitöö (Autumn 2016) has just been published and the Finnish version Käsityö is about to appear as well. I have two patterns in this issue: a linen scarf and a woollen shawl. Actually, it could be the other way round: the scarf can be worked in Estonian laceweight yarn and the shawl in linen.
Nende kudumite üksikasjadest kirjutasin siin, siin ja siin.
I wrote more on each of these knits here, here and here.
The fresh issue of Käsitöö (Autumn 2016) has just been published and the Finnish version Käsityö is about to appear as well. I have two patterns in this issue: a linen scarf and a woollen shawl. Actually, it could be the other way round: the scarf can be worked in Estonian laceweight yarn and the shawl in linen.
Nende kudumite üksikasjadest kirjutasin siin, siin ja siin.
I wrote more on each of these knits here, here and here.
Aade lõng,
pühapäev, 18. september 2016
Raasikul/At Raasiku
Traditsiooniline Raasiku retk koos soome kudujatega. Saime kokku sadamas. Olin juba enne neile kirjutanud, et ühe rätiku õpetus ilmus nüüd värskes Käsitöös. Ja puna-musta rätikut on nähtud blogis, Ravelrys ja Facebookis, taheti näha. Nii et rätikute demonstreerimine algas kohe sadamas (Katja pilt).
It was a traditional trip to Raasiku together with Finnish knitting friends. We met at the port. I had already written to them that a pattern for this shawl had appeared in the fresh issue of Käsitöö. And they had already seen the red and black shawl on my blog, on Ravelry and Facebook. Thus, the demonstration of the shawls began already at the port (photo by Katja).
Jõudsime vabrikusse. Riiulid olid suhteliselt tühjad. Rõhutan, et suhteliselt, vabriku kohta suhteliselt. Näete, üks riiul paremal on praktiliselt tühi!
We got to the factory. The shelves were relatively empty. Keyword is "relatively", that is, for this factory. You see, this shelf on the right is practically empty!
Siiski polnud olukord sugugi hull. Siin on mõne muu riiuli pilt. Ilma lõngata ei lahkunud keegi. Katjal on käes tema lemmik üleminekutega roheline ja mõned muud värvid ka.
Still, the situation was not at all hopeless. Here is a picture of another shelf. No one left without yarn. Katja is hodling her favourite variegated greens and some other colours.
Liisa pildistas mind. Seekord võtsin endale musta 8/2, ülejäänud on tellimused.
Liisa took a picture of me. This time I got black 8/2 for myself and the rest are orders.
It was a traditional trip to Raasiku together with Finnish knitting friends. We met at the port. I had already written to them that a pattern for this shawl had appeared in the fresh issue of Käsitöö. And they had already seen the red and black shawl on my blog, on Ravelry and Facebook. Thus, the demonstration of the shawls began already at the port (photo by Katja).
Jõudsime vabrikusse. Riiulid olid suhteliselt tühjad. Rõhutan, et suhteliselt, vabriku kohta suhteliselt. Näete, üks riiul paremal on praktiliselt tühi!
We got to the factory. The shelves were relatively empty. Keyword is "relatively", that is, for this factory. You see, this shelf on the right is practically empty!
Siiski polnud olukord sugugi hull. Siin on mõne muu riiuli pilt. Ilma lõngata ei lahkunud keegi. Katjal on käes tema lemmik üleminekutega roheline ja mõned muud värvid ka.
Still, the situation was not at all hopeless. Here is a picture of another shelf. No one left without yarn. Katja is hodling her favourite variegated greens and some other colours.
Liisa pildistas mind. Seekord võtsin endale musta 8/2, ülejäänud on tellimused.
Liisa took a picture of me. This time I got black 8/2 for myself and the rest are orders.
reede, 16. september 2016
Rätik on valmis. Pärast niisutust ja venitamist muutus lõng väga pehmeks. Pealtnäha on tõesti nagu tviid (nimi on Tweed Socks), üldse ei ütleks, et sokilõng. Rätik pole eriti veninud, aga nagu oodatagi, kude on rohkem avanenud. Olen rahul.
The shawl is ready. After moistening and blocking the yarn became very soft. It really looks like tweed (the name of the yarn is Tweed Socks) and you would never say that this is a sock yarn. The shwal has not grown a lot but, as expected, the fabric has opend up. I am pleased.
Aga nüüd hakkas Kaja seda mustrit Raasiku lõngast kuduma. Väga ilus tuleb, siin on tema foto.
And now Kaja has started knitting the pattern in Raasiku yarn. It is turning out nicely, here is her picture.
The shawl is ready. After moistening and blocking the yarn became very soft. It really looks like tweed (the name of the yarn is Tweed Socks) and you would never say that this is a sock yarn. The shwal has not grown a lot but, as expected, the fabric has opend up. I am pleased.
Aga nüüd hakkas Kaja seda mustrit Raasiku lõngast kuduma. Väga ilus tuleb, siin on tema foto.
And now Kaja has started knitting the pattern in Raasiku yarn. It is turning out nicely, here is her picture.
Aade lõng,
sokilõng/sock yarn,
kolmapäev, 14. september 2016
Kruiisirätik/Cruise shawl
Ajakirja Burda Style soome toimetus korraldab traditsioonilise käsitöökruiisi Helsinki-Stockholm 6.-8. oktoobril. Mind on kutsutud õpetama rätikute konstrueerimist. Paluti, et koon ühe rätiku, mida saaks pärast koos kududa. Lõngasponsor on Lankasatama.
The Burda Style Finland magazine is organizing a traditional craft cruise Helsinki-Stockholm on 6-8 October. I have been invited to teach shawl constructions. I was asked to design and to knit a shawl that can be knitted by the participants. The yarn sponsor is Lankasatama.
Nagu näete, see on tuttav muster ja tuttav kuju. Et algajal oleks huvitav kududa, samas mitte väga keeruline. Lõng on Merino Tweed Socks (Katia), värv 54. Seda mustrit soovitan kududa mõne sokilõngaga või jämeduselt sarnase lõngaga, miks mitte näiteks Aade Lõng (Artistic) 8/2, seega 100 g/350-450 m.
As you can see, it is a familiar stitch pattern and a familiar shape. So that it would be fun to knit but not too difficult for a beginner. The yarn is Merino Tweed Socks (by Katia), colour 54. I recommend to knit this pattern with sock yarns or yarns of a similar weight, for instance, why not try Aade Lõng (Artistic) 8/2, thus, something about 100 g/350-450 m.
The Burda Style Finland magazine is organizing a traditional craft cruise Helsinki-Stockholm on 6-8 October. I have been invited to teach shawl constructions. I was asked to design and to knit a shawl that can be knitted by the participants. The yarn sponsor is Lankasatama.
Nagu näete, see on tuttav muster ja tuttav kuju. Et algajal oleks huvitav kududa, samas mitte väga keeruline. Lõng on Merino Tweed Socks (Katia), värv 54. Seda mustrit soovitan kududa mõne sokilõngaga või jämeduselt sarnase lõngaga, miks mitte näiteks Aade Lõng (Artistic) 8/2, seega 100 g/350-450 m.
As you can see, it is a familiar stitch pattern and a familiar shape. So that it would be fun to knit but not too difficult for a beginner. The yarn is Merino Tweed Socks (by Katia), colour 54. I recommend to knit this pattern with sock yarns or yarns of a similar weight, for instance, why not try Aade Lõng (Artistic) 8/2, thus, something about 100 g/350-450 m.
esmaspäev, 12. september 2016
Puna-must/Red and black
Rätiku pilte. Kaja, suur tänu pildistamast!
Pictures of the shawl. Many thanks for taking photos, Kaja!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Artistic 8/1 (vill/wool), 100 g/800 m, 92 g.
Vardad/Neeldles: 4 mm.
Pictures of the shawl. Many thanks for taking photos, Kaja!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Artistic 8/1 (vill/wool), 100 g/800 m, 92 g.
Vardad/Neeldles: 4 mm.
Aade lõng,
patent/patent stitch,
laupäev, 10. september 2016
neljapäev, 8. september 2016
Jääkidest rätik/Leftovers scarf
Näitan pilte. Suur tänu Kristiinale!
Here are pictures. Many thanks to Kristiina!
Lõng/Yarn: Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), ~95 g; Pirtin Kehräämö Kampaalanka 90 TEX x 3 ~25 g.
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
Here are pictures. Many thanks to Kristiina!
Lõng/Yarn: Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), ~95 g; Pirtin Kehräämö Kampaalanka 90 TEX x 3 ~25 g.
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
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