neljapäev, 2. veebruar 2017

Mitmesugust/Various matters

Mulle endale ootamatult jõudis üks ripsiga poolpatendis sviitritest Ravelry esilehele. Nüüd kirjutatakse ja küsitakse õpetust. Võib-olla teen retsepti (eesti keeles toimus kooskudumine Facebookis, aga nüüd oleks rahvusvaheline ja Ravelrys).
Quite unexpected for myself one of my garter stitch and half-brioche sweaters got to the first page in Ravelry. Now people are writing and asking for a pattern. Maybe I will make a recipe (Estonian KAL took place on Facebook and an international one would be on Ravelry).

Sall edeneb, see muster meeldib mulle. Kuna on soonikuõpõhine, siis kipub kokku tõmbuma, aga loodan, et pesu ja pingutamine aitab.
The scarf is growing and I like the stitch pattern. Since it is based on ribbing, the fabric tends to contract, yet I hope washing and blocking will help.


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