laupäev, 31. märts 2018

Korralikke pilte/Proper pictures

Suur tänu Maiule pildistamast!
Many thanks to Maiu for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Teksrena (100 % vill/wool, 100 g/350 m), 260 g/870 m
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm
Olen sviitriga rahul. Esialgu kahtlesin, kas püstkrae on vajalik, aga kui tegin valmis, sain aru, et see on just õige. Villane koepind on väga mõnus. See lõng ei ole just reljeefsete mustrite jaoks, aga midagi on ikka näha. Veel üks hea asi: väga hea värvikaart, nt halli on 3-4 tooni (see on kõige tumedam).
I am quite pleased with the sweater. At first I had doubts whether to make the collar but once I had made it, I realized this is exactly what is needed here. The woollen fabric is so pleasant. The yarn is not exactly suitable for textured patterns but you can see something. Another good thing: colour choice is excellent, for instance, they have 3-4 kinds of gray (I am wearing the darkest one).

reede, 30. märts 2018

Lühike aruanne/A short report

Nüüd on korralikke pilte sviitrist, aga piirdun praegu ainult paari pildiga, pikem jutt homme. Peaks vaatama, et haigeks ei jää, on kahtlane tunne.
Now I have proper pictures of the sweater but I will post only a couple of them now and postpone a proper story for tomorrow. I should try not to fall ill because I have this funny feeling.

kolmapäev, 28. märts 2018


Tore on, kui keegi koob mu õpetuste järgi. Instagramis jagas Ukraina kuduja @irenoknit augulise salli pilte. Temal on teine lõng, läti Dundaga, mis on ka villane ja üleminekuvärvides.
It is nice when someone knits my patterns. My Ukrainian friend @irenoknit shared her pictures of the eyelet scarf on Instagram. She used a different yarn, Latvian Dundaga that is also variegated wool.
Sviiter on valmis ja kuivab. On mingil määral lõngajääke. Võib-olla võiks nüüd jälle kududa augulise salli. Talv ei tagane veel niipea, nagu näha.
The sweater is finished and drdying. There are some yarn leftovers. Maybe I could knit such a scarf again. The winter is not retreating so far, as we see.

esmaspäev, 26. märts 2018

Sviiter edeneb/The sweater is progressing

Nüüd on kõige kriitilisem osa valmis: mõlemad varrukad on olemas, kaelus viimistletud, järelikult, ülaosa on paika pandud. Koon nüüd alla keha osa.
Now the most critical part is finished: I have both sleeves and the neckline finishing, so the upper part is fixed. Now I am wokring on the torso part.
Kuigi on veel pesemata, on kohe näha, kui kena on koepind. Teksrena  puhas villane lõng on üsna pehme, palmikute jaoks eriti ei kõlba, üldse ei taha eriti reljeefseid mustreid, aga selline pseudopalmiku muster on paras.
Although I have not washed and blocked it yet, you can already appreciate the beauty of the fabric. Teksrena pure wool is rather soft and is not particularly suitable for cables or textured patterns but this mock cable pattern is quite fine.
Varrukatel on üks "palmik" ja "kananahk".
There is one "cable" and double moss stitch on the sleeves.

laupäev, 24. märts 2018

Tartusse/To Tartu

Olen täna Tartus, andsin juba oma tunni Rahvaülikoolis. Rongis sain kududa
Today I am in Tartu, I have already given my class at Folk University. I got some knitting time on the train.
Praegu on üsna ebamäärane pilt, aga annan teada, et üks varrukas on juba valmis ja teine alustatud.
The picture is inconclusive but I can tell you that one sleeve is finished and the second one started.
Tegin pildi ka minu kursuse kuulutusest.
I took a picture of my course announcement.
Rühmas on viis inimest, kuulatakse hästi. Täna rääkisime ülidst juttu ning põhikonstruktsioonist ja erijuhtumitest, järgmine kord võtame ette sadulõla ja veel midagi.
There are five people in the group and they are good listeners. Today we talked about general matters and the basic construction together with particular cases, next time we shall take up saddle shoulder and something more.


neljapäev, 22. märts 2018

Samas vaimus/In the same spirit

Paistab, et pean seda mustrit veel kuduma. Lõnga juurde ei ostnud, seetõttu on talvelõng. Ei ole mingit probleemi, kui on tahtmist, koon talvel suviseid asju ja suvel talviseid. Lõng on leedu villane Teksrena, 100 g/350 m. Tütre hiljutine jakk on ka sellest.
It seems that I have to knit more in this stitch pattern. I did not buy any yarn, this is why I am working with a winter yarn. No problem, if I want, I knit summer things in winter and winter things in summer. The yarn is Lithuanian wool by Teksrena, 100 g/350 m. My daughter's recent cardigan is from the same yarn.
Varsti ühendan kaenla all.
I will join the work under arms soon.

teisipäev, 20. märts 2018

Palmikud, libapalmikud, sviiter ja topp/Cables, mock cables, sweater and top

Nagu kirjutasin eelmises postituses, tahtsin kergemat kudumit palmikutega ja ühtlasi ära kasutada lõnga jäägid. Palmikute asemel tulid pseudo- ehk libapalmikud. Täna oli jälle jahe, tõmbasin palmikutega sviitri selga. Tundub, et praegu tuleb palmikute ja libapalmikute periood.
As I wrote in the previous post, I wanted a lighter knit with cables and at the same time to use up leftovers. Instead of cables I had to make mock cables. It was chilly again today and I put on the cabled sweater. It seems that a period of cables and mock cables is coming.
Ja see on topi pilt (õues ei õnnestunud pildistada, valgus on selline, et mustri asemel on ühtlane must pind, tegin paar pilti toas). Visuaalselt on üsna sarnane.
And here is a pic of the top (it was impossible to photograph outside, the light is such that instead of stitch pattern a black homogenous surface emeres, so I took a couple of pictures inside). Visually it is quite similar.
Kui riputada, tundub, et alt on kitsam, see on sooniku efekt. Tegelikult selga pannes ei ole ümber, vaid paras.
If hanged, it appears that the bottom part is narrower, such is the impact of ribbing. In fact, it does not cling to the body when I am wearing it, the top has some ease.
Korralikud pildid kunagi hiljem, kui on pildistaja.
Proper pictures later if/when there is a photographer.

pühapäev, 18. märts 2018

Veel üks topp küpsemas/Another top under construction

Mul jäi järele selle topi lõnga. Lõng on päris kena, saab teha ka reljeefseid mustreid. Pealegi mu palmikutega sviiter on osutunud üsna kasutatavaks, kandsin seda sel talvel üsna palju ja hakkasin mõtlema, et võiks ka suveks teha midagi palmikutega.
I have yarn leftovers from this top. The yarn is quite nice, suitable for textured patterns as well. In addition to this, my cabled sweater has proven very wearable and I used it a lot during the winter and started thinking about a cabled knit for summer.
Talvessviiter on aga suure mohäärisisaldusega ja seal on palmikud nähtavad, samas pole väga esileulatuvad. Sama efekti tahtsin ka siin, aga see lõng pole vist palmikute jaoks hea. Need siin pole palmikud, vaid nn pseudopalmikut. Seda mustrit olen kasutanud palju. Väga paindlik, sest saab reguleerida mustrikorra laiust ja mõnevõrra ka kõrgust (nt kududa ilma kahanduste ja kasvatusteta rohkem või vähem ridu).
The winter sweater has a great amount of mohair and cables are visible yet not very outstanding. I wanted the same effect here but this yarn is probably not very suitable for cables. These are not cables but so-called mock-cables. I've used this pattern a lot. It is rather flexible because you can adjust the width of the oattern repeat and the height to some extent (by knitting without decreases and increases more or less rows).
Pidin lahendama varrukate probleemi. Tahtsin lühikest varrukat. Nagu näete, servas jookseb kahekordne pärlkude (kananahk). Arvasin, et teen samamoodi, nagu talvesviitri puhul: koon varruka keskel ühe mustrikorra ja muu oleks pärlkoes. Aga ei olnud kuigi hea, pärlkoe ja mustri tihedus on liiga erinev. Siis mõtlesin, et 2 x 2 soonik oleks hea, aga siis tekib küsimus, kuidas lõpetada all, sest oleks üsna raske teha üleminek põhimustrilt 2 x 2 soonikule. Siis tegin lihtsalt 1 x 1 soonikut ja see töötas. Samamoodi viimistlesin kaelust. Nüüd peab vaid alla kuduma.
I had to deal with the sleeves. I wanted short sleeves. As you can see, I have some double moss stitch before and after the main pattern. At first I planned to do as in the winter sweater: one pattern repeat in the centre of the sleeve and double moss stich on the left and on the right from it. But it did not look good because the gauge was too different. Then I thought about 2 x 2 ribbing but then it is not clear how to finish in the bottom because it is difficult to make a nice transition from the main pattern to 2 x 2 ribbing. Then I just made 1 x 1 ribbing and it worked. I finihsed the neck opening in the same manner. Now I have to work downards.

reede, 16. märts 2018

Mõningaid pilte/Some pictures

Eelmises postituses kirjutasin, et mõned mudelid kipuvad kahe kaupa tulema. Pildistasingi kõrvuti. Need pole identsed kaksikud, aga siiski üsna sarnased.
In the previous post I wrote that some models tend to come in pairs. So I photgraphed the two at once. These are not identical twins, yet fairly similar.
Selle topi tegin üleni triibulise, kuigi päris hea on, kui triibud on ainult ülaosas (nagu musta topi puhul).
I made this top allover in stripes, yet it looks quite good when the stripes are only in the upper part (as is in the case of the black top).
Nii et suvi võib tulla, olen valmis. Samas on mul keskküttega ruumides pigem palav ja kuue alla võiks küll panna lühikese varrukaga või ilma varrukata topi.
So summer can come as far as I am concerned. At the same time it is rather hot for my liking in spaces with central heating and I can wear a short-sleeved or a sleeveless top under the jacket.

kolmapäev, 14. märts 2018

Mis lõpuks välja tuli/What I ended up with

Mõtlesin, kas teha lühikesed või pikad varrukad. Alustasin varrukat, proovisin selga, ei olnud võimatu, aga mitte eriti huvitav. Mõnikord on nii, raske seletada. Mees arvas, et polegi varrukaid vaja, las olla suvine asi. Seega jälle tuleb midagi kaksikute sarjas (mul on tihti nii, et sarnased mudelid tulevad kahe kaupa, üks must, teine hall).
I pondered whether to make short or long sleeves. I started sleeves, tried on, it did not see impossible but not exactly inspiring. Sometimes it just happens so, I cannot explain. My husband expressed an opinion that no sleeves are needed and it should be a summer knit. Thus, again something comes up in the series of twins (it happens often that I have similar designs coming in twos, one black and one grey).
Natuke mängu filtritega.
Some playing with filters.
On veel täiesti niiske, midagi saab öelda alles hiljem.
It is completely moist and something definite can be said later.

esmaspäev, 12. märts 2018


Ostsin selle taaskasutatud puuvillase lõnga suve alguses, nüüd tundub, et on aeg kududa. See on 100 g/310 m, 95 % taaskasutatud puuvillast ja 5 % muid materjale.
I got this recycled cotton in the beginning of summer, now it looks like it is time to knit it. It is 100 g/310 m, 95 % recycled cotton and 5 % other fibers.
Ülemisel pildil on läbipestud proovilapp. Kude paisub, aga ei veni ega tõmbu kokku. Meenutab tviidi.
The washed swatched is in the top picture. The fabric becomes denser but it does not stretch nor contract. It reminds of tweed.
Nüüd ei tea, kas teen pikad või lühikesed varrukad. Koon veel alla ja siis vaatame. Lõnga jätkub küll.
Now I am not sure whether I want long or short sleeves. I will work downwards and then we shall see. It is quite enough yarn.

laupäev, 10. märts 2018

Veel pilte/Some more pictures

Eile sain kokku Maiuga ja ta tegi veel salli ja sviitri pilte. Suur tänu!
Yesterday I got together with Maiu and she took more pics. Many thanks!

Salli lõngade kohta lubasin kirjutada. Siin on link Ravelry projektile (nähtav kõigile), kõik kombinatsioonid on kirjas. Sallide ja rätikute jaoks võib julgelt kombineerida palju peenikesi lõngu, erineva värvi ja/või faktuuriga lõngu (peenvillased, mohäärid ja sokilõngad sobivad suurepäraselt), võib kududa jämedama vardaga (antud juhul 6 mm).
I promised to write about the yarns I used for the scarf. Here is the link to my project on Ravelry (visible to all), all yarn combinations are there. You can be bold and combine many thin yarns for  scarves and shawls; the yarns can be of different colours and/or fibers (laceweight wool, mohair and sock yarns fit perfectly) and you can use thicker needles (6 mm in this case).

neljapäev, 8. märts 2018

Natuke pilte/Some pictures

Sall on kuiv. Pesemata ja pingutamata olid mõõdud 30 cm x 195 cm, pärast niisutamist ja pingutamist aga 40 cm x 256 cm!
The scarf is dry. Prior to blocking the size was 30 cm x 195 cm, after moistening and blocking 40 cm x 256 cm!

Täna kuidagi ei õnnestunud leida pildistamiskohta, et värvide üleminekud oleksid selged. Valgus on praegu muide väga ilus, aga millegipärast tundub enamasti suhteliselt ühtlane värv. Kui õnnestub teha veel pilte, kirjutan hiljem lõngadest. Kokku segatud on üsna palju, töös korraga 3-4 lõnga, kui üks kombinatsioon otsa sai, jätkasin teisega.
Somehow I did not manage to find today a place to take photos so that the colour transitions would be visible. The light is quite beautiful but for some reason the pictures give impression of a relatively homogenous colour throughout. If I succeed in taking more pictures, I will write more about the yarns. It is quite a mixture, I hold 3-4 strands together and after having run out of one combination I organized the next one.

teisipäev, 6. märts 2018

Üks skeem ja jääkidest sall/A chart and the scarf from leftovers

Minu käest on küsitud selle valge kampsuni mustrit. mustriskeem on siin.
I have been asked about the stitch pattern for this white cardigan. Here is the chart.
Ruudukesed on parempidised, rõng on õhksilmus, kaldkriips vasakule ja paremale on vastavalt 2 parempidi kokku ületõstmisega ja 2 parempidi kokku, kolmnurk on tõsta 1 s kudumata, 2 kokku parempidi, libistada tõstetud silmus üle just kootud silmuse. Pahemal poolel kõik pahempidi, ringsel kudumisel kõik paarisringid parempidi.
The squares are knit stitches, the circle is yarnover, slash to the left and to the right are left- and right-slanting decreases respectively, triangle is slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over. On wrong side purl across, in round knitting knit across in even rounds.
Facebooki postitus jääkidest salli kohta on tekitanud palju reaktsiooni, küsitakse ja kommenteeritakse. Väga hea, kommentaarid rõõmustavad. Tegin mõned pildid, nagu näha, mängisin natuke valgusega. Praegu saab juba üks kord ümber kaela keerata.
My Facebook post about the scarf from leftovers has caused a lot of reactions, people ask questions and comment. I am pleased with comments. Here are some pictures, as you can see, I played a little bit with the light. Now the scarf is long enough to turn once around the neck.

pühapäev, 4. märts 2018

Midagi jääkidest/Something from leftovers

On suur hulk igasuguseid jääke.
I have a large quantity of all kind of leftovers.
Mõtlesin, et kombineerin, panen kokku 3-4 lõnga, peenvillaste abil reguleerin, et jämedus oleks enam-vähem ühesugune, teen rätiku või salli. Proovisin nii ja naa ja praegu tundub, et see muster on paras.
I thought to combine yarns, joining 3-4 strands and by the means of laceweight wool to achieve more or less similar gauge and to make a shawl or a scarf. I tried this and that and it appears now that this pattern is the right one.
Mõni lugeja mäletab ehk, et suvel tegin selle mustriga salli linasest lõngast, ja et abikaasa võttis selle endale. Nii et on põhjust jälle kududa.
Some of my readers might remember that I made a linen scarf in the pattern this summer and that my husband appropriated it. So now I have another reason to make one.

reede, 2. märts 2018

Hommik on õhtust targem/Morning brings clarity

Olen hommikune inimene ja tean, et õhtul ei tasu mul midagi tõsist otsustada. Sain sviitri valmis, niisutasin, panin kuivama. Õhtul oli peaaegu kuiv, tõmbasin selga ja ehmatasin: sviiter oli veninud pikkusesse 15 cm, eriti koomilised olid varrukad. Kaelus tundus laiavõitu. Mohääri harutamine pole eriti lõbus asi, eriti mitte mahakudumisääre puhul. Mõtlesin juba, et kingin kellelegi, kellele suured asjad meeldivad. Ja üldse tekkis kahtlus, äkki oleks pidanud tegema labases koes klassikalise varrukaga sviitri. Pidasin nõu Maiuga, kes ütles, et tal on samuti juhtunud nii, aga mõni kudum läks normaalseks, kui oli täeisti ära kuivanud.
I am a morining person and I know that I should not make any serious decisions in the evening. I finished the sweater, made it wet and put to dry. In the evening it was almost dry, I tryed on and was shocked: the sweater had stretched 15 cm in the length and the sleeves looked especially funny. The neck opening seemed a bit too loose. Ripping mohair and bind-off edge in particular is not exactly a fun job. I started thinking that I would give it as a present to someone who likes oversized garments. And in general I started pondering whether it should have been a stockinette stitch sweater with a classical set-in sleeve. I asked Maiu's advice and she told me she had experienced the same but some knits went back to normal onece they were dry.
Hommikul polnud isegi viga. Varrukad olid küll pisut pikad, aga u 5-8 cm, mitte 15 cm. Alumine äär tundus sobiv. Vaatame, kas 2-3 cm on kriitiline või mitte. Kaelus oli korras. Harutasin varruka lühemaks, ei olnud eriti tülikas.
In the morning it was actually quite fine. The sleeves were still a bit long but about 5-8 cm so and not 15 cm. The bottom seemed fine. I will decide whether 2-3 cm are critical or not. The neck opening was fine. I ripped the sleeves for the required length and it was not especially tedious.
Siin on 3 lõnga koos: Roma (villane, 100 g/750 m), peenike mohäär (100 g/1000 m) ja peenike meriino Loden (100 g/1500 m). Roma lõnga sain Maiu käest juurde, lisaks 100-grammisele kerale kulus veel 7-8 g. Mohäär oli Diteksasest hangitud mohääri jääk, aga leidsin WW-st samaväärse Astor-nimelise mohääri (toon sobis täpselt ja võimalik, et see ongi see lõng, sest Diteksases liigub ka Igea toodangut). Koepind on pisut karvane, aga mitte väga, domineerivad siledad lõngad. Vardad 4,5 mm (kere), 5 mm (varrukad), 4 mm (soonik).
3 yarns are held together: Roma (wool, 100 g/750 m), thin mohair (100 g/1000 m) and laceweight merino Loden (100 g/150 m). I got some additional Roma from Maiu and used up 7-8 g in addition to the 100 g ball. The mohair is a leftover from Diteksas and I found in WW a substitute named Astor (the colour was a perfect match and it is possible that it is exactly the same yarn because Diteksas carries Igea merchandise from time to time). The fabric is slightly fluffy but not excessively so because smooth yarns are dominant. Needles 4.5 mm (torso), 5 mm (sleeves), 4 mm (ribbing).