Nagu kirjutasin eelmises postituses, tahtsin kergemat kudumit palmikutega ja ühtlasi ära kasutada lõnga jäägid. Palmikute asemel tulid pseudo- ehk libapalmikud. Täna oli jälle jahe, tõmbasin palmikutega sviitri selga. Tundub, et praegu tuleb palmikute ja libapalmikute periood.
As I wrote in the previous post, I wanted a lighter knit with cables and at the same time to use up leftovers. Instead of cables I had to make mock cables. It was chilly again today and I put on the cabled sweater. It seems that a period of cables and mock cables is coming.
Ja see on topi pilt (õues ei õnnestunud pildistada, valgus on selline, et mustri asemel on ühtlane must pind, tegin paar pilti toas). Visuaalselt on üsna sarnane.
And here is a pic of the top (it was impossible to photograph outside, the light is such that instead of stitch pattern a black homogenous surface emeres, so I took a couple of pictures inside). Visually it is quite similar.
Kui riputada, tundub, et alt on kitsam, see on sooniku efekt. Tegelikult selga pannes ei ole ümber, vaid paras.
If hanged, it appears that the bottom part is narrower, such is the impact of ribbing. In fact, it does not cling to the body when I am wearing it, the top has some ease.
Korralikud pildid kunagi hiljem, kui on pildistaja.
Proper pictures later if/when there is a photographer.
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