Mul jäi järele selle topi lõnga. Lõng on päris kena, saab teha ka reljeefseid mustreid. Pealegi mu palmikutega sviiter on osutunud üsna kasutatavaks, kandsin seda sel talvel üsna palju ja hakkasin mõtlema, et võiks ka suveks teha midagi palmikutega.
I have yarn leftovers from this top. The yarn is quite nice, suitable for textured patterns as well. In addition to this, my cabled sweater has proven very wearable and I used it a lot during the winter and started thinking about a cabled knit for summer.
on aga suure mohäärisisaldusega ja seal on palmikud nähtavad, samas pole
väga esileulatuvad. Sama efekti tahtsin ka siin, aga see lõng pole vist palmikute jaoks hea. Need siin pole palmikud, vaid nn pseudopalmikut. Seda mustrit olen kasutanud palju. Väga paindlik, sest saab reguleerida mustrikorra laiust ja mõnevõrra ka kõrgust (nt kududa ilma kahanduste ja kasvatusteta rohkem või vähem ridu).
The winter sweater has a great amount of mohair and cables are visible yet not very outstanding. I wanted the same effect here but this yarn is probably not very suitable for cables. These are not cables but so-called mock-cables. I've used this pattern a lot. It is rather flexible because you can adjust the width of the oattern repeat and the height to some extent (by knitting without decreases and increases more or less rows).
Pidin lahendama varrukate probleemi. Tahtsin lühikest varrukat. Nagu näete, servas jookseb kahekordne pärlkude (kananahk). Arvasin, et teen samamoodi, nagu talvesviitri puhul: koon varruka keskel ühe mustrikorra ja muu oleks pärlkoes. Aga ei olnud kuigi hea, pärlkoe ja mustri tihedus on liiga erinev. Siis mõtlesin, et 2 x 2 soonik oleks hea, aga siis tekib küsimus, kuidas lõpetada all, sest oleks üsna raske teha üleminek põhimustrilt 2 x 2 soonikule. Siis tegin lihtsalt 1 x 1 soonikut ja see töötas. Samamoodi viimistlesin kaelust. Nüüd peab vaid alla kuduma.
I had to deal with the sleeves. I wanted short sleeves. As you can see, I have some double moss stitch before and after the main pattern. At first I planned to do as in the winter sweater: one pattern repeat in the centre of the sleeve and double moss stich on the left and on the right from it. But it did not look good because the gauge was too different. Then I thought about 2 x 2 ribbing but then it is not clear how to finish in the bottom because it is difficult to make a nice transition from the main pattern to 2 x 2 ribbing. Then I just made 1 x 1 ribbing and it worked. I finihsed the neck opening in the same manner. Now I have to work downards.
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