Minu käest on küsitud selle valge kampsuni mustrit. mustriskeem on siin.
I have been asked about the stitch pattern for this white cardigan. Here is the chart.
Ruudukesed on parempidised, rõng on õhksilmus, kaldkriips vasakule ja paremale on vastavalt 2 parempidi kokku ületõstmisega ja 2 parempidi kokku, kolmnurk on tõsta 1 s kudumata, 2 kokku parempidi, libistada tõstetud silmus üle just kootud silmuse. Pahemal poolel kõik pahempidi, ringsel kudumisel kõik paarisringid parempidi.
The squares are knit stitches, the circle is yarnover, slash to the left and to the right are left- and right-slanting decreases respectively, triangle is slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over. On wrong side purl across, in round knitting knit across in even rounds.
Facebooki postitus jääkidest salli kohta on tekitanud palju reaktsiooni, küsitakse ja kommenteeritakse. Väga hea, kommentaarid rõõmustavad. Tegin mõned pildid, nagu näha, mängisin natuke valgusega. Praegu saab juba üks kord ümber kaela keerata.
My Facebook post about the scarf from leftovers has caused a lot of reactions, people ask questions and comment. I am pleased with comments. Here are some pictures, as you can see, I played a little bit with the light. Now the scarf is long enough to turn once around the neck.
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